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lvling and plat (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 1, 2005
ok guys n gurls, i havent been playing EQ for very long i have a 37 lvl barbarian warrior, i cant seem to lvl n i cant seem to get any loot, good loot anyways, ive tried some of the things on this site , but u have to use that macro thing most of the time and i ony got 1 credit card so i cant risk getting kicked off, so i dont use it, so is thier anyway to power lvl, my char with no current plat, or guild help, i was in a guild but it colapsed on itself n b4 i knew it i was no longer in a guild lol thats happened 3 times already, i have been stuck on 37th lvl for almost 3 months, i try to kill more powerful things than me but , just cant seem to last agianst them, i either fight 1 monster n have to rest for a long time or i fight alot of smaller light blue creatures, which give me next to nothing, i try to stick with yellow's or dark blues, i even try red's when i got enough buffs on me, so any help u people can give me would be greatly appreciated
Mrsin<stromm server>
37lvl Barbarian Warrior
Extremly hard as you are a warrior. My advise at your level would use the Exploit in Sol B... **Hover of lava and Spiders can get to you** , but for the most part you will need someone to powerlevel you... expecially as a warrior.
Questions go in the questions and requests forum....I don't mean to mean...but thats just who I am , so...I'll say what everyone is thinking for them

1. Learn to spell
2. I doubt you own a CC
3. How have you been playing for 3 months and are only level 37? I could get level 37 by accident.
4. You probably shouldn't be power levelled through any content, so you learn wtf you're doing.
5. Much like number 4, you probably shouldn't try exploiting anything, before you learn how to play EQ
1. Dxdn't kmpw spsllhng wrs a recwiremrnt
2. Why would you doubt this? Even saying that shows your ignorance about humans.
3. Getting level 37 in 3 months when eq first started was GODLY...I admit it's much easier now, but getting to 37 still isn't that easy if you're not twinked and this is your first time playing. 3 months really sounds like he's doing good.
4. I agree
5. I agree

To MrSin, don't powerlevel unless you have friends you're looking to catch up with that can show you the ropes. Being a high level warrior isn't easy. Take your time, explore the world, and learn the mechanics of the game better than everyone else. Do that stuff for a while and powerlevelling will come as second nature.
the best bet tbh mrsin is to make a bard and look at the stats here, if u dont wanna use macros u can do MOST of them manualy its impos near enough to get grps when ur below 70 anywanys and its stll hard to get grps then
Evenlessspam...thanks for the neg cent...but Come on man, whats wrong with promoting good grammer and spelling? It makes posts easier to read, and makes people sound more intelligent . If I wanted to read gibberish or 1337 5p34k I'd goto a 12 year old chat room...
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Actually, I was the nice person who gave you the negative cent ;)

Yes, good grammar and spelling is all very well, but not all have english as their native tongue, or have had english classes in school. And there's also the people suffering from dyslexia. Don't bash people based on grammar or spelling, it's what people that don't have anything better to say resorts to ;)
This is not the place to promote english grammar and/or spelling ;)
This is an international cheats forum :)
Now if you had left it at directing the person to the questions and requests, it would have, if not fit in with the nature of the boards, at least have given directions :) By bashing on grammar and/or flaming you're just asking for a flame ;)

Good thing I don't worry much about Red Cents Mochilla ;) Giving Negative Red Cents because you get Negative Red Cents is very large of you :) First you crouch down and do spell/grammar bashing, then you grovel all the way down to petty vengeance (assuming that it is in fact you who have given me the negative red cent my previous post) ;)
Since you have no wish to use any macros why don't you post what server you are on? Don't post toon names tho. Maybe you will get lucky and someone will send you a pm and group with you a little to help you out (not pl). You can also go to www.allakhazam.com. This site has lots of info on zone levels and mob strats. Usually there will be nothing in there that requires any exploits or macros, just good strats...

