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Plugin - Things I Like to do when new patch comes out.

Feb 9, 2017
Comment out the suspend merc and camp out lines in the Lazylobbyrez file. (also added the new soulstone for level 115) petty but fixed a spelling error :) not sure if this is done already in the new build.
Set my bags to open and close when using Sellstuff to the vendors.
And Replace my loot.ini file
Lazy Lobby Rez:
| LazyLobbyRez.mac by TreeHuginDruid
| Written 11-14-2010.
| Updated 06-26-2014 for merc switching checks and MQ2Rez bypass.
| Updated 02-03-2015 for item giving fix.


    Sub Main

    /declare SoulStoneMerchant         string outer   "A Disciple of Luclin"
    /declare CorpseSummoner     string outer   "A Priestess of Luclin"
    /declare RangeDist              int    outer   8
    /declare SoulStoneName        string outer
    /declare bag                   string outer
    /declare slot                  string outer
    /declare ItemToGet              string outer
    /declare MercClass              string outer
    /declare i            int    outer

    /squelch /target clear
    /delay 10

    /call PluginCheck
    /call CheckSoulstone
    /call BuySoulstone
    /call GiveSoulstone
    /call ReviveMerc
    /call TakeRez

    /echo Delaying 60 seconds to let merc buff my gimp ass!
    |/delay 60s

    |/call SuspendMerc
    |/call LogMeOut


|SUB: CheckSoulstone
    Sub CheckSoulstone

    /if (${Me.Level}<=115) /varset SoulStoneName Velium Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=110) /varset SoulStoneName Draconic Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=105) /varset SoulStoneName Torrential Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=100) /varset SoulStoneName Coalescent Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=95) /varset SoulStoneName Luminous Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=90) /varset SoulStoneName Phantasmal Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=85) /varset SoulStoneName Iridescent Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=80) /varset SoulStoneName Prismatic Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=75) /varset SoulStoneName Glowing Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=70) /varset SoulStoneName Pristine Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=55) /varset SoulStoneName Faceted Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=50) /varset SoulStoneName Greater Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=40) /varset SoulStoneName Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=30) /varset SoulStoneName Lesser Soulstone
    /if (${Me.Level}<=20) /varset SoulStoneName Minor Soulstone

    /delay 10

    /echo Soulstone for my level (${Me.Level}) is (${SoulStoneName}).


|SUB: BuySoulstone
    Sub BuySoulstone

    /if (${FindItem[${SoulStoneName}].ID}) {
        /echo I already have a (${SoulStoneName}).
    } else {
        /echo I have to buy a (${SoulStoneName}).

        /target ${SoulStoneMerchant}
        /delay 10

        /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.CleanName.Equal[${SoulStoneMerchant}]}) {
            /echo Moving to (${SoulStoneMerchant}).
            /moveto id ${Target.ID} mdist ${RangeDist}
            /delay 2s ${Me.Moving}

            /if (${Me.Moving}) {
                /delay 2
                /if (${Me.Moving}) /goto :NoMovement1

            /nomodkey /click right target
            /delay 5s ${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}
            /if (!${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) /goto :OpenGiveWindowA

            /if (${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) {
                /delay 3s
                /varset ItemToGet ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].List[=${SoulStoneName},2]}

            /if (!${ItemToGet}) {
                /echo I couldn't find (${SoulStoneName})  to purchase!
            } else {
                /echo Found (${SoulStoneName}) to purchase!
                /notify MerchantWnd ItemList listselect ${ItemToGet}
                /delay 10
                /notify MerchantWnd ItemList LeftMouseUp ${ItemToGet}
                /delay 10
                /nomodkey /notify MerchantWnd MW_Buy_Button LeftMouseUp
                /delay 10

            /if (${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) {
                /nomodkey /notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button LeftMouseUp
                /delay 10
                /if (${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) /goto :CloseMerchantWnd1


|SUB: GiveSoulstone
    Sub GiveSoulstone

    /target ${CorpseSummoner}
    /delay 10

    /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.CleanName.Equal[${CorpseSummoner}]}) {
        /echo Moving to (${CorpseSummoner}).
        /moveto id ${Target.ID} mdist ${RangeDist}
        /delay 2s ${Me.Moving}

        /if (${Me.Moving}) {
            /delay 2
            /if (${Me.Moving}) /goto :NoMovement2

        /if (${Target.Distance}<=${RangeDist}) /call GrabSoulstone

        /if (${Cursor.ID} && ${Cursor.Name.Equal[${SoulStoneName}]}) {
            /echo I have (${SoulStoneName}) on my cursor.
            /echo Giving (${Cursor.Name}) to (${Target.CleanName}).

            /nomodkey /click left target
            /delay 5s ${Window[GiveWnd].Open}
            /if (!${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) /goto :OpenGiveWindowB

            /if (${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) {
                /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
                /delay 3s
                /if (${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) /goto :GiveSoulStone

            /if (${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) {
                /nomodkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_DoneButton LeftMouseUp
                /delay 5
                /if (${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /goto :CloseInvWnd
        } else {
            /echo I couldn't find (${SoulStoneName}) on my cursor!

        /if (${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /nomodkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_DoneButton LeftMouseUp
        /delay 5

        /squelch /target clear
        /delay 10


|SUB: GrabSoulstone
    Sub GrabSoulstone

    /echo Attempting to grab (${SoulStoneName}).

    /if (!${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /keypress Inventory
    /delay 5

    /itemnotify "${SoulStoneName}" leftmouseup
    /delay 5


|SUB: Revive Merc
    Sub ReviveMerc

    /if (!${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) {
        /echo Attempting to revive my mercenary.
        /nomodkey /notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SuspendButton LeftMouseUp
        /delay 3s
    /if (!${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) {
        /echo Waiting until mercenary can be revivied.
        /goto :MercReviveLoop
    } else {
        /varset MercClass ${Mercenary.Class}
        /echo My mercenary's calss is (${MercClass}).

|---------------- Check to make sure merc is a healer!
    /if (${MercClass.NotEqual[Cleric]}) {
        /for i 1 to 8
            /echo Looking at merc slot (${i}), (${Window[MMGW_ManageWnd].Child[MMGW_OwnedListBox].List[${i},2]}).
        |/notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_OwnedListBox listselect ${i}
            /if (${Window[MMGW_ManageWnd].Child[MMGW_OwnedListBox].List[${i},2].Find[Healer]}) {
                /echo FOUND A HEALER! - (${Window[MMGW_ManageWnd].Child[MMGW_OwnedListBox].List[${i},2]})
                /echo Switching mercenary to:(${Window[MMGW_ManageWnd].Child[MMGW_OwnedListBox].List[${i},2]}).
                /notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_OwnedListBox listselect ${i}
                /notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SwitchButton leftmouseup
                /delay 10
            /delay 10
        /next i

|---------------- Check to make sure merc stance is not passive!
    /if (${Mercenary.Stance.Equal[Passive]}) /stance Balanced


|SUB: TakeRez
    Sub TakeRez

|---------------- Check to make sure merc stance is not passive!
    /if (${Mercenary.Stance.Equal[Passive]}) /stance Balanced

    /echo Accepting rez if available.
    /delay 6s

    /if (${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open} && (${Spawn[${Me.ID}].Type.Equal[Corpse]})) {
        /echo I have a rez box, accepting now.
        /nomodkey /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
        /delay 2s
        /multiline ; /echo Respawning ; /notify RespawnWnd RW_OptionsList listselect 2 ; /notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton leftmouseup
        /delay 10
        }   else {
            /echo Waiting 6 seconds for a rez.
            /delay 6s

        /if (${Spawn[${Me.ID}].Type.Equal[Corpse]}) /goto :RezWait


    |SUB: Suspend Merc
        Sub SuspendMerc

        /if (${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) {
            /echo Suspending Mercenary.
            /nomodkey /notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SuspendButton LeftMouseUp
            /delay 3s
        /if (${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) /goto :MercSuspendLoop


    |SUB: PluginCheck
        Sub PluginCheck

        /echo Checking for required plugins . . .

        /if (!${Plugin[MQ2MoveUtils].Name.Equal[MQ2MoveUtils]}) {
            /echo Loading MQ2MoveUtils plugin, because this macro requires it !
            /squelch /plugin MQ2MoveUtils load
            /delay 1s
            /if (!${Plugin[MQ2MoveUtils].Name.Equal[MQ2MoveUtils]}) {
                /echo Unable to load MQ2MoveUtils plugin, quiting.
        } else {
            /echo MQ2MoveUtils plugin is loaded.

        /echo Plugin check complete . . .


    |SUB: LogMeOut
        Sub LogMeOut

        /echo Time to camp out!
        /keypress forward
        /if (!${Me.Sitting} && !${Me.Mount.ID}) /sit
        /delay 45s
        /camp desktop

|  [+++  Formatted by MQ2fusing tabs for indents +++]

Sell Stuff:
| Sellstuff.mac v1.0 by Maskoi 11/27/2010
| Target the vendor you want to sell to and type /mac sellstuff
| Required  Ninjadvloot.inc v1.8 and a loot.ini file with items marked as sell

    #include Ninjadvloot.inc
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| SUB: Main
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Sub Main
    /call SetupAdvLootVars
    /keypress OPEN_INV_BAGS
    /call DoLootStuff sell
    /keypress CLOSE_INV_BAGS

    /goto :sell

|  [+++  Formatted by MQ2fusing tabs for indents +++]

