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Contest 🩴SUMMER '23 RAFFLE🐚 Who were the best players you ever knew? (2 Viewers)

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It pains me to tell you that the best player I ever knew was a ... bard. He was called Rasmus. He was an officer and leader of the bards and main raid puller in the first high end raiding guild I ever joined, back on Mithaniel Marr during the Planes of Power era. He was legendary for almost never ever speaking. If he ever said anything, other than his standard "mobs incoming to raid" message. There was nothing he could not single-pull, if there was a need to single pull. There was one time during preparation before a fight that he actually said something in guild chat or raid chat, and everyone else went silent. Then someone like "the machine speaks!?" He was also responsible for making devs adjust some stuff regarding bard swarm kiting after he swarm kited ALL of Halls of Honor. I dont remember exactly what change the devs made, but it put a stop to that mischief anyway.

Well, that's my entry. I could have mentioned Obsqura, the friendless lizard, one of the top map makers of EverQuest in the early days of in-game maps or Zdraco, the Canadian French guild leader of Forsaken Realm, who could barely make himself understood when explaining raid tactics, but somehow always made us pull through, and tanked like a boss. Man, what fond memories. :)
The best player I know is someone that has 2 full box crews that he runs and completes whole expansions with. When he finishes with one crew he starts on the other and does the same thing. He quickly ends up with late-game loot but he still helps others get achievements and gear, and he often still has a spot in the group for those that want to come along and run content.
The best player I know is someone that has 2 full box crews that he runs and completes whole expansions with. When he finishes with one crew he starts on the other and does the same thing. He quickly ends up with late-game loot but he still helps others get achievements and gear, and he often still has a spot in the group for those that want to come along and run content.
Those guys are great people, I know several servers (maybe there are more) that fit this descript. admire and look up to him, inspires me to follow suit with my dbl box crew when I can.
*related -Typhoon*
imo probably a guy named alarya. runs the top raid guild in fv. havent played long so dont know any from beyond this year.
The best player i ever new was my uncle,

character Leepang Human Monk he just recently passed on and was like my Dad,

its difficult to see but he has passed on less than a year ago, watching him and my dad play is the reason i play to this day, he new everything about this game with a very good memory. He played this game from beta

from trade skills to strats he was able to get things done, this was a player that enjoyed the game very much and the people in it altho some people he didnt like he still managed to be a good person. id see him help out alot of people and be kind. i would see him 18 hours a day on this game.

thank you for letting me share this
#1 hands down for me was a little Halfling Cleric Monarck Flutterby. Met up with this individual during the early days of Ruins of Kunark. She was LFG and everyone had a cleric. I invited her to my group even though I was also a cleric. She had no idea what to do so I had her load up stuns, DD, and Yualp. Told her to go nuts trying to DPS. At the end of the day this little Halfling and I celebrate 20th anniversary at the end of this year. She keeps me alive now.

#2 Reznor: Major raiding / DPS monk who took me under his wing when I was 18 and playing. Helped me level up to 60 when hell levels were still a thing and made sure to grab me extra copies of level 60 mob / raid spells from his guild coffers. Chardok was practically our second home.

#3 Shout out to my first ever guild (Stormriders) and the crazy Las Vegas parties they would throw every year. First major party I attended when turning 21 was with these folks.
I would have to go with my mom and dad. They introduced me to this game very early on from what they tell me. My dad's favorite is how holding me at night and the cackling of skeletons in Kurn's tower would lull me to sleep. Now I just really love playing in the snowy fields of Velious both the old and new versions.
The best player I can think of is a dude named Banditt on FV. He's a younger guy and in every top raid guild. Dude knows how to effectively play every type of toon in the game on a raiding standpoint and has the ability to pass that knowledge on to people in game. Basically helps fill in any role when needed.
I would say some one of the Best tanks I ever played with was a Character named Elrico. Back in the day he ran late night open raids on SolRo, which allowed us non-raiding guilds to get in and get some flags and gears along the way. He also boxed 5-6 toons at times and was just a good guy that was out and ready to help people in games. Another was a Druid by the name of Wildeagle, who raided in top end raiding guilds back in the day and in on his off time would come and tank lower raid mobs with us. He revolutionized the Druids in his raiding guild to be some of the best all around players.
The best player I know was in my own house!

My son the SK introduced me to multiboxing and keybinding. He would be alt-tabbing and pounding keys like a mad man but his group could do amazing things, and NOT die. Watching him I learned the game didn't have to be played like you were in a senior citizen's home.

He eventually got married and had a family and moved on to FPS games as they fit his playstyle and available time better.
The best player I know was in my own house!