If this helps maybe you could give me my first red cent...do you want to be my first hehe
lol guys n gals, if i wanted a english lession i would of asked for 1 since i asked for help with the game some of your comments im just gonna ignore, u dont like the way i type dont read my post's, next i've gone to ala site, it has good info, but not enough, lol and this was my 1st post so if i knew were to post question n reguests at i would have done so, i just loaded up redguides it said new post so i clicked it, didnt know it was a big deal were u put the posts, sooo sorry milord everybody else thanx for your help
If you don't want to use Macroquest and macros to help level your toon then the best way for you to gain experience if you're having trouble finding a group is to use Monster Missions. Just advertise in your general chat channel that you're LFG for a Monster Mission with no lockout. You should get an invite shortly.
Mrsin i know this sux, but at your level it is super hard to get a group. All the lower level toons are doing mms just because they cant get a group. Then you get your character to 60 using mms and he has no skills. /sigh It really makes it hard to lvl in eq nowadays. And even harder to find a 70 that plays there character well. I do have a lower lvl toon that i play when i dont want to think and just have fun....so if you are on luclin id be happy to group with ya
Mrsin, while I can appreciate the fact that getting a MM group may be the fastest/easiest way to level, the fact is you wont have any of your skills (i.e. dogge, riposite, dual wield, double attack, 1hs, 2hs, etc. etc.) up to the level you need them to be to hunt in the upper level zones. In short, you will get your ass handed to you on a silver platter with a side of fries and a milk shake. I really can sympathize with you, but my advise would be to either a) find a healer of roughly the same level and go duo in gunthak, or dulak;or b) get a couple of higher level friends to shroud down and come hunt with you. Either way at least you can get some skills and learn the game. Monster Mission lead to stupidity, stupidity leads to death, death leads to the Dark side of the force
First off, to all who like to critique posts, please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors I might make here as I just worked a 12hour night shift, lol. Now, Mrsin, I have a few ideas, tips, strats, etc. I'd like to throw your way.

1. bite the bullet and do what you have been doing, or try something new.

2. be nice, don't beg, and generally try your best to make in-game friends as able to group with or sponge advice.

3. corrupt your friends / co-workers! tell them about this really fun game, invite them over to look at it. Let them play your character, or let them mess around with one of your emty slots until they become addicted and have to have their own account. before you know it you'll have a ready made group of new players to group and learn with.

4. make a new character on several different servers, hang out awhile in PoK put LFG on, and just watch the idle chit chat. Get an idea of whether another server might better suit your needs as a new player. Each server seems to have a slightly differert "player atmosphere" and "attitude" if you will.

5. Don't look at how long you spend at a certian level and let it discourage you. Play the game to have fun and relax, not to stress about how fast you progress or to try to impress others.

6. Search the internet, there are tons of sites with all kinds of varied information on strats, guides, etc. to help you become more acquainted with the game.

7. This is probably a bit advanced for a beginner, but many of us "box" or "hydra" more than one account, ie: a healer/buffer and a melee class so we are less dependant on a group. Doing so requires 2 or more accounts, and either the ability to window back and forth, or a second computer, as well as more concentration on what you are doing. (my girlfriend and I run up to 6 accounts at once so we have our own ready-made group)

Now, a few other points I'd like to make, and this is 100% strictly my own opinion: you choose a good class to learn the game mechanics ( autoattack, kick and bash, taunt some), not one to easily learn how to play very well at high levels (again, just my opinion), and certianly not one to solo easily, if at all... Also, really good warrior gear is not super easily obtainable, nor does it come cheaply. Use your warrior to learn the world, how the game works, and just have some fun. Try a few other classes to see if one seems to suit you better ( try the test server, /testbuff command poofs you instantly to level 25 with gear and spells). I think that my last suggestion has to be: don't become easily frustrated or discouraged, all of us had to start out as a noob at one time, don't be afraid to change or delete characters to try something new, but most of all...Have fun.

