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Lusting over the unknown (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 13, 2007
A guy used this as his signature on the MQ2 forums.

F*** writing MQ2 macros. Go with IS scripts; IS Rules!

WTF is "IS"? Just curious.

I also found a quote from Sony, this was amusing to read.

We are in a bind here because if we want the game to be rubber-band lag free with respect to player movement, then the player is going to continue to be able to do these kinds of exploits as long as the game mechanics allow for it to happen. This is because cheaters will use macros to move to exact positions at exact times and take advantage of this. Would I like to stop macro users? Absolutely, and we've spent literally hundreds of man-hours fixing exploits and have banned many, many accounts this past year alone. It's very important to us that the game is played fairly. Can we stop everything? No, and that's just a fact. But we do as much as we can and will continue to invest developer time making game systems more secure, less prone to abuse, and more robust in terms of identifying various ways people are cheating. When the client is on someone's physical machine, we simply have to accept that people can and do have the ability to mess with the memory and generally do whatever they want with it. There is nothing we can do to prevent that. Even if we could scan and find cheater tools on a player's machine, it would just become a game of cat and mouse as hackers hid the tools from us in ways we wouldn't possibly be able to identify. It would be a pointless exercise. The solution here is to move as much as we can that matters onto the servers where the server is the authority for what happens, and provide as little information to the client as is neccessary to play the game so that snooping at memory is as useful as looking at your screen (This isn't news for anyone who is familiar with computer security issues). The server is already the authority for almost everything that matters in EverQuest except for movement, because moving movement authority to the server would require the introduction of an intolerable amount of lag & latency (there are a few other things too, to be clear, such as NPC info that is used for tracking). Some games have tried server-authority movement in the past and have almost universally changed to use the same client-side authority for movement because it's just not worth ruining everyone's experience just so that a few hackers can't warp around. There is still room for improvement though, and just this past week I was in a meeting discussing our options so it isn't something that is being ignored.

Confirm or deny any of this? I assumed that most of the quote is reasonable to think, but then again, they could be throwing those off who are cheating, just so they can catch them. I would agree that the whole "cat & mouse" thing sounds exciting.
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Re: Question of curiousity?


Created by Lax, one of the developers of Macroquest.

Oh and, use the correct forums for questions /kicks thread to Questions / Requests forum.
Let me put it this way:

If SOE has left monk bug alone for as long as they have (which is years, now), and allowed people to gear like crazy (did I mention my CoA geared bard done with a raid of two? Guess what the other class was...), they would seem to have the following policy: Don't fuck with nonhackers, and they don't fuck with you. Oh, and don't do stupid shit like zone or warp or speedhack in zones like PoK or the lobby.
If you look in the Redquest forums you will see plugins marked with an *

These are active hacks meaning they actually do something outside of what you see and could be dettected, everything else is dependent on how you use it.

If you sit in the same place doing the same thing for 3 days you will be noticed.

I have to admit, I find a guilty pleasure in training the auto-foragers with one undead and Veltar in Dreadlands, it takes 10 or so minutes to get him over there but doing /say RUN RUN VELTAR IS COMING!!!!! and then watch Veltar kill them is too funny.

/petition I was AFK foraging in Dreadlands and was trained.
Would I like to stop macro users? Absolutely, and we've spent literally hundreds of man-hours fixing exploits

WOW!! I'm impressed! Out of the thousands and thousands of man-hours that they have spent to get and keep the game going, they have actually spent hunderds to try and fix exploits. How high on the todo list is fixing exploits? Seems to me, thankfully, not very high.
Ccomp5950 said:
I have to admit, I find a guilty pleasure in training the auto-foragers with one undead and Veltar in Dreadlands, it takes 10 or so minutes to get him over there but doing /say RUN RUN VELTAR IS COMING!!!!! and then watch Veltar kill them is too funny.
There are 2 ways to foil your evil (however immature) schemes:
1. "/setgrav 0" followed by a "/zwarp 2000". Granted this is a bit obvious and will easily get you banned when GM comes by ;)
2. Just stand on top of the big spires.
EvenLessSpam said:
There are 2 ways to foil your evil (however immature) schemes:

2. Just stand on top of the big spires.

LOL thats you up there ELS ... lmao

BTW what is foraged in dreadlands that is so good as to put 10 ro 12 toons up there AFK all the time?
raw i don't know, but the few times I've gone to do furious jailor with monk, alway lots of ppl foraging, they started showing up around the time of the taskmac in its early glory, so i at first figured they were gm's watching afker's
EvenLessSpam said:
There are 2 ways to foil your evil (however immature) schemes:
1. "/setgrav 0" followed by a "/zwarp 2000". Granted this is a bit obvious and will easily get you banned when GM comes by ;)
2. Just stand on top of the big spires.
Bah, being immature every once in a while never hurt anyone...well besides Veltar's fists and those unlucky AFK'ers.

