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Stop Using MQ2 in Front of People (2 Viewers)

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Jan 8, 2007
I am not going to say this lightly but there are jerks that are openly using MQ2 to warp, GK, etc in front of other users. There was a 80 player post complaining to SoE about this on their forums.. These idiots are going to get MQ2 nurfed. I have been asking folks that support warp and GK to stop giving it out publicly and only give it out to mature and trusted friends.

Idiots are warping to mobs in front of other players and killing them before the group engages. Or GK mobs in front of entire guilds that are buffing up to engage the raid mob.

DO NOT warp with other players in zone DO NOT GK in open zones with other players in zone.. If someone comes in zone leave the mob and exit the zone u can come back later..

As I said I have encouraged folks supporting GK to stop giving it out as a few greedy idiots are going to get all of MQ2 nurfed for all of us.

These kinds of posts on SoE forums are pissing me off and its because of idiots that are abusing the privlige of using MQ2. I am asking supporters of warp and GK to please consider removing support to the public for these two items. Its not worth getting all of MQ2 nurfed and sites like this will be in trouble if MQ2 is nurfed by SoE. The only way abuse like this will stop if for sites to quit giving out the plugin

Please REMOVE GK and Warp Support from this site



yeah on my server people have no self control, i saw a monk ghosting from the zone in, i sverag, RSS, wos...


wos?!??! what the fuck is worth ghosting there?

oh and the entrnace to anguish has like 20 corpses littered outside, all ofthem are various monk corpses/

lazy fucks dont even bother to /decay
I can more or less confirm whats being said.

People on 2 of the servers i play on are simply askingto be banned. They have no self control or descretion. They deserve all they get.
Ok first of all let me say this. . .Report their ass's lol someone that dumb deserves to be banned period. Now for someone that has been apart of the website for less than 2 months to say warp should be removed from this website is just whack, seriously if you think that warping or anything else from this website should be taken off then You are wrong. These forums arent for special people. everyone here either pays to get in or helps out by posting info mac's ect. People are here to see things like that and to share what they know. Now of course their are a bunch of dumbass's that pay to be at this website and dont post a dam thing and are prolly some of the people doing what you are talking about but you cant take something down just because of some retards. The Devs Know about Gk MQ2 Monkdelay and all that other shit so taking it down from here wont do shit. Worry about Your dam self and what you are doing not others!

Another thing this isnt the right place to post this again

P.S. I dont mean to sound like an ass but Kyle You have been here for 2 months and u need to LEARN to post shit in the right section :-)
smokinghot said:
Ok first of all let me say this. . .Report their ass's lol someone that dumb deserves to be banned period. Now for someone that has been apart of the website for less than 2 months to say warp should be removed from this website is just whack, seriously if you think that warping or anything else from this website should be taken off then You are wrong. These forums arent for special people. everyone here either pays to get in or helps out by posting info mac's ect. People are here to see things like that and to share what they know. Now of course their are a bunch of dumbass's that pay to be at this website and dont post a dam thing and are prolly some of the people doing what you are talking about but you cant take something down just because of some retards. The Devs Know about Gk MQ2 Monkdelay and all that other shit so taking it down from here wont do shit. Worry about Your dam self and what you are doing not others!

Another thing this isnt the right place to post this again

i dont want those things to get removed, but im assuming that most of the people who use those plugins at least communicate with someone who reads these forums. maybe some of them have a shred of common sense, and will tone down their attention grabbing behaviour
I love pre-compiles as much as the next guy, but this is what happens when you give out MQ to every tom-dick-harry ... every 12 year old or asshole who could never have managed the compile process on their own. I actually miss the days of compiling things myself ... because more often than not I could guarantee I was the only MQ user in any given zone.

It's bad on my server too, and it's only going to get worse until Sony brings the fire and brimstone.
Yep.. I am against giving out compiles it allows all the 12 year olds to abuse a good thing, if you cant compile it yourself then you are not old enough to use MQ not to mention it betrays the trust MQ puts in us not to give out the compiled version of the product
Given the numbers of posts I am seeing on SoE site and the hundreds of complaints my guess is SOE will be working to do something about this sooner rather then later
Sorry johns4peaches but this site hasn't had a ghost kill plugin posted in a long time and iirc the one time I do remember it being posted it was removed pretty quickly. You'll have to go pay 50 bucks for it elsewhere ... your 5 dollar a month vanilla compiles aren't going to give you god mode.

