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Contest 🩴SUMMER '23 RAFFLE🐚 Who were the best players you ever knew? (3 Viewers)

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I have a favorite from back on Tarrew Marr a gnome cleric Quizar or may have just been Qizar. Very good cleric, Just tape him to my chest and go kill! Was also at that time one the best Tradeskill players I knew.

Second choice is Emonyte I knew from Drinal, may have been other servers too. Guy would do anything for you withouth question and would give you anything he had to help you. I like to think I have followed in his footsteps with the tradition of helping others.

I saw someone mention Kelefane, he was a good SK and there may be some that played alongside of him that will agree he was great but, he was also too much into himself and how GREAT he was. Just ask him and he will tell you if he finds you or reads this.
Best player I ever knew still plays with me, we have grown to know one another quite well. We live completely across the states from one another but we have shared a ton of good times over the past 20+ years. Both have seen each other go through some struggles and great times in game and in real life and its been a blast having him as a friend. Definitely would not have ever continued to play this game without this dude so he absolutely is the best guy I know. Props to him for putting in so much time helping me beef up my tank the best we could and putting up with years of rage quitting. Trip down memory lane whoa.
My favorite person was Skek on quellious, we grouped from time-to-time after running into each other root-rotting mobs in random zones. I was a druid and he was a shaman. One day I was having PC trouble and he mailed me a big bag of RAM, it was awesome :)
Lyzzo on Brell/Cazic was probably one of my favorites as a warrior, dude literally tanked his guild he was across the finish line for years while still a kid.
My favorite/ best player was a Mage named Ambrosia (that was her main character but she had any class to suit the occasion). She was so kind, always ready to help you do an epic quest or get flagged, etc.

She was funny as hell, she always had an EQ-related joke ready for any situation, so really nice to have on long boring raids and crawls. If you messed up she didn't berate you she would calmly explain why it went wrong and an easy way to never make the same mistake again (i.e. make a hotkey or sound trigger to alert you to do an action)

She loved helping gear people up and had mules for days broken down by level range so when you leveled up she would get on her mule and give you bags of gear, and if you needed a trade skill item crafted she always did it for free, and she rarely failed and if she did fail she would try till she succeded at her own cost.

She wasn't just a friend in-game but a friend IRL and occasionally sent you gifts on birthdays and holidays, One year she made all her friends matching jackets with our guild logo embroidered with our main character's name. When she was traveling the country she often stopped in to say hello (always with a gift).

She was the quintessential guild "mom" who took care of everyone as if they were her own child and was always happy to invite players who needed help into the guild and never played favorites. Even if a player left the guild for a bigger raiding guild they would always come back to help us solely out of respect for her because she inspired loyalty and camaraderie to everyone she touched.

Sadly (I am tearing up just remembering how sweet she was) she was taken from us several years ago from injuries that were due to her job in the military.

She may not have been the most powerful character in the group but she was the one who pulled everyone together and made the game fun, I actually stopped playing EverQuest for years after she died because I couldn't stand playing without her and every time I logged on I would start crying (as I am now) when I remembered how fun the game was with her in it, and after she passed the game seemed a bit darker and the people in it were just selfish and cynical by comparison.

That's why Ambrosia is my vote for the best player.
I've met loads of amazing people in my 22 years of playing EQ but the one that sticks out was a cleric called Monsignor on Mith Marr server. We played together a lot and boxed the old fashioned way! One of my great memories was a guild wipe in the middle of fear (when all your belongings stayed on your corpses). We spent literally all night pulling/dying/rezzing and eventually got everyones corpses back, having to log on to a number of guildies accounts as they had to go sleep. Great times and a great cleric. Shame SOE caught up with him and forced a name change to Monsi as titles were against EULA.
Best player I've ever met was a guy named David, during GOD on Tallon Zek. He hard a bard and we would run around pvping together. He was kind and a pleasure to be around. We met in real life briefly and eventually attended his funeral. Best friend I ever made, and his memory lives on rent free. I aspire to be like him and keep that level of compassion he put into the game, and in to life.
I started playing in 99 and have met many wonderful people. However When House of thule came out i met my best friend. He played a necromancer named Emercial. We bonded over everquest and have played together for many years including present. We are both members of this site and have been playing together for over 13 + years. I have become super close to his family and kids. He is a wonderful human being and great friend.

A wizard i used to group with named Haish on BB. He taught me how to use gravity flux, and would use it with me (as a mage) in a duel to "jump" all over maps and get to places you were not supposed to go. Amazingly fun, and we started using it to easily get around see invs mobs as well as quickly move a raid force in via coth.

