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Thoughts on new zones ! (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 3, 2006
Any thoughts on the new expansion / zones ? well as mq2 was not working for me, and im still not able to compile it with the shit i want working, i had a run around with my monk, and here is my initial feeling,,, what bollox, another 30 bucks down the frigging pan !

Why the fuck make a zone in zone so damn big with hardly any mobs in it ? do they want everyone to start using warp ? mobs hit for tons, so as a monk ghostkill is the only option of ever soloing, what a fucking joke,,,,,, without a tank and cleric in these zones you may as well not log on (pls post a pre compiled mq2)

Thoughts ?

im paraplegic, deaf, blind and mute without mq

ive gotten so used to playing by scanning /w npc lists, and the map window that when i play simply using first/3rd person, its weird
If you cant play EQ without MQ2 for a lil bit, maybe you should just wait til you can. If your looking to get good solo exp with a monk you may have picked the wrong class. NEC FTW
im paraplegic, deaf, blind and mute without mq

Lmao , same here. I feel naked. So boring without MQ :(
the only thing i find interesting is the fellowship thing, but it isnt even all that good since i think you can only make a camp for your fellowship in POK which is ghey. You can have your fellowship a certain illusion everytime theyre around their campfire haha
I am glad I have started some discussion on the news zones, but i only really wanted to slate SoE for making a zone in zone that is a freakin joke, someone has spent montyhs making a fucking huge, and i mean HUGE zone and all it will do is piss people off at having to run miles !!!!!!! pathetic,,,,,, and while im on the whinging path, I so wish they would make a static guild lobby rezzer we could pay 1k to to get a rez, rather than waiting 20 / 30 / 40 mins for a cleric to pop who may or may not be willing to rez................... boy im in a bitchingly bad mood today. oh and the fucking maps aint workin either
There are ports that will take you around Katta Castrum, if that's the "zone in zone" you are talking about.
Its still a huge ass zone. It reminds me of the city in Lord of The Rings forgot which # , that the king gets burned and jumps off the highest point of teh city. it was either 2 or 3
The flipside is so far as I have seen, the mobs in the instances you get to are fairly weak and give sweet xp. Full group of 75s getting 5 pct per kill aa off of blue mobs who died very quickly.

In an instanced zone no less, and mobs dont appear to summon..
zazoot said:
that could be a carrot to get people in there for now like they did with ashen/FC until the nerf

Seriously doubt this is a case of "could be". They did it with monster missions, they did it with LDON, they have done it with every expansion. Somehow each release they dont realize that the xp for risk isnt right, and it takes them a few weeks of sales before they remember that it needed to be lowered.
And the loot is crazy for the hardness of hte mob. I was in thal with 2 bsts and a clr and tanked a lvl 75 named "rockcrusher" who went down like a wet paper towel. He hit for 1k or so and cleric was at 85% mana after he died. GImp and droped

Polished Ragrua Fang Ring

AC: +24
STR: +15 STA: +15 CHA: +15 WIS: +15 INT: + 15 AGL: +15 HP: +245 Mana: +245 Endurance: +245 SV DISEASE: + 16 SV COLD: +16 SV MAGIC: +16 SV POISON: +16
Attack: +10
Regeneration: +3
Avoidance: +5
Recommended level of 75. Required level of 70
WT: 0.3 Size: TINY
Slot 1, type 7 (General: Group)

then we did muckdiver and droped a earing about the same stats.

I felt kinda cheated for all the hard work i did in past exspansions. I cant wait to see the armor for the "high end zones"
Thoughts on new zones !

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