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MQ2Melee question (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 15, 2005
I am familiar with using MQ2Melee, or so I thought.
lately when i try to change some melee comands in game though I am unable too. It has to be something simple but i cant figure out what it is.

While in game, I type /melee list and my melee commands dont show up as a list anymore. I cant get to my options. Only thing that happens is"[MQ2] domelee list" shows up as text

so i tried some melee commands too: /melee aggro on etc , but it keeps just stating the "[MQ2] domelee" stuff. How can i get back into the plugin to change commands while in game without changing ini ?

I tried /plugin MQ2Melee unload and loaded it again but that didnt work. I am perplexed. Any help is much appreciated.
Sounds like you're running a bot macro that's doing an alias for /melee.
Open your macroquest.ini and see if you have /melee in the aliases section. If so, then whatever bot macro you're running is likely making it so that you can swap some variable or other using /melee as a command trigger. If you find that to be the case, you will have to figure out whether you want the macro to keep that functionality, or if you really need to have it from the plugin more. You could always edit the ini file manually.
MQ2Melee question

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