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Question - Return to camp / panic button (1 Viewer)


Active member
May 17, 2020
I get really scared out there , ( crawling thru dungeons , making wrong turns ) when i start manually pulling .....is there a macro that I can make that will return me to my camp spot

Make a social with /nav spawn pc Nameofsomeoneinyourgroup. As long as you have a working mesh this will run you straight back to the named character.

For manual pulling, I use 2 keys: the above and a second /nav id ${Target.ID}. To start a pull, I target the mob by right clicking on the map. Then press hotkey 2. Character starts running to the mob. As I get closer, I tag it with a pulling ability. Then press hotkey 1, which is tied to my cleric, and immediately runs back to group.
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If you have a another char at your camp spot, you can click on them in the group window (right click I think) and select run to
Make a social with /nav spawn pc Nameofsomeoneinyourgroup. As long as you have a working mesh this will run you straight back to the named character.

For manual pulling, I use 2 keys: the above and a second /nav id ${Target.ID}. To start a pull, I target the mob by right clicking on the map. Then press hotkey 2. Character starts running to the mob. As I get closer, I tag it with a pulling ability. Then press hotkey 1, which is tied to my cleric, and immediately runs back to group.

Yup, I do both these things depending on how the mood takes me.
My STOP NOW hotkey button is:
/mqp on
/nav stop

So at least everything is paused and I'm not moving. If you run a plugin instead of a macro, you'd need to adjust /mqp to whatever their "off" command is. You could also add a self invis or FD or "drop all aggro" now command to it.

I have a general button for:
/nav target

This one is general, but super useful for:
- Target a group member from group window
- Target a player's corpse from group window (then a player to run back to camp)
- Run to an NPC
- Run to a specific Named to pull them manually

The snippets above are very good for what you want though. A full button that would run you back to camp.
Make a social with /nav spawn pc Nameofsomeoneinyourgroup. As long as you have a working mesh this will run you straight back to the named character.

For manual pulling, I use 2 keys: the above and a second /nav id ${Target.ID}. To start a pull, I target the mob by right clicking on the map. Then press hotkey 2. Character starts running to the mob. As I get closer, I tag it with a pulling ability. Then press hotkey 1, which is tied to my cleric, and immediately runs back to group.
you my friend , are a genius ! Exactly what i was looking for
WOW ok - I know this is a very old post, but I'm new here (as might be evident by the naivete of my other posts, and am curious for insight about this ability.

First, it is crazy powerful - I have played SK since like 2000, and early SK were kind of weak tanks that could pull -- and I did a lot of it. Using this method reminds me of the speed I'd run places like Dalnir 20 years ago. BUT in harder environments. I tried it in GMM and felt 20 years younger with better reflexes and an uncanny knowledge of the geometry. I could pull named down two floors across a room and only had 5 adds or so.

The question - is the general opinion that this is safe to use or is it asking for trouble in any zone where there are other people? It is just SO bloody powerful I loved it so much I was getting scared of it and manual pulled (which I can do near, but not as, well). I was a big swarmer (no tools days) in the library, and I could two-pull it manually - with this tool I could cut the time in half and maybe one pull it.

So opinions if anyone reads old posts - is this a community-safe thing to use? I neither want to annoy other players or get GMs riled - I swear this thing acts like a nodamage setup (eye of Xalgoz) is being used. But OH I want to use this technique. I feel like a Bard with 7500 AC and only 112.
WOW ok - I know this is a very old post, but I'm new here (as might be evident by the naivete of my other posts, and am curious for insight about this ability.

First, it is crazy powerful - I have played SK since like 2000, and early SK were kind of weak tanks that could pull -- and I did a lot of it. Using this method reminds me of the speed I'd run places like Dalnir 20 years ago. BUT in harder environments. I tried it in GMM and felt 20 years younger with better reflexes and an uncanny knowledge of the geometry. I could pull named down two floors across a room and only had 5 adds or so.

The question - is the general opinion that this is safe to use or is it asking for trouble in any zone where there are other people? It is just SO bloody powerful I loved it so much I was getting scared of it and manual pulled (which I can do near, but not as, well). I was a big swarmer (no tools days) in the library, and I could two-pull it manually - with this tool I could cut the time in half and maybe one pull it.

So opinions if anyone reads old posts - is this a community-safe thing to use? I neither want to annoy other players or get GMs riled - I swear this thing acts like a nodamage setup (eye of Xalgoz) is being used. But OH I want to use this technique. I feel like a Bard with 7500 AC and only 112.
MQ/MQ2 is against dbg rules and it can get you disciplinary action up to and including permanent bans.

there are many many many threads and discussions on the matter like > This one <.

The general rule of thumb is "be cool" or "don't start nothing; won't be nothing".

here are some things I mentioned in that post i linked above:

1. don't afk
2. don't do anything that would get you reported by other players, this goes for *actually* using mq2 or not. some people weaponize petitioning and clogging up the customer service ticket queue which can result in visits from gms and suspensions/bans.
this can include, but not limited to:
- streaming
- being public about information
- being in one spot permanently
- bragging about how ez life is
- arguing in general chat
- being a jerk
- hogging quest/loot mobs
3. ensure you are monitoring /say since GMs often use /say to communicate and ask you to respond to them.
here are a few plugins that might be useful in ensuring that things don't get lost in all the EQ spam.
-- MQ2Say
-- MQ2Discord
-- MQ2Posse
4. be cool - bragging in /1 about how you afk and your bots print you kronos and you're l337 haxx()rs isn't going to work out for you.
5. many people suggest the "fight club" approach - where you don't talk about your mq2 usage, there is generally a good idea - especially if in mixed company.
6. to piggyback on the #2 - don't only camp in 1 spot for 8-10 hours a day every day. even if you're actually at keyboard, and actually playing - some passerbyer might see you every day and assume you're just afk 24/7/365 forever and spam report you every time they come in zone.
7. we don't have "active hacks" here at RG, so regardless if that is an issue or not, its not something that we have.
8. trying to circumvent truebox restrictions / Virtual Machines, etc.

using automation to run back to camp definitely has its place, but if you're doing it in an area with other people, it can certainly look like you're training if you have 50 mobs following behind you. So, just like the above mentioned things - probably something you don't want to do near other people - using mq/mq2 or not.
Good list - luckily I pretty much abide by that stuff -- in the example I gave, once the astonishment wore off (that it could pull twisty little paths as well as I used to) I decided that was best left to p[laces without other people, and the rest I do - use the flash, never play unattended etc. I never stick in one spot for longer than it takes to get an item we may be farming, and I like the "fight club" approach - I never even talked about my copious Social Macros to people other than those I'd known in or out of game for years.

Oh and I never miss a tell - it's always been a policy that helps me find new folks to group with!

Thanks for the response and the good info - with regard to this technique, it's the old Dalnir Bouncing Off Walls technique when pulling in public places ;-)
GM don’t send tells but require you to reply via a tell. They also do not give much time to respond, some more than others.
Make sure you enable all GM check tools regardless of play style. Got my first AFK check on Sunday, those sirens are what made me realize my warping back to camp was a GM summoning me.

MQ is awesome, powerful, cheating, and hated by some. Some can tell by your play style your using tools and GMs can watch you without you knowing. Play wisely and do not get over confident on getting caught.
Question - Return to camp / panic button

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