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Fabulous - Rizlona > Aradune. The overflow server outpaces the original. (1 Viewer)


Oct 15, 2004
Rizlona is also doing better numbers than Thornblade, a brand new server


This quote sums up my experience pretty well:
I just like boxing and the people on Rizlona better. Understand too, that even if I am the last person left on Rizlona after some combination of pandemic and apocalypse, it will still be my favorite flavor of server. Nothing but subscribers, no freeloaders, few if any complaints in General chats<I have to turn off GC on every other server> knowledgeable user base. Really a pleasure to play there thanks to the people who play there.
- Fluid via official EQ forums
A lot of the issues with Aradune also had to do with the "uber" TLP guild cycle being in a tock phase.

The big group of Faceless that stayed on Selo only had a slight trickle into That's EQ Baby and the other major crew of RI/AOS and all of that went Rizlona.
Thornblade is the overflow server for Mischief, but Rizlona was not the overflow server for Aradune. They were launched at the same time but they have different rulesets. So it stands to reason that the "new hotness" would take away from the one (Truebox) but not the other (since there is no equivalent). When Rizlona was released we predicted this, since we didn't think they'd release another boxing server for a while so we only get the one "refuge." Though, in my personal opinion I'd like to see them release a boxing version of every TLP instead of dedicating resources to an overflow server that will be merged in a year. Of course, I suppose that would create more server resources to maintain long term.
Aradune was so packed at launch that we still have a lot of single boxers on Rizlona, some of the top guilds are mostly single or dual box:

Aradune was so packed at launch that we still have a lot of single boxers on Rizlona, some of the top guilds are mostly single or dual box:

I was so incredibly angry at the Aradune launch (was supposed to help lead TEQB) that I sold off my main accounts and then removed myself from all EQ.

Any time a server launch crashes other games in your stable you just aren't doing the right thing.
That people did overflow doesn't make it the overflow server. What you're pointing out in that was that Aradune was the most successful launch in EQ's recent TLP history, so much so that people intending to play on Aradune also ended up on Rizlona. There are many reasons for this, one of which (in my opinion) is timing -- video games in the middle of the pandemic where people couldn't go anywhere soared and I'd bet that contributed to the resurgence. I actually attribute it to that scenario more than Aradune's unique 2 per person rules (the only additional change from previous Truebox).

But it's still an apples to oranges comparison. What the point in time snapshot could be correlated to is that more people left Aradune than Rizlona for the new servers, both of which are Truebox. That stands to reason since there's no comparable ruleset. It would be cool to see how well a boxing server would perform in that ruleset also, but for whatever reasons they decided to make an overflow server instead of continuing in the same vein of one Truebox one not.

I agree Rizlona's a great server, I think it's really cool that they did a boxing TLP since they hadn't in so long. There's lots of reasons outside of MQ to play on a boxing server (being able to box two characters from the same computer among them, rather than having to buy multiple computers or some other EULA breaking bypass). I'm just pointing out that saying it was the overflow server is incorrect.
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If anti-boxers hadn't made apples to oranges comparisons when it came to Ragefire (No AoC) I'd probably be quiet :)

Rizlona's continued success is a win for everyone who likes boxing. If it did *Zek numbers we'd be reevaluating what we're doing here.
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I had a friend come back to play on Riz and he was delighted to find that playing a single character he had no problems getting groups. Apparently boxers are a lot more open and forgiving than TrueBoxers :P
fun fact, the high/medium/low stats are just rankings. They actually have no bearing on numbers, only that rizlona has at least one more person than aradune.
I have been on rizlona since its launch and run a group of 6 in a guild who almost all players run 6 with a couple that run 12.
So far I have been having a good time, this has helped with the burnout I had on live, if it wasn't for Rizlona and its rule set I would likely be back to playing WoW or some other game.
fun fact, the high/medium/low stats are just rankings. They actually have no bearing on numbers, only that rizlona has at least one more person than aradune.
This is frustrating. It's 20 fucking 21, daybroke, just publish your actual daily peak concurrent user totals and unique daily/weekly/monthly logins.
Shortly after Luclin launch, there was a large ban/suspension wave that made a large portion of the server reevaluate playing there.

