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Punishments from AA bug (2 Viewers)


New member
Jun 24, 2006
I'm sure alot of people are in the same boat with me, and we're sorta hanging in limbo mode at the moment. If you have had punishment from this, either by rollback, suspension or outright ban please let us all know. Dying for info =P

I've seen a post about confirmed ban, someone also mentioned a friend that got rolled to Oct 9th. Those of us with rollbacks coming probably are not making use of our game time, because anything we do will get deleted as well. So any info would be helpful!
I didn't use it (no need), but so far as I know none of the people that I know used it have had any impacts. I only know personally of 6-7 people, so that's a pretty small population.

I am going to guess that the discussions at SOE are like this:
"Oh shit, we've got an exp bug that's being exploited."
"Ban them."
"There are a lot..."
"Ok, do manual rollbacks."
"No, there are A LOT."
"How many is a lot?"
"4000 accounts, give or take."
"Fuck. Ban the really obvious people on the progression servers, roll-back anyone that got petitioned, then post something generic about "determining the proper course of action", and pray no one ever brings it up again."

I'm just guessing on the number of people that used the exploit, but that would be roughly 2% of the current active subscriptions...someone would have to lose their job.
I think that that's the funniest thing I've read in a long, long time...seriously, just made it my sig.

I went from like 980aa to 1250aa on one toon, and 400 to 540 on another, and nothing. I doubt it's coming.
I went from about 300 to 1.3k on one, went from 500 to max on about 5 other toons.... no problems here!
If they rolled me back now, I would lose a lot of legitimate XP (over a whole level), spells, and items. That would be really fucking lame, considering how long it's been. If they were going to roll me back, they should have done it back when they first found out.

If they do it now, I'll raise holy hell.
Gondola said:
If they rolled me back now, I would lose a lot of legitimate XP (over a whole level), spells, and items. That would be really fucking lame, considering how long it's been. If they were going to roll me back, they should have done it back when they first found out.

If they do it now, I'll raise holy hell.

ROFL, I hope you are kidding :) So you cheated and decided to still play and if they do something about it you are going to be pissed? I hope you petition, "I got free AAs due to exploit and you rolled me back but I leveled since then and I want all my experience and items BACK!"... Damn people...
ooowe... the drama.. the pain.. The endless constant struggle of man vs. admin. Its all about playing your cards right.
Do you guys really feel that making "I got 1000+ AA's and they never did anything to me" posts is going to help settle the issue? I'm more of the opinion that the less said about it, the better. Keep rubbing it in the faces of the eq users who didn't take advantage of it and they will keep posting about it on the boards until something is done.

Kind of like the (insert class here) that posted about the massive damage they do with their (nuke/weapon/dot/etc) and then get surprised when a whole class is posting on the SOE forums calling for them to be nerfed.

I guess I just don't see the reason to make what is basically taunt posts where anyone can see them and be reminded they need to bitch more about it.
This is already nerfed, and I didn't see anyone bitching until your post. This isn't a rare occurance, that some really nice exploit gets found and only some people are able to take advantage of it. Kudos to, who was it, TP? whoever posted it and let us all know about something before it was completely nerfed. And my condolences to those who get punished.

*kicks and screams because she didn't get all the uber exploits*
Hotter said:
This is already nerfed, and I didn't see anyone bitching until your post. This isn't a rare occurance, that some really nice exploit gets found and only some people are able to take advantage of it. Kudos to, who was it, TP? whoever posted it and let us all know about something before it was completely nerfed. And my condolences to those who get punished.

*kicks and screams because she didn't get all the uber exploits*

Guess why it gets nerfed, because it gets out in public, as soon as something like that is posted on any public board like RG it will get nerfed.
Guess why it gets nerfed, because it gets out in public, as soon as something like that is posted on any public board like RG it will get nerfed.

I agree with you Odessa, but what is the solution? 99%of the people that come here are not privy to the "insider" informaton about current hacks and exploits.

Look how quick this expoit was nerfed. Also, look how quick the mob that would turn atunable items back to tradeable items was nerfed. once the information was posted here.

Perhaps info like this should be let out slowly, through PM's or something. That way, a better track could be kept of "when" an exploit got back to SOE.....I don't know, kinda just rambling here. There has to be a better way of doing this.
Give one person a hack, 10 people will have it inside of 1 week. By the end of two weeks, 100 people, by three weeks 1,000.

The second you give share it, even to your most trusted friend, it's out.


