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New EQ launcher Snoops on Processes (1 Viewer)


old and salty
Sep 28, 2005
Oh joy New EQ launcher Snoops on Processes

New MQ2 patch to prevent this.

03 February 2012 by dkaa
- Kill launchpad if we are injected. Launchpad is snooping into all processes.
So don't download the new patcher or are they making it required? I haven't downloaded the new one and I am not having any issues just skipping the patch for now. we should patch eq when required then close and start MQ then restart eq with no patch? I never patch unless absolutely required to log in anyway, I hate running it.
How were you able to find that out? Because, seriously, that is not cool in any way shape or form. Installing a game should not be a free license to see what processes that client is running.
How were you able to find that out? Because, seriously, that is not cool in any way shape or form. Installing a game should not be a free license to see what processes that client is running.

Disagreement, I think that you are in direct violation of using third party software which violates the End User License Agreement and by all means they should be able to detect third party software. If you're running something that you don't want them to see, then I would suggest removing it. It's been a long time coming, and I can't believe Sony waited this long to do something. When you have as large of a community using MQ2, and finally you're going to crack down on it with a dying game, then that is their mistake. In my honest opinion, this should have been done back during NoDelay. I feel, as a person who used and would still use third party programs to play EverQuest, that they have all rights to prevent the destruction that has been caused to the game over the years. I just think now they're beating a dead horse with a stick, but that's at their discretion.
I'm sure Sony has looked into the legal side, and maybe they don't actually look at your processes that your computer running, but the processes that are affiliated with EverQuest. I think there is a statute of limitations on what is private on your computer when you have a software that is sole ownership of Sony Online Entertainment, and by accepting the EULA you are only renting the game from Sony. I'm not a hundred percent on the legality issues with this, but I think they have the upper hand. They do have good lawyers.
no...they did this a years ago and got shot down...I am sure all they did was twist what they are doing and I am sure with in a few months they will get shut down for scanning your PC....snooping on a PC no matter what breaks a number of laws I am sure of it...and u dont RENT the game you have paid for it...you rent for the right to use it on there server....the game is yours....
Hey all, I'm a bit dense and I realize it. This is beginning to really PISS me off. I work my ass off and come to EQ to relax. If I didn't have MQ to do a little xp'ing I could not keep up with the few friends I have online and would then be a solo player and would leave the game. Its the only way I can even remotely keep up with the guys that play 8 hours a day.

Since Sony had some serious difficulty a few years ago for snooping I am surprised they would try this again. I take it that process snooping means that it is reporting to Sony any other programs being run on a machine. Do we know specifically what processes are being reported? Is it just a list like the Task Manager list? If it is just the Task Manager type list, would changing the name of the .exe disquise it? Now, does this mean that my running MQ for the past 2 days after new LaunchPad mean that I'm screwed?

So, now we have to close MQ every time we crash. If we are boxing then we have to close MQ on the non-crashed account (which usually crashes it). Then start up the crashed account and restart MQ. PITA.

They really are getting close to losing my money. The EMU servers are looking so much better.
So, now we have to close MQ every time we crash. If we are boxing then we have to close MQ on the non-crashed account (which usually crashes it). Then start up the crashed account and restart MQ. PITA.

You only NEED to use the new launchpad when patches are required for download. You can make a shortcut to launch eq that bypasses the patcher. I'm sure there are examples here on how to do that, but if not you'd just edit a shortcut that has this line:

"C:\Sony\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" patchme

That's exactly how it should look (unless of course you saved the game somewhere other than the default). You'll have to right click your EQ shortcut, click properties, and edit that in most likely.
How were you able to find that out? Because, seriously, that is not cool in any way shape or form. Installing a game should not be a free license to see what processes that client is running.

It was posted at macroquest2.com. I just reported the info from the new source code.
no...they did this a years ago and got shot down...I am sure all they did was twist what they are doing and I am sure with in a few months they will get shut down for scanning your PC....snooping on a PC no matter what breaks a number of laws I am sure of it...and u dont RENT the game you have paid for it...you rent for the right to use it on there server....the game is yours....

Section 7
"...grant to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use the Software solely in connection with playing the Game..."

Section 8
"We and our suppliers shall retain all rights, title and interest, including, without limitation, ownership of all intellectual property rights relating to or residing in the CD-ROM"

Oh hey, the CD-ROM is yours, but the information on it is still Sony's.

Section 11
"You hereby grant to us a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicenseable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise all intellectual property rights, in any media now known or not currently known, associated with your Content."

Section 12
"Furthermore, if you request any technical support, you consent to our remote accessing and review of the computer you load the Software onto for purposes of support and debugging."