Loot INI:
ExcludeBag1=Extraplanar Trade Satchel
Global1=Item Name|Ignore/Destroy/Keep/Sell
Global2=Item Name|Ignore/Destroy/Keep/Sell
Global3=Item Name|Ignore/Destroy/Keep/Sell
Global4=Item Name|Ignore/Destroy/Keep/Sell
Global5=Item Name|Ignore/Destroy/Keep/Sell
Aderirse Bur=Ignore
Advisor's Guide=Quest|1
Aged Metal=Quest|1
Alacritous Wraps=Keep
Alligator Egg=Ignore
Alligator Hide=Ignore
Alligator Tooth=Ignore
Amorphous Selrach's Boots=Quest|0
Amorphous Selrach's Breastplate=Quest|0
Amorphous Selrach's Gauntlets=Quest|0
Amorphous Selrach's Helm=Quest|0
Amorphous Selrach's Wristguard=Quest|0
Ancient Gold Inlaid Cudgel=Quest|1
Ancient Parchment=Quest|10
Ancient Silk Armwrap Pattern=Quest|0
Ancient Treasure=Ignore
Animal Fearbone=Ignore
Animal Venom=Ignore
Aq' touz Glow=Quest|1
ArcOre Mantle=Quest|1
Arcron Chain Arms Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Chain Chest Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Chain Feet Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Chain Hands Ornament=Igore
Arcron Chain Helm Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Chain Legs Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Chain Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Arms Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Chest Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Feet Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Hands Ornament=Igore
Arcron Cloth Helm Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Legs Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Arms Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Chest Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Feet Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Hands Ornament=Igore
Arcron Leather Helm Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Legs Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Arms Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Chest Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Feet Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Hands Ornament=Igore
Arcron Plate Helm Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Legs Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Arctic Orb=Quest|1
Assassin's Extravagant Belt=Keep
Assassin's Extravagant Necklace=Keep
Assassin's Extravagant Pauldrons=Keep
Astral Phantom Mask=Quest|1
Athletic Descending Moon Belt=Keep
Athletic Descending Moon Earring=Keep
Athletic Descending Moon Ring=Keep
Athletic Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Athmos' Satchel=Quest|10
Auburn Hero's Forge Cloth Chest Ornament=Ignore
Auburn Hero's Forge Cloth Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Auburn Hero's Forge Leather Feet Ornament=Ignore
Auburn Hero's Forge Leather Legs Ornament=Ignore
August Animal Pelt=Ignore
August Ore=Ignore
Bandit Bandana=Keep
Bangle of the Foyer Tender=Quest|10
Bard's Golden Mask=Keep
Barking Stone=Keep
Basilisk Crest Spine=Ignore
Basilisk Parts=Ignore
Basirt's Golden Stein=Quest|1
Bear Claw Cincture=Ignore
Befouled Animal Pelt=Ignore
Befouled Marrow=Ignore
Befouled Silk=Ignore
Bejeweled Bellikos Doll=Quest|1
Bella's Charming Diamond=Quest|1
Bent Hoist Gear=Keep
Beryl Hero's Forge Chain Feet Ornament=Ignore
Beryl Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Bi'Faak's Silence=Quest|1
Biarn's Blue=Quest|1
Black Powder Pouch=Ignore
Black Rendar=Quest|1
Black Sapphire=Ignore
Black Skull Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Black Sting=Keep
Blade of Defense=Keep
Blade of Protection=Keep
Blade of Xalgoti=Quest|1
Blizzent's Rod of Wintry Fever=Quest|1
Block of Velium=Ignore
Blood Splattered Mace=Quest|1
Blooddrop Earring=Keep
Bloodforged Chain Helm Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Chain Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Cloth Arms Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Cloth Feet Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Cloth Helm Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Cloth Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Plate Legs Ornament=Ignore
Bloodhammered Earstud=Quest|2
Bloodlaced Blade=Keep
Bloodlaced Dagger Piercing=Keep
Bloodmaw's Axe of Misery=Quest|1
Bludgeon of Shadows=Quest|1
Blue Brute=Quest|1
Blue Diamond=Sell
Blue Mite=Ignore
Body Brew=Ignore
Bone Chilled Spear=Quest|1
Bone Earring=Quest|1
Bone Earring=Quest|2
Bore Brisk Outbreaker=Quest|1
Bottled Frost Essence=Quest|10
Braxi Hoof=Ignore
Braxi Horn=Ignore
Briarweb Venom Sac=Quest|1
Brick of Ethereal Energy=Ignore
Brigand's Bronze Faceplate=Keep
Brigand's Finger Bones=Keep
Brigand's Heavy Cord=Keep
Brigand's Hoop=Keep
Brigand's Inscribed Shoulders=Keep
Brigand's Silver Pendant=Keep
Brigand's Trimmed Cloak=Keep
Brigand's Turquoise Ring=Keep
Brittle Muscimol=Ignore
Bronze Helm=Ignore
Bronze Short Sword=Ignore
Bronzewood Mindstaff=Quest|1
Buccaneer's Canteen=Keep
Buccaneer's Chain Shoulders=Keep
Buccaneer's Chainmail Cape=Keep
Buccaneer's Dragon Ring=Keep
Buccaneer's Gladiator Faceguard=Keep
Buccaneer's Hoop=Keep
Buccaneer's Linked Girdle=Keep
Buccaneer's Turquoise Necklace=Keep
Burnt Cloak=Keep
Burnt Effigy of Tsaph Katta=Keep
Burnt Scale Ring=Quest|1
CLASS 4 Steel Serrated Tip Arrow=Keep
Calcium-Crusted Ring=Quest|2
Calming Collar=Keep
Can of Dirty Oil=Quest|1
Can of Unrefined Oil=Quest|1
Can of Warm Oil=Quest|1
Captain's Fang=Quest|1
Captain's Fang=Quest|1
Carved Skull Ring=Quest|1
Cela's necklace=Quest|10
Centaur Blood=Ignore
Centaur Hoof=Ignore
Centaur Parts=Ignore
Centurio Belt=Keep
Centurio Cape=Keep
Centurio Choker=Keep
Centurio Knife=Keep
Centurio Loop=Keep
Centurio Ring=Keep
Centurio Spaulders=Keep
Centurio Visor=Keep
Charm the Herd=Quest|1
Charming Reese=Quest|1
Chieftain Deliverance Sword=Quest|1
Chilled Bauble=Quest|1
Chilling Stud=Quest|1
Chipped Shard of Appeasement=Quest|10
Chokidai Crest Plate=Ignore
Chokidai Eye=Quest|1
Chokidai Scale Cloak=Quest|1
Chunk of Congealed Ooze=Ignore
Chunk of E'cian Ice=Ignore
Claim of the Warbringer=Quest|1
Class A Cog=Quest|1
Clear Ice=Quest|1
Clockwork Gnome Shaft=Ignore
Clockwork Grease=Ignore
Clockwork Pinion Gear=Ignore
Cloth Bolt=Ignore
Cobalt Ore=Ignore
Coffin Cookie=Keep
Coiled Serpentskin Belt=Keep
Cold Morning=Quest|1
Cold-Forged Cudgel=Quest|1
Collector's Heirloom Necklace=Keep
Concentrated Grade AA Mamba Venom=Ignore
Concentrated Grade AA Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Concentrated Grade AA Taipan Venom=Ignore
Conflagrant Diamond=Sell
Conflagrant Raw Silk=Ignore
Conflagrant Reptile Skin=Ignore
Conflagrant Wood=Ignore
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XI=Quest|10
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XII=Quest|10
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XVII=Quest|1
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XVIII=Quest|1
Corrupted Loam=Ignore
Corsair's Amethyst Inlaid Band=Keep
Corsair's Flamboyant Belt=Keep
Corsair's Golden Coin=Keep
Corsair's Golden Visor=Keep
Corsair's Layered Necklace=Keep
Corsair's Shoulderpads=Keep
Corsair's Stud=Keep
Corsair's Worn Poncho=Keep
Crackjaw Cinch=Quest|1
Crisp Sheet of Paper=Ignore
Crude Animal Pelt=Ignore
Crude Defiant Amethyst=Ignore
Crude Silk=Ignore
Crushed Diamond Dust=Ignore
Crushed Emerald=Ignore
Crushed Topaz=Ignore
Cryptic Storm Buckler=Quest|1
Crystal Encrusted Spider Strands=Quest|1
Crystal Powder Pouch=Quest|1
Crystalline Silk Thread=Quest|10
Crystalline Silk=Ignore
Crystallized Memories=Quest|1
Crystallized Shadow Axe=Quest|1
Crystallized Shadow Ectoplasm=Quest|1
Cymbalstrike Girdle=Keep
Dal'guur Velvet Wrap=Quest|1
Darkfell Fang=Quest|10
Deathfang Vision=Quest|1
Deep Seas Pearl=Ignore
Deep Seas Pearl=Ignore
Deepwater Ink=Ignore
Defender's Extravagant Necklace=Keep
Defender's Extravagant Pauldrons=Keep
Dervish Essence=Ignore
Descending Moon Amice of Adroitness=Keep
Descending Moon Amice of Brilliance=Keep
Descending Moon Amice of Vigor=Keep
Descending Moon Cloak of Security=Keep
Descending Moon Idol of Adroitness=Keep
Descending Moon Idol of Vigor=Keep
Descending Moon Mask of Brilliance=Keep
Descending Moon Mask of Vigor=Keep
Descending Moon Necklace of Adroitness=Keep
Descending Moon Necklace of Vigor=Keep
Desiccated Caladium=Ignore
Desiccated Delphinium=Ignore
Desiccated Laburnum=Ignore
Desiccated Larkspur=Ignore
Desiccated Muscimol=Ignore
Desiccated Oleander=Ignore
Desiccated Privit=Ignore
Despot's Brandisher=Keep
Destroyed Mechanotablet=Keep
Di'Zok Bow=Keep
Direwolf Impelled Cloak=Quest|1
Dirk of the Dark Blizzard=Quest|1
Dirt Dauber Staff=Quest|1
Dirty Leather Drape=Keep
Dirty Runic Papyrus=Keep
Disciplining Maimer=Keep
Dissenting Hackblade=Quest|1
Dissenting Handrazors=Quest|1
Dissenting Pounder=Quest|1
Distillate of Celestial Healing XI=Sell
Distillate of Clarity XIII=Sell
Distillate of Clarity XVI=Sell
Distillate of Divine Healing XVII=Sell
Distillate of Replenishment XIII=Sell
Distillate of Spirituality XVII=Sell
Distilled Grade A Gormar Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade A Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade AA Gormar Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade AA Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade B Mamba Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade BB Mamba Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade C Gormar Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade C Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Divergent Acrimony Wand=Quest|1
Dove's Cry=Quest|1
Dove's Cry=Quest|1
Drachnid Clawpoint=Quest|1
Draconic Ore=Ignore
Draconic Outburst Hammer=Quest|1
Dread Stew=Keep
Dream Dust=Ignore
Dream Sapphire=Ignore
Dreams of Goodwill Bangle=Quest|2
Dreamwalker's Amygdala=Quest|1
Drebun's Fur Cloak=Quest|1
Dripstone Mask=Quest|1
Driven Dragon Belt=Quest|1
Drogan Medicinal Herb Bundle=Quest|1
Drogan Toes=Quest|1
Drolvarg Cape=Quest|1
Dust Cloak Armor=Keep
Dweric Powder=Ignore
Earring of the Grove=Quest|2
Earthen Tear Earring=Quest|10
Eastern Wastes Drops=Quest|1
Ebon Hero's Forge Chain Feet Ornament=Ignore
Ebon Hero's Forge Cloth Helm Ornament=Ignore
Ebon Hero's Forge Leather Feet Ornament=Ignore
Ebon Hero's Forge Leather Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Aegis=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Breastplate=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Chain Gauntlets=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Chain Wristguard=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Cutlass=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Fire Bauble=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Leather Tunic=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Minotaur Staff=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Plate Gauntlets=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Plate Vambraces=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Quickclaw=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Rapier=Ignore
Elegant Defiant Goshenite=Ignore
Elegant Defiant Knuckle Guards=Ignore
Elemental Leather Wrist Pattern=Quest|10
Elementary Binding Powder=Ignore
Embalmers Cloak=Quest|1
Emblem of Adroitness=Quest|1
Emblem of Combine Diplomacy=Quest|1
Emblem of Finesse=Quest|1
Emblem of Lcea Katta's Insight=Quest|1
Emblem of Tenacity=Quest|1
Emblem of Tsaph Katta's Wisdom=Quest|1
Emblem of Vigor=Quest|1
Embracing Soul Gorget=Quest|1
Emerald Aegis=Ignore
Enchanted Dragon Scale=Keep
Energized Gemstone=Keep
Engraved Bone Earring=Quest|2
Ensorcelled Candle=Keep
Envy of the Dead=Quest|1
Erollisi's Arrow Head Ornament=Ignore
Erollisi's Twin Hearts Head Ornament=Ignore
Essence of Alaris=Ignore
Essence of Water=Quest|10
Eternal Grove Plate Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Everburning Cinder=Quest|1
Evergleam Coif=Keep
Exalted Earring=Quest|1
Exalted Shoulderpads=Quest|1
Excellent Animal Pelt=Ignore
Excellent Marrow=Ignore
Excellent Silk=Ignore
Excreted Sand=Ignore
Exotic Animal Pelt=Ignore
Exotic Marrow=Ignore
Exquisite Animal Pelt=Ignore
Exquisite Barrager Club=Quest|1
Exquisite Silk=Ignore
Extra Planar Potential Shard=Keep
Face of Duplication=Quest|1
Face of the Drillmaster=Quest|1
Fantastic Animal Pelt=Ignore
Fantastic Silk=Ignore
Feathered Mask=Quest|1
Feathered Mask=Quest|1
Fereth Rhodium=Ignore
Festering Crowd-pleaser=Keep
Fiend Club of Terror=Quest|1
Fine Animal Pelt=Ignore
Fine Beetle Eye=Ignore
Fine Caladium=Ignore
Fine Delphinium=Ignore
Fine Feathers=Ignore
Fine Laburnum=Ignore
Fine Larkspur=Ignore
Fine Muscimol=Ignore
Fine Oleander=Ignore
Fine Privit=Ignore
Fine Silk=Ignore
Fine Spinneret Fluid=Ignore
Fine Steel Long Sword=Ignore
Fine Steel Short Sword=Ignore
Fisherman's Dangle=Keep
Flaming Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Flawed Defiant Plate Helm=Ignore
Flawless Animal Pelt=Ignore
Flawless Caladium=Ignore
Flawless Diamond Stud=Quest|1
Flawless Larkspur=Ignore
Flawless Oleander=Ignore
Flawless Silk=Ignore
Flawless Wolf Fur=Ignore
Fleecy Amice of Eepvibles=Quest|1
Fleet Descending Moon Belt=Keep
Fleet Descending Moon Earring=Keep