People don't share the really powerful stuff for this very reason ... if every twit on every server had it ... every twit on every server would abuse it and get it nerfed for the the lot (or even worse bring about the end of the game with mass player exodus).

Pre-compiles are a fact that aren't giong away. I will continue to pay my monthly fee so that I don't have to spend the hours compiling every month or haggling/trading for the various plugins I use daily. If compiles leave Redguides so will I ... just pointing out the obvious here. For every compile downloaded here you can count on it being shared with 3-5 non Redguides customers ... and when you give out such a powerful tool to so many, you can bet your ass it'll get abused. The community of 'normal players' is quite upset these days ... mostly about the rampant ghost killing of everything from CoA to Sothgar.
Well people that GK or whatever in front of others imho dont have a shred of common sense in the first place so why expect anything diffirent from them lol. I just hate when people say "This should be taken down" (why? so that others dont have the same chance you do? because You are better than everyone else?) All I am saying is this site is built on shared info between others so lets not say anything about taking certain info down!
The end is getting ever closer for EQ. . .They keep pushing new shit up your ass every few months sucking you dry lol its not gonna take long and they will be doing server merges again lol
I am not buying the new expansion put out by SoE, I have 5 accounts on EQ and I think its bullshit that they are now up to 14 expansions and no general all in one release.. I was talking to a kid on one of the servers who had DoDh he was telling me he cant afford all the expansions. I mean come on 29 for PoR 29 for TSS 29 for the latest your up to 150 bucks to come in and play the game and you have not even paid a subscription yet.
Just because I am not a computer geek and cannot compile myself why should I be punished? I pay my monthly fee and do not MQ2 infront of others. I have tried to compile but just can't do it yet. And I may never be able to. I will continue to try but I do rely on RG for a compile. The only person that can really control the GK peps are the ones who sell it to them. If they could verify a report on an idoit they just turn off the plugin or not update it.(most likely not possible) But the best way is if you see someone abusing it report them. Lets get them out quick.

I know I tried the GK myself and didn't really know what I was doing at first and I did some stupid stuff. As soon as I realize peps could see me I stopped and logged out. I slowed down and GK in instances or in a zone with no peps. Eventually I simply stopped using it before I got myself banded. It is addictive and hard to control yourself. You need to be responsible. I am sure some peps bought the plugin and went alittle nuts. Some calm down and some (the idiots) don't. Now we all know there will be some people who cannot control themselves. Look at at the crazy stuff people do in RL. Don't punish everyone for the mistakes of a few.

I'm not 12yrs old btw. I have simply never taken a computer course or know anything about writing code. I like EQ and how MQ2 makes it easier for a father or 2 to play when he can for a few minutes and not waiting for a group or grouping then leaving the group hanging .
Here we go again...

Asking people to stop giving out compiles will not get rid of the problem. It's an often elitist attitude and a naive view to think it will be the solution to all that is unholy.

Most people know that warping in front of other players will be the fast lane to suspension, those who do not know will learn either from past suspensions or being told. And then there's the people who just don't give a rats ass..

Also, what do you think gains RedGuides and similar sites the majority of their subscribers? Do you think it's for the cuddly feeling of having supported a community? If you really don't know what is the major pull at these sites I'll let you in on a little secret.. It's the precompiles.. Why oh why you say? Some people are just lazy and will most of the time let other people do the hard work and pay them for it, others just don't have the technical know-how to update offsets, or compile (not that it's hard).

Rants/warnings like yours pop up all the time every now and then, and you know what? MQ2 is still around and have been for hmm 3-4 years? (before was MQ, which was basically the same).
well the flipside to this is that the peopel doing it publicly are the ones that will bee publicly "hanged" so to speak, to appease the "masses" and maybe take some heat off of us. and honestly that is how it should be if you think about it, the people who are discreet, dont really affect the gameplay of others, but the public warprers/ghosters make the game less fun for others, so it stands to reason they need to be ganked by sony.

i know people that woudl disagree with me, but "those" people are banned now, because they are/were in the crowd of "public harrassment'

sidenote : is this thread appopriate for this forum?
Thanks Keith, seen the site for Kinetics, but with 4 kids not not really ready to fork over the cash lol. I just find without the right group of people to hang/group with it's a long painstaking trail to anything good, and that's with a decent guild. I will continue to subscibe mainly because I'm a dunce and have no sense of compiling or programming :) . And again thanks again for the info.
i think this kyle kid is the same one on mq vip forums trying to start problems lol but seriously remove warp are you kidding me.most the people who use it openly will get banned but there is alot of us that use it wise and for you thinking that eq will do something to get ride of it in a hole so we cant use mq at all is crazy talk if they did that they might as well just shut the game off cause they would lose a hell of alot of money i know i for one would get ride of all 8 of my accounts if i could not use any of the great help of mq
MacroQuest has been around for a long time, Warp just as long.

