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News - NoS t3 raids unlocked today (1 Viewer)


Active member
Nov 28, 2020
Good luck to big and small guilds today with the newly unlocked tier. Its quite enjoyable with a race of the titans, and also new content to enjoy for all of us.

Is there a website where we can see server ranking still ?
1678019491254.pngWow, its more like the battle of the CPU, who loads faster P
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That is crazy only 35 sec between #1 and #2 but all were really close all within ~15mins for top 10. Grats to all that got the wins.
I look at the chart, and while I have been out of the raiding game for many years, it would appear that the content is too easy perhaps? 20-minute differences with 2 guilds on the same server? At least WoW raids posed a challenge.
The Issue if you could call it that is that the top guilds get to farm beta and learn the raids before they are launched....

I don't get why you should be in a hurry tbh., now it is 11 months of farming /yawn
I look at the chart, and while I have been out of the raiding game for many years, it would appear that the content is too easy perhaps? 20-minute differences with 2 guilds on the same server? At least WoW raids posed a challenge.

On the whole, I'd say NoS raids are easier then the last several expansions, although the last time raids posed any meaningful challenge was TBL. The real issue is, all of these guilds know the raids inside and out before they're released, since they're available for testing in Beta and the Dev posts write ups on the whole event. There's no "who can figure it out faster" factor anymore. Much of it boils down to who can deal with the massive lag and zoning times better, so there's some luck involved. I've personally never understood why guilds still bother with gamewide firsts anymore, but clearly some still care. Given the above, it's all pretty meaningless in my book.
On the whole, I'd say NoS raids are easier then the last several expansions, although the last time raids posed any meaningful challenge was TBL. The real issue is, all of these guilds know the raids inside and out before they're released, since they're available for testing in Beta and the Dev posts write ups on the whole event. There's no "who can figure it out faster" factor anymore. Much of it boils down to who can deal with the massive lag and zoning times better, so there's some luck involved. I've personally never understood why guilds still bother with gamewide firsts anymore, but clearly some still care. Given the above, it's all pretty meaningless in my book.
It's the only thing left to be competitive about. There is no longer any sense of actual progression over time. You don't need to work at doing tier 1 raids to gear up or flag for tier 2 and then work tier 2 over weeks and months to get ready to have a shot at winning tier 3. All raids can be done in last years gear with no other prerequisites like flagging. You farm this years gear in preparation for next year's race day. The race is all that's left.
News - NoS t3 raids unlocked today

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