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New Years Hell. (1 Viewer)


New member
May 18, 2005
I have a little story for all of you. Some of you may know better than others, but this is directed at the general public.

On New Years, at about Midnight, I made some bad fucking decisions. I am 17 years old. I went to a party, thinking it would be a fun time. It was, then we got kicked out, I'm not going to go into too many details on that, but, myself, and 5 of my friends, got kicked out of a house by the parents.

I knew I was drunk so I decided not to drive, but my friend, seemed alright, obviously my judgment was impaired. He offered to drive me to his grandmother's house, where he said, we would be fine. I agreed, then called up my girlfriend.

Being the fucking idiot that I am, I convinced her to come out with us and go hang out, at this point, it was 3 am, our curfew for driving, well, people who have their licenses, our curfew is 12:30am to 5am... We cannot drive between those hours. My friend, didn't even have his license.

We proceeded to pick up my girlfriend, and hung out, then when it was time to drive her home, my friend continued to drive, he seemed alright to me. We were on our way to her house, and I was in the backseat with my girlfriend, you know... and well, suddenly my friend shouted, "Fuck, we're getting pulled over"... I thought he was kidding, then I turned around and saw the blue lights flashing... We were fucked.

He slowed down, pulled over, then jumped to the passengers seat, I noticed the car was rolling, so I jumped into the Driver's seat and slammed it in park. There I was, in the drivers seat, smashed, and the cop was walking up. I rolled down the window and he said, "How ya doin' tonight, License and registration please"- I handed it over, and by this time I was shaking, for lack of a better expression, I was shitting bricks. My friend was scared, and my girlfriend was scared.

The officer came back and asked why my friend jumped to the passenger seat. He then spoke up and said he didn't, claiming he wasn't driving. Great, now, if I was driving, that means, I was drunk. The cop asked me to step out of my car and follow him to his cruiser. He then asked me what happened, I told him that I wasn't driving, I was drunk, and I let my friend drive, because he wasn't drunk, but he didn't have a license.

I'm not a snitch, and I knew that was the right thing to do, cops see through the bullshit. Point it, I got sent back to my car, and my friend was made to do the FSTs, he passed and got cuffed anyway. My girlfriend and I got put in the back of a cruiser, not arrested. The cop explained that my friend got locked up because he lied.

We got back to the station and the cops called our parents. My parents walked into the station at about 3:30am, petrified. My girlfriend's mother ignored my apology and didn't even look at me.

I got home, and got grounded, house arrest, for one month,
I also cannot drive for two months according to my parents.
The officer lost my license in his cruiser, and bent my key, god knows how.

The point is, all of this could have been avoided if I had just called my parents. I know there are a lot of older people on these boards agreeing with my statement. The point is, I was a fucking idiot. I didn't have any judgment, due to alcohol.

My friend got locked up, he won't be able to get his license till he is 18, shows how the repercussions can snowball so fast.

Some of you may not listen to your parents, but listen to me, don't ever get into a car, behind the wheel, or with one of your friends behind the wheel if they have been at the same party. It's a poor decision, and my friend, and I will pay dearly for this mistake, him, more than me.

Simply put, so much shit went down so fast, and to be honest, I'm fucking depressed.

Apart from that,

Happy New Year Redguides, stay safe this year, and all years to come.
Erol, I feel for you and your friend, but another way to look at it with a more serious ending:

Erol, his GF and Friend were cruising around after a party, It was New Years Eve after all. Erol was drunk, convinced his girl to come with him, his friend drove the car... all proceeded well, however, the cops ended up pulling them over, friend panicked big time and proceeded to put "pedal-to-the-metal' and proceeded to speed off at 90mph, police give chase, friend loses control.. crashed vehicle... police then required to ID bodies and inform all families that they have lost a love one.

God, I'm a depressing write sometimes, but for one thing Erol, the above didn't happen... so what if you get grounded for a bit? Your friend cant get license until 18? Who cares.. you are all still alive with a future, you will be out again soon enough, your girlfriends parents are pissed at you atm.. imagine how much more pissed and upset they would be if something did happen? Your friend will get his license soon enough.

So... dont be depressed, it could have gone down much worse.. you could be the sole survivor of the above scenario crash... now, that would be worth getting depressed over!!

Apart from my little sermon, HAPPY NEW YEAR, go out and enjoy life! But most important of all, be safe, love fully, and be happy :)
I blow off my 3TH nipple =(

Well lick rockets will do that...

Happy new year guys.. Now lets all remember to lick cats this year

EDIT: Didnt read you post but WTFH tell that "friend" to come clean... Hope you are ok mate...

- decker the catlicker
Let's just be thankful that nobody was hurt. I think that you will learn from this which is a good thing at an early age.

Sorry that it happened to you but thanks for sharing.
New Years Hell.

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