Developers have known about it and know of the dangers of adding more and more movement data serverside = severe lag.

If it was going to be nerfed it would have been nerfed already.

Ghostkill is another issue altogether, it deals primarily with movement packets as well so in essence it is going to be difficult to nerf, monkbug however is alittle more sensitive, it relies on about 3 different things to work as effeciently as it does.

There was a monkbug plugin posted here but was actually not ghosting you and warping really quickly and using monkbug between warps. It had none of the delta stopping packets included and also warped you about 5 times a second. It was removed because it is basically begging to get you banned. If I remember right Redbot removed it himself. This plugin was also a "This is copied and pasted from elsewhere" issue and that doesn't fly here either.

The people that have created ghostkill / monkbug plugins have decided that they do not want them posted publicly and so they will not be. If any of these plugin authors decide otherwise it will be allowed. They've also determined that 50ish dollars is a good enough buffer to keep it from going widespread, again, this is up to the plugin creators not the operators of this messageboard.

Moving this to Generel, this isn't an strategy or cheat.
Kyle100 said:
Given the numbers of posts I am seeing on SoE site and the hundreds of complaints my guess is SOE will be working to do something about this sooner rather then later

WRONG! This happens all the time. If SoE gave a crap about it, they would of nerfed the monk no-delay with an emergency patch. The only problem is that the way SoE would fix the problem, they would also probably break the monk class. Heck, there was a GM that was killed by a monk using the nodelay plugin during an event about 2 weeks ago. They know, they just choose not to act.

GK'ing and warp are not the problems. Warping has been around since EQ started, and GK'ing has been around for a long time (think years), it just took a lot longer to kill stuff back then

Quit your worthless bullshit postings like this crap on here, the MQ2 VIP forums and MMOBugs forum. Obviously you are seeking attention for some reason or another.

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All I am saying is that the entire MQ community was pretty low key when i first started using MQ now that a number of sites are providing compiles every 12 year old with his dad's credit card is out GKing not /decaying their bodies and when I start seeing thread after thread on SoE's website about the problem its just a matter of time before its fucked for all of us.. I am not the bad guy here I am merely pointing out that the few butt-tards amongst us are going to force SOE to take action..

I count over 200 posts bitching to SoE about MQ in Jan / Feb alone.. perhaps some folks want to view what I say as negative its not meant to be I am just trying to find someway to keep powerful MQ plugin out of the hands of those that are to stupid to use it correctly.

In the end there really is no way to prevent it.. I guess just enjoy MQ2 as long as its available and if its nurfed move on to another game

I never said in any of my posts I was against GK or warping I am against the shit I am reading about on SOE forums I mean wtf u have a guild setting up to kill a raid mob and some stupid fuck warps in and GKs the mob infront of the entire guild.. Others warping in and gking mobs other groups are already engaging.. This is just beyond stupid and this is the type of stuff that folks are ranting about on soe's forums and begging soe to hire someone to deal with MQ they are not blaming GK they are blaming MQ that’s what I am pissed about. I have used MQ for years to 3 box and I love that i never have to sit around LFG..

I never use to see the number of posts on SOE forums about MQ the way I am seeing it now. And I have to say I can see why they are upset. your guild waits 3 days for a raid mob your buffing up to engage it and some idiot GK's it right in front of 50 players. WTF are people thinking.. why do u want to do something so stupid and get MQ banned for everyone. I am not making this stupid shit up go on SoE Everquest forums and read the stupid shit folks are doing. I am just sitting here reading page after page of what’s reported and trying to comprehend why folks would do stuff that blatant and that stupid. Repeated killing of Progression mobs for loot that then block guilds on the server from progressing.. I mean for crying out loud there is not enough mob loot in game for you so you have to focus all your attention on repeat killing of progression mobs for loot. One guild is reporting they have been unable to progress for a month now due to GKers taking out the progression mobs for loot
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The OP original post seemed one of common sense and logic. I can’t understand why some folks would become so defensive or so hostile. You don’t like someones opinion fine, give a reason why or don’t bother. All I see is an attempt at trying to impose a heard/pack mentality in others.