Hope I have said something that may help you out. Goodluck to you, and perhaps someday we will group or raid in game together!
MrSin, I wanted to add my bit as I've had similar experience. If you can afford it get a second account and grow a healer for your warrior. You seem to have tried to group, get in guilds. Take the pressure off and learn to box, it's pretty easy even without Eqplaynice and WinEq from Lavishsoft. I started with a druid and took as long as you to get it going and I agree with darkeros that lvl 37 in 3 months is great for most new to eq. Keep on truckin.
My 2 cents here. Having been playing this game since Beta 2, nothing scares me more than grouping with someone that was power leveled on their first toon. If you power level and twink your first toon, you get no idea of the game dynamics, how to use your classes abilities and basicly how to win EQ.

The suggestion was made to make a bard and use the PLed bard to PL your warrior. There's nothing worse than a clueless bard. Unless maybe it's a clueless tank.

My best suggestion to you would be to research a guild on your server that has characters in your level and is doing a mixture of progression and socializing. Get to know some people and develop a 'core group' that works together and goes out and levels and quests to build their toons. That way you learn the game and develop your character at the same time.

I can't help but wonder though. if you don't want to use any macros or hacks, why are you here? That's what this site is. That's what we do. You'll get some help when asking about leveling tips and such, but 99% of them will require some third barty software that could get you banned.
RedDog said:
My 2 cents here. Having been playing this game since Beta 2, nothing scares me more than grouping with someone that was power leveled on their first toon. If you power level and twink your first toon, you get no idea of the game dynamics, how to use your classes abilities and basicly how to win EQ.

The suggestion was made to make a bard and use the PLed bard to PL your warrior. There's nothing worse than a clueless bard. Unless maybe it's a clueless tank.

My best suggestion to you would be to research a guild on your server that has characters in your level and is doing a mixture of progression and socializing. Get to know some people and develop a 'core group' that works together and goes out and levels and quests to build their toons. That way you learn the game and develop your character at the same time.

I can't help but wonder though. if you don't want to use any macros or hacks, why are you here? That's what this site is. That's what we do. You'll get some help when asking about leveling tips and such, but 99% of them will require some third barty software that could get you banned.

My 3 cents here.. having also played since way back when. Although I would tend to agree with the essence of your post, Everquest has a changed a lot since back then.

For the overall good of my pickup groups, I would prefer people play and learn their classes early on. But truthfully, for the good of the original poster I would say you are better off as a twinked/pl'd level 70 who knows nothing about your class than being a level 37 learning your class.

The game is NOT as hard as many make it out to be. You will piss some folks off in your first few groups if it takes you awhile to learn to play, but in the long run if they don't ever want to play with you again you are probably better off without them. ;)

A warrior does a few things (attack, incite/taunt, and attack some more) good warriors do a few more things (offtank, maybe shield the random person). There are certain situations that you may be relied upon to do other things, but usually in a group with a good chanter you don't want to be running around aggro'ing the adds anyway like we used to do in the old the old days.

So, short story made long, although I went through months of levelling several characters (one of not too many two-boxers in '99) I don't think you should necessarily put yourself through that.

Once again.. just my 3 cents.
Crypto is right about this. In today's EQ there is no reason to do it the way it was done in 99. First of all, you can't. The way xp is distributed is different with hotzones and zones with known higher xp per mob, the removal of most hell levels, etc., etc.

Secondly, you can learn a lot about your class by spending some time on your class's boards and asking questions in game. There is a ton of information available for every class and reading everything you can online will allow you to play your class better than if you just try to "go it alone".

Thirdly, it is hardly an exaggeration to say that no one is playing toons below 60 these days (70 might be closer to the truth of it). So finding groups goes from being an impossibility to just being a PITA :)

Last, but not least: Let non constructive feedback roll off ya, but keep an open mind and you can pick up a lot of great tips from other players. When I rolled a sk a couple of years ago, I did lots of research on the sk forums and was a decent tank even though I had pl'd myself. I still learned a lot from my guildies and now I can pull, tank, offtank, whatever I'm needed to do with few problems.

If anything, I f up more on my main (mage) because I often forget that the only part of FD we get is the D ;)
lvling and plat

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