Fleet Descending Moon Ring=Keep
Fleet Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Flower Dyed Sand=Keep
Flowstone Cudgel=Quest|1
Fluttering Staff of the Damned=Quest|1
Fog Herb Totem=Quest|1
Forest Band=Quest|2
Forgeborn Blade=Ignore
Forgeborn Hammer=Ignore
Forgeborn Scepter=Ignore
Forgeborn Shield=Ignore
Forgotten Hammer of the Golden Mason=Quest|1
Fractured Shard=Ignore
Freebooter's Black Pearl Necklace=Keep
Freebooter's Coconut=Keep
Freebooter's Inscribed Drape=Keep
Freebooter's Jade Inlaid Band=Keep
Freebooter's Minotaur Mask=Keep
Freebooter's Plated Girdle=Keep
Freebooter's Segmented Vambraces=Keep
Freebooter's Skull Earring=Keep
Freezing Rain=Quest|1
Fresh Caladium=Ignore
Fresh Delphinium=Ignore
Fresh Laburnum=Ignore
Fresh Larkspur=Ignore
Fresh Meat=Ignore
Fresh Muscimol=Ignore
Fresh Oleander=Ignore
Fresh Privit=Ignore
Fright Stone=Ignore
Frigid Choker=Quest|1
Frigid Fur Stole=Quest|1
Froglok Blood=Ignore
Frost Burnt Eyes=Quest|1
Frost Covered Shard=Quest|1
Frost Covered Whetstone=Quest|1
Frost Strike=Quest|1
Frosted Chain Link=Keep
Frosted Hide=Ignore
Frosted Ring of Thurgadin=Quest|1
Frosted Scrap Metal=Ignore
Frosted Snow Belt=Quest|1
Frosted Swatch=Ignore
Frozen Bat Eye Charm=Quest|1
Frozen Glory=Quest|1
Frozen Gnome Eye=Quest|1
Frozen Kodiak Claw=Quest|10
Frozen Lizard Scale=Quest|1
Frozen Lizard Scale=Quest|1
Fulginate Ore=Ignore
Fused Loam=Ignore
Gastric Bleached Sand=Ignore
Gem Encrusted Spaulders=Quest|1
Gemmed Fin=Ignore
Ghostly Ectoplasm=Ignore
Ghostly Pepper=Ignore
Ghoul Flesh=Ignore
Giant Blood=Ignore
Giant Bones=Ignore
Giant Lord's Cinch=Quest|1
Giant Mosquito Wings=Ignore
Giant Parts=Ignore
Gigantic Tattered Cloak=Quest|1
Glacial Crystal Tip Staff=Quest|1
Glittering Amber Fragment=Quest|1
Glob of Fine Gelatinous Ooze=Ignore
Glob of Fine Viscous Ooze=Ignore
Glorious Belt of Darkness=Quest|1
Glowing Worm Bile=Quest|10
Glowing Writ of the Combine=Keep
Glyphed Rune Word=Quest|10
Gnawed Coldain Neckguard=Quest|1
Gnoll Teeth=Ignore
Goblin Parts=Ignore
Goblin Skull=Ignore
Goblin Tally Counter=Ignore
Goblin Token Game=Keep
Gold Infused Stone Lance=Quest|1
Gold Painted Rune=Ignore
Golden Beach Sand=Ignore
Golden Knight's Belt Armor=Keep
Golden Minstrel's Belt Armor=Keep
Golden Rogue's Belt Armor=Keep
Golden Rogue's Crescent Armor=Keep
Golden Rogue's Necklace Armor=Keep
Golden Runed Short Sword=Quest|1
Golden Sage's Choker Armor=Keep
Golden Sage's Earring Armor=Keep
Golden Soldier's Belt Armor=Keep
Golden Soldier's Neck Guard Armor=Keep
Golden Soldier's Stuf Armor=Keep
Goral Fins=Ignore
Goral Paw=Ignore
Grade D Gormar Venom=Ignore
Grade D Larkspur Extract=Ignore
Granite Boars Head Hammer=Quest|1
Grease Tin=Quest|1
Greataxe of Frozen Tears=Quest|1
Greater Essence of Life=Ignore
Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment=Ignore
Greater Writ of the Combine=Ignore
Green Gem Grade Faycite=Quest|1
Green Glory=Quest|1
Green Leaf Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Grey Biter=Keep
Grey Cloak=Keep
Grey Dawn=Quest|1
Grimy Clump of Hair=Ignore
Grimy Papyrus=Ignore
Grizzly Bear Head=Ignore
Grizzly Bear Skull=Ignore
Guardian of Lost Hopes=Keep
Guardian's Descending Moon Mask Armor=Keep
Guardian's Ice Encrusted Mask=Keep
Guardian's Pauldron Armor=Keep
Guardian's staff=Quest|1
Gullet Sand=Ignore
Hak'ouz Visions=Quest|1
Haltha's Pauldrons=Quest|1
Hammer of Crushing Waves=Quest|10
Hardened Bloodstone Earring=Quest|1
Hardened Bone Misericorde=Quest|1
Hardened Bone Poniard=Quest|1
Hardened Kodiak Leather Bracer=Keep
Heart of Argath=Ignore
Hex Bolt=Quest|1
High Quality Cat Pelt=Ignore
High Quality Steel Gear=Ignore
High Quality Wolf Skin=Ignore
Hope Stone=Quest|10
Hraquis Antennae=Ignore
Ice Encrusted Amice of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Amice of Endroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Amice of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Arcane Staff=Keep
Ice Encrusted Athame=Keep
Ice Encrusted Axe=Keep
Ice Encrusted Battle Rod=Keep
Ice Encrusted Battle Staff=Keep
Ice Encrusted Buckler=Keep
Ice Encrusted Charm of Adroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Charm of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Charm of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Charm of Security=Keep
Ice Encrusted Charm of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Cloak of Security=Keep
Ice Encrusted Club=Keep
Ice Encrusted Compound Bow=Keep
Ice Encrusted Dagger=Keep
Ice Encrusted Devotional Staff=Keep
Ice Encrusted Earring of Adroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Earring of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Earring of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Great Axe=Keep
Ice Encrusted Great Sword=Keep
Ice Encrusted Hammer=Keep
Ice Encrusted Idol of Adroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Idol of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Idol of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Injection Dagger=Keep
Ice Encrusted Katar=Keep
Ice Encrusted Kite Shield=Keep
Ice Encrusted Long Spear=Keep
Ice Encrusted Longbow=Keep
Ice Encrusted Mace=Keep
Ice Encrusted Mask of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Mask of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Maul=Keep
Ice Encrusted Necklace of Adroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Necklace of Security=Keep
Ice Encrusted Necklace of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Pick=Keep
Ice Encrusted Ring of Adroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Ring of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Ring of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Short Spear=Keep
Ice Encrusted Sword=Keep
Ice Encrusted Tower Shield=Keep
Ice Encrusted Wand=Keep
Ice Encrusted War Axe=Keep
Ice Encrusted War Hammer=Keep
Ice Fiend's Blade=Quest|1
Icebound Trinket of Agony=Quest|1
Iced Mace of the Soother=Quest|1
Icetooth's Claws=Keep
Icy Bulwark=Quest|1
Iksar Bane=Keep
Immaculate Caladium=Ignore
Immaculate Laburnum=Ignore
Immaculate Oleander=Ignore
Immaculate Silk=Ignore
Immense Ice Slicer=Quest|1
Imperial Ore=Ignore
Indium Ore=Ignore
Ingenious Descending Moon Belt Armor=Keep
Ingenious Descending Moon Earring=Keep
Ingenious Descending Moon Ring=Keep
Ingenious Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Inspector's Belt=Quest|1
Intact White Dragon Scale=Ignore
Intricate Combatant's Orb=Ignore
Intricate Defiant Chain Leggings=Ignore
Intricately Patterned Spider Carapace=Ignore
Iridium Ore=Ignore
Iron Wood Bulwark=Keep
Irrek's Blade=Quest|1
Kar'Zok Blood=Ignore
Kar-Zok Ear Cuff=Quest|2
Kar`Zok Blood=Ignore
Katar of Silent Screams=Quest|1
Kaznak's Bulwark Emblem=Quest|1
Keen Edged Blade=Quest|1
Keldor's Dusting=Quest|1
Kelp-lined Mantle=Quest|10
Kizzixik Lordship Blade=Quest|1
Knight's Golden Ring=Keep
Kobold Hide=Ignore
Kobold Meat=Ignore
Kodiak Claws=Ignore
Kodiak Pelt=Ignore
Korshan Buckler=Quest|1
Krassex Cloak of Bond=Quest|1
Kunark Conflagrant Powder=Ignore
Lacertilia Meat=Ignore
Lacertilia Venom=Ignore
Lacertilia Venom=Ignore
Laima's Icy Ring of Winter=Quest|1
Lament Maul of Restlessness=Quest|1
Large Brick of Unrefined Ore=Ignore
Large Brick of Velium=Ignore
Large Coil Spring=Quest|1
Large Hex Bolt=Quest|1
Large Raw-hide Skullcap=Ignore
Lava Lizard Meat=Ignore
Lcea Katta Chain Arms Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Chain Chest Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Chain Helm Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Cloth Arms Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Cloth Hands Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Cloth Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Leather Helm Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Plate Arms Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Plate Hands Ornament=Ignore
Leather Roll=Ignore
Left Goblin Ear=Ignore
Legatus Band=Keep
Legatus Cloak=Keep
Legatus Faceplate=Keep
Legatus Girdle=Keep
Legatus Gorget=Keep
Legatus Knife=Keep
Legatus Pauldrons=Keep
Legatus Stud=Keep
Leopard Intestines=Ignore
Lesser Briny Essence=Keep
Lesser Essence of Life=Keep
Lesser Writ of the Combine=Keep
Life Infused Jewel=Ignore
Liquid Nightmare=Ignore
Lost Light of the House=Quest|1
Lost Stein of Dain Frostweaver IV=Quest|1
Low Quality Bear Skin=Ignore
Low Quality Cat Pelt=Ignore
Low Quality Wolf Skin=Ignore
Lumber Plank=Ignore
Lump of Elemental Clay=Quest|10
Mace of Spiteful Retribution=Quest|1
Mage's Golden Hoop=Keep
Magister Cinch=Keep
Magister Earring=Keep
Magister Knife=Keep
Magister Mask=Keep
Magister Scarf=Keep
Magister Shoulders=Keep
Magister Signet=Keep
Magister Wrap=Keep
Magma Stone=Ignore
Magnetic Sword of the Knight=Quest|1
Majestic Centurion Mallet=Quest|1
MakTak Attack=Quest|1
Maniacal Demon Mask=Quest|1
Mantle of Delirium=Quest|1
Mantle of Frozen Hares=Quest|1
Mantle of the Rhino=Quest|1
Mantle of the Sorrowful Spirit=Quest|1
Mantrap Root=Quest|10
Marauder's Bloodstone=Keep
Marauder's Eelskin Cloak=Keep
Marauder's Goggles=Keep
Marauder's Ragged Sash=Keep
Marauder's Shovel=Keep
Marauder's Steel Pauldrons=Keep
Marauder's Steel Ring=Keep
Marauder's Stud=Keep
Margidor's Frosty Tablet=Quest|1
Mask of Diamond Dust=Quest|1
Mask of Dust=Quest|1
Mask of Memories Lost=Quest|1
Mask of the Chetari=Keep
Master of Dusks=Quest|1
Master's Mercy=Keep
Master's Sharp=Quest|1
Master's Token of Command=Quest|1
Matron's Wedding Ring=Quest|2
Medallion of the Kunzar=Quest|10
Medallion of the Nathsar=Quest|10
Median Engraved Velium Rune=Quest|1
Median Essence of Life=Keep
Median Writ of the Combine=Keep
Medicinal Herbs=Ignore
Medium Quality Cat Pelt=Ignore
Medium Quality Wolf Skin=Ignore
Meteorite Fragment Stud=Quest|2
Midnight Captain=Quest|1
Might and Madness Studs=Quest|2
Minor Writ of the Combine=Keep
Minor Writ of the Combine=Keep
Minstrel's Golden Ring=Keep
Morbid Fossil=Ignore
Moss-Crusted Axe=Quest|1
Mosscovered Great Sword=Quest|1
Mosscovered Longbow=Quest|1
Muddite Skull=Ignore
Muddy Royal Scroll=Quest|10
Mummy Head Ornament=Ignore
Mysterious Loam=Ignore
Narandi's Cummerbund of Potential=Quest|1
Natural Marrow=Ignore
Natural Spices=Ignore
Necklace of Dreams=Keep
Nefarious Detaining Dagger=Quest|1
Nightmare Ruby=Ignore
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 351=Ignore
Nodding Blue Lily=Ignore
Oil Can=Quest|1
Omen of Disparity Sword=Quest|1
Orb of Tormented Rage=Quest|1
Orc Herbalist Staff=Quest|1
Ornamental Chain Coif=Ignore
Ornate Brass Shield=Quest|1
Ornate Defiant Charm=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Cloth Cap=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Dagger=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Gladius=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Harmonagate=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Leather Sleeves=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Plate Greaves=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Plate Vambraces=Ignore
Ornately Carved Wooden Pendant=Quest|10
Oscillating Burnoose=Quest|1
Osmium Ore=Ignore
Overlord Dangle of Kizzixik=Quest|2
Pale Cloak=Keep
Pauldron of the Hero=Keep
Pauldrons of Cycles=Quest|1
Pearlescent Bear Tooth=Ignore
Pearlescent Crocodilian Claw=Ignore
Pearlescent Crocodilian Tooth=Ignore
Pearlescent Puma Claw=Ignore
Pearlescent Puma Tooth=Ignore
Pearlescent Snake Fang=Ignore
Pearlescent Spider Fang=Ignore
Pearlescent Wolf Tooth=Ignore
Permafrost Lance=Quest|1
Petite Ruby Encrusted Buckler=Quest|1
Petrified Chokidai Bone Claws=Quest|1
Petrified Egg=Ignore
Phosphorous Powder=Sell
Pickled Froglok Eye=Quest|10
Plaguebringer's Vertebrae=Quest|1
Planar Energy Shard=Keep
Planar Goo=Ignore
Platinum Embossed Rune=Keep
Pliant Loam=Ignore
Poised Brace Ring=Quest|2
Portable Greenhouse of Thule=Quest|10
Portal Scrap=Quest|10
Portent Haunting Mantle=Quest|1
Primitive Interrogator=Keep
Prince's Rainment=Quest|1
Prismatic Drape=Quest|1
Pristine Animal Pelt=Ignore
Pristine Bird Beak=Ignore
Pristine Delphinium=Ignore
Pristine Oleander=Ignore
Privateer's Azure Sash=Keep
Privateer's Comfortable Hood=Keep
Privateer's Kraken Ring=Keep
Privateer's Reinforced Spaulders=Keep
Privateer's Silver Coin=Keep
Privateer's Stud=Keep
Privateer's Studded Necklace=Keep
Privateer's Visor of Anger=Keep
Prophecy Shard=Quest|1
Pulsing Meteorite Fragment=Quest|1
Puma Teeth=Ignore
Punctual Interrogator=Keep
Pungent Fluid=Quest|1
Pure Diamond Trade Gem=Sell
Pure Emerald Trade Gem=Sell
Pure Sapphire Trade Gem=Sell
Purple Skull Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Queen's Toy=Quest|1
Quick Descending Moon Belt Armor=Keep
Quick Descending Moon Earring Armor=Keep
Quick Descending Moon Ring Armor=Keep
Quick Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Rain Water=Ignore
Raw Amber Nihilite=Ignore
Raw Crimson Nihilite=Ignore