I'm glad it is still going strong.
played rizlona from launch. was the most chill server and such an enjoyable experience for me. was nice to not get harassed just because i choose to play 6 characters.. (lets be real it ended up being 30)
Also - I have been playing on Thornblade. The pop is a bit lower than Mischief as an over-flow set up. But it has been nice so far. I have been able to reliably get groups even on my little necro. It's more true box so no MQ2, but sometimes it's fun to "slum" it a bit.
I wish my server was so laid back. The second someone sees you have more than 1 toon peeps start crying "Bots!" Many times I have been minding my own business somewhere and some douche will train me and tell me to get my bot group out of their way so they can have my camp. I don't afk and I always look for unpopulated zones. I don't argue, I just leave. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix jackass.
I wish my server was so laid back. The second someone sees you have more than 1 toon peeps start crying "Bots!" Many times I have been minding my own business somewhere and some douche will train me and tell me to get my bot group out of their way so they can have my camp. I don't afk and I always look for unpopulated zones. I don't argue, I just leave. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix jackass.
What server?
Shortly after Luclin launch, there was a large ban/suspension wave that made a large portion of the server reevaluate playing there.

I'm glad it is still going strong.

They banned one of my toons inexplicably and I removed all of my subs. I ran 12 and one day they suspended my monk and I just thought whatever who knows what they "thought" I did wrong and then the day I logged back on they banned him. Never pulled with my monk, played solo on my monk, or missed any camp checks. I asked them why ban one of they're not going to ban them all - they never answered, I never went back. Glad others are enjoying themselves.
Not sure on the "In's and Out"" but one would think that higher ups or someone in charge would notice the popularity and coinage generated by servers such as Rizlona. Hopefully we might see other boxing friendly TLP servers in the future.
I mean, they do notice and make decisions appropriately. It's probably something very similar to: Dollars generated - Support Cost = New Server of Type. Hence why we have so many phinny clones.

New TLPs always generate an influx of revenue from bag sales, but also from potions as people try to level up quickly. Subscription numbers (which Redbot rightfuly correlated to population) are one item, but revenue from store sales has little to no ongoing cost associated with it (whereas population does have a cost).
Rizlona has been the best TLP I've ever played on. A really good and friendly community. You know it's a lot of fun when you're on early in the morning and you get tells from other boxers saying "Hey, my friends aren't awake yet and X is up. Do you wanna go kill it?". I've gotten that multiple times, sometimes from people I've never even spoken to. It's been a blast.
Well there's now a new crew in town...

It's funny, I also just started a new crew on Rizlona as well. Figured I'd get in now, and aa up, before the God/Omens release (I like the next few expansions from Omens - through DODH).

Only running 6 though - not sure there is any benefit of running 12 content wise - and really don't see myself going to 18 (too much krono farming then and/or do I really want to pay $270 a month).
I wish my server was so laid back. The second someone sees you have more than 1 toon peeps start crying "Bots!" Many times I have been minding my own business somewhere and some douche will train me and tell me to get my bot group out of their way so they can have my camp. I don't afk and I always look for unpopulated zones. I don't argue, I just leave. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix jackass.
LOL. I love the advice. A priest once told me there are two types of people in the world:
1) They Add something to you every time you meet.
2) They take something from you every time you meet.

His Advice: Avoid the latter.
Redbot right now:
Enjoying rizlona so far. My War, ench, cleric, bst, monk, monk has been pretty fun and leveling nicely. I did forget how op my old 3 mage box group (ragefire) was though during the 50-60 span. Leveling has slowed down a bit I cna fight non stop but just moved to chardok and it’s decent xp but noticably slower. Where is everybody hitting up in this level span on tlp?
Chardok is about as fast as you can get, due to the lower HP/ac of the mobs. Next fastest is Velks.

Snag a charm pet with the enchanter, and eat everything in Kennels and Over/Under.
Chardok is about as fast as you can get, due to the lower HP/ac of the mobs. Next fastest is Velks.

Snag a charm pet with the enchanter, and eat everything in Kennels and Over/Under.

Yeah I’ve been lazy in lguk did not charm. Looks like I need to start doing it. Been bouncing bac and forth between acrylic and chardok. Not sure what’s better yet.
Fabulous - Rizlona > Aradune. The overflow server outpaces the original.

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