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Problem - Maiden's Eye Zoning issue. (1 Viewer)

Dec 12, 2020
I didn't want to ask in game for obvious reasons but, is anyone else having trouble logging or zoning an already active character into Maiden's Eye (TOL Version)?
I was working some AA's in the Shei mission, and when I was done, I dropped the task and waited to be kicked back to Maiden's Eye as usual. This time, all 6 chars got hung up and I eventually closed them out via Task Manager.
Now, when I try to log any of those characters in, I get the "you already have a character logged in...blah blah" and when I choose to kick them, I get stuck in an endless loop where I attempt to enter game only to be kicked back to char select and start the process over.
I then logged in a character from the same account and tried to enter Maiden's eye via Umbral and ended up in the same situation.
I tried logging in clean (No MQ or RG running) and I experienced the same thing. Even tried a full PC restart and no go.
It's been a couple of hours now so, if it's an EQ thing, how do I let them know without potentially exposing the business here?
I have run a file check on my installs and everything checks out OK.
Any ideas?
From the login screen - before you enter into game you can select Origin

If you are using Autologin - press the END key before getting to character select.
Tried the "Return Home" from char select and it does the same thing. Hangs awhile, says Server Not responding, then disconnects back to server select.
I tried this with no RG/MQ running.

Edit- I seem to be able to use Return Home" on some chars. Maybe it's an issue that's clearing itself.
Thanks for the help.
This happened to me once awhile ago. I took the auto login feature off as well before using the return home button. I also logged into another server first as well , then logged off before I had issue resolved
Sometimes running the file integrity check on the daybreak launcher will find and fix a corrupt file.

I restart my PC, fire up dbg launcher (before mq), do the check, kill dbg launcher, fire upq and business as usual
This happened to me once awhile ago. I took the auto login feature off as well before using the return home button. I also logged into another server first as well , then logged off before I had issue resolved
Sometimes running the file integrity check on the daybreak launcher will find and fix a corrupt file.

I restart my PC, fire up dbg launcher (before mq), do the check, kill dbg launcher, fire upq and business as usual
The issue ended up resolving itself and I was able to log the characters that were "stuck" directly into Maiden's Eye with no issues. I did run the integrity check and while it didn't give me any notifications, it may have done like you said, Sic.
Everything is a-ok now so, I guess this one is solved.

Thanks again for the suggestions everyone.
Problem - Maiden's Eye Zoning issue.

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