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Boots=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Cap=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Chestpiece=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Gloves=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Leggings=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Sleeves=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Wristguard=Quest|1
Raw Fine Hide=Ignore
Raw Indigo Nihilite=Ignore
Raw Runic Hide=Ignore
Raw Shimmering Nihilite=Ignore
Raw Supple Hide=Ignore
Raw-hide Gloves=Ignore
Razor-sharp Obsidian Blade=Quest|10
Rebellious Ruby Handled Fangs=Quest|1
Recondite Remnant of Greed=Quest|10
Recondite Remnant of Truth=Quest|10
Red Biter=Keep
Red Gem Grade Faycite=Quest|1
Red Mite=Keep
Red Nibbler=Keep
Refined Grade A Gormar Venom=Ignore
Refined Grade A Mamba Venom=Ignore
Refined Grade A Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Refined Grade AA Choresine Sample=Ignore
Refined Grade AA Gormar Venom=Ignore
Refined Grade AA Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Regrua Claws=Ignore
Relic Fragments=Ignore
Remnant's Reserve=Keep
Resonating Portal Dust (Fana)=Keep
Resonating Portal Dust (Heda)=Keep
Rhenium Ore=Ignore
Ring of Cycles=Quest|1
Ring of Joy=Quest|2
Ring of the Condemned Dead=Quest|1
Ring of the Gypsy=Keep
Rogue's Golden Mask=Keep
Rogue's Golden Ring=Keep
Rotting Drop of Dusk=Quest|1
Rough Combatant's Stake=Ignore
Rough Defiant Breastplate=Ignore
Rough Defiant Chain Bracer=Ignore
Rough Defiant Chain Tunic=Ignore
Rough Defiant Chitin Shield=Ignore
Rough Defiant Cloth Gloves=Ignore
Rough Defiant Cloth Wristwrap=Ignore
Rough Defiant Halberd=Ignore
Rough Defiant Knuckle Dusters=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Boots=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Bracer=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Gloves=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Sleeves=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Trousers=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Tunic=Ignore
Rough Defiant Longsword=Ignore
Rough Defiant Plate Bracer=Ignore
Rough Defiant Plate Gauntlets=Ignore
Rough Defiant Plate Greaves=Ignore
Rough Defiant Plate Helm=Ignore
Rough Defiant Plate Vambraces=Ignore
Rough Defiant Spiked Staff=Ignore
Rough Defiant Trillion Amethyst=Ignore
Rubicite Ore=Ignore
Ruined Bear Pelt=Ignore
Ruined Cat Pelt=Ignore
Ruined Wolf Pelt=Ignore
Rune Binding Powder=Ignore
Rune of the Inverse=Ignore
Runed Oak Bow=Keep
Runic Gouger=Quest|1
Runner's Waterpouch=Keep
Rusty Long Sword=Ignore
Ry`Gorr Glass Gem=Quest|1
Sage's Golden Mask=Keep
Sage's Golden Ring=Keep
Salutary Continuance Mechanotablet=Keep
Sanguine Scarf=Keep
Sarnak Captain's Signet=Keep
Satchel of the Combine Hero=Quest|1
Saturated Marrow=Ignore
Savvy Descending Moon Belt Armor=Keep
Savvy Descending Moon Ring Armor=Keep
Savvy Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Scale Ore=Ignore
Scaled Bracer Facet=Ignore
Scaled Glove Facet=Ignore
Scarecrow Animation Essence=Keep
Scepter of the Augur=Quest|1
Scintillating Escutcheon=Quest|1
Scorpikis Worry Stone=Ignore
Scrap of Fereth Cloth=Ignore
Scrap of Paper=Ignore
Screaming Buckler Armor=Keep
Scripture of Scale=Ignore
Scroll: Illusion: Goblin Shaman=Ignore
Scroll: Illusion: Sarnak Oracle=Ignore
Scuffed Weapon Crate of the Mercenary=Keep
Searstinger Claws=Quest|1
Sebilisian Brilliance=Quest|1
Sebilisian Celerity=Quest|1
Sebilisian Efficacy=Quest|1
Sebilisian Harmony=Quest|1
Sebilisian Proficiency=Quest|1
Sebilisian Prudence=Quest|1
Section of Fine Snake Pancreas=Ignore
Section of Wolf Pancreas=Ignore
Secure Descending Moon Ring=Keep
Selyrah Bones=Ignore
Selyrah Egg=Quest|1
Selyrah Ridge=Ignore
Sentinel's Claw=Quest|10
Serpent Spine Geode=Ignore
Servant's Restless Bauble=Quest|1
Shadow Scarab Earring=Quest|1
Shadow Scarab Sliver=Quest|1
Shard of Memories=Quest|1
Shard of Power=Quest|10
Shard of Revitalizing Power=Quest|1
Shark Tooth=Ignore
Shark's Tooth Club=Ignore
Shattered Blade=Ignore
Sheet of Steel=Quest|1
Shield of Restless Power=Quest|1
Shield of Val'Sera=Quest|1
Shield of a Thousand Curses=Keep
Shimmering Snake Scales=Ignore
Shiny Bear Tooth=Ignore
Shiny Centaur Tail Hair=Ignore
Shivery Earring of Summoning=Quest|1
Sibilisan Viridian Pigment=Ignore
Silvril Ore=Ignore
Simple Secrets of the Combine Hero=Ignore
Simple Work of the Sarnak Hero=Ignore
Ska'Tu Doom=Quest|1
Skull Charm Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Skull Crusher Staff=Quest|1
Skullsplitter of Doom=Quest|1
Skyiron Heater=Keep
Skyiron Heater=Keep
Skyiron Kite=Keep
Skyiron Kite=Keep
Slarghilug Kelp Strands=Ignore
Sleeper's Essence=Quest|1
Small Brick of Unrefined Ore=Ignore
Small Brick of Velium=Ignore
Small Clockwork Screws=Ignore
Small Coil Spring=Quest|1
Small Glowing Fear Shard=Ignore
Small Mosquito Wing=Ignore
Small Piece of Velium=Ignore
Small Splinted Bronze Cloak=Ignore
Smooth Blood Frost=Quest|1
Smudged Runic Spell Tablet=Ignore
Snake Egg=Ignore
Snake Fang=Ignore
Snake Head=Ignore
Snake Meat=Ignore
Snake Scales=Ignore
Snake Venom Sac=Ignore
Snow Spider Legs=Ignore
Soft White Velvet=Quest|1
Soldier's Golden Mask=Keep
Soldier's Golden Ring=Keep
Soluble Loam=Ignore
Song: Song of the Dryads Rk. II=Keep
Soother's Extravagant Belt=Keep
Soother's Extravagant Necklace=Keep
Soother's Extravagant Pauldrons=Keep
Sooty Fine Paper=Ignore
Sooty Fine Runic Papyrus=Ignore
Sooty Numen Plaque=Ignore
Sooty Sortilege Sheet=Ignore
Sorcerer's Extravagant Earring=Keep
Soul of Erillion=Ignore
Sparkling Diamond Band=Quest|1
Sparkling Fish Scales=Ignore
Sparkling Soul Bow=Quest|1
Spear of Vindictive Judgement=Quest|1
Spectral Bow=Quest|10
Spectral Ghoul Cloak=Quest|1
Spectral Parchment=Quest|10
Spectre's Choke=Quest|1
Spell: Challenge for Honor Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Dementia=Ignore
Spell: Direwild Skin Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Dyn`leth's Grasp Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Echo of Tashan Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Icefall Breath Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Lesson of Penitence Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Malosinise Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Minohten Mending Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Phantasmal Warden Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Pure Life Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Reproval Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Scent of Twilight Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Speed of Ellowind Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Spiritual Vim Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Tortugone's Drowse Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Ward of Reprisal Rk. II=Keep
Spider Legs=Ignore
Spider Mandible=Ignore
Spider Silk=Ignore
Spider Venom Sac=Ignore
Spiked Fang=Quest|1
Spirit Darkened Dagger=Quest|1
Splintering Club=Ignore
Spool of Fine Wire=Quest|1
Spruce Berry Bow=Quest|1
Spy's Gem of Stealth=Quest|1
Staff of the Shai'din=Keep
Stale Caladium=Ignore
Stale Delphinium=Ignore
Star Plate=Quest|1
Statuette of the Unstoppable Zek=Quest|1
Staunch Tyranny Axe=Quest|1
Steamwork Powersource=Quest|1
Steel Beam=Quest|1
Steel Ingot=Ignore
Steel Wire=Quest|1
Steppes Ore=Ignore
Steppes Reptile Meat=Ignore
Stinging Insect=Ignore
Stone Feather=Quest|1
Stone of Dragon Tolls=Quest|1
Stone of Tranquility=Ignore
Stonemason's Hammer=Quest|1
Stonemight Ear=Quest|10
Stonemight Silver=Ignore
Storm Activated Choker=Quest|1
Strand of Ether=Ignore
Strifetorn Necklace=Quest|1
Strifetorn Shroud=Quest|1
Strip of Swinetor Flesh=Quest|1
Succulent Familiar=Quest|1
Sullied Silk=Ignore
Summoner's Descending Moon Earring=Keep
Summoner's Ice Encrusted Earring=Keep
Sun Bleached Sand=Ignore
Sunshard Dust=Ignore
Sunshard Ore=Ignore
Sunshard Pebble=Ignore
Superb Animal Pelt=Ignore
Superb Silk=Ignore
Superb Spinneret Fluid=Ignore
Supple Centaur Tail Hair=Ignore
Swift Pauldron=Keep
Sylvan Chain Arms Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Chain Feet Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Cloth Hands Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Leather Arms Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Leather Chest Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Leather Helm Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Leather Legs Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Leather Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Plate Arms Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Plate Chest Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Plate Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Symbol of the Dragon's Scale=Keep
Tainted Delphinium=Ignore
Tainted Feather=Ignore
Tainted Laburnum=Ignore
Tainted Muscimol=Ignore
Tainted Planar Essence=Ignore
Tainted Privit=Ignore
Taka, Slayer of Dragons=Keep
Tantalum Ore=Ignore
Tarnished Nose Ring=Quest|10
Tattered Gorget=Quest|1
Terrifying Jaws=Ignore
Thalium Ore=Ignore
The Blue Tower=Keep
The Bridgekeeper's Memory=Quest|1
The Whole Darn Thing=Keep
Thick Silk=Ignore
Thin Tome=Ignore
Thosgromri's Glacial Axe=Quest|1
Thosgromri's Glacial Axe=Quest|1
Thoughts of Frozen Air=Quest|1
Thunder Snow=Quest|1
Tideworn Leggings=Quest|1
Tiny Medicine Pouch=Quest|1
Titanium Ore=Ignore
Tizmak Sleeves=Keep
Token of the Waveswept=Quest|1
Tome of Jolting Kicks Rk. II=Keep
Torq of Flintikki=Quest|1
Totemic Mace=Quest|1
Tower of Sebilis Shield=Keep
Trace Shield of Peppershiv=Quest|1
Tuft of Grizzly Bear Fur=Ignore
Tungsten Ore=Ignore
Twisted Gorilla Hand=Ignore
Twisted Sinew Cord=Quest|1
Twisted Wolfskin Girdle=Quest|1
Twisted Wolfskin Girdle=Quest|1
Twisted Wolfskin Girdle=Quest|1
Uncut Alexandrite=Ignore
Uncut Amethyst=Ignore
Uncut Black Sapphire=Ignore
Uncut Combine Star=Ignore
Uncut Demantoid=Ignore
Uncut Jacinth=Ignore
Uncut Rubellite=Ignore
Unleashed Vengeance=Quest|1
Unliving Concoction=Quest|1
Unyielding Devotion=Quest|1
Vakov's Pendant of Obscurity=Quest|1
Valuable Junk=Keep
Veil of Freedom Ring=Quest|2
Velium Covered Awl=Keep
Velium Covered Chisel=Keep
Velium Covered Coal Lamp=Keep
Velium Covered Coke=Keep
Velium Covered Lunch Bucket=Keep
Velium Covered Pick=Keep
Velium Covered Spittoon=Keep
Velium Covered Wedge=Keep
Velium Gemmed Rune=Keep
Velium Great Staff=Keep
Velium Impacted Raw Diamond=Keep
Velium Impacted Raw Diamond=Sell
Velium Infused Logs=Keep
Velium Infused Pelt=Keep
Velium Infused Spider Silk=Keep
Velium Laced Choresine Sample=Keep
Velium Laced Gormar Venom=Keep
Velium Laced Mamba Venom=Keep
Velium Laced Nigriventer Venom=Keep
Velium Laced Taipan Venom=Keep
Velium Morning Star=Keep
Velium Silvered Rune=Keep
Velium Troll Figurine=Quest|1
Velium Warhammer=Keep
Venom-Bladed Greataxe=Quest|1
Venomous Wand=Quest|1
Versluierd Fungus=Ignore
Vial of Gnoll Blood=Ignore
Vim Mantle of Resilience=Quest|1
Vim and Vigor Chain Arms Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Chain Feet Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Chain Hands Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Chain Helm Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Chain Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Cloth Legs Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Cloth Robe Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Cloth Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Leather Arms Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Leather Chest Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Leather Feet Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Plate Chest Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Plate Hands Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Plate Helm Ornament=Ignore
Vine-Braided Ring=Quest|2
Viridian Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Cloth Legs Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Cloth Robe Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Arms Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Chest Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Helm Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Plate Feet Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Plate Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Vital Descending Moon Belt=Keep
Vital Descending Moon Earring=Keep
Vital Descending Moon Ring=Keep
Vital Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Votive Candle=Ignore
Warm Black Fang=Quest|1
Warmaster Dusk Sword=Quest|1
Warmaster Dusk=Quest|1
Wasp Spider Silk=Ignore
Water Mephit Blood=Ignore
Water Mephit Skin=Ignore
Wax Flower=Ignore
Weaver's Pauldron=Keep
White Coral Buckler=Keep
White Scaled Leggings=Keep
White Scaled Tunic=Keep
White Spider Fur=Keep
Windchill Hide Belt=Quest|1
Wintertime Mask of Torment=Quest|1
Witch's Sandwich=Keep
Wolf Teeth=Ignore
Words of Grappling=Ignore
Words of the Psyche=Ignore
Worn Iksar Cleaver=Quest|1
Worn Note=Ignore
Woven Plaguebraid Cord=Quest|1
Woven Silk Sash=Quest|1
Wrapping Antennae=Ignore
Writing Ink=Ignore
Wurm Meat=Ignore
Yakman Parts=Quest|10
Yellow Nibbler=Keep
Yellow Spider Silk=Quest|10


