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Request - mac to open bags (and/or bank bags) nicely (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 6, 2015
Been searching for a macro and can't find one that works well...I basically want a macro that will open all my bags in an organized fashion...so they line up in a grid or w/e, without opening on top of each other like they do by default.
I found some interface thing that kinda does this, but has dire warnings about items being destroyed b/c it doesn't understand bag sizes.
I found one macro that opens bank bags, but i couldn't "interact" with those bags (i couldn't move stuff around an what-not).

I play on multiple different computers with different resolutions and window sizes, I'd love to just bind a key to "/mac openbags" or whatever and have all my bags pop up and can see my crap without having to move the fucking bag windows around, gets really annoying sometimes.

Not exactly sure what your asking for, but if you take the time to arrange them (would need to do each profile on each comp individually), EQ already has an alt or shift type command that will open all you bags at once (not sure of exact command set offhand, and live was still down last I checked.
Yeah, Shift+B opens all the bags. But when you make a new toon, or change window size, or change bag sizes, etc...the bags end up over-lapping to where you can't see whats in them.
I'm OCD and want the bags lined up evenly on my screen, every time, no matter the size of the EQ window...I want to be able to see what's in them all without overlapping bag windows, or bag windows on top of each other.

I want it so that my bags look like this everytime (not perfectly arranged, was hastily done, but you get the idea)

Not like this (which is what happens on new toons or after re-sizing my EQ window)
The only way to make this happen is to make set up a screen with all the windows, bags, pop-up's, etc where you want them. Take the UI_Character.ini File in the root folder of your everquest client, and copy it. I make a UI files called UI_Melee, UI_Hybrid, and UI_Caster. Then when I log in a new character of whatever type, I copy the UI from the appropriate file. (Through the EQ general options copy UI)

Alternatively you could copy your preferred layout and delete the UI_Default.ini, putting your custom layout in it's place. Then all new characters use that layout.

In order to keep all the windows in the same position relative to each other, you need to use a program like ISBoxer, which can shrink the client window and make everything shrink or grow in proportion to the screen size. This will keep things how you want. (I don't know what other programs can accomplish this off hand, as EQ has no UI % option that i know of, sorry.)

The other alternative for layout with different resolutions, is when you make your master UI file, Set the screen to the common resolutions you will use and fix the layout how you want. Then copy the master file, and it will contain the UI layout for all the resolutions you need.

Good luck.
Thanks for your reply - appreciate it!
My problem with doing INI files is that I 6-box on multiple different computers, depending where I'm physically sitting (I travel for work sometimes). So on the laptop I need my EQ windows small...on my desktop with multiple monitors, i can use big EQ windows. Sometimes i just play my "main" (very big window) and maybe 2-box...etc,
I understand what you're saying, but let me ask this (I've never written a macro before):
Within a macro, can you open inventory bags?
Can you set this open'ed bags location on the screen?
Is there a way to tell what size bag it is?
Assuming you can do those, one could potentially write a macro to do all this?
The thing you can't do is resize the bags. 12 slot could be 3x4 or 2x6, etc.

Arrange the bags the way you like. Camp out and its saved.

You only have to do it once per toon.
The thing you can't do is resize the bags. 12 slot could be 3x4 or 2x6, etc.

Arrange the bags the way you like. Camp out and its saved.

You only have to do it once per toon.

Actually you only have to do it once.

What i did/do :

Setup your complete UI how you like and camp out.
Copy/rename the ui_charname_servername.ini to ui_default.ini (thats just for better visibility and not really needed).

on an new toon press alt-o, copy layout, select ui_default.ini and press copy

thats pretty much all.
Thank you all for the replies!
Maskoi - I don't need to resize the bag windows, just move the bag windows so they're neatly arranged..is that possible?
Way back probably 8 years ago I picked up a macro here that does this...Unfortunately I don't have any of my old stuff (just recently returned).
Thanks for your reply - appreciate it!
My problem with doing INI files is that I 6-box on multiple different computers, depending where I'm physically sitting (I travel for work sometimes). So on the laptop I need my EQ windows small...on my desktop with multiple monitors, i can use big EQ windows. Sometimes i just play my "main" (very big window) and maybe 2-box...etc,

I too use multiple computers and a laptop, and I use a Google Drive account to sync / share my UI_Character.ini files, as well as my Macro's and macro ini files. That way no matter where I am (I travel for work) I can access any of my character files to play quickly. I can also tweak macro files while on the road when I don't have time to actually play. Dropbox or any other online file share would also work.

To your question of the macro, I do remember a macro long ago that would layout bags with matching height side by side.. but it was part of an unsafe MQ2 compile with various hacking aspects, and is not something that would be supported by RedGuides. If that particular plugin worked independently, it might be ok.. but that was more than a decade ago, and I don't remember what the plugin/mac was.
I too use multiple computers and a laptop, and I use a Google Drive account to sync / share my UI_Character.ini files, as well as my Macro's and macro ini files. That way no matter where I am (I travel for work) I can access any of my character files to play quickly. I can also tweak macro files while on the road when I don't have time to actually play. Dropbox or any other online file share would also work.

To your question of the macro, I do remember a macro long ago that would layout bags with matching height side by side.. but it was part of an unsafe MQ2 compile with various hacking aspects, and is not something that would be supported by RedGuides. If that particular plugin worked independently, it might be ok.. but that was more than a decade ago, and I don't remember what the plugin/mac was.

I take this one step further as I play on 3 different PCs in different locations. I just keep my entire EQ folder in my Dropbox. Its on every device easy access with all my setting there.
just a tip I use is to make open bags and open bank bags BOTH on the same hotkey, so when I am at the bank I hit SHIFT B and all bags open.... and then I set SHIFT B to close all as well.. been using that for 15 years
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Request - mac to open bags (and/or bank bags) nicely

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