I've noticed they all stand up on the wall a bit, spires would be the way to go though would be a PITA to get mobs up there but I would assume doable.

MQ2Map, you can run, but you can't hide!

To be honest though, I've only done it once, after I saw the same person there for 3 days straight. I've never once said I'm not a jerk ;)
The funny thing is they are there so long that the fill thier bags and drop what is left over..... you could set up a mac to stand in front of them looting what they drop based upon an .ini to loot thier drops if you dont have a forager.... ya you also can gank them and randomly do scared crap out of one he happened to be emptying his bags and saw me gank him..... we were both busted so lmao and told him have fun...
I do afk (that is activity smart enough to perform with keyboard macro or mapper programs combined with hotkeys, with this method if you know what you're doing, mq2 not needed) krap in eq1, swg, and used to do it in eqoa, everytime i've been caught by a gm, all they do is send me a email or in game mail, slap on the hand, "don't do this again" "this is a warning" "you will be banned if you keep this up" "you could be trained and we won't do anything to help you" "your account privileges will be revoked" blah blah blah

by now you would think they're sick of me. after 4 or 5 years, you would think all the gm's know me by name or something. and i've never been banned, ever.

gm1: so you what you think he's gonna try today?
gm2: don't know, have see where's at today.
gm1: you ever gonna ban this guy?
gm2: nah, i'll just harass him and freak him out, then he'll go cry to his guild and freak them out. fear is your friend, he'll spread it like the plague.
gm1: does that ever work?
gm2: ofcourse it does, these noob players run their mouths like trains through kc. LOL
gm1: you know we should login in our accounts cause some havok, it'll keep the guides busy, LOL
gm2: already did, 50 petitions in the que. 8P

Ccomp5950 said:
To be honest though, I've only done it once, after I saw the same person there for 3 days straight. I've never once said I'm not a jerk ;)

Monkey see, monkey do. LOL

Atleast let me get to know you first, before deciding who is really the jerk, you either like me or you don't, hopefully liked. I try to be a nice guy, but can be quite eccentric sometimes.

Eccentric = Deviating from the norm; behaving unexpectedly or differently.

"He has become really eccentric over the years."
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Ccomp5950 said:
If you sit in the same place doing the same thing for 3 days you will be noticed.

I've done actions without using mq2 for 3 days, using keyboard mappers and never been reported, gm's showed up and walked by, didn't say a word, seems they only care if you do it in zones high traffic and I got more warnings when I was playing eqoa, the gm's in eq haven't done anything to me yet, not even a warning.

EvenLessSpam said:
There are 2 ways to foil your evil (however immature) schemes:
1. "/setgrav 0" followed by a "/zwarp 2000". Granted this is a bit obvious and will easily get you banned when GM comes by ;)
2. Just stand on top of the big spires.

ahem. what /plugin allows me to setgrav? that would be fun for empty zones or just for laughs, cause i'm a bard and don't think anyone would notice anyways, if i apear to be singing a similar song. :D
anon 456 said:
WOW!! I'm impressed! Out of the thousands and thousands of man-hours that they have spent to get and keep the game going, they have actually spent hunderds to try and fix exploits. How high on the todo list is fixing exploits? Seems to me, thankfully, not very high.

hmm. this is just proof that thier company priorities is all screwed up. they should concentrate on how to keep their current play base happy and stop waisting their time banning people who are gonna come back even worse than they were before.

90% of the people who rub me the wrong way in game are people who actively train people, kill steal, every rotten thing you can think of, and what do gm's do them? nothing, they ignore it and let guides sort it out, meanwhile banning the mq2 users.
Lusting over the unknown

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