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Join Guild Plugin (1 Viewer)

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Feb 28, 2006
I saw the KEQJoinGroup plugin and was wondering if there was any way to make a plugin to join a guild or make yourself an officer or leader? probobly a dumb question but we will see what happens /flameshield on
I saw the KEQJoinGroup plugin and was wondering if there was any way to make a plugin to join a guild or make yourself an officer or leader? probobly a dumb question but we will see what happens /flameshield on

You know, I had a massive big flame written, but since Cade said he's going to nerf this, I'll leave you with this one tidbit:

Go play in a crowded street, you friggin idiot.
thez said:
You know, I had a massive big flame written, but since Cade said he's going to nerf this, I'll leave you with this one tidbit:

Go play in a crowded street, you friggin idiot.

By crowded, I assume you mean full of very fast trucks (with no brakes).
neumuno said:
This would be F**ked up join a highend raiding guild and clear out GB lol. Some folks would be pissed.

And the Guild Leader would request a log from the GM of who stole everything from the guild bank and then a major shit storm would come your way, including the /banstick. Have fun with those mack trucks.

Rich (BB code):
typedef struct _JoinGuild {
	/*0000*/ char Officer[64];
	/*0064*/ char MyName[64];
	/*0128*/ DWORD unknown128; // rank?
	/*0132*/ DWORD GuildID;
} JoinGuildPacket, *PJoinGuildPacket; // 0x88

dunno, seems unpossible so far.
TheZ i have 4 words for u chill the fuck out i asked a question in a calm unknowing manner in the Questions & Requests forum if you would like to flame for asking a question please follow this link here thank you thats all i have to say
lol I do believe some of that is controlled server side, but I have been suprised by some of the crap I have run accross before. I do believe it is highly unlikely that it could be done, but I have been suprised before.

As for the flames it is going to happen with such a request, but I just have to say I do like new ideas and apreciate TSPlayers for the request. Hehe, the code would never be posted... at least not for long if it did make the presses hehe.

If such a plugin did exsist... why not name yourself guild banker overnight and grab say 50k or 100k something small that could be overlooked. If used responsibly you could pocket about couple hundred bucks just by shoping other guilds on that server... Go to the next server rinse and repeat.

OR... If you wanted to be more evil with the plugin you could... Say go buy a copy of EQ Platium... Go and clean out As many guilds while there is low activity... Sell to IGE, IRnewb, Supersale, etc... Do it fast. Then when the Ban stick comes... boom those online companys get hit hard. Hell it would almost be like robin hood giving back to the poor. Unless you tried to pocket the money you were taking from those companys. Then well simply put you would probably get bent over and done proper. Be awesome if some idiot tried it.

Honestly I could think of a million uses for the plugin. Just remember to have an open mind and even with such a destructive plugin you could have some good come from it.
Mochila said:
Everyone who links to Mq2's website for flame references is automatically a moron in my book. You think you're clever but you're not.
From your other posts i dont think theres much to make some1 not a moron in ur book
TSPlayer62 said:
some1 not a moron in ur book
Talking like that makes you a moron in my book. But then I'm an editor.

Anyways, TurkReno has it right. You might get a lot of nice stuff, but I doubt you'd be around very long to enjoy it.
Plenty of things make people non-morons in my book. Its just that non-morons keep their mouths shut unless they have something legit to say. Not a lot of that happens is all.

(Yes I'm sure someone's ready to pounce and say, " but ,but Mochila you don't keep your mouth shut !" Well thats because sometimes people need the truth)
Not that it matters, but this reminded me of a discussion in class a few weeks ago about how people ridiculed Einstein for his theory. A few years after its publication, however, many of the critics hailed him. The relation here is that the original poster is trying to break ground where it is clearly unpopular with some. A little more open mindedness could go a long way in promoting free thinking and ideas, lead to new discoveries, not just of how to make yourself leader in a guild via plugins, but in perhaps yet unthought of plugins too.

On aside, the link to the MQ2 was golden, i got a good laugh at that. Maybe this means I'm in your book of morons too moochila =\

Eh...yeah its a lengthy book....And Charlie..thats not really an accurate comparison. Lets use something more realistic....say Hitler. Sure, his ideas "sounded crazy" and worthy of criticism at first. Then people went along with it and it was the "cool" thing to do. Then all of a sudden its being abused and everyone wishes it wasn't around.

