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Problem - Slayers removed or altered - SOLVED (1 Viewer)

Jul 11, 2022
For the last week or so I have been working on various slayer achievements. I run MQ, 2 box a shaman and mage generally. I have gotten 10,000 elementals and 5,000 rats among other things. They are gone, as are a number of things I have not worked on. Other weird things like completed slayers without the sub-requirements. See screenshots.

Did I trigger something and get them taken by an admin / GM? Or is this a bug? Am I just going nuts?Screenshot 2023-11-30 081240.pngScreenshot 2023-11-30 081442.pngScreenshot 2023-11-30 081513.png
Okay, so this is apparently a client cache problem. DG forums said that camping to char select should fix, it did not. However, camping to desktop did fix it. So if you run into it, try that first. I should have known after this long playing to try that first, sorry if anyone spent time on it.

- E
A lot of issues like this can be attributed to time sync differences between the client and the server. I've found that Windows 11 especially is not very proactive about staying sync'd to Internet time.

I changed a registry setting to force it to sync more often.


From 360,000( decimal) to 100000(decimal). Those are seconds between refreshes.

Striking the above for now. There must be more to it because my systems continue to have Internet time sync issues this morning. It appears that if you routinely shut off the PC every evening then Windows somehow misses the required update. I know I could create a batch file and a scheduled task to force the update but I'm trying to work through more minimally invasive options to fix the problem first.

I've just changed the Windows Time Server service to Automatic - Delayed Start from Manual. I also changed my default Internet Time server from Window's default to pool.ntp.org.

I'll check tomorrow to see if I have better luck with the sync.

The way I know that time isn't working correctly is that I have 2 systems side by side. I start them at the same time every morning and then head to the kitchen for coffee. When I return they will both be at the Windows login screen with the time prominently displayed. I can see instantly when they aren't on the same minute! There's no reason they can't be within the same second.
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Problem - Slayers removed or altered - SOLVED

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