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Question - Shadewrought Coin of the Eclipse (rk 6) - cant upgrade? (1 Viewer)

Jan 13, 2013
Can't figure out why one of my toons can not upgrade to rank 6 of NoS progressive spell. He is Currently at rank 4, and has beaten both NoS raids required to bump it to 6. However, the Shadewrought coin in my inventory will not upgrade to 6.

Screenshots show two of my SHM with the raid achieves, but only one SHM has rk 6.

what I have tried:
- re-beat all 4 NoS paragon missions
- re-beat all 9 NoS raids
- hailed Elder Veteran Muhrak and went through dialog
- re-logged (duh)
- searched EQ forums for a solution

Any of you lovely souls have an idea? :bang:


Question - Shadewrought Coin of the Eclipse (rk 6) - cant upgrade?

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