My favorite was in DN, th original scars of velious, and how with a few jumps you could get on top of the dragon statues, and then lev over to the zone wall. Running across it you could go anywhere in zone, and drop down to the rat tunnels with ease. We would also team up and could kill any non summoning mob that was in range.

He started me on the path of finding fun ways to play EQ, which eventually led to MQ2, and ill always be grateful for that.
I have known many great players since i started my own character in early 2000. If I had to pick one it would be Allistair, a mage on Povar and friend in real life. He convinced me to play and even encouraged me to start my first boxed character in 2001. He left EQ due to drama related to EQ and could never get him back into it.

He taught me his technique he called "Pet Chaining" that he used to solo. He would pull a mob of a high con (usually yellow) and watch his pet's health as he dps'd. when the pet got to a certain point he had a hotkey that would summon a new pet and send it in. His timing was amazing and most of the time the new pet would engage before the mob reached him....i never got the timing right lol
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i started just before PoR went live. There was a frog shaman in Club Fu (bristle-retired in SoF) that was the best. Inspire me to grind and get better. He was always helpful when i asked questions. He gave raid buffs in the GL to all that asked. His posts on thier website were especially inspiring as their guild attempted a raid like 98 times before their first win. Made me look at my own playing and if i got frustrated with a Named, i just said i have like 90 more things i can try.
Thorengrum, 60 Paladin Pre POP - Thor and I played for 2 year together. We raided, helped run a guild and played many alts. Every day we seem to always login around the same time. We talked over the phone a few times about the game. He was an elevator repair man and I was a college student. His legacy will never be forgotten. A true friend.
One time we lost an alt in The Hole, all his gear and 1/2 his plat was on that toon. We worked up a full group of guildies and started chewing away to the back. Word got out in the guild that we were in the hole recovering a corpse. People showed up from all over! We formed a raid and destroyed the whole zone. We recovered numerous corpses and then "Pop" the whole zone server crashed because there were so many people. It was amazing!
In 2000, on Tallon Zek (the team PVP server) there was a rogue named Sevarius. He founded a guild of rogues called <Shades Of The Void>.

He mentored us, taught us all the rogue tricks most people didn't yet know, and gave us our first sets of gear.

He took us on adventures deep into "Lighty" territory (Freeport) where we'd ambush humans. He had a full set of Ravenscale armor (which was unbelievably cool).

He was charismatic and a networker. He always found people for us to group with. And he never stepped out of character.

I wouldn't have fallen in love with EQ if it weren't for his guidance early on.
Too many to really name just one over the years. But some of my favorite guys were back from the original Quellious server before any mergers and pre-POP. Bobobb was a hell of a guy, he played along with his wife. But he was always willing to help a brother out but also pushed people to be better at playing their classes.
Wildracer, a bard from Phantom Raiders on Bertox. I only saw him play during PoP-OoW, but that guy seemed like he was playing on a completely different level than everyone else around him.
Kolmar, my best friend and MMO friend. We struggled in the old Kunark days to learn EQ, how to quad kite with our druids and spent many hours running about trying to make plat, to buy what equipment we could not due and gain levels so we could join a raiding guild. He ended up as a raid-helper while I slacked and changed classes as there were too many druids. Fun days when you needed friends.
I don't know if he was the best player ever, but when I first started playing in 2000 on Torvon Server, I was playing a Ranger and had no experience in the game at all. There was a Druid, Danillo, he found me trying to do a corpse run in the Karanas and failing miserably. He spent months helping me play my character, learning the ins and outs of the spells, skills, and combat. Because of him, I kept playing and moved into other classes that I became very good at. I don't think I ever ranked on a server I played on, but my Cleric abilities are nothing to sneeze at, I can hold my own in almost all situations. I owe Danillo a big thanks for showing me the game, community, and the endless fun that is Everquest. I haven't seen nor heard of him since 2003. I hope he's doing well.
Whizbang Dustyboots, guildleader of Celestial Navigators on Vazaelle. He was an all-around class act, being outstanding at playing his class, a superb guild leader, generous and knowledgeable back when game info wasn't nearly as easy to get as it is nowadays. Never heard a bad thing about him over years of play.
On Veeshan/Saryrn/Now Bert there was a Dwarf Paladin Kravine. Used to run pickup raids with my enchanter Kraven on general chat PoP - OOW (Our names randomly happened to be similar, we didn't know each other before general chat). Was an amazing tank and raid leader. We used to switch off. One of us would recruit the raid and the other would lead it. One of the better players I've ever met. We had extremely high success rate for pickup raids.