  • Loot.ini
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Updated Loot ini file to included all new rare drops and alphabetical order.
Loot INI:
ExcludeBag1=Extraplanar Trade Satchel
Global1=Item Name|Ignore/Destroy/Keep/Sell
Global2=Item Name|Ignore/Destroy/Keep/Sell
Global3=Item Name|Ignore/Destroy/Keep/Sell
Global4=Item Name|Ignore/Destroy/Keep/Sell
Global5=Item Name|Ignore/Destroy/Keep/Sell
Aderirse Bur=Ignore
Advisor's Guide=Quest|1
Aged Metal=Quest|1
Alacritous Wraps=Keep
Alligator Egg=Ignore
Alligator Hide=Ignore
Alligator Tooth=Ignore
Amorphous Selrach's Boots=Quest|0
Amorphous Selrach's Breastplate=Quest|0
Amorphous Selrach's Gauntlets=Quest|0
Amorphous Selrach's Helm=Quest|0
Amorphous Selrach's Wristguard=Quest|0
Ancient Gold Inlaid Cudgel=Quest|1
Ancient Parchment=Quest|10
Ancient Silk Armwrap Pattern=Quest|0
Ancient Treasure=Ignore
Animal Fearbone=Ignore
Animal Venom=Ignore
Aq' touz Glow=Quest|1
ArcOre Mantle=Quest|1
Arcron Chain Arms Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Chain Chest Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Chain Feet Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Chain Hands Ornament=Igore
Arcron Chain Helm Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Chain Legs Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Chain Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Arms Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Chest Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Feet Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Hands Ornament=Igore
Arcron Cloth Helm Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Legs Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Cloth Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Arms Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Chest Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Feet Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Hands Ornament=Igore
Arcron Leather Helm Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Legs Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Leather Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Arms Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Chest Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Feet Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Hands Ornament=Igore
Arcron Plate Helm Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Legs Ornament=Ignore
Arcron Plate Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Arctic Orb=Quest|1
Assassin's Extravagant Belt=Keep
Assassin's Extravagant Necklace=Keep
Assassin's Extravagant Pauldrons=Keep
Astral Phantom Mask=Quest|1
Athletic Descending Moon Belt=Keep
Athletic Descending Moon Earring=Keep
Athletic Descending Moon Ring=Keep
Athletic Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Athmos' Satchel=Quest|10
Auburn Hero's Forge Cloth Chest Ornament=Ignore
Auburn Hero's Forge Cloth Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Auburn Hero's Forge Leather Feet Ornament=Ignore
Auburn Hero's Forge Leather Legs Ornament=Ignore
August Animal Pelt=Ignore
August Ore=Ignore
Bandit Bandana=Keep
Bangle of the Foyer Tender=Quest|10
Bard's Golden Mask=Keep
Barking Stone=Keep
Basilisk Crest Spine=Ignore
Basilisk Parts=Ignore
Basirt's Golden Stein=Quest|1
Bear Claw Cincture=Ignore
Befouled Animal Pelt=Ignore
Befouled Marrow=Ignore
Befouled Silk=Ignore
Bejeweled Bellikos Doll=Quest|1
Bella's Charming Diamond=Quest|1
Bent Hoist Gear=Keep
Beryl Hero's Forge Chain Feet Ornament=Ignore
Beryl Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Bi'Faak's Silence=Quest|1
Biarn's Blue=Quest|1
Black Powder Pouch=Ignore
Black Rendar=Quest|1
Black Sapphire=Ignore
Black Skull Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Black Sting=Keep
Blade of Defense=Keep
Blade of Protection=Keep
Blade of Xalgoti=Quest|1
Blizzent's Rod of Wintry Fever=Quest|1
Block of Velium=Ignore
Blood Splattered Mace=Quest|1
Blooddrop Earring=Keep
Bloodforged Chain Helm Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Chain Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Cloth Arms Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Cloth Feet Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Cloth Helm Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Cloth Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Bloodforged Plate Legs Ornament=Ignore
Bloodhammered Earstud=Quest|2
Bloodlaced Blade=Keep
Bloodlaced Dagger Piercing=Keep
Bloodmaw's Axe of Misery=Quest|1
Bludgeon of Shadows=Quest|1
Blue Brute=Quest|1
Blue Diamond=Sell
Blue Mite=Ignore
Body Brew=Ignore
Bone Chilled Spear=Quest|1
Bone Earring=Quest|1
Bone Earring=Quest|2
Bore Brisk Outbreaker=Quest|1
Bottled Frost Essence=Quest|10
Braxi Hoof=Ignore
Braxi Horn=Ignore
Briarweb Venom Sac=Quest|1
Brick of Ethereal Energy=Ignore
Brigand's Bronze Faceplate=Keep
Brigand's Finger Bones=Keep
Brigand's Heavy Cord=Keep
Brigand's Hoop=Keep
Brigand's Inscribed Shoulders=Keep
Brigand's Silver Pendant=Keep
Brigand's Trimmed Cloak=Keep
Brigand's Turquoise Ring=Keep
Brittle Muscimol=Ignore
Bronze Helm=Ignore
Bronze Short Sword=Ignore
Bronzewood Mindstaff=Quest|1
Buccaneer's Canteen=Keep
Buccaneer's Chain Shoulders=Keep
Buccaneer's Chainmail Cape=Keep
Buccaneer's Dragon Ring=Keep
Buccaneer's Gladiator Faceguard=Keep
Buccaneer's Hoop=Keep
Buccaneer's Linked Girdle=Keep
Buccaneer's Turquoise Necklace=Keep
Burnt Cloak=Keep
Burnt Effigy of Tsaph Katta=Keep
Burnt Scale Ring=Quest|1
CLASS 4 Steel Serrated Tip Arrow=Keep
Calcium-Crusted Ring=Quest|2
Calming Collar=Keep
Can of Dirty Oil=Quest|1
Can of Unrefined Oil=Quest|1
Can of Warm Oil=Quest|1
Captain's Fang=Quest|1
Captain's Fang=Quest|1
Carved Skull Ring=Quest|1
Cela's necklace=Quest|10
Centaur Blood=Ignore
Centaur Hoof=Ignore
Centaur Parts=Ignore
Centurio Belt=Keep
Centurio Cape=Keep
Centurio Choker=Keep
Centurio Knife=Keep
Centurio Loop=Keep
Centurio Ring=Keep
Centurio Spaulders=Keep
Centurio Visor=Keep
Charm the Herd=Quest|1
Charming Reese=Quest|1
Chieftain Deliverance Sword=Quest|1
Chilled Bauble=Quest|1
Chilling Stud=Quest|1
Chipped Shard of Appeasement=Quest|10
Chokidai Crest Plate=Ignore
Chokidai Eye=Quest|1
Chokidai Scale Cloak=Quest|1
Chunk of Congealed Ooze=Ignore
Chunk of E'cian Ice=Ignore
Claim of the Warbringer=Quest|1
Class A Cog=Quest|1
Clear Ice=Quest|1
Clockwork Gnome Shaft=Ignore
Clockwork Grease=Ignore
Clockwork Pinion Gear=Ignore
Cloth Bolt=Ignore
Cobalt Ore=Ignore
Coffin Cookie=Keep
Coiled Serpentskin Belt=Keep
Cold Morning=Quest|1
Cold-Forged Cudgel=Quest|1
Collector's Heirloom Necklace=Keep
Concentrated Grade AA Mamba Venom=Ignore
Concentrated Grade AA Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Concentrated Grade AA Taipan Venom=Ignore
Conflagrant Diamond=Sell
Conflagrant Raw Silk=Ignore
Conflagrant Reptile Skin=Ignore
Conflagrant Wood=Ignore
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XI=Quest|10
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XII=Quest|10
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XVII=Quest|1
Consigned Bite of the Shissar XVIII=Quest|1
Corrupted Loam=Ignore
Corsair's Amethyst Inlaid Band=Keep
Corsair's Flamboyant Belt=Keep
Corsair's Golden Coin=Keep
Corsair's Golden Visor=Keep
Corsair's Layered Necklace=Keep
Corsair's Shoulderpads=Keep
Corsair's Stud=Keep
Corsair's Worn Poncho=Keep
Crackjaw Cinch=Quest|1
Crisp Sheet of Paper=Ignore
Crude Animal Pelt=Ignore
Crude Defiant Amethyst=Ignore
Crude Silk=Ignore
Crushed Diamond Dust=Ignore
Crushed Emerald=Ignore
Crushed Topaz=Ignore
Cryptic Storm Buckler=Quest|1
Crystal Encrusted Spider Strands=Quest|1
Crystal Powder Pouch=Quest|1
Crystalline Silk Thread=Quest|10
Crystalline Silk=Ignore
Crystallized Memories=Quest|1
Crystallized Shadow Axe=Quest|1
Crystallized Shadow Ectoplasm=Quest|1
Cymbalstrike Girdle=Keep
Dal'guur Velvet Wrap=Quest|1
Darkfell Fang=Quest|10
Deathfang Vision=Quest|1
Deep Seas Pearl=Ignore
Deep Seas Pearl=Ignore
Deepwater Ink=Ignore
Defender's Extravagant Necklace=Keep
Defender's Extravagant Pauldrons=Keep
Dervish Essence=Ignore
Descending Moon Amice of Adroitness=Keep
Descending Moon Amice of Brilliance=Keep
Descending Moon Amice of Vigor=Keep
Descending Moon Cloak of Security=Keep
Descending Moon Idol of Adroitness=Keep
Descending Moon Idol of Vigor=Keep
Descending Moon Mask of Brilliance=Keep
Descending Moon Mask of Vigor=Keep
Descending Moon Necklace of Adroitness=Keep
Descending Moon Necklace of Vigor=Keep
Desiccated Caladium=Ignore
Desiccated Delphinium=Ignore
Desiccated Laburnum=Ignore
Desiccated Larkspur=Ignore
Desiccated Muscimol=Ignore
Desiccated Oleander=Ignore
Desiccated Privit=Ignore
Despot's Brandisher=Keep
Destroyed Mechanotablet=Keep
Di'Zok Bow=Keep
Direwolf Impelled Cloak=Quest|1
Dirk of the Dark Blizzard=Quest|1
Dirt Dauber Staff=Quest|1
Dirty Leather Drape=Keep
Dirty Runic Papyrus=Keep
Disciplining Maimer=Keep
Dissenting Hackblade=Quest|1
Dissenting Handrazors=Quest|1
Dissenting Pounder=Quest|1
Distillate of Celestial Healing XI=Sell
Distillate of Clarity XIII=Sell
Distillate of Clarity XVI=Sell
Distillate of Divine Healing XVII=Sell
Distillate of Replenishment XIII=Sell
Distillate of Spirituality XVII=Sell
Distilled Grade A Gormar Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade A Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade AA Gormar Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade AA Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade B Mamba Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade BB Mamba Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade C Gormar Venom=Ignore
Distilled Grade C Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Divergent Acrimony Wand=Quest|1
Dove's Cry=Quest|1
Dove's Cry=Quest|1
Drachnid Clawpoint=Quest|1
