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Recent Bannings: Post here. (3 Viewers)

60 views and no replies...I wonder what you all were thinking.

Between 9:00pm CST and 11:45 CST, there were mass bannings going on.

From what I've overheard, most was from sseru.mac, some was from ghostkilling, and others were from just being stupid like /zoning on the combine or maybe SoE just screwing with some of us. Usage of such from anywhere from a constant macro and unconfirmed time of creation when the sseru.mac was made public upto around maybe about three weeks ago for the log checks.

Server moves happen every 15 minutes. Therefore, if a ban happens, it happens every 15 minutes. Chances are, if you're not banned by 12:00am PST, then you should be ok (for this time). As such for the needed examples: 09:00:00, 09:15:00, 09:45:00, 10:00:00 - but PST.

Confirmed servers that have been hit at least by my knowledge thus far: 7th Hammer, Nameless, Prexus, Tunare, Firona Vie, Combine and Sleeper.

/newsreport off
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I have been successfully /zoneing and /warping on the Sleeper for the past week. Also have been Macroing with my bard, it may be kinda stupid but I have'nt gotten caught.
i got banned to 70 war 70 bard 70 rogue, 60 druid,60 enc, 55 ranger ALL BANNED ON 7th hammer

I did it all! was warping /zoning (without keys), ghosting banking anywhere , exploiting DODh missions for platinum. :mad:

Not to mention the Dreaded Seru mac i used the hell outa...........
Not banned, not yet anyway.

I just spotted what I think is my first, honest to god, level 70 GM. I was in 3 different zones, different accounts, and saw the same GM show up in all 3 in a matter of minutes. So I aborted any unsavory activities (actually, I believe any activity that doesn't harm other players is, by definition, honorable)

But anyway, I started porting/running to POK and saw the GM there as well. They are usually just guides, so ... watch it.
I had two junk accts banned, both for using sseru. i also used that mac on two other accts but so far they have survived. we will see
I just seen today that I was banned for running the Sseru mac =/

70 cleric 64 warrior 65 beast 56 wizard 52 ranger. Cleric was Anguish geared and beast was elem and time geared and flagged (sucks put 4 years into this account)
junk account banned for using afk bard mac, how would i check the status to see if its suspended or permenantly banned. Ive never had a flag on this account b4
Bakidood said:
junk account banned for using afk bard mac, how would i check the status to see if its suspended or permenantly banned. Ive never had a flag on this account b4
Log into www.station.com and check your billing status. If you're banned, it will say "BANNED". You can also log into EverQuest and it will give you the know as soon as you log in with a pop-up.
70 cleric account on Saryrn banned for using sseru macro for half a level on a 36 enchanter twink. Only account used macro on, only account banned.
Just watched a Bard get yanked, he was kiteing at the west wall camp in pov. Name was Desflorane. GM stood right at him. Lol
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I got my account banned for a naming violation. It said suspended for about a week then SOE sent me a nasty e-mail saying due to the offensive nature of what I named my character I was under review for being banned. A few days later my status changed from suspended to banned. It will say when you try to log in whether you are suspended or banned.
so is it a bad idea to use macros on combine...nothing spectacular, i warped...once... but i forgot i was even on combine=/...just bard macro and such
CrazyHorse said:
70 cleric account on Saryrn banned for using sseru macro for half a level on a 36 enchanter twink. Only account used macro on, only account banned.
Well since it's banned anyways - what was the name of your cleric? send me a PM!! lol....I used to play on Saryrn!

Don't derail my thread. Send PMs, not posts please, if you want to ask questions to a specific person. This thread is used to track SoE banning activity, not to start speculation of why or what SoE is upto now.
TurkReno said:
Don't derail my thread. Send PMs, not posts please, if you want to ask questions to a specific person. This thread is used to track SoE banning activity, not to start speculation of why or what SoE is upto now.

Your statement here was clearly written under the influence of heavy narcotics or just before well needed sleep. =) Used to track banning activity...not what SoE is up to? lmao I'd say if people are being banned...that is something that SoE is up to. ..and when the question is regarding a character that is banned...then it's in line with the subject matter of the post.

Perhaps the name of the person banned is not important...I'll give ya that =)...but nobody "derailed" your thread. If anything, I harmlessly bumped it for ya lol. I didn't lock it, paint it a different color, call it bad names, protest it, or even get my stains on it after an evening session at home...try hard....real hard to get over the massive controlling ego you're carrying around brotha =) You're now beginning to trip all over it. =D
>>>>> /derail on

Thanks for stepping up and telling him about his ego Kraze! :)

<<<<<< /derail off.

Have a blessed day!
if im not mistaken he was talking to me and you all (including me) are currently derailing it a second time by bitching about him, he has every right to have an ego and I WAS derailing it by switching the subject from who has been banned to how to be banned... and im sorry for my part in the second derailing
Back on subject.

I just had a report of someone who had their account suspended on progression and when he got the account unlocked again, the character that got him suspended was deleted. From what I'm being told, usually they'll just remove gear and flags, but this seems to be a different case. Heads up on what *could* happen.
TurkReno, just to expand on this I was caught on the progression server for warping. I wasn't banned, but they did roll my character back 20 or so levels!
The GM's on progression have been alot smarter then I remember them in the past
I've always wondered why they don't have "misdemeanor " punishments: something in between a verbal caution and an outright suspension. I guess sometimes they do...