I think he came from the Mith Marr merge. So he would've been a Mith Marr server original.
Over the years there have been so many folks that have helped me along my EQ journey. SOOO many fun times have been had. Got to do FanFaire in October 2004 in New Orleans- met a lot of fun folks there. It ended on Halloween that year and if you know anything about New Orleans the Halloween's there are an absolute crazy time. Much much happened.

Even got the tee-shirt and lighter. Still have both.

As far as in game players, can't say there is a single *best*. I'd have to break it down to a guild I was in a few players that kept it going. Even though I was in a couple of the top raiding guilds on Luclin way back the most fun I had was in a family semi-raid guild "Heroes" There was a husband and wife officer team a halfling druid and barbarian shammy. I forget their names but we called them Ham Sandwich which was a play on the toons' names together. An older couple about 20 years older than I am, so they've probably passed on now, but they were always helpful and very friendly. Talked a couple of times on the phone with them when they had health issues. Both just such sweet people.

The guild was great- One of the absolute most memorable times I had in EQ was when the top guild had a Plane of Fear wipe and couldn't retrieve their corpses....so they made peace and begged the number 2 guild on the server for help. Well of course they wiped and now both top guild were shit out of luck. They started asking for server wide help and very few folks offered to help. So I asked in guild chat why were weren't going to help. Got crickets in response. Anyways I saind something along the lines of "C.mon guys. We don't call ourselves Heros for nothing." That did it. The whole guild headed that way, even several folks were called and logged into help. We had the top 2 raid guilds, all nekkid, and a twice a week Mom n' Pop family guild all trying to recover goodness knows how many corpses all night. Was a shit ton of people who didn't know each other well all playing together to help out. Absolute blast that night- shit 20+ years later I remember it.

One thing nice about EQ (for the major part) is it lacks the internet asshole effect. People don't become instant cock-a-berries behind the keyboard, we seem to have the same temperament as we do in RL.
Guess I can say everybody who I've enjoyed my time with and met in person is the best player I knew.
Enjoy your time in life and in game folks. No matter how much time we have in either it isn't enough.

One of the best players I had the opportunity to play with and under was Gochan on Luclin. At the time he was the guild leader. Very organized and patient with his members. On top of that he was super tank and understands the game. His other redeeming asset that should be part of this contest - Nice person and didn't act like Richard toward others.
One of the best players I've ever come across. Still plays the game so will no mention the name. However one of the best clerics in the game. Always on the ball of when to heal / rez and to save raids. Have never seen anyone this good in my 12 years of EQ.
Dudes name was Bandose, he was a 6 Boxer who would group with everyone in guild when LFG. Drop his boxes and just play. he had buff bots in the guild hall and everything when he was offline. That guy was a King in our guild.
One of the best players I had the opportunity to play with and under was Gochan on Luclin. At the time he was the guild leader. Very organized and patient with his members. On top of that he was super tank and understands the game. His other redeeming asset that should be part of this contest - Nice person and didn't act like Richard toward others.
i played with him in cd
I would say for me is was a guy based Brampton. Not only was he great at playing his toon but he also took the time to teach me. I played from the start in 99 on and on. I took a long break came back for a year or so then started up again in like 21. I had a ton to catch up on and he really helped get me there. He was the one that showed me red guides and took me to the next level of playing.
for me, it was a gnome necromancer named Murpus. He was excellent at his class but also very smart, both about the game and about things outside of it. I was super young at the time. I felt like I learned a lot of valuable things through my conversations with him. I often find myself now, 20 somewhat years later, referring back to some of the discussions we had. The fact that I can remember them is testament enough

"If you're not cheating, you're not trying." was one of the quotes I stole from him long ago lol
Pyrathis WONDERFUL wizard.

HE was one of the most generous people you would ever meet , most of his guild was his toons he bought half the guild and would still let the people play the toons that he bought and secured. and would pass out the passwords. myself and one of my best friends have 2 of his toons to this day , i will never forget him he was one of the best people you could ever imagine meeting.
Valero, on Tribunal. Solid warrior from launch on, found out by an accidental mischannel in PoP that he was actually 3-4boxing most nights (his 'brothers', who all had unique personalities), in a guild where that was heavily frowned upon (though i think 40 people were running SEQ at any given time). He moved to Stormhammer and after about 6 months, he dropped off the face of the earth.