Just read into that, and look at the loopholes they have left for themselves to scan your programs, where does it say "we can remote access your computer only up to 90 days after you seek tech support" -- The sad part of this is that it allows them to have free reign and if you read up the other sections, they're almost completely covered by privacy rights. Over the years they have made sure that they will not be held responsible.
He doesn't work for Sony. He is an ass. We can give him credit for finding the launcher snooping.

Whatever you two have gotten into in the past is up to you guys. All the interactions I've had with him or seen him have on forums have been relatively pleasant. And yes, we can give him credit if that's where the credit is due.

As for the EULA stuff, just because Sony slips it into their EULA and you click the "accept" button does not make it a legally binding contract, particularly if what you are hitting "accept" to is illegal in the first place. If sony put in a line that said "And we reserve the right to take over your house or place of residence at our will" you clicking "accept" a thousand times to get into their game doesn't mean they can come and take over your house.
Class Action lawsuit....

Welp, when the Class Action Lawsuit hits, I'll be signing up. Fk them and their snooping. I want reparations for years spent on their game and being violated in this way. I hope the FCC or someone shuts them the fk down forever. I'll still play and use the old patcher as long as I can. Also the patchme shortcut has saved me hundreds of hours since I started using it. I hate patching if I don't absolutely have to.

I have both set up anyway, a patchme shortcut for regular eq and wineq which skips the patcher anyway unless you set it to patch.
I dont think they will fix patchme..its a thing soe added in to help ppl get past the patcher when the patcher does not work....
i have went threw all of my process's that are active with only Launchpad no isboxer or wineq2 going with MQ up , There i must say is no process that i see tied into the launchpad period , not sure what he is refering to , everything i see on my process screen is basic operation utilit'es and EQ and MQ thats all i even searched into the background process's that arent seen nothing , please inform me of the name of this file that is snooping and how often the file pops up ? please ?
Disagreement, I think that you are in direct violation of using third party software which violates the End User License Agreement and by all means they should be able to detect third party software. If you're running something that you don't want them to see, then I would suggest removing it. It's been a long time coming, and I can't believe Sony waited this long to do something. When you have as large of a community using MQ2, and finally you're going to crack down on it with a dying game, then that is their mistake. In my honest opinion, this should have been done back during NoDelay. I feel, as a person who used and would still use third party programs to play EverQuest, that they have all rights to prevent the destruction that has been caused to the game over the years. I just think now they're beating a dead horse with a stick, but that's at their discretion.

Sooooo wrong. Anything they can detect needs to be through incoming packet data on one of their servers. They most certainly DO NOT have free reign to do whatever they want on YOUR COMPUTER. I don't give a shit how you want to look at it.

Its like when the cable installer comes in your home to install the cable, and says he is going to snoop around your entire house looking for an illegal cable splitter... I guess you would find no problem with them doing that, after all in your words, they are protecting their cable, right?

100% invasion of privacy.

Edited by Maskoi: Lets keep it civil please
Last edited by a moderator:
well i dont use the launchpad i never have , i live by wineq2 so i have not found this or these process's in my system , i believe if they are gonna that far into basicly hacking into our system to see what were doing EQ is going to be gone VERY fast ,

The new process I found when I first tried to patch one day after re-installing was AwesomiumProcess.exe which is hidden inside EQ\Launchpad.libs folder.
I couldn't figure it out because I'd never seen it before but it only pops up when I start the patcher. Also there's an exe called lp_plugin.exe in the station\launchpad folder. The LP one may be older or not even important but I definetly never noticed it before like this awesomium one. Thanks again to sony for being dicks.
Awesomium is an in-game, third party, browser. It looks like it might be the Station Coin browser. Their website does not mention any other purpose and there are no reports of it being spyware. LP-plugin has been reported on the boards since at least 2006 and is a system configuration reporter for Sony. I don't believe it has previously been implicated in sending process information, only information like processor, graphics card, memory and operating system.
Awesomium was just added and has nothing to do with the store...it has never run on my PC and I can run all of EQ just fine..
Awesomium is the windowless browser for the launchpad. The launchpad stays open after starting EQ but it can be closed without effect on EQ. I've closed it by endprocessing Awesomium and by clicking it closed when EQ was minimized.
Call it what you will, but Blizzard has used their Warden program to snoop running processes for years now and no lawsuit has ever been successful in shutting it down. If you play a Sony game, they will be snooping from now on, and trust me, there's nothing you can do about it. Except not playing their games that is. From what I've heard, a lot of their other launchers have been doing this for a good long while.
New EQ launcher Snoops on Processes

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