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Less than two hours from nerf, FUCKING INSANE AA's (2 Viewers)

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2005
Make a level 1 character, take it to Thurgadin, put a bunch of Small Pieces of Velium on it, group it with your main character, turn on 100% AA, open all bags and then run this macro over and over again until you have an orgasm and/or shit yourself.

2-8 AA's per macro run

Rich (BB code):
Sub Main 
/if (!${FindItemCount[=Small Piece of Velium]}) /endmacro

/delay 4
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /goto :cursorclear

/target npc Normon
/warp target
/delay 4
/say I will do a favor

/target npc Hakon
/warp target
/delay 5
/click left target
/delay 3s ${Window[GiveWnd].Open}
/delay 5
/ctrlkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Small Piece of Velium].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/delay 5
/click left target
/notify GiveWnd GVW_MyItemSlot1 leftmouseup
/delay 5
/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup

/target npc Normon
/warp target
/delay 7
/itemnotify ${FindItem[Normon].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/delay 4
/click left target
/delay 3s ${Window[GiveWnd].Open}
/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup

took advantage of this last night and got myself over 400 AAs with a group of mates

Unfortunately i fell asleep with 30 stored AAs *Doh* but DAMN this was shit hot!!
TP = The Fucking Man .. thanks for sharing.. i wont even mention how many toons i had max aa with this..
They must be rolling people back or banning them. Going from 4aa-1240aa in a few hours isnt gona hold. If it does, .......... :)
I highly doubt they will be banning for this, I've figured out over 4 ways of maxing AA's and quickly done it and have told people and none have been banned (accept for the ban fiasco on release of TSS) I doubt they would roll-back either since it's pretty slow when it comes to AFK AA :-P

Ty for sharing this TP, you are the manz0rz.
OMG crying my friggen eyes out .... missed this and got booted from bazaar when I really really need the PP whhaaaaaaaaa lol great post TP
At very least expect a rollback ... more than likely you'll be banned.

You can guarantee they'll be going back and checking logs. Anytime you can do in 1 hour what it takes weeks/months of playtime to do, there will be hell to pay. You can guarantee there will be a massive outcry from the general population once they catch on to what happened (and they will).

I've earned a few thousand aa between several characters the hard way. It would really bother me to know that all those days/months of sacrificed time was for nothing.
I've earned a few thousand aa between several characters the hard way. It would really bother me to know that all those days/months of sacrificed time was for nothing.

cheating is cheating, I don't care if you just use the map or the l33test plugins ever. =) Griefing and cheating however are different.

And there is already a big stink about it on the EQ boards.

This one is my favourite:

How does a flaw/bug/exploit like THIS even ENTER the game?

It sounds like to me that a PROGRAMMER put this in for his/her buddies to power up some AA's and the word got out. I certainly hope SoE is doing more than just repairing the code...an investigatin of how this got into the game is required as well. Just like that plat-duping banker in befallen a couple years back. Find out WHO is doing this and 'retire' them.

If SOE has any brains, they just start rolling some accounts. They can't really ban, because it doesn't require MQ2 to do.

Going to be fun watching what happens from this. :)
ill bet money on it that people will be banned.anything posted on redguides 70 percent of the time someone gets banned I mean lets face it the gms ect do come on these boards. so they dont really need to look for exploits or catch people they can just read here to get info.
jackass said:
ill bet money on it that people will be banned.anything posted on redguides 70 percent of the time someone gets banned I mean lets face it the gms ect do come on these boards. so they dont really need to look for exploits or catch people they can just read here to get info.
there will not be mass bans for this.

sony treats using a third party program to warp around and kill tunat differently than they treat someone doing a quest turnin over and over again.
grog said:
there will not be mass bans for this.

sony treats using a third party program to warp around and kill tunat differently than they treat someone doing a quest turnin over and over again.

i thought this macro had a /warp involved. People doing the quest, no, i'm sure they won't get banned. But the people who had 1000AA overnight. They would have to know that you were doing more than running around the zone
i thought this macro had a /warp involved. People doing the quest, no, i'm sure they won't get banned. But the people who had 1000AA overnight. They would have to know that you were doing more than running around the zone
TP's version did, but warp is hardly necessary for exploiting these turnins, and most people who were doing so didn't warp.
This wasn't a bug with a particular quest; this was a bug with erroneously granting AAXP to group members when a level 1 finishes a quest, and them getting super duper AAXP.

