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Question - Soloing a Bard in Gribbles with and without MQ2 question (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 17, 2016
Is there a shallow end to the MQ2 pool or do i have to dive in and get fully wet ? :)

Here is why i ask if your interested in the story.

An online friend and I decided to go back to EQ after 15 yrs.
We each made level 1 toons and logged in so see if it was still fun to play the game.
In a few weeks we were lvl 60 and still going strong. I'm playing a Bard he is playing a Beastlord.
the free to play mercs were starting to show there weakness but because we always log in together
and group, leveling is still fast and viable. we decided to go all access and heroic. Now that we
were fluent in playing BRD and BL it seemed the fastest way to get to lvl 85 is go heroic :)

My friend being slightly more geekish than me installed MySeq and MQ2 to mess around
with it and see if its any good. The thinking was maybe we would each play a second toon
and get a full group going between us. 4 toons and 2 mercs. hence the SeQ and MQ2 to reduce
the feeling of work and keep it fun. Each of us really only directing one tune and MQ2 doing the work of the others.
A few days after his installing and setting up MQ2 and my not doing so. He went on a 3 day vacation.

I now was soloing for the fun of it and to see if i could solo gribble runs. Bards being able to pull
so easy. i gave it a try. dark blues and whites were no problem at all. I was able to get to the end
of the runs. if the final boss was yellow I did need help. Guildies were more than happy to log in join
the run and help get the kill and the turn in exp for 5 mins work.

I just thought i would share this in case people don't think gribbles is solo'able and it is and is not as i've
said above. seeing as gribbles seems to be the best lvling exp in the game.

So if no one is on or willing to help atm and your a class that can solo pull go ahead and start that Gribbles
run and hopefully by the time your at the last mob someone will be able to help and finish it with you.

My question is do i have to learn everything about MQ2 or is there a way to just get my toes wet with it and bring in a
second toon controlled by MQ2 to help me kill the last mob in a gribbles run?

Is there a shallow end to the MQ2 pool or do i have to dive in and get fully wet ? :)
You're gonna dive in. You will. But no you can set up another box very easily here without having to learn much. Soon it will be three boxes, and then 6 and then 42.. Razkle will agree with me.
You can start somewhat simple. Read the basic guides. Use the simple assists and macros. Don't try to do it all at once it will be overwhelming. Soon enough you'll be adding 3 boxes then 6 and running raids, doing everything you have the desire to do. That is the key you can do as much or as little as you desire. I know of people that use it only for the maps and maybe run simple bot program to help with their second or even third box.

"Come inside" said the White Rabbit to young Alice...
A hundred years ago I was a young mage being taken to town by Quillmane (now, I would have pwned him... if he would ever have shown his face). To this day... a decade later... I've never seen that bastard in game.

Now, what that did do, though, was push me to look into myseq and mq2 because my guildies had better things to do than sit in a zone and track mobs for me. I also quit EQ for a year because of quillmane, lol, but that's besides the point.

Anyway, I started with just the map functions. Then I started boxing a friend's shaman by hand, and I liked it so much I wanted to see if I could do more with it by using a few macros to help. Low and behold that WAS, in fact, possible. Pretty soon I was realizing that I needed some more dps, so I added a ranger, then a bard, then I needed a tank, then a proper healer.................. and you can see how this snowballs :)

Now I box a group and have a few plug-in toons that I can swap in and out depending on my mood or the event I'm trying to do. It's been a blast!! I honestly wouldn't play EQ without MQ2... it makes it so much more fun for me.

Anyway, cheers... and good luck! The community here is very strong and helpful, so don't hesitate to ask questions or request help if you need it.
In short, there is a shallow end. Once you have MQ2 installed and setup, you can fire up AutoCleric or AFNuke(85) with very little up front learning curve. Yes there is a deep end, and those that dab a toe in usually end up swimming with the sharks in 500 feet of water with special air-nitrogen mixtures...
Thank you all for the replies.

Now I just have to decide what class will go well with a Bard.
I was thinking Bard Wiz or Bard SK or Bard Mage.
Any advice on a what class would go well with a bard and also
be easy to run as far as MQ2 is concerned would be appreciated.
Question - Soloing a Bard in Gribbles with and without MQ2 question

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