Edit: (Just because last time I checked none of einsteins theories on how the world worked involved robbing other people flat out)
i have actually heard of a working version though it was more like one of abyss creations where it isnt a plugin for mq2 but something independant of it that attaches itself to the process
Touche Mochila. Your post made me laugh a little bit too :p I definitely see your side, however, and must concede the point on the Hitler premise, it would be bad for people to use this stuff to rob and posses the ability to potentially destroy guilds or even EQ on a slippery slope. You're also right that Einstein's theories didn't involves flat out robbery.
Mochila said:
Eh...yeah its a lengthy book....And Charlie..thats not really an accurate comparison. Lets use something more realistic....say Hitler. Sure, his ideas "sounded crazy" and worthy of criticism at first. Then people went along with it and it was the "cool" thing to do. Then all of a sudden its being abused and everyone wishes it wasn't around.

Edit: (Just because last time I checked none of einsteins theories on how the world worked involved robbing other people flat out)

Although Einstein did contribute to the Atomic Bomb being built, which kinda robbed a few people of their (real) lives.
Look, here's the thing.

I draw my moral lines on MQ in the following way: if it doesn't directly screw or fuck with someone else, go for it. I have no problem with warping, automating camps with macros, docracks, or even plugins like JoinGroup. But plugins like CrashTarget or JoinGuild are entirely based around screwing someone else over for your own benefit. I mean...that's really fucked up to want to go into the bank of a guild and steal from them. It's even more fucked up if you want to go into a guild and get rid of its members.

So my problem with you, and with you asking for this plugin, is that merely by wanting it enough to ask for it in a forum as public as this one, you prove yourself to be the kind of morally retarded dumbfuck that deserves to be shot in the street like a rabid dog.

Oh, and that link to the MQ2 forums was cute.
Thez, You do a lot of cool stuff here and have help me personally many times. However this time I think you are missing the big picture. Many things that you and others here have provided CAN be used to screw others. When you use map to find mobs before others find them in a crowded zones (Combine) you are screwing others a little.

But I suppose you will say that since you can't think of a positive way to use the guildinvite plugin only a "morally retarded dumbfuck" would want it. I would love to have access to something that would allow me to become a banker in a guild. Yes, that could be abused (I am certain it would be) but I personally would use it to remove items from the bank in a guild where 75% of the people have not logged on in 6 months (including leader/banker). Many of the items in the bank were put there by me and because the leader left eq I should not lose access to the bank.
I agree with TheZ because I know where he's coming from. I think really the issue here is not be the ability to compose and distribute such a plugin, but rather the fact that such plugins have been requested from a person over and over and those plugins could be used for highly malicious things.

I'm all for screwing over Sony, but when it comes to fellow players its not usually right. I say "usually" because there is the occasional asshat that deserves what's coming to him. There again though, you're talking about screwing over a guild's worth of people and that's still not something that should be asked for or discussed in public without inducing a flamethread. I'm not going to start going into the value of what may be in any one guild bank, however its something that a collective of players came together and put there themselves. In that aspect, you're not screwing Sony anymore, you're screwing the community. That thought alone should be enough to maybe help you realize this is something you shouldn't just ask for on a thread unless you've gone through the proper channels of trying to figure it out for yourself.

As far as doing things the right way without screwing over the community, if you really want your Guild Bank stuff and your guild leader and officers have become inactive, then the correct way of achieving that would be to go and /petition the issue. The only problem that you're going to have is producing the original guild charter that X guild was created with. If that charter does not state that the guild leadership should be passed on to a player after a period of time, then chances are you're out of luck. Then again, it is up to the GM's, so I can see where you'd want to have this...but its just items and not worth the account ban.

I draw no moral lines in MQ. I cheat. Even if it's as tiny as a language mac or auto-forage, I'm working with an advantage that others are not intended to have.

I commend TSPlayer for asking the question, knowing damn well that he was gonna get flamed. I understood his post and don't think it was wrong to pose the question.
He stated where he got the idea, and threw some more questions in the air that are similar to the current state of the plugin and TSPlayer never once made intentions of cleaning out guilds or stealing from them....

I also commed anyone that has a book'o morons. As everyone needs to have one, but that would also make most of us present in someone's book for one thing or another.
Ultimately, "No" is the answer and some people are going to have to deal with it.

