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The state of Redguides? (2 Viewers)


Jun 1, 2005
Has anyone else noticed that Redguides seems to be changing immensely over the last couple months?

I'm not trying to start any problems, but is it just me or has this site become Macroquest.sourceforge.net ver. II? The amount of good cheats has dwindled to almost nothing as folks are deciding to keep them to themselves.

Heck, even when someone (Say.. me for instance) releases a couple nice strats that nets many players millions of plat, said someone is chastised by many other Redguides users for releasing said strats.

I guess the crux of my question is, is this still a cheat site or are we just dealing in Macros now? I mean, there HAD to be SOME Redguides user that knew Librarian Maelin was giving out free spells. But it was never posted here. Are we slipping or are the strats just being withheld for other reasons?

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personally, i haven't been looking for new hacks or cheats for quite some time, a couple of my accounts got banned and now i'm trying to work on powerleveling them back up to 70
siddin said:
personally, i haven't been looking for new hacks or cheats for quite some time, a couple of my accounts got banned and now i'm trying to work on powerleveling them back up to 70

Are you saying you were the only one that supplied these things before and that's why I have noticed a drop-off?? ;)
well...we can't do much about the lack of people posting strats and cheats (but we can try to do something)...

i will be having a meeting with the admins and moderators sometime soon (whether they like it or not :D) to discuss some ideas i have to settle down all the flaming...and some ideas they have...and we are going to work something out...

you aren't the only person to notice this discouraging trend Crypto...and believe me...if i have to do all the work all by myself...something WILL be done about it...

(p.s...i can almost guarantee you that one of the things that will be happening is the implementation of a warning system/temp bans...among other things)
One of the problems, or the MAIN problem, I believe is the fact that we all know that there is a mole here among us. Sony reads these boards on a daily basis I am sure. With there being no real way to know or figure out who that is, everyone is very scared of posting the really great stuff do to it will be nerfed faster than you can read this post lol. It's sad yes, and there has been a large decline of open discussion on cheats found. I personally would post everything that I find simply because that is what this sight is all about. For every one they nerf, it is our goal and mission to find at least one more to replace it. If we could only find some way to keep Sony out then this problem would not exist. I know it is not much, but even a disclaimer that you have to agree to, that would keep Sony from legally being allowed in this sight would at least give some type of legal fight against them if they came here.
I went through something like this a few years back. I use to run a hotline server for file sharing. I had it set up so if you uploaded, you could download up to your quota. Well, I recieved an email one day from a law firm that represented MANY software companies telling me that I was in violation or copyright laws, etc. and that I had 24 hours to take down my server or I would be facing some big trouble. The thing that saved me was my disclaimer. It clearly stated that if you represented ANY of these companies, state or federal government, etc. that you were not allowed in. If you did click the "accept" button, you waved your legal rights to take action against me. Also, of course they had no proof that anyone was downloading anything that was not their property. I know it is not much to go on, but it might be a start at some legal way to keep those Sony bastards out of here lol.
While SOE prolly does do some browsing of sites. If they truly paid alot of attention things would get nerfed much more quickly than they do. Some stuff is harder and more costly for them to fix and in many cases never does.

The real enemy is the community. Out of 1000 people how many do you think share info on how they're getting so much PP, cool items or tons of exp. A lot. I'd guess over half of people break the unspoken oath and share openly.

People farming, tasking, missioning(yeah nice word eh?), etc... x 10,000 = a lot of attention. People in guilds draw lots of attention when a toon goes from 0-60 in a week, or shows up with 1 mil pp of gear (though they'd assume you'd bought pp first prolly). People warping around completing monster missions in a few minutes, or zoning from point a to b in a fraction of the time it takes real people all get noticed.

Yes there are a ton of great hacks out there that will never end up in a public forum unless that person plans to burn all their EQ bridges. But you know what? Even those are going away slowly as they get patched or the hackers leave EQ. The community is diminishing, and with it the hackers. A hackers work is only useful when people use it, especially the hacker.

