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Bug - Money not returning on current test build (2/14/2024) (1 Viewer)

Dec 27, 2022
Following the recent update to the test build on 2/14/2024, I can't get the amount of money to return as anything but 0. I then switched back to Live and confirmed that money returns correctly. This is using:

  • ${Me.Cash}
  • ${Me.Platinum}
  • ${Me.Gold}
  • ${Me.CashBank}
  • etc...
Posting here as I'm not sure where bug reports are submitted.
Following the recent update to the test build on 2/14/2024, I can't get the amount of money to return as anything but 0. I then switched back to Live and confirmed that money returns correctly. This is using:

  • ${Me.Cash}
  • ${Me.Platinum}
  • ${Me.Gold}
  • ${Me.CashBank}
  • etc...
Posting here as I'm not sure where bug reports are submitted.
https://github.com/macroquest/macroquest/issues is where you'd log an issue if you were so inclined - brainiac did confirm your issue so that's good
Bug - Money not returning on current test build (2/14/2024)

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