The only reason to post any significant active hacks is for ego, and I'm not talking about ghost version 1000 or warp version 1,000,000,000, or packet sniffer 10,000. Plugins like radar and scors melee etc, are awesome non-active hacks, and should be shared readily. Duping plugins, exp exploits, etc should just stay in your head. The only reason to share them is for ego's sake, you're not helping anyone really. =)
Cobalt said:
Give one person a hack, 10 people will have it inside of 1 week. By the end of two weeks, 100 people, by three weeks 1,000.

The second you give share it, even to your most trusted friend, it's out.


The only reason to post any significant active hacks is for ego, and I'm not talking about ghost version 1000 or warp version 1,000,000,000, or packet sniffer 10,000. Plugins like radar and scors melee etc, are awesome non-active hacks, and should be shared readily. Duping plugins, exp exploits, etc should just stay in your head. The only reason to share them is for ego's sake, you're not helping anyone really. =)

I like how you come to a site and just tell people not to share when thats what the site is about ^^.
Just don't share stuff that is obviously insanely awesome, and it won't get nerfed, or get people banned in droves lol.
It's someones choice to use an exploit. If people want to share the stuff (obviously they do if they post it) then they can. Freedom of speech! People should have enough common sense to know if it will get you banned or not.

Also, when people DO and are cool enough to share stuff, they have used the crap out of it, or its getting nerfed soon. Either way, it keeps everyone moving and happy =0
I have received word that corrections for participating in the exploit for gaining AA points that caused the emergency update on October 17th will be happening here very shortly. What is going to happen is that anyone who participated in the exploit will be 'selectively corrected' and will be losing ALL AA points they earned on the day(s) they participated in the exploit. 'Selectively corrected' meaning this will not affect those who did not participate in the exploit.

If for instance someone participated in the exploit on Monday and gained 500 AA points, skipped doing so on Tuesday and just leveled AA normally receiving 10 AA points, then exploited again on Wednesday gaining another 700 AA points, they will lose the 1200 points they gained through the exploit and be refunded the 10 they earned legitimately on Tuesday. The same will occur for any points gained by these folks from the day of the update until the day of the correction happening, they will be refunded the points they legitimately earned and have those points available to respend as they wish.

Any AA points that may have been legitimately earned on the day they participated in the exploit will unfortunately be lost. Consider this a penalty fine for participating in the exploit.

Feel free to post any questions you may have regarding this situation here, and we will try to answer everything we can. Please keep your posted questions constructive and on the topic so we do not miss any good, valid questions. If you wish to discuss this issue further then just asking questions about what is happening, please start another thread to do so.

Kytherea ~~wielding a giant hammer & a hairless War Hamster~~

"I'm late, I'm late...."

Taken from the EQlive forums
anon 456 said:
Look how quick this expoit was nerfed. Also, look how quick the mob that would turn atunable items back to tradeable items was nerfed. once the information was posted here.

The emergency patch was scheduled before it was released here...this site had nothing to do with it.

This has been around since TSS came out and snowballed in the 2 weeks before the patch.

I heard about it the day before I left for China and was not able to take advantage of it. I got the info from someone that does not want me to share what I get from them so I do not.

I personally think that some people got wind that something was finally going to happen to stop this and punish the ones that did it (even SOE can figure out who got 1000aa in a week) so they start a brush fire to mingle in with the common folk. When they "let it slip" it was so 1000's would use it, then whats SOE going to do BAN EVERYONE. If people got roll backs maybe SOE would be to busy with all the offenders in the last week to deal with the ones from last month....

But then I think the our goverment killed JFK...but now that aliens are in charge we don't have to worry about that kind of thing anymore!
95% of the stuff that gets banned is because it makes it's way to the SOE boards. Some fucktard that has a big mouth and goes and has to make himself look like a hero messes it up for all of us. Apparently they love to spend endless years building up their character. Or they get pissed cause they spent so long to build up a character and they get jealous or spiteful.

Now I can see if it directly affects you (like crash player) but if it doesn’t concern you stay out of it I say. I see people all the time macroing or warping around. I could be a dick and horde all of it for myself, but I don’t cause I know karma is a bitch. It will come back around. Maybe not in game but being spiteful will get you eventually.

Now could something that is posted here get banned? YES. But does everything that gets posted here get banned? NO. If peeps want to get the most out of something b4 they release it I hold no ill will toward them. I have personally withheld info (a NPC that would recharge items) so im no better. I say exploit on. They cant fix everything. And there will be plenty of exploits in the future. Just hope you can find out about the ride b4 they fix it.

