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Discussion - Returning player looking for opinions on a leveling group! (1 Viewer)

Nov 1, 2021
Hi everyone,

It has been a while since I have been here....and I wanted to try boxing a group again. :)

I was looking for some advice on the classes I should choose (obviously I know there are tons of options)....

My thoughts were SK/CLR/BRD/MAGE/MAGE/WIZ

I wanted to try a caster group this time....are mages or wizards more powerful end game? And am I missing anything here? Should I swap a mage out...or bard...etc

Any insight is helpful, thank you. :)
yeah that group looks fun

cool thing with MQ and even with personas - you can always switch around if you need
Clerics are overkill for group content. Clerics are what I call leeches. They really don't bring anything good to a group. Imo I believe they're about as useful as a chanter. Throw a sham in there ;)
Clerics are overkill for group content. Clerics are what I call leeches. They really don't bring anything good to a group. Imo I believe they're about as useful as a chanter. Throw a sham in there ;)
Fair, but shm aren't great as main healers until 100-105ish and he'll be without a rezzer for a long time. For starting from 0 clerics are fine
I like enchanters, but I think Bard wins for better overall utility with either rog's or mage's. Maybe if you did 3 wiz, enchanter twincast and such would win out, but I think bards are just in a better spot in today's game for complementing a group.
Another class worth considering adding to the melee mix is Beastlord. They have some nice buffs for the group for both mana users and melee.
SK/SHM/BRD/BST/ROG/ROG is what I run currently. So far has been real nice.
Another class worth considering adding to the melee mix is Beastlord. They have some nice buffs for the group for both mana users and melee.
SK/SHM/BRD/BST/ROG/ROG is what I run currently. So far has been real nice.
Yeah that is my persona group. Enjoying it so far :)
I think your group makeup looks great. One of the mesmerizing things about EQ is trying different group configurations to see how they perform in different situations. It really helps the re-playability of the game.

Have fun! :dance:
I believe the question is meele or caster. If you go meele, sk, brd, shm, rog, rog, rog is how I would go. If you go caster, sk, shm, brd, mage, mage & either another mage or ench(I would go mage). To answer the wiz or mage question, I was told mages are currently winning it.
For a caster group, yours looks good. I have used both an enchanter and bard in my sk/cler/mag x3 line up and both perform well. I doubt you'll struggle with any group content, plus you can go FTP with all the other toons minus the tank and still be effective if you wanted to explore that route.

From this point the quality of your tank dictates the content you can hunt in.
to me the perfect group is SK/SHM/BST/ROG/MAG/BRD

Mine is: SK/SHM/BST/ROG/MAG/BRD after trying others in and out

the SK can persona into Pally and Warrior

The rogue can persona into a cleric.

All my toons are max level and aa with all t3 and all have their 1.0's and 2.0's except for my rouge which ill never go do.

ATM they do 6 mil dps to level 125's mobs and 11+ mil burst. It's the best group makeup that I've found so far. I'm all ears to what others have and why.
I believe the question is meele or caster. If you go meele, sk, brd, shm, rog, rog, rog is how I would go. If you go caster, sk, shm, brd, mage, mage & either another mage or ench(I would go mage). To answer the wiz or mage question, I was told mages are currently winning it.
Triple char is normally a loss of DPS. i tried 3 zerkers and 3 rogs in modern era, swapping one for bst increased overall DPS by 30+%.. this goes the same way for mages (people try triples), but the ADPS (either ench, brd, bst), is really needed. The only triple I would mention is maybe SK, but then 1 is a tank, the other 2 are just DPS (so SK, shm, brd, bst, sk, sk).
Lots of options...I think my main question is which is easiest to start with? I believe melees are harder to gear out correct? I want to start up my box team and then level more characters eventually...it sounds like sk/shm/brd/3 mages is easier to gear and dps with?
Casters are def easier to get up to speed vs melee toons. Might want to swap out a wiz for a mage as the wiz syncs very well with mages and adds teleport to bind which helps move your toons around very easily if there are a lot of Karen’s looking for automated groups running in packs together through the zones on your server.
I am very big on every group should have a bst. They are sleeper DPS, and excellent ADPS support (combat procs, player buffs, paragon, slow, haste, pet can tank if MT goes down).