My son the SK introduced me to multiboxing and keybinding. He would be alt-tabbing and pounding keys like a mad man but his group could do amazing things, and NOT die. Watching him I learned the game didn't have to be played like you were in a senior citizen's home.

He eventually got married and had a family and moved on to FPS games as they fit his playstyle and available time better.
I remember those days or alt+tab and pounding all the keys. my first go around with no program helps. I alt+tab'd 4 accounts - Didn't setup many hot keys at the time, but would play endgame content no problem, was a fun rush for sure one bad alt+tab and crap heal lands late. I ran War, clr, bst, rog (rog being my main)
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Redbot's edit: I'm pickpocketing this thread for a reply raffle!


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Sunshine Break by Julie Bell​

Who were the best players you ever knew?

To enter, just answer the above question or contribute to the discussion. The winner will be chosen by /random.
While we usually disallow in-game names on the boards, we'll make an exception for this contest provided the characters mentioned are retired or have no connection to this site.


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  • 💎 Full NoS Raid Gear
  • ⚔️ A mix of T1 and Apparitionals
  • 📜 Full Rk3 spells
  • 🛡️ This includes your class items to be Apparitional: Weapons/Shield/Bow/Pet Earring
  • 🎟️ Includes 7/9 Raid Credits
*The estimated time to complete is 10 days*

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No purchase necessary. No more entries after August 31st, 11:59 PM PST.
Drawing will be held in-game on the Vox server, by use of /random. Time & location of the /random will be posted after contest ends, you are welcome to attend.
One answer to the question only, please. However multiple replies (and therefore multiple entries) are allowed so long as you are carrying on a normal on-topic conversation.
Shipping of physical items is to USA only, an alternate prize will be selected if we can't find a cost effective way to ship.
Screwing with the contest will lead to certain doom.

Robren911's original post that got the conversation started:
For me one and two are no brainers. One was a HHalfling Druid named Mechy. Mechy fit because he was a machine. He uses to heal me in VP while I tanked with a Shaman. He was that good
Two was a French Dwarf Pally named Khrogulai
He was just a beast. Would come back with crazy loot he got on his on., I really hate to do this but #3 was one of the original DPS Shaman. Soloing dragons in Western Wastes, talking down raid mobs. Number 4 and 5 were cousins Galen and Geordie a Mage and a Necro respectively and they used to take down raid mobs with me. Back when that was possible. I really miss all those guys. Honorable mention my best friend Shea. And Louis Roberts the worst puller in the world. He probably made me sharp back then it was get creative or die.
The best EQ player I ever knew was an enigmatic force of nature within the virtual realm. My main was the druid Wolfrunner on the MM/Saryn server. With an unparalleled knack for uncovering and exploiting glitches in the game, Scylia the mage turned adversity into triumph, reshaping the very boundaries of the world we roamed. Our time together was a cascade of epic adventures and endless fun, as we ventured into uncharted territories, overcame seemingly insurmountable odds, and rewrote the rules of the game. Her uncanny ability to blend innovation with skill led us through quests that had been deemed impossible for 2 people, forging a legacy that would forever be etched in the annals of EverQuest history.
When I was just a beginner to game, back in ISDN times, I had no credit card to even pay the game fees, but this dude from my work place back then, he ordered the game, and payed my fees. I offcourse payed back to him, in RL money. He was the best I ever knew. I was so amazed about of his knowledge and utter uberness. Not mentioning kindness and all the support he gave the new player. Werticha was his chars name. We were not in touch in RL in years, when I moved away, and quit playing for some time. I heard he passed away some years ago. I miss the master Mage, and always remember him with warmth.
A particular beer guzzling scrappy Dorf Healer who healed me thru thick and many thin raids and group encounters across 3 servers.​
No matter what, he was the quickest healer for multiple tanks at once all the time, every raid. Always topping the charts by a longshot compared to all other healers, save for when he died, which I always tried to save him from if possible. I'll say he was a beer guzzling scrappy Dorf Healer who I smithed his old-school RED cultural armor for back in the day.

This would be my vote for the best player I ever knew!
Surname: Battlehammer
Class: Cleric
Race: Dorf
Server(s): Ayonae Ro, Bristlebane, Bertoxxulous


P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
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The best Bard I ever knew has to be from back in my A Ro days, Qktime. He was amazing to me for how fast he would chain pull mobs to our raid or​
group back then... seemlessly constant pulls with perfect timing for us to beat down what we have in camp just before being trained with a new set of mob(s). Always in good spirits helping others out all over Norrath! He was the type of bard who was an expert in crashing zones with massive kiting ... if he wanted to heh... Not so fun for others trying to XP. Anywho, those were some magical days of EQ back in Kunark to PoP era.

