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Games - Thumbnail of Warhammer (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 23, 2005
I wrote this for a friend of mine, but I figured if there was anyone here who hadn't tried the beta, this actually reveals a pretty good slice of at least the beginning of the game. I would prefer you enjoy it, but I know you can't please everyone. :)

Warhammer. It's based on a tabletop miniature game that's been around for
like 20 years. Actually all the art and stuff that blizzard uses for WoW
is inspired by Warhammer since originally Blizz was gonna make a computer
game version of Warhammer, but they lost the property rights, so they just
ripped it off (basically.)

This Warhammer game is made by Mythic (who made Dark Age of Camelot -- the
greatest PVP MMO ever.) There are three "good" races (dwarf/human/high
elf) versus three "evil" races (greenskin/chaos/dark elf.) The forces of
Destruction (those evil races) are determined to take over the world for
their own various reasons - Chaos followers believe in the chaos god
Tzeentch, Dark Elves believe in Khaine, etc. It's not like WoW where the
Horde isn't necessarily evil, but just misunderstood, in this game
Destruction really is evil (Khaine is the god of murder, or something.)

The game is built in four tiers (lvl 1-10, etc.) and the max level is 40.
You can start doing RVR (PVP) from lvl 1 because when you zone into a
battleground or an RVR area (there are both) you get boosted up to max
tier level - 2, so for tier 1 you go to lvl 8. It's similar to the
apprenticing in AOC in that your health and to hit chances are increased,
but your stats and armor and abilities stay at their normal level, so a
natural lvl 8 is a tad bit stronger than a fake lvl 8, and lvl 9 and 10
are also more powerful. Basically though coordination is more important
than level or gear (at least at lower levels.)

I should say now that we've been planning on playing the good guys since
they are somewhat outnumbered on every server and so the queue times for
battlegrounds and stuff are much faster for Order versus Destruction. You
get xp and money and loot from killing players and doing RVR quests, etc.
Basically the PVE and RVR are so well integrated together that you never
feel pressure to do one versus the other. There is no "twinking" because
you get experience from killing players and so even if all you ever did
was PVP, you'd eventually level up.

There are solo quests, RVR quests and group "public" quests (where
everyone in the area contributes and there is a lottery at the end with a
random roll for the public quest loot chests. Higher level public quests
have pretty sweet rewards. You also earn influence in the chapter of the
game you are playing (I think there are 3 chapters per tier) where you can
purchase an influence reward from that chapter's rally master. The top
level rewards are usually some kind of weapon, the mid level is some
armor, the bottom level is some kind of potion. You get to pick one from
each level per chapter I think. If you do a public quest, but you don't
win any loot from the chest roll, you can stick around and you build up
like karma points. This means that if you don't win something, and you
don't leave the quest area, you get an extra bonus weight to your roll on
the next round of the quest until you eventually do win something. It's
pretty sweet.

There are also RVR world objectives like battle keeps, etc. By
controlling the keeps in a zone you get to get certain kinds of bonuses
like bonus money from mobs, bonus influence and bonus xp. The greater the
control over a zone you have the higher the bonus. There are also
repeatable quests involving killing players and taking over objectives and
stuff. The RVR battlegrounds are like WoW battlegrounds where they have
objectives like hold the flag point (Arathi Basin) etc. At tier 1 there
is one battleground per racial pairing (so like a dwarf/orc one,
human/chaos one, elf/dark elf one), but you can queue up for any of them.
I heard that at tier 4 there are 2 each, so 6 different battlegrounds at
max level. Most people said that in tier 4 though people are more
concerned with taking over world objectives since that's a lot more fun.
One thing to be said about scenarios (aka battlegrounds) is you do not need to be near a battlemaster or at the entrance of the zone to participate! You can be out in the middle of NOWHERE and say hey...I want to do a scenario now and que up from an icon on your minimap. Once you are ready for the battle, you have 1 minute to accept...and if you still aren't ready...you can tell it to wait another 1.5 minutes for you to be ready.

After you have finished, you don't get ported back to your capital city...you go right back to where you were. No more circle gerking in stormwind just to pvp! Go kill some mobs join a scenario then go back to killing again!

Anyways, WAR rules. Keep sieges are great....and I'm highly anticipating city sieges.
I managed to get on warhammer late last night, and i gotta admit

As much as its like a cross between lord of the rings online and guildwars - i LOVE it so far!

Already level 5 woot, shame it only goes to level 40, but i hope the scaling of the levels increases massivly otherwise i'm going to be finished long before i know it

Its going to prove to be the distraction i need from WoW until WOTLK comes out
Warhammer is a quite fun game, the only thing is the servers are a bit choppy so far.

We shall see what happens when the masses actually get on the servers, right now it is just the head-start people.
You know...with RVR the way it is I actually prefer the closed RVR servers to the open ones...at least you know where to go to find the action. hehe
me and my mates re rolled Destruction on a seperate server, Marauders are mega fun!

Still sticking with my main SHadow Warrior though - Dragonbback server

Just finished making my current sig to go with it too :)
Games - Thumbnail of Warhammer

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