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IRL - Loyalty token suspension (1 Viewer)

Aug 12, 2018
Heads up.

So loyalty tokens were zipped to zero with the recent downtime.

After they fixed it some players had unlimited tokens and purchased items from the loyalty vendors. They took the loyalty vendors down and suspended players who had purchased anything using those unlimited tokens.

Not saying that is right or wrong but it sure was fast.
Was wondering why a GM was hanging out at the vendors.

PS. I actually opened the loyalty vendor to check that tokens was also listed as 0, good thing I did not try and buy something (account not suspended)
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suspensions on something like that always bother me a little bit. the players knew the system was broke if they could just buy everything, they shouldnt take advantage of it. but its a mistake on on the game devs. easy enough to roll back or just remove the items and give the players a warning.
Some players go buy something distiller/whatever without ever checking if they have points, relying in the vendor to do the accounting. Then you have the other lot that know its broken and intentionally misuse it. FV is going to be flooded with perfected distillers on the bazaar, people are not stupid they knew account were going to be suspended and probably parceled/traded/dropped items to various other accounts. Tracking where everything went is near impossible.
From some posts I saw, they suspended everyone who bought anything from the loyalty vendor during that window. Even someone who didn't have unlimited tokens and just bought one item. Not even knowing there was a bug somewhere. That is just wrong.
Well, everyone knows the token limit or there abouts so if one sees many hundreds more and goes spends it then yes, they are taking advantage of an exploit.

After all no one else can make an exploit like this but the game so it is the games fault. But its the players fault for taking advantage of it.

But for the few who were just trying to buy one thing then they should not have suspended them

I am sure after they run the reports of mass purchases then they will reinstate those who were only buying one or two things.

Best to petition and explain that keeping in mind they can see all the loyalty purchases and token awards. So the cap is 5760 and if you had 8000 and they are all gone then you might not win.
So someone posted on the other forums how it worked for him - this is his post, not mine and I am not related nor want to be 😀

clearing the air, atm I have an account that is suspended.

Loyalist NPC. If you balance was above cost of item, you were able to buy it. You got the yelllow text showing the cost, and item being paid for. The exploit was simple math watching you npc window not removing the coin used, thus you buy buy buy buy.

Accounts were suspend reguardless of the balance, 1k or 5k, if used for few things. For me I had the balance of coin I used. I understood at the time, it was a bug. Assumed a roll back or bill was inc, but suspending people for using the loyalist coin they had, make wonder if understand what what happened.

Glyphs are Glyphs, I would of thought maybe unattuned items, or perfect aug things, bag plat? I dont know.

These are all suspended account, I assume many are first timers, so few days and acount is back up.

A simple roll back would the correct action imho. Like vender diving and finding deal is a suspend account lol. Yet so auto bots contine to do banning things.

In the big picture not a big deal at all. Questionable leadership indeed. Npc was removed, why come out and explain the action taken, what the duration is, and be progressive to your paying player base. That is all most ask for, expect, maybe 2 of us demend.

Have a great day, enjoy other products, and maybe just maybe the outdoors.
Few years ago, there was a similar situation where after a patch, live servers had test server vendors that sold tradeskill stuff. People got suspended and rolled back for buying the stuff from those vendors while they were up on live.
Well I went to the vendor to buy a secondary anchor package, glad they took them down already because I won't aware of an issue and I could have got trapped in this bullshit. I searched forums for the npc name got nothing. Came here and got the news/info. Thanks. I guess I should have scrolled the forums but search is quicker most days.
do i need ot relog to get my tokens back or is it all still down? i never even looked til just now and theyre at 0. it is ridiculous though that they punished anyone that didnt do ridiculous spending (whereas those that did obviously knew they were exploiting) if someone had 500tokens and spent 560 because eq screwed up they shoudlnt be suspended lol, if someone had 5000 tokens and spent 4 on a bite of food...they sure as fuck shouldnt get suspended, but if someone with 300tokens bought 10 unattuners and/or distillers.... they knew better. but only the obviously excessive exploitation shoudl have a suspension and NOT one that stays on record(unless previous record of exploits) and should be like 48hrs not a week, because it was the game's fault and they STILL havent fixed it apparently. the coders should get suspended not players who innocently bought something without knowing the bug. so who didnt get suspended? the very first person to REPORT it as a bug? or did they too get suspended? kinda fucking hilarious daybreak
Are they providing anything as compensation to people they suspended for no reason at all?

I don't think so. I got only a standard blabla mail:

Game Master (Daybreak Games)

Apr 23, 2021, 12:56 PM PDT


I'd like to let you know that your account is no longer suspended as this was a temporary, precautionary measure we were taking while investigating an issue in EverQuest.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you in the meantime and we thank you for your patience and understanding.

Ban Appeal Team
IRL - Loyalty token suspension

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