Best Bard I Ever Knew!
Name: Qktime
Class: Bard
Race: Half Elf
Server: Ayonae Ro


P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
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The best Beastlord I have ever known was from some raiding days long gone by. Zorrw was his name I believe. Have not seen them on in many​
years. Their pets were so powerful as to be able to help offtank some things during House of Thule and Veil of Alaris which normally plow through our tank lineup if we had our tanks on them. The sheer power and utilitarian ability to do what Zorrw did was always amazing to me.

Best Beastlord I Ever Knew!
Name: Zorrw
Class: Beastlord
Race: Barbarian
Server: Bertoxxulous

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
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The best Berserker I ever knew has got to be Tucker! He was DPSing well into 1.5 to 2+million back during VoA days... his combos he would use were​
just the best on raids. First berserker on our server to get the fire helm from PoWar final group raid named with the fire horns. He alone did the massive DPS on that named back then. Everyone else helped and kept him up. Great personality always willing to help anyone with anything, no matter who they were or what he was doing. And to boot, he was still using Dial Up to do most of this thru at least the Rain of Fear timing I believe. So yes, he had connection issues, even from rural Texas. When he finally got Cable to the area where he lived, he was all that much more dependable long term online.

Best Berserker I Ever Knew!
Name: Tucker
Class: Berserker
Race: Ogre
Server: Bertoxxulous

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
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2 players that stand out in my memory are Ocards and Ralvaras from my time on Xev. we never made it to end game during those years or even broke mid game but they were always fun to go on adventures with and really provided a hilljack like me a way to get into the immersion of Norrath.

Lonedor of Xev
Best Druid I ever knew was Ashera. She was capable of healing as well as any cleric I ever knew!​
Aside from the occasional accidental Premature Evacuations, she was a very solid player and knew her class really well.
Always impressed with anyone who specialized in one class and became such an expert with it.

Best Druid I Ever Knew!
Name: Ashera
Class: Druid
Race: Halfling
Server: Bertoxxulous

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
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Best Enchanter I have ever played with in raid and group settings was Masonline. She was always impressive how she would draw so much damn​
aggro via Runes on the tanks and take it in the face for their efforts when some idiot tank woke up the mobs. Sorry... bad memories of having to help Chain-Rez the Enchanter lineup during certain Rain of Fear and Call of the Forsaken raids. She was the best in helping others out all the time and very impressive with her knowledge of her class.

Best Enchanter I Ever Knew!
Name: Masonline
Class: Enchanter
Race: Gnome
Server: Bertoxxulous

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
Best Magician I ever knew has got to be from my Bristlebane days, Miotoser! Looking back on it now, I know for a fact he was part of the original​
users of MQ/MQ2. He hosted an item lookup connection and shared out the command info with a few of us back then. It was all very impressive to me. I had no idea at the time what I was dealing with. He would manage to solo a massive amount of content with 2 boxes. I'm pretty sure it was Mage+Necro pet tanking and root rotting mobs. This was well before SoD ever came out so there were no Mercs back then. Everything he did and accomplished back then on his own was always amazing to me. Wish I knew then what I know now... I would have been using MQ/MQ2 for many more years than what I have been!

Best Magician I Ever Knew!
Name: Miotoser
Class: Magician
Race: Dark Elf
Server: Bristlebane

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
Best Monkee I ever played with has got to be from my Ayonae Ro days, Shzam! From Velious to Gates of Discord, this guy from down under was​
the best damn puller (for a Monkee), else Qktime was the best if you did not have Shzam! :rock: Seriously though, there was some very tough pulling required for GoD raids. Often he was the only Monkee we had that could pull any of them off without dying too much. I mean, it's expected as a tank to lose 10 to 20% level per raid night /shrug. But to have your Monk pullers losing as much if not more than your tanks is unseemly. Shzam would save us a lot of times for how fast the pulls could be done and how clean they were. Props to him, wherever he may be these days. He knew his craft well.

Best Monk I Ever Knew!
Name: Shzam
Class: Monk
Race: Iksar
Server: Ayonae Ro

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
Best Necromancer I ever knew has got to be Wilbermann. His ability to top the charts for duration raid fights was mostly unparalleled save for​
Berserker or Beastlord crews. All around great guy to hang out with and camp group content as well. It's funny that he always used the redline stick figure setting just to get by on a then ancient PC. He had some crazy stories and was a good friend to all. When it came to business, he knew how to get the most out of his Necro!