20 levels, though. Ouch.
TurkReno said:
Back on subject.

I just had a report of someone who had their account suspended on progression and when he got the account unlocked again, the character that got him suspended was deleted. From what I'm being told, usually they'll just remove gear and flags, but this seems to be a different case. Heads up on what *could* happen.

This is correct. I got nailed on progression, mostly for warping and piggzyzone type activity. I was lvl 26.

When my account was unsuspended, I was a level 1 noobie in Paineel. :(
tradertesla said:
I've always wondered why they don't have "misdemeanor " punishments: something in between a verbal caution and an outright suspension. I guess sometimes they do...

20 levels, though. Ouch.

Would make sense really. They need the accounts for income, so just delevel the toon so the account stays open and just watch it.
I got an email from Lydrea this morning saying my account had been suspended, didn't give my station name or anything and I can still login to all my accounts.
I'm wondering if maybe a guy that bought one of my accounts got busted for warping, I haven't done any of that since I was rolled back, and that incident was over almost 2 months ago.
Friend got this email today.

I regret to inform you that your account has been suspended for the use of a macro type client hack program. Your character was verified to be warping within and through zones by our logs and records of your account’s activity. The use of programs like this is very much against our rules.

Your account has been suspended and will remain inactive for a period of 7 to 10 days. During this time your account will be reviewed for banishment. If / When your account is released any further violations of the rules will cause further action taken upon your account.

This wasn't on progression server, so guess piggyzone is bad :(
I have some new information about how they log warping. They don't just log difference in delta's anymore, they have exacting information about where you warped from and to. I think it's time I go look into blocking those parts of the movement packet.

BTW, 2 suspended on Sleeper.
LOL just got my fisrt supsension on my twink account only thing on it is my bazaar mule and cleric for ressing.

Funyy part is my bazaar mule is still on LOL. Geuss I can pray my comp doesn't power down for the next week LOL.

Kinda weird casue i warp and run more stuff on my other account funny that this one would get busted. And I haven"t even used it for like 2 months til recently about a week or so ago.

PS. here's the e-mail I got jfyi


I regret to inform you that your account has been suspended for the use of a macro type client hack program. Your character was verified to be warping within and through zones by our logs and records of your account’s activity. The use of programs like this is very much against our rules.

Your account has been suspended and will remain inactive for a period of 7 to 10 days. During this time your account will be reviewed for banishment. If / When your account is released any further violations of the rules will cause further action taken upon your account.

From the EULA found at (http://support.station.sony.com/)

9. You may not use any third party software to modify the Software to change Game play.

If you have any inquiries about the action that has been taken upon your account you are welcome to send an email message to our tech support and account status team. You can find email support in the EverQuest knowledgebase found at http://support.station.sony.com/. Along the top of the knowledgebase page you will see a tab called “Email Support.”
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TeachersPet said:
I have some new information about how they log warping. They don't just log difference in delta's anymore, they have exacting information about where you warped from and to. I think it's time I go look into blocking those parts of the movement packet.

BTW, 2 suspended on Sleeper.

Hey TP, I don't understand stuff at the packet level like you plugin writers do....

I've often wondered if they only track x y or if they actually track z movement as well.

also, don't you think the server not receiving certain movement information is just as suspicious as receiving deltas that are out of whack with movement rates?

Anyway, just curious.
Wow, check this out... kinda derailing, but not to much...
im on my newb ranger and im on my way to timorous deep to do epic... so i /zone timorous deep, now recently /zone has been glitchy but it zones me there.
I pop up in Butcherblock while im watching tv , i glance over to box and i see "off you go " so i think, "good its working."
I noticed glowing swords( i think another ranger) so im like, 'wow hope he doesnt see m- Oh my god.... its a guide...' so im praying i dont zone and he /waves...im holding my breath thinking im about to zone...i dont zone, thank god for flaws... and talk to the guide for a minute, he tells me he was here about some dwarf and hanging out or whatever, we talk for a minute...
Anyways, while im talking i /who all gm out of curiosity, what do i see? the admin is on in bazaar...im thinking, no way...im done for...but...i talk to the Gm and he is there just answering petitions...needless to say...im a bit scared=/... thought it was funny
TurkReno said:
I just had a report of someone who had their account suspended on progression and when he got the account unlocked again, the character that got him suspended was deleted. From what I'm being told, usually they'll just remove gear and flags, but this seems to be a different case. Heads up on what *could* happen.

Happened to me ... I lost a level 50 character the week before kunark came out. Sadly I did all the xping/gearing/buying/selling all by myself. I chainzoned a few times early on, but apparently that was enough to get me nixxed.
wendel said:
TurkReno, just to expand on this I was caught on the progression server for warping. I wasn't banned, but they did roll my character back 20 or so levels!
The GM's on progression have been alot smarter then I remember them in the past

Someone mentioned Lydrea..they are all probably ex-Stormhammer GMs.
Couple of folks on my server (Non progression) also received emails from Lydrea. She seems to be on a mission this week. Cleaning house pre-expansion release maybe?
You'll be hearing of a lot more people getting said emails over the next few weeks. My best advice is to err on the side of caution. Wish I could say more ... just be careful.
Recent Bannings: Post here.

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