I for one know that on my sever GK in the open is of epidemic proportions – I have run into these fools in open zones and either they are missing a chromosome or they have balls the size of Rhode island. I once zoned into Valdehome and looking at my map ever single sergeant in the zone was dead. No other mob was touched – was so funny I had to take a SS. Oh and there was the one lone monk in the corner of the zone.


All this foolishness is going to do is make it harder on the rest of us by making the zealots even more vigilant and vocal. Really don’t need the attention.
The one thing you did wrong Kyle was to demand that warping be removed from compiles. That ain't ever gonna fly and you should have expected to get flamed for it. Monkbugs and ghostkill are not included in the vanilla compiles either here or on mmobugs ... and your primary complaint (and the complaints of the 'normals' at large arethe abuse of these 2 plugins in particular. I don't think anyone with half a brain cell can argue that there aren't a metric ton of dipshits out there doing incredibly stupid and ballsy shit.

My advice: if you see someone being stupid with gkill and monkbug, report them. Get them banned for the sake of the community at large. I am not in the practice of reporting MQ users, but what molex just provided testiment to is a great opportunity to kill a griefer. If you're going to do it ... at least do it in an instance. Be smart about it and nobody will have a problem with you. If I see an asshole trying to monkbug Chalaik in RSS with constant ae shout spam ... you can bet your ass you'll find yourself banned within a few hours if I catch you doing it.

And for those of you here who are actually farming with monks ... please for the love of god QUIT KILLING PORTHIO. I don't care if you farm DPoB or CoA. I don't care if you solo Sothgar, but quit killing key/progression mobs that cockblock guilds. I know his belt/ring may make you wet, but cockblocking server progression is the quickest and most sure-fire way to get unwanted attention focused on our community.

Hack safely. Hack intelligently. Get your jollies ... but do not grief. Do not be overtly obvious. Do not be stupid.
You are getting bad buzz because you joined just last month and upon doing so you asked a lot of noob questions (no problem with that) but you can't come here and dictate. You yourself should be careful, I found a thread you started here, over on the Sony forums with the exact same thread title. Then I go over to the MQ forums and easily spotted you out.

No flame intentions, just clarifying for you...

you may want to note that we PAY for access to this site, and i feel pretty safe saying that half or more of the people that come here come for the precompiled Mq2 folder, and its not because we are 12 or retarded, its because its the way of life, we pay to have things done for us, do you go to mcdonalds because the 600 calorie double greese burger tastes so fucking good? no.. you go there because you want to pay someone to do the work and get the reward yourself.

surely we could learn how to do it ourself, but some of us dont have the time to soak 2 or 4 or 10 hours into doing it, and thats why we come here and PAY to have someone else compile it for us, which isnt a big deal.

taking warp out of the precompiled mq2 folder is like taking sow and runspeed out of eq, its retarded
KeithClancy said:
The one thing you did wrong Kyle was to demand that warping be removed from compiles. .

I did not demand anything learn to read.. I said

I would like to ask

Please consider

These are NOT demands perhaps a refresher course for you in grammer would help. I am not upset about the plugins I am upset about the abuse of them.. There is NO reason on gods green earth that can justify

- Warping in PoK
- GKing progression mobs to the point where guilds on the server can not progress
- GKing Raid mobs infront of 50 folks in a guild buffing up to take the mob out

Look if you are so pressed for time you have to warp in PoK then you need to find another game and quit jacking it up for the rest of us.

I dont need to be a member of a website for 3 years to be upset about this crap and frankly it should upset a lot of you as well.

and yes like the previous posters on this forum have said if I see folks in game doing this type of stupid crap I too will report them.. No point letting them ruin MQ2 for all of us. MQ was not developed to allow players to effect the progression or game play of others. Use it responsibly so we dont have to read about some of the stupid stuff folks are doing openly ingame on the SoE forums
Veteran Assling said:
who said they warp in pok?