Best Necromancer I Ever Knew!
Name: Wilbermann
Class: Necromancer
Race: Dark Elf
Server: Bertoxxulous

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
Best Paladin I have ever known was Majeure. When he was not taking a Dirt Nap, his ability to offtank on raids was spectacular! For some later raids​
in Underfoot to Rain of Fear in particular, he found uses for his Divine Aura hammer from Grieg's End I believe it was to continue to tank the named while the raid rez'd and buffed up for another go. We had a Cleric with the same hammer who would step in if Maj would go down. Unfortunately, we did not have others at the time with that hammer. I tell ya, being utilitarian and knowing your class really well makes a huge impact over time and looks impressive going thru it and looking back on it.

Best Paladin I Ever Knew!
Name: Majeure
Class: Paladin
Race: Dwarf
Server: Bertoxxulous

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
Best Ranger I have ever known was Leminicus hailing from northern Britian with a Dial-Up connection for years! Back when he had to be paying​
per megabyte of use too, insane! I met Lem when I started EQ. He loved to duel anyone and would win 50% of the time with our best bard Qktime...
Lem would get pissed off once in a while at Qktime and Qktime would say in guild, "Why all the hate Lem?" That phrase brings back fond memories. Leminicus was an amazing player over all and good friend, very giving of his time for anyone, guild or not. He was a beast for damage for what was possible back then.

Best Ranger I Ever Knew!
Name: Leminicus
Class: Ranger
Race: Wood Elf
Server: Ayonae Ro

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
Best Rogue I have ever known must be Slaver. Expert knowledge of the game, superior ability with corpse recovery even with SOS seeing named on​
raids, raid leader and all around great person to talk with when time permitted. He was extremely busy IRL and only was there for game when he had to. But while he was in game, he was very precise in everything he did and if time permitted, he would help others with quest named etc.

Best Rogue I Ever Knew!
Name: Slaver
Class: Rogue
Race: Gnome
Server: Bertoxxulous

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
Best Shadow Knight I have ever known was Dzaster. He was very capable of being in the tank lineup and taking the hits and living just as all the War's​
in the lineup. Not all SK's can do that back then. I'm not sure from an SK perspective how it was he was doing it and the other SK's could not seem to hold their own as well with the raid named boss fights. That is to say, there were other SK's with almost exactly the same gear / AAs but still could not keep up with the Wars on raids like that. This was mostly during SoD through TBM days. Very happy to have raided with an SK that knew their class as intimately as he did, in spite of his name, he was great! :rock:

Best SK I Ever Knew!
Name: Dzaster
Class: Shadow Knight
Race: Dark Elf
Server: Bertoxxulous

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
Best Shaman I ever knew was Ozcat from back in my Ayonae Ro days. Another old friend from down under who was just amazing for how well he​
knew his class and was incredibly capable of solo work as well as being the only healer in a group. The minor miracles he would perform on a daily basis with his group and solo work was always amazing to me. I always felt good with War pulling with Oz as my healer. Great friend and almost always on. No idea whatever happened to him.

Best Shaman I Ever Knew!
Name: Ozcat
Class: Shaman
Race: Vah Shir
Server: Ayonae Ro

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
Best Warrior I ever knew has got to be Rokkeb from Ayonae Ro! He was a Beast of a Tank (for what we could be back then during Velious through​
PoP). He was like an anchor in the tank lineup you could always depend on. Rock solid tanking with excellent to perfect timing. He and his cousin or brother also played, Bekkor or so as a shammy. They were a very good duo team. It was great fun. The good 'ol days where grouping was still a thing before and after raiding... as long as you weren't on a 2 to 8hr CR after raid. <Cough>

Best Warrior I Ever Knew!
Name: Rokkeb
Class: Warrior
Race: Ogre
Server: Ayonae Ro

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
And lastly, the Best Wizzy I have ever known was Rains! She was a very solid DPSer and knew her craft well. Always one of the top if not the top Wiz​
DPS on our raids. Great personality and great to deal with at any time in any situation. Awesome for grouping with anyone in or out of guild. If memory serves me correctly she was also afflicted with the Premature Evacuation bug once in a while on raids. Made for some comic relief from a big Oops moment when you lose 1/3 of your major DPS. DOH!

Best Wizzy I Ever Knew!
Name: Rains
Class: Wizard
Race: High Elf
Server: Bertoxxulous

P.S. Name(s) altered to protect the guilty and try to maintain some anonymity.
I haven't raided in so many years (lvl 75 era), and then in only a couple mid tier guilds. Makes it hard to say the best I've known as well since most of the good players just quietly did their jobs. Once upon a time I'd have said the best raiding shaman I knew was me, but the years have not been kind to my skills.

Now, worst players I've known, that's a different story.
Contest 🩴SUMMER '23 RAFFLE🐚 Who were the best players you ever knew?
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