Draconic Ore=Ignore
Draconic Outburst Hammer=Quest|1
Dread Stew=Keep
Dream Dust=Ignore
Dream Sapphire=Ignore
Dreams of Goodwill Bangle=Quest|2
Dreamwalker's Amygdala=Quest|1
Drebun's Fur Cloak=Quest|1
Dripstone Mask=Quest|1
Driven Dragon Belt=Quest|1
Drogan Medicinal Herb Bundle=Quest|1
Drogan Toes=Quest|1
Drolvarg Cape=Quest|1
Dust Cloak Armor=Keep
Dweric Powder=Ignore
Earring of the Grove=Quest|2
Earthen Tear Earring=Quest|10
Eastern Wastes Drops=Quest|1
Ebon Hero's Forge Chain Feet Ornament=Ignore
Ebon Hero's Forge Cloth Helm Ornament=Ignore
Ebon Hero's Forge Leather Feet Ornament=Ignore
Ebon Hero's Forge Leather Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Aegis=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Breastplate=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Chain Gauntlets=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Chain Wristguard=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Cutlass=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Fire Bauble=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Leather Tunic=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Minotaur Staff=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Plate Gauntlets=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Plate Vambraces=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Quickclaw=Ignore
Elaborate Defiant Rapier=Ignore
Elegant Defiant Goshenite=Ignore
Elegant Defiant Knuckle Guards=Ignore
Elemental Leather Wrist Pattern=Quest|10
Elementary Binding Powder=Ignore
Embalmers Cloak=Quest|1
Emblem of Adroitness=Quest|1
Emblem of Combine Diplomacy=Quest|1
Emblem of Finesse=Quest|1
Emblem of Lcea Katta's Insight=Quest|1
Emblem of Tenacity=Quest|1
Emblem of Tsaph Katta's Wisdom=Quest|1
Emblem of Vigor=Quest|1
Embracing Soul Gorget=Quest|1
Emerald Aegis=Ignore
Enchanted Dragon Scale=Keep
Energized Gemstone=Keep
Engraved Bone Earring=Quest|2
Ensorcelled Candle=Keep
Envy of the Dead=Quest|1
Erollisi's Arrow Head Ornament=Ignore
Erollisi's Twin Hearts Head Ornament=Ignore
Essence of Alaris=Ignore
Essence of Water=Quest|10
Eternal Grove Plate Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Everburning Cinder=Quest|1
Evergleam Coif=Keep
Exalted Earring=Quest|1
Exalted Shoulderpads=Quest|1
Excellent Animal Pelt=Ignore
Excellent Marrow=Ignore
Excellent Silk=Ignore
Excreted Sand=Ignore
Exotic Animal Pelt=Ignore
Exotic Marrow=Ignore
Exquisite Animal Pelt=Ignore
Exquisite Barrager Club=Quest|1
Exquisite Silk=Ignore
Extra Planar Potential Shard=Keep
Face of Duplication=Quest|1
Face of the Drillmaster=Quest|1
Fantastic Animal Pelt=Ignore
Fantastic Silk=Ignore
Feathered Mask=Quest|1
Feathered Mask=Quest|1
Fereth Rhodium=Ignore
Festering Crowd-pleaser=Keep
Fiend Club of Terror=Quest|1
Fine Animal Pelt=Ignore
Fine Beetle Eye=Ignore
Fine Caladium=Ignore
Fine Delphinium=Ignore
Fine Feathers=Ignore
Fine Laburnum=Ignore
Fine Larkspur=Ignore
Fine Muscimol=Ignore
Fine Oleander=Ignore
Fine Privit=Ignore
Fine Silk=Ignore
Fine Spinneret Fluid=Ignore
Fine Steel Long Sword=Ignore
Fine Steel Short Sword=Ignore
Fisherman's Dangle=Keep
Flaming Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Flawed Defiant Plate Helm=Ignore
Flawless Animal Pelt=Ignore
Flawless Caladium=Ignore
Flawless Diamond Stud=Quest|1
Flawless Larkspur=Ignore
Flawless Oleander=Ignore
Flawless Silk=Ignore
Flawless Wolf Fur=Ignore
Fleecy Amice of Eepvibles=Quest|1
Fleet Descending Moon Belt=Keep
Fleet Descending Moon Earring=Keep
Fleet Descending Moon Ring=Keep
Fleet Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Flower Dyed Sand=Keep
Flowstone Cudgel=Quest|1
Fluttering Staff of the Damned=Quest|1
Fog Herb Totem=Quest|1
Forest Band=Quest|2
Forgeborn Blade=Ignore
Forgeborn Hammer=Ignore
Forgeborn Scepter=Ignore
Forgeborn Shield=Ignore
Forgotten Hammer of the Golden Mason=Quest|1
Fractured Shard=Ignore
Freebooter's Black Pearl Necklace=Keep
Freebooter's Coconut=Keep
Freebooter's Inscribed Drape=Keep
Freebooter's Jade Inlaid Band=Keep
Freebooter's Minotaur Mask=Keep
Freebooter's Plated Girdle=Keep
Freebooter's Segmented Vambraces=Keep
Freebooter's Skull Earring=Keep
Freezing Rain=Quest|1
Fresh Caladium=Ignore
Fresh Delphinium=Ignore
Fresh Laburnum=Ignore
Fresh Larkspur=Ignore
Fresh Meat=Ignore
Fresh Muscimol=Ignore
Fresh Oleander=Ignore
Fresh Privit=Ignore
Fright Stone=Ignore
Frigid Choker=Quest|1
Frigid Fur Stole=Quest|1
Froglok Blood=Ignore
Frost Burnt Eyes=Quest|1
Frost Covered Shard=Quest|1
Frost Covered Whetstone=Quest|1
Frost Strike=Quest|1
Frosted Chain Link=Keep
Frosted Hide=Ignore
Frosted Ring of Thurgadin=Quest|1
Frosted Scrap Metal=Ignore
Frosted Snow Belt=Quest|1
Frosted Swatch=Ignore
Frozen Bat Eye Charm=Quest|1
Frozen Glory=Quest|1
Frozen Gnome Eye=Quest|1
Frozen Kodiak Claw=Quest|10
Frozen Lizard Scale=Quest|1
Frozen Lizard Scale=Quest|1
Fulginate Ore=Ignore
Fused Loam=Ignore
Gastric Bleached Sand=Ignore
Gem Encrusted Spaulders=Quest|1
Gemmed Fin=Ignore
Ghostly Ectoplasm=Ignore
Ghostly Pepper=Ignore
Ghoul Flesh=Ignore
Giant Blood=Ignore
Giant Bones=Ignore
Giant Lord's Cinch=Quest|1
Giant Mosquito Wings=Ignore
Giant Parts=Ignore
Gigantic Tattered Cloak=Quest|1
Glacial Crystal Tip Staff=Quest|1
Glittering Amber Fragment=Quest|1
Glob of Fine Gelatinous Ooze=Ignore
Glob of Fine Viscous Ooze=Ignore
Glorious Belt of Darkness=Quest|1
Glowing Worm Bile=Quest|10
Glowing Writ of the Combine=Keep
Glyphed Rune Word=Quest|10
Gnawed Coldain Neckguard=Quest|1
Gnoll Teeth=Ignore
Goblin Parts=Ignore
Goblin Skull=Ignore
Goblin Tally Counter=Ignore
Goblin Token Game=Keep
Gold Infused Stone Lance=Quest|1
Gold Painted Rune=Ignore
Golden Beach Sand=Ignore
Golden Knight's Belt Armor=Keep
Golden Minstrel's Belt Armor=Keep
Golden Rogue's Belt Armor=Keep
Golden Rogue's Crescent Armor=Keep
Golden Rogue's Necklace Armor=Keep
Golden Runed Short Sword=Quest|1
Golden Sage's Choker Armor=Keep
Golden Sage's Earring Armor=Keep
Golden Soldier's Belt Armor=Keep
Golden Soldier's Neck Guard Armor=Keep
Golden Soldier's Stuf Armor=Keep
Goral Fins=Ignore
Goral Paw=Ignore
Grade D Gormar Venom=Ignore
Grade D Larkspur Extract=Ignore
Granite Boars Head Hammer=Quest|1
Grease Tin=Quest|1
Greataxe of Frozen Tears=Quest|1
Greater Essence of Life=Ignore
Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment=Ignore
Greater Writ of the Combine=Ignore
Green Gem Grade Faycite=Quest|1
Green Glory=Quest|1
Green Leaf Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Grey Biter=Keep
Grey Cloak=Keep
Grey Dawn=Quest|1
Grimy Clump of Hair=Ignore
Grimy Papyrus=Ignore
Grizzly Bear Head=Ignore
Grizzly Bear Skull=Ignore
Guardian of Lost Hopes=Keep
Guardian's Descending Moon Mask Armor=Keep
Guardian's Ice Encrusted Mask=Keep
Guardian's Pauldron Armor=Keep
Guardian's staff=Quest|1
Gullet Sand=Ignore
Hak'ouz Visions=Quest|1
Haltha's Pauldrons=Quest|1
Hammer of Crushing Waves=Quest|10
Hardened Bloodstone Earring=Quest|1
Hardened Bone Misericorde=Quest|1
Hardened Bone Poniard=Quest|1
Hardened Kodiak Leather Bracer=Keep
Heart of Argath=Ignore
Hex Bolt=Quest|1
High Quality Cat Pelt=Ignore
High Quality Steel Gear=Ignore
High Quality Wolf Skin=Ignore
Hope Stone=Quest|10
Hraquis Antennae=Ignore
Ice Encrusted Amice of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Amice of Endroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Amice of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Arcane Staff=Keep
Ice Encrusted Athame=Keep
Ice Encrusted Axe=Keep
Ice Encrusted Battle Rod=Keep
Ice Encrusted Battle Staff=Keep
Ice Encrusted Buckler=Keep
Ice Encrusted Charm of Adroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Charm of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Charm of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Charm of Security=Keep
Ice Encrusted Charm of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Cloak of Security=Keep
Ice Encrusted Club=Keep
Ice Encrusted Compound Bow=Keep
Ice Encrusted Dagger=Keep
Ice Encrusted Devotional Staff=Keep
Ice Encrusted Earring of Adroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Earring of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Earring of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Great Axe=Keep
Ice Encrusted Great Sword=Keep
Ice Encrusted Hammer=Keep
Ice Encrusted Idol of Adroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Idol of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Idol of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Injection Dagger=Keep
Ice Encrusted Katar=Keep
Ice Encrusted Kite Shield=Keep
Ice Encrusted Long Spear=Keep
Ice Encrusted Longbow=Keep
Ice Encrusted Mace=Keep
Ice Encrusted Mask of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Mask of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Maul=Keep
Ice Encrusted Necklace of Adroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Necklace of Security=Keep
Ice Encrusted Necklace of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Pick=Keep
Ice Encrusted Ring of Adroitness=Keep
Ice Encrusted Ring of Brilliance=Keep
Ice Encrusted Ring of Vigor=Keep
Ice Encrusted Short Spear=Keep
Ice Encrusted Sword=Keep
Ice Encrusted Tower Shield=Keep
Ice Encrusted Wand=Keep
Ice Encrusted War Axe=Keep
Ice Encrusted War Hammer=Keep
Ice Fiend's Blade=Quest|1
Icebound Trinket of Agony=Quest|1
Iced Mace of the Soother=Quest|1
Icetooth's Claws=Keep
Icy Bulwark=Quest|1
Iksar Bane=Keep
Immaculate Caladium=Ignore
Immaculate Laburnum=Ignore
Immaculate Oleander=Ignore
Immaculate Silk=Ignore
Immense Ice Slicer=Quest|1
Imperial Ore=Ignore
Indium Ore=Ignore
Ingenious Descending Moon Belt Armor=Keep
Ingenious Descending Moon Earring=Keep
Ingenious Descending Moon Ring=Keep
Ingenious Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Inspector's Belt=Quest|1