Couple posts on SOE website about a GM sitting at a certain spot banning folks for warping from that spot.. Also several posts on forums like Red's about it

Look at my OP i provided 3 links of rants on SoE about whats going on..and there are more then 3 threads going at present

Blocking player progression will end MQ very quickly.. You dont have to be a genius to figure that out
Kyle100 said:
I fail to understand why my asking folks to honor MQ2 GPL and asking folks to not abuse plugins they way they are is making me the ass.. I am not the one flaunting MQ in game in front of 5o or more players at at time. The fact that I come to the MQ community to try to find a solution to the problem and get flamed for it is beyond me..
I'm sorry if it came out as a flame, but seriously some people are getting tired of reading threads like these every other month. I'm not bullshitting when I say that someone on some forum somewhere are preaching about "Now we have to be carefull because GM's see and ruin it for all of us".

Kyle100 said:
Blocking player progression will end MQ very quickly.. You dont have to be a genius to figure that out
This is a perfect example..

If you see people in-game who are acting irresponsible in the extreme do what normal players would do; petition their asses. Yes it sounds like that kind of mentality is like ratting out on your mates, but it's not. They're not your mates. They didn't think and so got the attention of a player who wouldn't tolerate their actions, and got petitioned and probably being watched by a GM in the future. Preaching about it will maybe help for a week, then they shrug and go back to being idiots in their use of MQ2 and it's acessories..

Oh and MQ2 GPL? What's that? I know of GPL (GNU General Public License) and although I haven't read it from start to end, I can say for sure that it doesn't say anywhere that you aren't allowed to distribute a compiled version of the GPL'ed software. What it does say is that if you do so, you must also attach a copy of the GPL as well as the sourcecode used for the compilation. Now also please understand that even though the MQ2 core is released under GPL the individual plugins aren't unless the author of the individual plugin have done so.

For an abbreviated version you can go read the news on MQ2.com, or just read it in the quote here:
Dear Copyright Violators [7.25.2006]
It has come to our attention that a number of websites are offering compiled copies of MacroQuest 2, some for a fee. While this is not, in itself, a copyright violation, most of the distributions do not follow the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), which MacroQuest 2 is covered by. The GPL lays out terms for copying, distribution and modification of the software. First, ALL distributions of the software are required to include an unmodified copy of the GPL. Second, if any modifications are made to GPL source code, and then compiled into a distribution, the source modifications are required to be distributed as well, with the modified files clearly indicating that changes were made, and the date of the changes. Third, any commercial (e.g. for money) binary distribution must either a) include the source code (including any modifications) with the distribution or b) send a WRITTEN offer to customers/downloaders for the source code. Please feel free to notify us of any web site offering a distribution of our open source software that does not comply with these terms, and feel free to notify the web site yourself, particularly if you like the sites in question.

That being said, (psycotic) and other violators, please visit the GNU GPL page to read about how you can become legal. If you want to avoid the legal mumbo jumbo and cut to the chase, the important stuff is also explained in the GPL FAQ (see the "Distribution of programs released under the GPL" section).

And just to make it even more clear; RedGuides does (to the best of my knowledge) comply with the GPL since they're also making the source code for all the GPL'ed software available in the compile.

Anyway, feel free to continue to read and post, I'm merely stating my personal opninion which is all it is, and it shouldn't be read as a flame :)
I hear you.. nothing is going to stop the abuse of it short of a nurf,, just pisses me off as I logged in to the SoE website to read about the new expansion and saw all these posts about GK and Warping.. and then to read what folks are doing was just mind blowing.. even if you bought your account why would you go out of your way to get it banned and then effect the rest of the MQ2 community

I have never seen this type of heated bitching on SoE before about MQ users
Kyle100 said:
The only reason a person like you could take offence to what I am saying is if you are one of the idiots openly hacking infront of 50 folks in game

No the thing is is that this site is to share info and what not about games with others and for some just to get the cheats which they in turn payed for. Now You coming in having less then 2 months on this site saying that warp and other shit should be taken down! Warp like someone else said has been around forever taking it down now does what exactly? stops 3 people from getting it? and beyound that yes everyone is entitled to their opinions but people that bring this up are ussually just thinking of themselves because they intur think they will be effected by it which they very well be but remember you are cheating and it comes with a price deal with it or dont do it. MQ2 will live just as long as EQ will dont worry about that

Things that have been created by others and posted by a non author should always be removed thats not even in question here. . .Also anything that has a BAN ME on it should also be subject to being taken down just for the simple fact we dont want people being banned.
Remember also, redguides is NOT the only place where you can find mq2 or hacks of any degree. Just go to playerauctions for example and you can purchase anything you want. There are numerous places out there that give away and/or sell much more blatant stuff than you will ever find here. You will never stop the idiots. There are alot of people out there who just don't care. If they care less about their own accounts, do you think they care about yours?