There's a lot of BS on these forums, people demanding stuff they have no right to. I hope Creed does find a nice solution. It takes a lot of effort to learn the ins and outs of EQ, and even more to stay on top of it. You need to know ASM, C++, know MQ2 inside and out, know memory management/hacking inside and out. You live in a world of HEX and have to write a ton of tools to decipher all the data coming and going.

I've just barely scratched the surface, picked out a few packets and deciphered them, there's 1000s upon 1000s. I've spent more time writing utils to make deciphering them easier than acutally writing plugins.

And to top it off (I think), some contributors still pay (correct me if I'm wrong) for site access. hehe.
Cobalt said:
There's a lot of BS on these forums, people demanding stuff they have no right to. I hope Creed does find a nice solution. It takes a lot of effort to learn the ins and outs of EQ, and even more to stay on top of it. You need to know ASM, C++, know MQ2 inside and out, know memory management/hacking inside and out. You live in a world of HEX and have to write a ton of tools to decipher all the data coming and going.

I don't think anybody begrudges your (or other "hackers") rights to privacy. The problems of which you speak arise when something is released to a "community" and then taken away for no reason other than the fact that one has the right to.

In much the same way that I would get upset with my mother when I was a child because she no longer paid me $10 for washing the car (this was her right), people get upset with contributers who pull back or knowingly withhold information just because they can.

In many cases, it is best just not to contribute than to contribute and then flinch. And.. (I know I am going after a well respected member of the "community" in this next line.. but that's just me).. I cringe everytime I see a post to a thread that says that this thread is the reason he doesn't contribute anymore.

Understanding of course that one was a good contributer at one point does not change the fact that one is not a contributer now. You could have been the creator of many great plugins and hacks (Read Cronic) but if you haven't contributed something to MY (This is a contribution site after-all) site in the last 6 months besides posts about why you don't contribute, many would rather not hear it.

I guess in a nutshell, there are always going to be differences of opinion about what "7337 H4X" are or are not, but releasing something and then pulling t back just because almost makes one seem like one just wants people to remember that they WERE once a great contributer.

I come to this site to read about things that interest me.. EQ cheats and secrets being the main point of interest. I don't come here to kiss the feet of great hackers (many of whom just rehash other great hackers ideas who in turn rehashed some other great hackers ideas, etc etc.).

I like to play EQ and I like to give folks an understanding of the game that I have developed from playing it for 7 years and also from an understanding of game mechanics that I developed over the years from working in these very games.

I see cheat/strat potential of every move I make in the game and I share those strats and cheats as best as I can. If I didn't, there would be no other reason for me to be here.

I apologize for the lengthy response but.. it's been a rough couple months here ;)
based on that Cobalt, would it be at all possible to have people on these forums to agree that if they use a strategy/hack/exploit from these forums to not share it with those that don't have access?
Everyone quit EQ1 all of a sudden. I personally am playing EQ2 now. Tone's playing WoW. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Cade post in nearly a month. He might have just up and died.
I think one way that might be possible to find the "Mole" that gets stuff nerfed would be to check all the users subrscipted to the forum, and check who doesn't post but looks at a lot of the forums.

Chances are a Sony employee would want to find out about the exploits, but not bother to set up a little disguise for themself. If I'm wrong, then it's pretty much hopeless to find an employee.
BordonDrumer said:
I think one way that might be possible to find the "Mole" that gets stuff nerfed would be to check all the users subrscipted to the forum, and check who doesn't post but looks at a lot of the forums.

Chances are a Sony employee would want to find out about the exploits, but not bother to set up a little disguise for themself. If I'm wrong, then it's pretty much hopeless to find an employee.

Myself, I have never worried about moles. I think of my 7 accounts as a quick reaction team.. ;) Give me an exploit and I will have it run dry in 2 days..

On the other hand, I think of SoE as my mother years ago.. slow to recognize bad behavior and even slower in knowing how to correct it.. hehe
siddin said:
based on that Cobalt, would it be at all possible to have people on these forums to agree that if they use a strategy/hack/exploit from these forums to not share it with those that don't have access?