But I say post what you cause 1st place for your post is usually better than the exploit you are gonna hide. Even if it gets nerfed to hell I still vote for that person for posting
someoneorsomething said:
95% of the stuff that gets banned is because it makes it's way to the SOE boards. Some fucktard that has a big mouth and goes and has to make himself look like a hero messes it up for all of us. Apparently they love to spend endless years building up their character. Or they get pissed cause they spent so long to build up a character and they get jealous or spiteful.

Actually, they are fully justified in getting bent out of shape. The vast majority of people who MMORPG do it as much for the competition as for the "social" aspect.

All the exploits and hacks give an unfair advantage, trying to trivialize that is simply wrong and serves no purpose except to lessn the guilt of those who participate.

Don't get me wrong, I MQ and wouldn't bother playing everquest without it. I would most likely have participated in the AA bug if I had known about it. The thing I won't do is ignore the fact my actions have diminished things for the honest player who loves the competition EQ can provide.

It would be great if there was a method to acknowledge the hard earned accomplishments of those who advanced through dedication and investment.

I have a lot more respect for the guy who has maxxed his toon by good old fashion grinding and questing as opposed to a toon who got maxxed with the AA bug or AFK macros etc...
EQManiac said:
Actually, they are fully justified in getting bent out of shape. The vast majority of people who MMORPG do it as much for the competition as for the "social" aspect.

All the exploits and hacks give an unfair advantage, trying to trivialize that is simply wrong and serves no purpose except to lessn the guilt of those who participate.

Don't get me wrong, I MQ and wouldn't bother playing everquest without it. I would most likely have participated in the AA bug if I had known about it. The thing I won't do is ignore the fact my actions have diminished things for the honest player who loves the competition EQ can provide.

It would be great if there was a method to acknowledge the hard earned accomplishments of those who advanced through dedication and investment.

I have a lot more respect for the guy who has maxxed his toon by good old fashion grinding and questing as opposed to a toon who got maxxed with the AA bug or AFK macros etc...

There are different types of respect.

For grinding all the AA's and tradeskilling and questing and raiding to further a toon, I have respect for their dedication. It doesn't exactly take a lot of skill to do that, though, just time.

For writing a script that automates a full group without making them look mechanical, I have respect for their brains in figuring out how to do that.

For figuring out what game mechanics are likely to be broken, and trying a bunch of different things to find the bugs, I give respect for their ingenuity and dedication.

For the actual exploiting? Nothing. Anyone can do that, once they have the information.

I give a LOT of respect to raid leaders who can get people to fucking listen to instructions and not go afk during fights that require changing tactics.
Gondola said:
There are different types of respect.

Agreed, all the accomplishments are notable and none of them should be diminished in a perfect world.

=Gondala]I give a LOT of respect to raid leaders who can get people to fucking listen to instructions and not go afk during fights that require changing tactics.

Leadership is a rare trait unfortunately.
I was wondering when you all plan to correct the AAs of the people who exploited this? was it done in todays patch or how soon is 'very shortly'?
Dev was not able to give me the exact day it will start, it could be tomorrow, Friday or it could be early next week.

From Kyth in eqforums.
EQManiac said:
Actually, they are fully justified in getting bent out of shape. The vast majority of people who MMORPG do it as much for the competition as for the "social" aspect.

Quoted for emphasis. That's why this game has draw to it. No-name-nobody can all of the sudden become someone important (at least in their own head) by wasting their entire lives in this game. I know more than a few people who have 3-4 actual years worth of playtime invested in a single character (bazaar bots notwithstanding). Killing Mayong is no more or less invigorating than your first emperor crush zerg was at level 12. What makes this game fun for a lot of people is the fact that they can strut around in their uberness believing in their heads that they're somehow superior. The second you can do in an evening what it took No-name-nobody 3-4 actual played years worth of time to achieve ... they're gonna want to see heads roll. Pull your heads out of the sand. Of course people are gonna raise a stink when they find out about it. You're basically making them realize the obvious ... that their years' worth of time investments are worthless.

Not saying I agree with the mentality, but you're blind if you don't see that the mentality is a huge theme in all of these MMORPGs. It's Uber-nerd versus all the lesser nerds. It's an addictive god complex they can achieve in fantasy land (since they'll never see it IRL).

So little in this game has to do with skill. I wish people would realize that. The only important qualities you need to succeed in EQ is time (and maybe patience here and there). EQ is one of the least complicated games out there when you get down to it. If you negate the 'time invested' aspect of the game, suddenly everyone is equal ... and frankly that's not why people sign up to play this game hehe.
I just realized something...