However they MUST have gear, and a bunch of AA's, so not a "quick" class to get the usable point.
Lots of options...I think my main question is which is easiest to start with? I believe melees are harder to gear out correct? I want to start up my box team and then level more characters eventually...it sounds like sk/shm/brd/3 mages is easier to gear and dps with?
Thats exactly my main group. When a new expansion comes out, sk gets all first, apart from earrings for the mages petfocus.
Than bard, shaman finally the mages.
The advantage, for my feeling, over 3 rogues is, that early in the expansion the mages gain faster power just upgrading to new pets and nukes and 1 earring. But I use the 3 rogues at human mobs of last expansion to get in short time any useful aas for Sk, brd and shm.
Than the progression with the 3 mages and lateron i grow up and gear the rogues.
For me that seems to be an efficient way to progress throught the expansions.
I actually slowed my group DPS down a bit and opted for utility. Fact is, if you're average DPS is over 2.5 mil, which is super easy to achieve these days, you start running out of things to fight and spend more and more time waiting on respawn. I tend to wander off to do other things than EQ when that happens. As such, I currently run brd/bst/war/enc/mag/clr. I haven't maxed AA or even gotten them any gear past 2 expansions ago and they already are over the mark this expansion was clearly geared towards and climbing steadily. The named are easy enough that I haven't bothered making any of the armor on the tank, and he's still in t3 ToL expansion there. So lots of options, moar DPS isn't necessarily the fun one unless you really enjoy downtime :P. I am experimenting with removing the bst for a shaman currently, and leaning towards putting in a paladin in place of the cleric as well.
Fact is, if you're average DPS is over 2.5 mil, which is super easy to achieve these days, you start running out of things to fight and spend more and more time waiting on respawn.
This is actually a really good point. I've run SK/BRD/BST/ROG/ZERK/CLR for a long time with an alternate FTP group of MAG's for DPS when I don't feel like whoring myself out for krono. My MAG group is still getting geared and AA'd in LS, but even with only non-prestige gear (incl only the T1 pet ear from LS), they are enough DPS to beat Hero's Forge relatively easily and that mission seems to be the main DPS test in this latest expansion. I recognize that I should swap my CLR for a SHM, but I like the in-combat rezzes and my SHM doesn't have the rez stick. I should probably change the ZERK out for something different, but I mained a ZERK when I played the raiding scene back in college, so the nostalgia is real. I should probably figure out what to do to synergize the MAG group better (swap one for a WIZ maybe?), but I don't really care enough.

I don't even have full t3 on one toon yet, but I have t3 weapons and full HDex augs on all my melee toons and I'm more than capable of tearing through whatever I want to kill. And even with that, I still find myself waiting on respawn in some camps.

My point is this: it's not always about finding the best synergy to min/max your crew to death. Play what you like and as long as you're able to accomplish in the game the things you're aiming to accomplish, be happy and kiss off the extra 500k DPS that would likely go to waste anyway.
And then there is another question....I want to use CWTN plugins and I will have to buy 6 if I have 6 different classes...lol
@Dealt21 If you're going with CWTN plugins I use SK, Zerk, Enc, Cleric...every other class runs smoothly with RG Mercs of KA. Works amazing if you double up on zerks and drop a bard in there or a rogue and use poisons potions on all dps/melee

Awesome for swarming shit once everyone gets their epics...it's just half of TOV or EW from TOV era pulled...to one spot...shits get aoe mezzed and dies inside of a few moments.
I'm going to try sk some brd 3 mages...I know it isn't perfect synergy...but it sounds fun and easy and I've never done it before...thank you everyone for the input!
Dont forget Necros can turn the mobs into undead for Pallys so if your MT is a Pally, a necro is a must have, every mob becomes undead and slay undead works. yeeeeyeeee
Hi everyone,

It has been a while since I have been here....and I wanted to try boxing a group again. :)

I was looking for some advice on the classes I should choose (obviously I know there are tons of options)....

My thoughts were SK/CLR/BRD/MAGE/MAGE/WIZ

I wanted to try a caster group this time....are mages or wizards more powerful end game? And am I missing anything here? Should I swap a mage out...or bard...etc

Any insight is helpful, thank you. :)
You are going to want a Shaman in lieu of a Cleric. And you are going to want to play on FV.
Discussion - Returning player looking for opinions on a leveling group!

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