Opened my eyes to the power of assist tools, as he had, one night, ran a CC mesmer + rotation cleric + rotation tank + rod mage on Emp SSra. I spent a year or two boxing while not using those, and heeeeyyy, this seems pretty good, and from there, traded burned copies of deadwood on dvd for someone doing my compiling of MQ2 for a couple years.
This australian paladin named Thousand, maybe the best paladin I've ever seen in a raid environment, both knowledgeable with raid events and commanding the battlefield.
Server: Firiona vie
Players names : Scarar(Monk) and Ukxenon(Druid) and Sedenton(Bard)
Guild: Fire and Fury

Back in the day these were the best people i had ever ran into ukxenon would go out of his way to help you level and would give gear away all the time and was a officer in fire and fury and i think he is still on the server today.
Scarar was hated by many on FV but you could ask the man anything and he would always help with advice and he ran a great guild and many a fun time was had by all on raid night.
Sedenton was a bard and a man who knew how to play and he would go out of his way to get ukxenon killed those two we just nuts and one of the best pullers in game back then.

Raid night with fire and fury sparks so many good memories it still makes me smile 20+ years later and the night they opened the nest for the entire server has to be one of many highlights to be had.
I remember two druids ukxenon and ashior killing the raids mobs with charmed frogs in plane of storms while 72 people watched waiting for them to die but they did not ..fun memories..
Eonwe<Fury's Edge> Morell Thule.
Taken far too soon!

"Taken from the Safehouse"
I just learned a few days ago that on the Morell Thule Server a Cleric by the Name of Eonwe of the guild Fury's Edge was killed. His mother and he were shot by a intruder in the house when they walked in. His father and brother were shot but are going thru surgery today and are expected to be fine. If you knew Eonwe on Morell Thule he's the link to Fury's Edge messageboard and you can read what happened.
He was the best guy you could ever know and this is a sad day for hundreds on MT's server.

Senaleb Killjoy
Retired Warrior.

In the end it turns out his brother orchestrated the whole thing for inheritance. There was a documentary The Sugarland Murders. His name was Kevin Whitaker
I met quite a few but there was Killian - he was amazing. I don't remember the server though! Had a box team before I knew you could do that! I learned a lot from him!
Redbot's edit: I'm pickpocketing this thread for a reply raffle!


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Sunshine Break by Julie Bell​

Who were the best players you ever knew?

To enter, just answer the above question or contribute to the discussion. The winner will be chosen by /random.
While we usually disallow in-game names on the boards, we'll make an exception for this contest provided the characters mentioned are retired or have no connection to this site.


⚔️🎽Full NoS Raid Gear🛡️👑

We've teamed up with the charming couple from Bertox known as AllyMan to gear two winners with their special package:
  • 💎 Full NoS Raid Gear
  • ⚔️ A mix of T1 and Apparitionals
  • 📜 Full Rk3 spells
  • 🛡️ This includes your class items to be Apparitional: Weapons/Shield/Bow/Pet Earring
  • 🎟️ Includes 7/9 Raid Credits
*The estimated time to complete is 10 days*

🎁Other Prizes🎁
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No purchase necessary. No more entries after August 31st, 11:59 PM PST.
Drawing will be held in-game on the Vox server, by use of /random. Time & location of the /random will be posted after contest ends, you are welcome to attend.
One answer to the question only, please. However multiple replies (and therefore multiple entries) are allowed so long as you are carrying on a normal on-topic conversation.
Shipping of physical items is to USA only, an alternate prize will be selected if we can't find a cost effective way to ship.
Screwing with the contest will lead to certain doom.

Robren911's original post that got the conversation started:
For me one and two are no brainers. One was a HHalfling Druid named Mechy. Mechy fit because he was a machine. He uses to heal me in VP while I tanked with a Shaman. He was that good
Two was a French Dwarf Pally named Khrogulai
He was just a beast. Would come back with crazy loot he got on his on., I really hate to do this but #3 was one of the original DPS Shaman. Soloing dragons in Western Wastes, talking down raid mobs. Number 4 and 5 were cousins Galen and Geordie a Mage and a Necro respectively and they used to take down raid mobs with me. Back when that was possible. I really miss all those guys. Honorable mention my best friend Shea. And Louis Roberts the worst puller in the world. He probably made me sharp back then it was get creative or die.

First actual post on this site after lurking and Level 2 for 6 months.

Borz. Brell Serrilis. He was an ogre warrior, I was a druid. We pulled off some ridiculous things keeping him at low health for the extra benefits. Lord Bob was a bit one in Velks, just the two of us. He knew his class, had all the tools (Including the OT Gate hammer) and we just had a blast together. We'd both drop whatever we were doing for some stupid crazy things. Whether it was FT3 boots farming for the plat or Ring/Shawl questing.
Contest 🩴SUMMER '23 RAFFLE🐚 Who were the best players you ever knew?
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