... the devs are doing the targetted rollbacks by individual days...

... I wonder what this means to the people who were exploiting this before it became a big well-known bug? Does that mean that the people who exploited it first are going to fly under the radar?

Without being extremely privy to how they're going to do it, I would put money down that the folks who exploited it earlier on or who exploited it spread over a relatively long period of time (rather than maxxing aa's in a few hours) will slip through the cracks.
KeithClancy said:
So little in this game has to do with skill.

True and false :)

If all we do is follow the cookie cutter method then the game is simplicity but time consuming.

On the other hand, there is a group of poeple who spend a lot of time "putting the puzzle together". All these strategies and quest walk thru's had to be worked out by someone in advance. Unfortunately the lack of dynamic content limits the ability of these people to shine.

Then a massive amount of talent gets dumped into the "optomization" aspect, either by coding it (in our case) or by manual repetition. Either case takes a lot of skill and patience to identify and hammer out the "best" method.

Everyone deserves the respect due them, even that 15yr old who hasn't seen the light of day in 5 years :)
Imo , 95% of nerfed stuff is GM's spying hack sites and 5% people hating exploiter, if you think SoE which earns alot of money cant get in a paysite of what $5 , $25, think again, because they are all over and we don't know which name they are using and who are they, we just know they are around.
Sum1 said:
I just realized something...

... the devs are doing the targetted rollbacks by individual days...

... I wonder what this means to the people who were exploiting this before it became a big well-known bug? Does that mean that the people who exploited it first are going to fly under the radar?

Without being extremely privy to how they're going to do it, I would put money down that the folks who exploited it earlier on or who exploited it spread over a relatively long period of time (rather than maxxing aa's in a few hours) will slip through the cracks.

If this is true, you won't get all your points rolled back at once. You may get some today, a few more tomorrow... Just depends on how long it will take Sony to sift through the logs. Though frankly, if the information is there, they could create a query for their databases that would be done in just a few hours.

More than likely, they already have their list, they are just trying to decide what to do about it.
If SOE was smart they would run the hack sites. Alot of money to be made in it for sure. Run the plat too. This way they could control every aspect of the game. But this is just the business part of me talking

And most of the stuff that gets alot of attention does show up on the SOE boards. It just seems that when there is an uproar on those boards is when they step up and do something about it. There is so much stuff in here that they could ban but don’t fix. Maybe its just me, but I think they put exploits in on purpose to keep some around. /shrug but I don’t know that for fact.
If I were SoE I'd join the site and become so ingrained into the community that people praise the sod I trod on!

I'm not a GM Dev I promise.
I am sure there are tons of things Sony knows about and do nothing in order to bring in more revenue. For example.... when MM's were brought into existance, we all remember the BB mission. That mission was solo'able in less than 14min. without killing a single mob. Just hide/sneak, open chests, done. This was NOT running mq2 also btw. There were macro's made ya, but there was really no need for it. We had groups running around the clock with 1 person running for 4 hours at a time then switch off. There is NO way in hell Sony did not know this was possible.
Things like that get left in on purpose because of how much more money it brings in for them when people start stacking more accounts, more expansions, etc. etc. It has always been Sony's method to leave all the worthy fun stuff in for a few weeks after an expansion release jus to rip it all back out in patches. By then it's too late. You've already bought your game cards for new accounts, registered that CC for your new accounts, etc. etc.

Sony always will do these things to compensate for the amount of people they know who get sick to frickin death of their stupidity and leave EQ. And of course to get the costs back from making the expansion to begin with.
If SoE would be smart, they would make a Server where hacks like warping and such would be legal, and not get people banned. - Lots of people would come back to EQ cause they dont have to spend 45mins running somewhere to "get started" or still wait for others to make it there with them.
I happen to know for a fact no rollbacks are going to happen!!!

Since I could not take advantage of it everyone else will be safe, it is the story of my life...hehe
So far 2 of 5 accounts suspended for doing the AA thing. My Main which I only did like 50 a day on, and an old account that I maxxed out from 500 aa's to like 1400 on 2 characters. Nothing on the 3 others, which are all maxxed aa's for their levels.

BTW, received NO EMAIL at all for these 2 accounts that got suspended. Nothing whatsoever. So probably so kind of sweep that auto suspended them?

Kinda glad I quit EQ about two weeks ago, though I would've liked to have sold these, but now gonna have to wait a few more weeks :P
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Punishments from AA bug

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