Off the very top of my head, the only way to do that, is to have an auth system of some sort. Plugin's would fail to load if not "authorized" But that just goes against the RG grain lol. This is the site of compiles after all lol.
Crypto said:
Myself, I have never worried about moles. I think of my 7 accounts as a quick reaction team.. ;) Give me an exploit and I will have it run dry in 2 days..

On the other hand, I think of SoE as my mother years ago.. slow to recognize bad behavior and even slower in knowing how to correct it.. hehe

I pee'd myself. lol
BordonDrumer said:
I think one way that might be possible to find the "Mole" that gets stuff nerfed would be to check all the users subrscipted to the forum, and check who doesn't post but looks at a lot of the forums.

Chances are a Sony employee would want to find out about the exploits, but not bother to set up a little disguise for themself. If I'm wrong, then it's pretty much hopeless to find an employee.

there are 30,000+ members at redguides...25000 of them don't post... ;)
Tone said:
I only play EQ to farm for my $$ other than that I hate the fuckign game that's mainly why I stooped posting in EQ forums.

People tend to hate things when they HAVE to do it for money. It is why I no longer Code. Which brings me full circle in this thread. People that come to this site come for different reasons. Just because you hate to play because it's a source of income and I hate to code because it used to be a source of income does not make either of us necessarily better than anyone else. It may actually make us worse than many others.

Just food for thought ;)
Arrrrgggg....well I just found out what lvl spells he was giving out...and I usually don't post...but I have to now...with an idea.

Is there a way that lets say instead of the normal $10 bucks a month...we could have a VIP section..make it $11 or hell $12 a month...but in the process of ordering you have to sign something electronicially (I know there is a legally binding way to sign things over the internet) saying that you will not give out the information..or that you work for sony..whatever legal stuff has to be said...so people will start posting the good stuff...LIKE 70 lvl spells being giving away free....shit....I would have no problem paying a little more each month...signing some sheet like that...and no one should if they are not trying to hurt what redguilds is doing. Just an idea...
I have had this conversation many a time in VBChat. When I joined in September, there were many hacks/cheats/macros being released, many new ones a day. But as the months progressed, we slowly lost more and more people, as more and more people started getting banned for the shared bank offset. Shortly after that, we started losing people for afk macroing, more than usually anyway. Now, we are down to about 10-15 people who post in the EQ forums, religiously anyway, reguardless if it is a question, or a request. People are starting to flame one another, and are meaning it, rather than screwing around with people out of humor. I loved checking out the new posts and putting my own input on it, that is how i went from 0 to 500 posts in 3 months, but over the last 2 months I havent even seen anything worth posting on. As for the 7337 H@+ being posted, it IS because we have narcs here, and Im sure its more than one. Maybe the disclaimer is the way to go, maybe its not. We have to think of something. Just my 2 cents
if people have a problem signing somekind of legal document...I think 99% of those people would be sony...and the other 1% would be those who feel their "rights" are being violated....I think we can do without both of those to get back to the real good hacks....man..I wish I joined before december now....but then again I am glad I got here in enough time before they put the 15minute lockout on missions..guess I should not complain too much :)
Well, I recieved an email one day from a law firm that represented MANY software companies telling me that I was in violation or copyright laws, etc. and that I had 24 hours to take down my server or I would be facing some big trouble. The thing that saved me was my disclaimer. It clearly stated that if you represented ANY of these companies, state or federal government, etc. that you were not allowed in. If you did click the "accept" button, you waved your legal rights to take action against me. Also, of course they had no proof that anyone was downloading anything that was not their property. I know it is not much to go on, but it might be a start at some legal way to keep those Sony bastards out of here lol
things such as this have basically no legal basis.
Well I got the Ban stick just before the 15 minute lockout so I can't PL my other toons up on my other accounts like I could have before the patch. I seem to have gotten here just as everything has been nerfed or pulled. The account that was banned took 7 years to get my first toon to 70. And just as I figure out how to get there faster with my other established toons Poof. Its gone and Sony ain't letting it go. Never did get used enough to the macros and things or get involved in reading the boards fast enough to take advantage of some of the great gear we could grab in a matter of seconds for self or selling. (Voodoo wand oh man how I lust for you) Or the plugin that got yanked which left me vulnerable and ultimately led to my banning. If I would have only been here a few days earlier i could have had that plugin and not be banned. But.... Oh well. New patch it wouldn't be working anymore anyway not that it would matter because of the lockout. Sad to see the lack of contributions and am doing my best to be a helper and contributer. Basicly all I can do so far is help figure out code for macros and try to be a help in that department. Or maybe dig up Locs for tasks and what not. Sorry can't come up with L337 H@+0rs but I am not that far along yet but when I will post it and be looking for the next one. I realize its a lot of empty promises now but I am a quick study and allways am looking forward to the challanges.
The disclaimer would only help if SOE was trying to shutdown Redguides or press legal action, it wouldn't do a thing to stop anyone from reading the boards and then reporting to SOE and things getting nerfed.
Bah I hate when there are things you want to say but you know they either:
1. Defeat the whole purpose of the board
2. Let the cat out of the bag to the fags that are making it tuff on us.
3. Make you sound like a whiner? :)
Well, as a newcomer here I don't really have the right to bitch too loud. Nor do I want to come off soundling like a whiner, but Learningcurve raises some valid points.