Intact White Dragon Scale=Ignore
Intricate Combatant's Orb=Ignore
Intricate Defiant Chain Leggings=Ignore
Intricately Patterned Spider Carapace=Ignore
Iridium Ore=Ignore
Iron Wood Bulwark=Keep
Irrek's Blade=Quest|1
Kar'Zok Blood=Ignore
Kar-Zok Ear Cuff=Quest|2
Kar`Zok Blood=Ignore
Katar of Silent Screams=Quest|1
Kaznak's Bulwark Emblem=Quest|1
Keen Edged Blade=Quest|1
Keldor's Dusting=Quest|1
Kelp-lined Mantle=Quest|10
Kizzixik Lordship Blade=Quest|1
Knight's Golden Ring=Keep
Kobold Hide=Ignore
Kobold Meat=Ignore
Kodiak Claws=Ignore
Kodiak Pelt=Ignore
Korshan Buckler=Quest|1
Krassex Cloak of Bond=Quest|1
Kunark Conflagrant Powder=Ignore
Lacertilia Meat=Ignore
Lacertilia Venom=Ignore
Lacertilia Venom=Ignore
Laima's Icy Ring of Winter=Quest|1
Lament Maul of Restlessness=Quest|1
Large Brick of Unrefined Ore=Ignore
Large Brick of Velium=Ignore
Large Coil Spring=Quest|1
Large Hex Bolt=Quest|1
Large Raw-hide Skullcap=Ignore
Lava Lizard Meat=Ignore
Lcea Katta Chain Arms Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Chain Chest Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Chain Helm Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Cloth Arms Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Cloth Hands Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Cloth Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Leather Helm Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Plate Arms Ornament=Ignore
Lcea Katta Plate Hands Ornament=Ignore
Leather Roll=Ignore
Left Goblin Ear=Ignore
Legatus Band=Keep
Legatus Cloak=Keep
Legatus Faceplate=Keep
Legatus Girdle=Keep
Legatus Gorget=Keep
Legatus Knife=Keep
Legatus Pauldrons=Keep
Legatus Stud=Keep
Leopard Intestines=Ignore
Lesser Briny Essence=Keep
Lesser Essence of Life=Keep
Lesser Writ of the Combine=Keep
Life Infused Jewel=Ignore
Liquid Nightmare=Ignore
Lost Light of the House=Quest|1
Lost Stein of Dain Frostweaver IV=Quest|1
Low Quality Bear Skin=Ignore
Low Quality Cat Pelt=Ignore
Low Quality Wolf Skin=Ignore
Lumber Plank=Ignore
Lump of Elemental Clay=Quest|10
Mace of Spiteful Retribution=Quest|1
Mage's Golden Hoop=Keep
Magister Cinch=Keep
Magister Earring=Keep
Magister Knife=Keep
Magister Mask=Keep
Magister Scarf=Keep
Magister Shoulders=Keep
Magister Signet=Keep
Magister Wrap=Keep
Magma Stone=Ignore
Magnetic Sword of the Knight=Quest|1
Majestic Centurion Mallet=Quest|1
MakTak Attack=Quest|1
Maniacal Demon Mask=Quest|1
Mantle of Delirium=Quest|1
Mantle of Frozen Hares=Quest|1
Mantle of the Rhino=Quest|1
Mantle of the Sorrowful Spirit=Quest|1
Mantrap Root=Quest|10
Marauder's Bloodstone=Keep
Marauder's Eelskin Cloak=Keep
Marauder's Goggles=Keep
Marauder's Ragged Sash=Keep
Marauder's Shovel=Keep
Marauder's Steel Pauldrons=Keep
Marauder's Steel Ring=Keep
Marauder's Stud=Keep
Margidor's Frosty Tablet=Quest|1
Mask of Diamond Dust=Quest|1
Mask of Dust=Quest|1
Mask of Memories Lost=Quest|1
Mask of the Chetari=Keep
Master of Dusks=Quest|1
Master's Mercy=Keep
Master's Sharp=Quest|1
Master's Token of Command=Quest|1
Matron's Wedding Ring=Quest|2
Medallion of the Kunzar=Quest|10
Medallion of the Nathsar=Quest|10
Median Engraved Velium Rune=Quest|1
Median Essence of Life=Keep
Median Writ of the Combine=Keep
Medicinal Herbs=Ignore
Medium Quality Cat Pelt=Ignore
Medium Quality Wolf Skin=Ignore
Meteorite Fragment Stud=Quest|2
Midnight Captain=Quest|1
Might and Madness Studs=Quest|2
Minor Writ of the Combine=Keep
Minor Writ of the Combine=Keep
Minstrel's Golden Ring=Keep
Morbid Fossil=Ignore
Moss-Crusted Axe=Quest|1
Mosscovered Great Sword=Quest|1
Mosscovered Longbow=Quest|1
Muddite Skull=Ignore
Muddy Royal Scroll=Quest|10
Mummy Head Ornament=Ignore
Mysterious Loam=Ignore
Narandi's Cummerbund of Potential=Quest|1
Natural Marrow=Ignore
Natural Spices=Ignore
Necklace of Dreams=Keep
Nefarious Detaining Dagger=Quest|1
Nightmare Ruby=Ignore
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 351=Ignore
Nodding Blue Lily=Ignore
Oil Can=Quest|1
Omen of Disparity Sword=Quest|1
Orb of Tormented Rage=Quest|1
Orc Herbalist Staff=Quest|1
Ornamental Chain Coif=Ignore
Ornate Brass Shield=Quest|1
Ornate Defiant Charm=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Cloth Cap=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Dagger=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Gladius=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Harmonagate=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Leather Sleeves=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Plate Greaves=Ignore
Ornate Defiant Plate Vambraces=Ignore
Ornately Carved Wooden Pendant=Quest|10
Oscillating Burnoose=Quest|1
Osmium Ore=Ignore
Overlord Dangle of Kizzixik=Quest|2
Pale Cloak=Keep
Pauldron of the Hero=Keep
Pauldrons of Cycles=Quest|1
Pearlescent Bear Tooth=Ignore
Pearlescent Crocodilian Claw=Ignore
Pearlescent Crocodilian Tooth=Ignore
Pearlescent Puma Claw=Ignore
Pearlescent Puma Tooth=Ignore
Pearlescent Snake Fang=Ignore
Pearlescent Spider Fang=Ignore
Pearlescent Wolf Tooth=Ignore
Permafrost Lance=Quest|1
Petite Ruby Encrusted Buckler=Quest|1
Petrified Chokidai Bone Claws=Quest|1
Petrified Egg=Ignore
Phosphorous Powder=Sell
Pickled Froglok Eye=Quest|10
Plaguebringer's Vertebrae=Quest|1
Planar Energy Shard=Keep
Planar Goo=Ignore
Platinum Embossed Rune=Keep
Pliant Loam=Ignore
Poised Brace Ring=Quest|2
Portable Greenhouse of Thule=Quest|10
Portal Scrap=Quest|10
Portent Haunting Mantle=Quest|1
Primitive Interrogator=Keep
Prince's Rainment=Quest|1
Prismatic Drape=Quest|1
Pristine Animal Pelt=Ignore
Pristine Bird Beak=Ignore
Pristine Delphinium=Ignore
Pristine Oleander=Ignore
Privateer's Azure Sash=Keep
Privateer's Comfortable Hood=Keep
Privateer's Kraken Ring=Keep
Privateer's Reinforced Spaulders=Keep
Privateer's Silver Coin=Keep
Privateer's Stud=Keep
Privateer's Studded Necklace=Keep
Privateer's Visor of Anger=Keep
Prophecy Shard=Quest|1
Pulsing Meteorite Fragment=Quest|1
Puma Teeth=Ignore
Punctual Interrogator=Keep
Pungent Fluid=Quest|1
Pure Diamond Trade Gem=Sell
Pure Emerald Trade Gem=Sell
Pure Sapphire Trade Gem=Sell
Purple Skull Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Queen's Toy=Quest|1
Quick Descending Moon Belt Armor=Keep
Quick Descending Moon Earring Armor=Keep
Quick Descending Moon Ring Armor=Keep
Quick Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Rain Water=Ignore
Raw Amber Nihilite=Ignore
Raw Crimson Nihilite=Ignore
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Boots=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Cap=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Chestpiece=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Gloves=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Leggings=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Sleeves=Quest|1
Raw Crypt-Hunter's Wristguard=Quest|1
Raw Fine Hide=Ignore
Raw Indigo Nihilite=Ignore
Raw Runic Hide=Ignore
Raw Shimmering Nihilite=Ignore
Raw Supple Hide=Ignore
Raw-hide Gloves=Ignore
Razor-sharp Obsidian Blade=Quest|10
Rebellious Ruby Handled Fangs=Quest|1
Recondite Remnant of Greed=Quest|10
Recondite Remnant of Truth=Quest|10
Red Biter=Keep
Red Gem Grade Faycite=Quest|1
Red Mite=Keep
Red Nibbler=Keep
Refined Grade A Gormar Venom=Ignore
Refined Grade A Mamba Venom=Ignore
Refined Grade A Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Refined Grade AA Choresine Sample=Ignore
Refined Grade AA Gormar Venom=Ignore
Refined Grade AA Nigriventer Venom=Ignore
Regrua Claws=Ignore
Relic Fragments=Ignore
Remnant's Reserve=Keep
Resonating Portal Dust (Fana)=Keep
Resonating Portal Dust (Heda)=Keep
Rhenium Ore=Ignore
Ring of Cycles=Quest|1
Ring of Joy=Quest|2
Ring of the Condemned Dead=Quest|1
Ring of the Gypsy=Keep
Rogue's Golden Mask=Keep
Rogue's Golden Ring=Keep
Rotting Drop of Dusk=Quest|1
Rough Combatant's Stake=Ignore
Rough Defiant Breastplate=Ignore
Rough Defiant Chain Bracer=Ignore
Rough Defiant Chain Tunic=Ignore
Rough Defiant Chitin Shield=Ignore
Rough Defiant Cloth Gloves=Ignore
Rough Defiant Cloth Wristwrap=Ignore
Rough Defiant Halberd=Ignore
Rough Defiant Knuckle Dusters=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Boots=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Bracer=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Gloves=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Sleeves=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Trousers=Ignore
Rough Defiant Leather Tunic=Ignore
Rough Defiant Longsword=Ignore
Rough Defiant Plate Bracer=Ignore
Rough Defiant Plate Gauntlets=Ignore
Rough Defiant Plate Greaves=Ignore
Rough Defiant Plate Helm=Ignore
Rough Defiant Plate Vambraces=Ignore
Rough Defiant Spiked Staff=Ignore
Rough Defiant Trillion Amethyst=Ignore
Rubicite Ore=Ignore
Ruined Bear Pelt=Ignore
Ruined Cat Pelt=Ignore
Ruined Wolf Pelt=Ignore
Rune Binding Powder=Ignore
Rune of the Inverse=Ignore
Runed Oak Bow=Keep
Runic Gouger=Quest|1
Runner's Waterpouch=Keep
Rusty Long Sword=Ignore
Ry`Gorr Glass Gem=Quest|1
Sage's Golden Mask=Keep
Sage's Golden Ring=Keep
Salutary Continuance Mechanotablet=Keep
Sanguine Scarf=Keep
Sarnak Captain's Signet=Keep
Satchel of the Combine Hero=Quest|1
Saturated Marrow=Ignore
Savvy Descending Moon Belt Armor=Keep
Savvy Descending Moon Ring Armor=Keep
Savvy Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Scale Ore=Ignore
Scaled Bracer Facet=Ignore
Scaled Glove Facet=Ignore
Scarecrow Animation Essence=Keep
Scepter of the Augur=Quest|1
Scintillating Escutcheon=Quest|1
Scorpikis Worry Stone=Ignore
Scrap of Fereth Cloth=Ignore
Scrap of Paper=Ignore
Screaming Buckler Armor=Keep
Scripture of Scale=Ignore
Scroll: Illusion: Goblin Shaman=Ignore
Scroll: Illusion: Sarnak Oracle=Ignore
Scuffed Weapon Crate of the Mercenary=Keep
