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IRL - Just Checking In! 2021 (1 Viewer)

Oct 4, 2005
Hey gang!

How is the game now? It's been a while since I lost logged in both here and in game... in fact, it's still not installed on my new (read 11 months) computer!

I had the bug to play again after watching Dead Pixels on Netflix and EQ is mentioned in the second episode ("I shit in a bucket")... Made me hanker for the good ol' days!

If I was starting fresh now, what would be recommended (apart from boxing)? Is there a "lazy" class that works (I read SK and Monk here)?

Anyway, it'll be nice to hear from some of the old guard if they still frequent the forums!
WB, I'll have to look for that on Netflix, never heard about it. SK is pretty good, its my wife fav. Maybe mage? With all the pets flying out can be cool.
Thanks guys - Have mained a monk back in pre-pok days, SK on my return and Mage was real fun. I like the idea of bard now it's not so RSI inducing... but not sure. Yeah - Dead Pixels is a UK TV show on Channel 4 (get the "All4" app if available in your region - or you know... torrents(!))
So - as mentioned in another thread, I'm coming back to EQ and probably going to box three with (1x Gold, 2x Silver) relevant Mercs.

I've always liked Bard buffs so that's one... but what pairs well with in 2021? And what class and merc for the gold account?
Hey Sic - is that a sphynx on your desktop (tutorial vid)?

We've had two of those - our boy Jynx is awesome! Our old girl Leeloo was a right asshole but she died way too young at 8!
IRL - Just Checking In! 2021

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