This is a paid board. Does that give me the 'right' to expect certain things be made/kept public? Dunno. Lets just say it give me the right to expect that the utilities needed to use the hacks/cheats posted here in as safe a manner as possible be made/kept available.

Posting a plugin/hack/cheat and withdrawing it is obviously the authors right. But then taunting the readers with the fact that "Yeah it works but I'm not giving it to you" is childish IMO. It's also against what the purpose/mission of this site is about.

People have gotten banned for no other reason than they were not given the full tools to use the hacks. Can you blame them for not wanting to help others when they weren't helped all too well themselves? Altruism only goes so far.

Sorry if I offend those of you who have made excellant contributions to this site. But to those of you who like to dangle your uber hacks so that we can all drool over how godlike you are, get over yourselves. Either contribute or don't. Your call. But don't play games at our expense.
People have gotten banned for no other reason than they were not given the full tools to use the hacks. Can you blame them for not wanting to help others when they weren't helped all too well themselves? Altruism only goes so far.

Huh? Not give what tools? Dude as soon as you click that little red-n-gold shield you're on the road to getting banned. If by "tools" you mean a description of how it works, here's a global answer:

It either changes something in memory, bypasses the client functionality and injects custom code, sends modified packet data, our does mundane routines over and over AFK or not. All of these things are detectible. There is little that comes from this site that is passive with the exception of non-plugin based macros. The rest is active and essentially paints a big red bullseye on you. The only reason you aren't getting caught is because you can hide in a sea of data and users. Nothing is safe when you hack. It's like sex. The only safe sex is no sex.

If by an acutal software "tool", there isn't some super secret invisible mode that protects people. The answer is really, common sense and self control.

If I warp everywhere all day everyday, eventually someone is going to notice and I'll get petitioned which will lead to a) a GM watching (not likely) b) a GM going straight to the warp logs and suspend you outright (what's happening now).

If say you are in a guild, and all of a sudden you have 200 more aa in just a few weeks hello petition, hi suspension and there's Mr. Ban.

If you're on your way to a raid and use zone to get there 5 minutes before anyone else, you get petitioned because you're name is flickering in and out of the guild window. Hi Mr. Ban.

If you use an AFK macro to level your characters through whatever means, people will notice that you never sleep. Oh there's Mr. Ban again.

I'm not trying to poke fun, just giving you a quick run down on how things work. One final comment:

"Why did I get banned from using so n so hack?"

Uhm duh. You're cheating! Cheaters always (almost) get caught!
No Cobalt. I meant the ability to protect themselves a bit more. My wording may have come off wrong. Sorry. I hadn't had my coffee yet :) I was thinking of some of the plugins that give the user some added info, which translates to added insulation from that ban stick. For example: MQ2Task? is it? The plugin that was pulled from the site that allows you to get the exact taskinfo would make it 'safer' to use Taskmaster. The 'tools' to make an informed decision, and let you use that common sense.