Searstinger Claws=Quest|1
Sebilisian Brilliance=Quest|1
Sebilisian Celerity=Quest|1
Sebilisian Efficacy=Quest|1
Sebilisian Harmony=Quest|1
Sebilisian Proficiency=Quest|1
Sebilisian Prudence=Quest|1
Section of Fine Snake Pancreas=Ignore
Section of Wolf Pancreas=Ignore
Secure Descending Moon Ring=Keep
Selyrah Bones=Ignore
Selyrah Egg=Quest|1
Selyrah Ridge=Ignore
Sentinel's Claw=Quest|10
Serpent Spine Geode=Ignore
Servant's Restless Bauble=Quest|1
Shadow Scarab Earring=Quest|1
Shadow Scarab Sliver=Quest|1
Shard of Memories=Quest|1
Shard of Power=Quest|10
Shard of Revitalizing Power=Quest|1
Shark Tooth=Ignore
Shark's Tooth Club=Ignore
Shattered Blade=Ignore
Sheet of Steel=Quest|1
Shield of Restless Power=Quest|1
Shield of Val'Sera=Quest|1
Shield of a Thousand Curses=Keep
Shimmering Snake Scales=Ignore
Shiny Bear Tooth=Ignore
Shiny Centaur Tail Hair=Ignore
Shivery Earring of Summoning=Quest|1
Sibilisan Viridian Pigment=Ignore
Silvril Ore=Ignore
Simple Secrets of the Combine Hero=Ignore
Simple Work of the Sarnak Hero=Ignore
Ska'Tu Doom=Quest|1
Skull Charm Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Skull Crusher Staff=Quest|1
Skullsplitter of Doom=Quest|1
Skyiron Heater=Keep
Skyiron Heater=Keep
Skyiron Kite=Keep
Skyiron Kite=Keep
Slarghilug Kelp Strands=Ignore
Sleeper's Essence=Quest|1
Small Brick of Unrefined Ore=Ignore
Small Brick of Velium=Ignore
Small Clockwork Screws=Ignore
Small Coil Spring=Quest|1
Small Glowing Fear Shard=Ignore
Small Mosquito Wing=Ignore
Small Piece of Velium=Ignore
Small Splinted Bronze Cloak=Ignore
Smooth Blood Frost=Quest|1
Smudged Runic Spell Tablet=Ignore
Snake Egg=Ignore
Snake Fang=Ignore
Snake Head=Ignore
Snake Meat=Ignore
Snake Scales=Ignore
Snake Venom Sac=Ignore
Snow Spider Legs=Ignore
Soft White Velvet=Quest|1
Soldier's Golden Mask=Keep
Soldier's Golden Ring=Keep
Soluble Loam=Ignore
Song: Song of the Dryads Rk. II=Keep
Soother's Extravagant Belt=Keep
Soother's Extravagant Necklace=Keep
Soother's Extravagant Pauldrons=Keep
Sooty Fine Paper=Ignore
Sooty Fine Runic Papyrus=Ignore
Sooty Numen Plaque=Ignore
Sooty Sortilege Sheet=Ignore
Sorcerer's Extravagant Earring=Keep
Soul of Erillion=Ignore
Sparkling Diamond Band=Quest|1
Sparkling Fish Scales=Ignore
Sparkling Soul Bow=Quest|1
Spear of Vindictive Judgement=Quest|1
Spectral Bow=Quest|10
Spectral Ghoul Cloak=Quest|1
Spectral Parchment=Quest|10
Spectre's Choke=Quest|1
Spell: Challenge for Honor Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Dementia=Ignore
Spell: Direwild Skin Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Dyn`leth's Grasp Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Echo of Tashan Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Icefall Breath Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Lesson of Penitence Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Malosinise Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Minohten Mending Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Phantasmal Warden Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Pure Life Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Reproval Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Scent of Twilight Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Speed of Ellowind Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Spiritual Vim Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Tortugone's Drowse Rk. II=Keep
Spell: Ward of Reprisal Rk. II=Keep
Spider Legs=Ignore
Spider Mandible=Ignore
Spider Silk=Ignore
Spider Venom Sac=Ignore
Spiked Fang=Quest|1
Spirit Darkened Dagger=Quest|1
Splintering Club=Ignore
Spool of Fine Wire=Quest|1
Spruce Berry Bow=Quest|1
Spy's Gem of Stealth=Quest|1
Staff of the Shai'din=Keep
Stale Caladium=Ignore
Stale Delphinium=Ignore
Star Plate=Quest|1
Statuette of the Unstoppable Zek=Quest|1
Staunch Tyranny Axe=Quest|1
Steamwork Powersource=Quest|1
Steel Beam=Quest|1
Steel Ingot=Ignore
Steel Wire=Quest|1
Steppes Ore=Ignore
Steppes Reptile Meat=Ignore
Stinging Insect=Ignore
Stone Feather=Quest|1
Stone of Dragon Tolls=Quest|1
Stone of Tranquility=Ignore
Stonemason's Hammer=Quest|1
Stonemight Ear=Quest|10
Stonemight Silver=Ignore
Storm Activated Choker=Quest|1
Strand of Ether=Ignore
Strifetorn Necklace=Quest|1
Strifetorn Shroud=Quest|1
Strip of Swinetor Flesh=Quest|1
Succulent Familiar=Quest|1
Sullied Silk=Ignore
Summoner's Descending Moon Earring=Keep
Summoner's Ice Encrusted Earring=Keep
Sun Bleached Sand=Ignore
Sunshard Dust=Ignore
Sunshard Ore=Ignore
Sunshard Pebble=Ignore
Superb Animal Pelt=Ignore
Superb Silk=Ignore
Superb Spinneret Fluid=Ignore
Supple Centaur Tail Hair=Ignore
Swift Pauldron=Keep
Sylvan Chain Arms Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Chain Feet Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Cloth Hands Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Leather Arms Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Leather Chest Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Leather Helm Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Leather Legs Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Leather Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Plate Arms Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Plate Chest Ornament=Ignore
Sylvan Plate Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Symbol of the Dragon's Scale=Keep
Tainted Delphinium=Ignore
Tainted Feather=Ignore
Tainted Laburnum=Ignore
Tainted Muscimol=Ignore
Tainted Planar Essence=Ignore
Tainted Privit=Ignore
Taka, Slayer of Dragons=Keep
Tantalum Ore=Ignore
Tarnished Nose Ring=Quest|10
Tattered Gorget=Quest|1
Terrifying Jaws=Ignore
Thalium Ore=Ignore
The Blue Tower=Keep
The Bridgekeeper's Memory=Quest|1
The Whole Darn Thing=Keep
Thick Silk=Ignore
Thin Tome=Ignore
Thosgromri's Glacial Axe=Quest|1
Thosgromri's Glacial Axe=Quest|1
Thoughts of Frozen Air=Quest|1
Thunder Snow=Quest|1
Tideworn Leggings=Quest|1
Tiny Medicine Pouch=Quest|1
Titanium Ore=Ignore
Tizmak Sleeves=Keep
Token of the Waveswept=Quest|1
Tome of Jolting Kicks Rk. II=Keep
Torq of Flintikki=Quest|1
Totemic Mace=Quest|1
Tower of Sebilis Shield=Keep
Trace Shield of Peppershiv=Quest|1
Tuft of Grizzly Bear Fur=Ignore
Tungsten Ore=Ignore
Twisted Gorilla Hand=Ignore
Twisted Sinew Cord=Quest|1
Twisted Wolfskin Girdle=Quest|1
Twisted Wolfskin Girdle=Quest|1
Twisted Wolfskin Girdle=Quest|1
Uncut Alexandrite=Ignore
Uncut Amethyst=Ignore
Uncut Black Sapphire=Ignore
Uncut Combine Star=Ignore
Uncut Demantoid=Ignore
Uncut Jacinth=Ignore
Uncut Rubellite=Ignore
Unleashed Vengeance=Quest|1
Unliving Concoction=Quest|1
Unyielding Devotion=Quest|1
Vakov's Pendant of Obscurity=Quest|1
Valuable Junk=Keep
Veil of Freedom Ring=Quest|2
Velium Covered Awl=Keep
Velium Covered Chisel=Keep
Velium Covered Coal Lamp=Keep
Velium Covered Coke=Keep
Velium Covered Lunch Bucket=Keep
Velium Covered Pick=Keep
Velium Covered Spittoon=Keep
Velium Covered Wedge=Keep
Velium Gemmed Rune=Keep
Velium Great Staff=Keep
Velium Impacted Raw Diamond=Keep
Velium Impacted Raw Diamond=Sell
Velium Infused Logs=Keep
Velium Infused Pelt=Keep
Velium Infused Spider Silk=Keep
Velium Laced Choresine Sample=Keep
Velium Laced Gormar Venom=Keep
Velium Laced Mamba Venom=Keep
Velium Laced Nigriventer Venom=Keep
Velium Laced Taipan Venom=Keep
Velium Morning Star=Keep
Velium Silvered Rune=Keep
Velium Troll Figurine=Quest|1
Velium Warhammer=Keep
Venom-Bladed Greataxe=Quest|1
Venomous Wand=Quest|1
Versluierd Fungus=Ignore
Vial of Gnoll Blood=Ignore
Vim Mantle of Resilience=Quest|1
Vim and Vigor Chain Arms Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Chain Feet Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Chain Hands Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Chain Helm Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Chain Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Cloth Legs Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Cloth Robe Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Cloth Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Leather Arms Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Leather Chest Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Leather Feet Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Plate Chest Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Plate Hands Ornament=Ignore
Vim and Vigor Plate Helm Ornament=Ignore
Vine-Braided Ring=Quest|2
Viridian Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Cloth Legs Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Cloth Robe Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Arms Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Chest Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Helm Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Plate Feet Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Hero's Forge Plate Wrist Ornament=Ignore
Viridian Wizard Hat Ornament=Ignore
Vital Descending Moon Belt=Keep
Vital Descending Moon Earring=Keep
Vital Descending Moon Ring=Keep
Vital Ice Encrusted Belt=Keep
Votive Candle=Ignore
Warm Black Fang=Quest|1
Warmaster Dusk Sword=Quest|1
Warmaster Dusk=Quest|1
Wasp Spider Silk=Ignore
Water Mephit Blood=Ignore
Water Mephit Skin=Ignore
Wax Flower=Ignore
Weaver's Pauldron=Keep
White Coral Buckler=Keep
White Scaled Leggings=Keep
White Scaled Tunic=Keep
White Spider Fur=Keep
Windchill Hide Belt=Quest|1
Wintertime Mask of Torment=Quest|1
Witch's Sandwich=Keep
Wolf Teeth=Ignore
Words of Grappling=Ignore
Words of the Psyche=Ignore
Worn Iksar Cleaver=Quest|1
Worn Note=Ignore
Woven Plaguebraid Cord=Quest|1
Woven Silk Sash=Quest|1
Wrapping Antennae=Ignore
Writing Ink=Ignore
Wurm Meat=Ignore
Yakman Parts=Quest|10
Yellow Nibbler=Keep
Yellow Spider Silk=Quest|10


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