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Something that will take Cake (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 19, 2009
I was wondering if you guys still give away Free meberships to people that POST best Exploits Beacuse I got one for you never get Rolled back agian !!!
Trying to figure out how this would be useful since I can't recall a single instance of ever being rolled back in my entire 7 or 8 years in EQ :P
I skipped several opportunities in the past years to make hundres of aa's in hours. EVERY person that was involved was rolled back. Even further back then GoD
Depending on what exploit you're speaking of not everyone was rolled back. Outside of the merchant issue at the release of SoD when sony rolled everyone who had used the merchant + anyone who had dealt with that character back (even folks in legit transactions) I can't think of a time where they rolled literally everyone. Hell, I have a bunch of toons at max aa's (or were max prior to UF) due to the aa exploit a while back involving shrouds. None of them were ever touched.
There was another roll back I can remember from EQ day but it was a merchant bug. I think it was with DoN and at one time SoE accidentally added beta npc that sells rare stuff like metallic drake scale very cheaply. Very messy roll back ensued. People who bought them were rolled back, the bazaar buyer who bought them were rolled back, bazaar seller who sold them were rolled back, people who traded with affected players were rolled back. And the selective rollback went on for like 8 hours total, hurting some people who didn't know about the issue and didn't realize until it was too late. Some lost several AA's, levels, and hundreds of legal plats in the process. Not to mention group and raid were disrupted when a player went offline without warning.

In the end it was a fiasco. People who initially took advantage of the bug and saw the rollback were able to stay ahead by quickly trading around and dropping items to be picked up, making tracking much harder.
I skipped several opportunities in the past years to make hundres of aa's in hours. EVERY person that was involved was rolled back. Even further back then GoD

you mean the group instance in GOD where you could kite boss and adds spawned, despawned after few seconds?

thats the first EQ exploit I ever heard hehe. i was pretty clueless back in GOD times :)
There was another roll back I can remember from EQ day but it was a merchant bug. I think it was with DoN and at one time SoE accidentally added beta npc that sells rare stuff like metallic drake scale very cheaply. Very messy roll back ensued. People who bought them were rolled back, the bazaar buyer who bought them were rolled back, bazaar seller who sold them were rolled back, people who traded with affected players were rolled back. And the selective rollback went on for like 8 hours total, hurting some people who didn't know about the issue and didn't realize until it was too late. Some lost several AA's, levels, and hundreds of legal plats in the process. Not to mention group and raid were disrupted when a player went offline without warning.

In the end it was a fiasco. People who initially took advantage of the bug and saw the rollback were able to stay ahead by quickly trading around and dropping items to be picked up, making tracking much harder.

o there's been plenty of times where SoE has done mass rollbacks. lots of people were rolled back numerous times during the Monkbug/no-delay days. There was also the AAAA dup along with the other tradeskill ones. the Shroud bug was a good one. There's also been a bunch recently with the MM gear and the other shroud bugs in Hole and VP. This is just a few of em :p

I use to know of a few ways to avoid rollbacks...Die and leave your corpse in Shadowrest, delete the gear right as your getting booted than /petition to get it back. Almost none of the ways that use to work to advoid rollbacks work anymore.

And why is my Join date Aug 2009? I been here quite a few years =*(
So this pan out? If so I might re-up... but otherwise the EQ community here is a bit more dead than what it used to be in the redguides days. It's a shame, because RG pretty much introduced me to MQ2 and what it could do.

Let me know if this turned out to work.
Means he didn't really have it, or he PM'd it to people who aren't going to post it.

heh either way, thanks for the info.
Something that will take Cake

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