I'm well aware that every time I click /warp target I'm at risk. I'm aware that every time I use a chain zone I'm at risk. Which is why I only use either of them for specific circumstances. I don't AFK level so I don't worry about the never sleep issue but if I did I'd know that it's a red flag. Those are all risks you take and either you accept them or don't.

The purpose behind this site is to put out the cheats, hacks and strats to make beating the game easier. You know it when you sign up and accept the risks when you fork over your subscrioption fee.

You (whoever) want to pull your code, fine. That's your choice.

But don't dangle it in front of us saying 'well if you had this it would make this a lot safer' But you can't have it because A-Dickwad_01 pissed me off so now it's off the site.

It's that kind of attitude that's making this site a glorified MQ2 VIP section I already have VIP access. I don't need a precompiled version of MQ2. I can make my own compiles. (Which BTW I didn't realize till this month was something that was acceptable. I just assumed that the posted compiles here were dont A la MQ2, by a team on staff and user submissions weren't posted. Next update/patch I'll throw my hat in the ring and put my money where my mouth is)

Either put up or shut up is all I'm saying.
I do agree with dangling is not nice, but the authors aren't really doing that. All they're saying is yes it still works, no I'm not maintaining it anymore because reason X (why doesn't matter). There are some non-authors being asshats though, doing the I have it neener neener neener schoolground BS. As for putting up. They have. And now they're shutting up hehe. Wish granted.
It does not matter what you do if people from SOE want the information here they will get it. Do the majority of people here really believe this is the only site that gives out this kind of information. I know of several other sites that I use to enhance the game. I am sure that there are other sites that are out there that I have never heard of also. Whether or not it gets posted here absolutely is not the reason it will get nerfed. I believe it could speed it up by a few days but to think RG is the only reason is unrealistic.
A perfect example is the free spells...

Everyone should remember SOE is in this for the money. They need to balance keeping as many people as possible happy to keep subscribers. I warp every single day on 9 accounts. I stay away from other people as much as I can when using MQ. What does SOE gain from banning my toons? If I have not attracted attention to my toons then they gain no good will from other players in the game for removing the hacker(since they don't list banned people). The will lose close to $1500 a year from me.

A good example that SOE does not want to ban people that are not hurting anyone and possibly are even helping the game is TONE. If SOE is monitoring this site as many think and TONE is not shy about the fact that he makes a good income from farming the servers. Then how hard would it be to trend cash (PP) flow on the servers. In a few weeks the could check every PP propucer for automation macro's and ban them all. Until SOE starts selling EQ PP this won't happen because even players that do not hack buy PP.

But if you must have a special forum how about this. If you have 10 posts and 2 red cents it flags your account. Then Creed could review the account and give access to TRUSTED forum. Creed could review for abuses.
I agree with IamBigDaddy. It's not in SOE's interest at all to ban peeps who bring no attention to themselves. The banning via sharedbank was an example of 'the crossed line'. Unflagged people wearing Anguish gear is really a nono, and I would want to stop that myself if I worked for SOE.
Creed's comment about 5K of 30K members posting is unbelievable! Is this typical of forums such as these? I have no way of knowing.
BadPuss said:
I agree with IamBigDaddy. It's not in SOE's interest at all to ban peeps who bring no attention to themselves. The banning via sharedbank was an example of 'the crossed line'. Unflagged people wearing Anguish gear is really a nono, and I would want to stop that myself if I worked for SOE.
Creed's comment about 5K of 30K members posting is unbelievable! Is this typical of forums such as these? I have no way of knowing.

Well.. since this is an open site the numbers don't really mean much. If there were 30k paying members, that would mean.. well a lot

There are alot of memberships compared to posters though.. and tracking a mole would be impossible anyway.
someoneorsomething said:
So how did you get free 70 spells ? I heard if you take the skins to him you get spells.

Well.. he gave the skins back and they were tradeable. So folks were just passing them to the whole guild, friends, friends of friends, family pets, etc.
The state of Redguides?

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