Any newbie quest that can be done at level 1 was fodder for this exploit. I, for example, started out turning in bone chips in Kaladim, but moved on to other cities when too many level 1 dwarfs and high level characters were hanging out in Kaladim. They attracted too much attention, because some people were selling information on that particular quest; not I.

I made the intuitive jump to the actual glitch involved instead of blindly following the other sheep. I found a quest that required a turn in of something that could be vendor purchased for 2 silver, and nobody else was there doing the quest. It may not have been as quick as turning in velium, but I didn't have to farm for components or pay through the nose in the bazaar or borrow someone's necro.
hehe was known for a bit, some held back on telling people cause it was bound to his the SOE boards for them to nerf it within a few hours. I got 8 toons 1200 aa's so i'm happy. None roll back or banned. It was ALL lvl 1 quest basiclly. The most famous was bone chip turn in or crush bone belts.
If you used TPs version ... you can count on a ban after investigation. If you were doing it manually you can at least expect a rollback if not a suspension/ban. Knowingly exploiting a bug is indeed a bannable offense ... it doesnt have to be a MQ issue. I've been banned in the past for exploiting Dolorio Blistbobbie (Rivervale level 73 mob that hit for 2s and 3s and gave massive relative xp back in early luclin).

Rollbacks are not always immediate (unless they rollback everyone on all servers which would be a bigger mistake). You can pretty well bet they're sifting through logs. Like I said ... word has already leaked out to the non-cheater crowd and there are hundreds (soon to be thousands) of pissed off regular eq players. It would be bad business on the part of Sony.

I'm all for exploitation and cheating ... but at the rate aas were possible here, you're kidding yourself if you think it's gonna slide. A few people may fly under the radar or get skipped ... most will get their aas deleted. Wait a few days and you'll see.

Had I known about it I still would not have used it. To many red flags ... to much risk.
do you think that the heat that this is bringing to the eq boards will overshadow or intensify the hunt for other people who were just using a few warps here and there, but not to exploit (intensify an exploit I mean). i had warped a few times in the last 3 days, but I"m compleatly anti warp after reading a few more posts. Just curious if they will use this to look deeper into all thier logs, or if this problem would likely take thier attention away from those logs.
BadPuss said:
Knowingly exploiting a bug is indeed a bannable offense ... it doesnt have to be a MQ issue. I've been banned in the past for exploiting Dolorio Blistbobbie (Rivervale level 73 mob that hit for 2s and 3s and gave massive relative xp back in early luclin)..
sony's banning policies have changed since luclin.

if anyone who didn't warp gets banned for this, I would be very very very surprised.
Anytime anything is exploited like this on a massive scale and the eq general population finds out about it heads will be rolling. Since warping is now one of those easily loggable events (like the shared bank docrack was) it very well might be one of the primary tools they use to catch folk. You shouldn't have been warping in the first place ... risky risky business doing that since TSS's release. I've actually started buying gate potions for the first time in over a year and a half.

Whenever the general population gets up in arms, Sony must offer a sacrifice to the masses to get them happy again (ie ban a chunk of folk).

All in all this would be a very easy thing for them to track. There are normal upper end limits to the amount of xp inflow you can 'naturally' find in eq. Creating filters for logs in this case will be nutso easy. The real question is what will the punishment be. There is no way anyone involved could play dumb about this (hacker or no hacker). We all know an exploit when it punches us in the face ... and it's a known rule that capitalization on said exploits is a big no no. If that many people were really involved ... we may just see individual rollovers. Sony's policy does not prohibit them from using whatever punishment they deem necessary. 400 aa/hour is not a minor offense. It's a massive exploit just like the oldskill tradeskill pp production lines were.

Time will tell.
It would have been nice to know about this before it was about to be nerfed in a couple hours, but aparently it was kept under wraps untill it got posted on the EQ forums by some Montey Python qouting Role playing fuck :rolleyes: ; I could have gone out and bought a copy of EQ titanium and got down on this.

I couldn't get my hands on a low level to do this with on my main,
and I'm kicking myself for selling off my other 3 accounts a week ago.........

Granted this was on MMObugs first, I have to thank TP for bringing it to the guides for those who don't have MMObugs accounts.

Here's Red cent for you TP, you deserve it.
Less than two hours from nerf, FUCKING INSANE AA's
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