If he stated he got the idea there and knew he was going to start a flame, then why not ask directly from where he got the idea if they had something like that on hand. Its been discussed before that people aren't just going to start handing out their "Secret Plugins" for nothing or just because someone has this vision of grandeur on the RG boards.

As far as making a moral descision, you can have honor amongst thieves and you do have a 1up on people because of MQ to begin with but that doesn't give you a license to be an idiot. I know plenty of level 70 characters that know nothing about EQ and use MQ and make threads like this possible. The MQ community in general doesn't need this kind of public bullshit. I really don't think the flame is on TSPlayer for any other reason than asking a similar question like this and not producing any sort of compensation other than his general membership. All in all, I've asked a better worded request before and was ultimatly told the same thing and it helped me realize what I must do in order to figure shit out on my own.

Some of you may say, "Well, hey, I paid to get in here". Ok, that's good. So did I. I think it was best told to me that even though Red Guides is a place for "creative programming", it doesn't ever warrant that plugins, macros, exploits and the like are guaranteed to be here. Once you realize that, you really start to realize that you're riding on the coattails of people like TheZ, Codecaster, ArmySoldier, Cronic, Abyss and a lot of other people who have made awesome contributions from their personal collection and who do really great work. You also need to realize that when you make that statement that its a matter of contributions to the Red Guides community that would earn you the rights to such "controversial" plugins, if they even exist. For that matter, this specific one does not exist nor will the packets allow the manipulation of such to occur at this point in time.

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Of course you realize that everyone you mentioned "coattails of people like TheZ, Codecaster, ArmySoldier, Cronic, Abyss" has released stuff that others thought was bad for the community. That most recent large scale debate was over TheZ's precompiles. And your list of coattails is way to short (Siddin, SoS, Alatyami,REDBOT....)

Is there somebody that has posted macs,plugins,compiles... that have been met with disaproval from some of the other respected people here that is saying that they think stuff should be censored. From what I have seen only one person (if you don't know who...) makes the rules about what will and will not be posted here. That is the way it should be and I think everyone here should be happy that we have a place to share ideas (even the bad ones).

Flames are in my opinion ALWAYS non-productive. I have never flamed (in 20+ years of using the net) anyone on purpose. If someone thought I flamed them, I would just rephrase my position and apoligize for the misunderstanding. Obscenities and personal attacks are not nescessary to get your point across. If someone believes that it really needs to be said then put it in a PM.
But I suppose you will say that since you can't think of a positive way to use the guildinvite plugin only a "morally retarded dumbfuck" would want it. I would love to have access to something that would allow me to become a banker in a guild. Yes, that could be abused (I am certain it would be) but I personally would use it to remove items from the bank in a guild where 75% of the people have not logged on in 6 months (including leader/banker). Many of the items in the bank were put there by me and because the leader left eq I should not lose access to the bank.

I take my statement back. Under that situation...yes, I would see how the plugin could be used.

That said, being made a banker in a guild that you are already a member of is a much different thing from what was being asked.

wondering if there was any way to make a plugin to join a guild or make yourself an officer or leader

I see only two usages for that type of thing. The first is to attempt to ruin the guild, and the second is to steal from a guild.

While making yourself an officer would be nice if you were in a guild and wanted an alt there, but the leadership was inactive....but again, that isn't what was asked.

Also, I never disputed that cheating is cheating. But I personally draw the line at cheating other people.

Many things that you and others here have provided CAN be used to screw others. When you use map to find mobs before others find them in a crowded zones (Combine) you are screwing others a little.

That is very true. But to point out what I meant, you aren't directly targeting people to screw them. Sure you're getting the mob, but you're usually not targeting someone and killing everything near them. When you ask for a plugin that involves choosing a guild, force joining it, and forcing yourself to a position of authority (probably) in order to abuse it...that's different. It's all in the phrasing. I would find a plugin to make yourself an officer amusing and potentially useful in the situations that you've outlined. I would find a plugin to make yourself a banker a little bit over the line, but also potentially handy. But in this case...*shrug*
My situation is very unusual I would guess. The guild I started merged with another guild. My guild got all toons under 60, the other guild got the toons above 60. I am leader in mine and officer in the other. I am not banker but I am sure if I had asked I would be... 20/20 hindsight does me no good now hehe.

It is not worth the chance of someone checking my logs so I would never petition to solve a problem especially not a guild issue where they might start checking every toon in guild...
Join Guild Plugin
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