I agree though, report their sorry ass and get them banned.

As for precompiles, there is nothing wrong with it at all. If they don't get it here, they will get it elsewhere. It's really that simple. I personally can compile, but I usually get the precompiles from here because of the damn fine job they do of it and personally it saves me alot of time. I add in whatever I want that they do not included in them.

Fools like that will ALWAYS be out there. There is nothing you can do to stop it other than get them banned until the next wave of idiots comes along. I have no problem at all with GK'ers or warping. I personally don't do it. Most people doing it do it in private and keep at least some respect for others by not making it obvious like killing raid mobs while a raid force is buffing up and getting ready to go in. I really don't like to report anyone who uses mq2 since I am using it myself. There is though, a point in which they jeopardize it for all of us. Those are the ones that don't deserve the use of it.
The GMs are banning people. Happened last friday to 2 people I know. Unfortunately, one of the morons already has a new lvl 50ish monk.

I happen to like the idea of empowering some people. There are some things that are just beyond funny. Hearing about someone GKing during a GM event was classic. Still, there's no reason to punish the intelligent community for their actions. I know GMs are reading this so...just confront the dumbasses.

I still chuckle thinking about it...GM event means a GM IS THERE and very often the GM is the target mob. Personally, I wish they would have just removed all that person's raid gear and made their character profile read only so every time he/she logged off and back on, it'd be reset. They wouldn't dare petition but we'd all know who got caught.

Then again, SoE could punish us all by suspending our accounts for a week. Oh wait, they basically have this week.
Norrathian said:
The GMs are banning people. Happened last friday to 2 people I know. Unfortunately, one of the morons already has a new lvl 50ish monk.

I happen to like the idea of empowering some people. There are some things that are just beyond funny. Hearing about someone GKing during a GM event was classic. Still, there's no reason to punish the intelligent community for their actions. I know GMs are reading this so...just confront the dumbasses.

I still chuckle thinking about it...GM event means a GM IS THERE and very often the GM is the target mob. Personally, I wish they would have just removed all that person's raid gear and made their character profile read only so every time he/she logged off and back on, it'd be reset. They wouldn't dare petition but we'd all know who got caught.

Then again, SoE could punish us all by suspending our accounts for a week. Oh wait, they basically have this week.

The majority of events in game that people call GM events are actually guide events. And all but the high end guides have to petition just like we do. Real GM events are few and far between.
What i dont understand is why im hearing all this controversey now. Ive never heard about this GK nodelay before and all of a sudden it bursts out like wildfire?
I have friends in my guild and we compair our Precompiles.. I will tell you this REDGUIDES has so much more knowledge than Other pay sites... Every day I get asked questions why doesnt this work ... how come you can do that but I can and have same plugin loaded.. All I tell them is stop paying for broken crap and get the REDGUIDES, I myself have had 4 confirmed poeple join this site becusae of the PRE compile. I think it just rocks and I don't know if this will get me in trouble here. But I have handed out the precomile here 1 time to these poeple.. I did take out alot of DLL's, But now they love it and pay to get there own every month.. I paid for a year on this site it just ROCKS.. and really I use warp only becuase i'm to lazy to type /speed 5000. But I never warp or speed around in zones with others.. "repeating" That really is asking for a ban.
Complaining does nothing. Yes people can be stupid and you will find some people who don't use their heads. For instance I saw 2 monks outside the instance with a cleric, shaman, and ranger and the monks were using FD macro to work up their skills. I sent them a tell and both characters logged out.

All you have to do is talk some sense in these people, just tell them to send you a tell later, or leave them your email and tell them to email you. The person on Luclin is paying attention and doing stuff a little more clean. I have not seen anyone ghost something infront of people, I did it once, and that was the first day I got it and I accidentally left it running. Shit happens, just get over it.

If the thing gets nerfed, it gets nerfed, I think the plugin is a little ridiculous, even though I use it like God. Sony should see that they have about 600 monks wearing almost the exact same gear and in guilds that don't do Anguish. Honestly they don't care. Quit complaining, when Sony becomes a little more active and starts doing something, then you have to be a little more foil hattish.
Stop Using MQ2 in Front of People
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