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Is it True? (1 Viewer)

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New member
Oct 1, 2006
Was Surfing web came across another site that said it has a working /Nd plugin ! Was wondering if anyone know if this is true and if it is ,can we expect the same results as last time. Incoming Ban Stick For Mq User's! Just wanted to hear some other's opinion on the subject and find out some facts hopefully.
I've heard theres been a working ND for 2 years........ have yet to see it.... Don't fall in the trap of throwing your money blindly at someone on hopes and dreams.
Ya i read the 500$ part i dont want nothing to do with it, I was more concerned about the fact that last time Nd came out to public there was a huge Ban hammer on alot of just Mq users. I had my pally suspend around the same time.
Color me stupid, but what is ND? :)
ND=No Delay

Once upon a time many years ago plugins that you allowed to kill mobs from a distance with no aggro called Ghost Killing were able to defeat the weapon delay server checks and ignore them. This was called Ghost Kill No Delay

So a weapon that was a 30 / 20 = damage / delay would become a 30/0 meaning a monk could go into anguish and kill the entire zone in under 3 minutes and then solo the bosses.

This type of plugin caused Sony to recode EQ so No Delay no longer existed and that shut down active hacks for about 6 months in 2007/2008 if I remember correctly.

The Vanilla MQ2 community hates ghost kill in general and ND forget about it. The not so vanilla MQ2 community, us, frowned upon it. The main reason being once it got out it was abused and used stupidly prompting mass bannings and the Sony to reprogram EQ.

Another site claims to have a working Ghost Kill No Delay. I can neither confirm or deny this as it is only available by buying a lifetime membership on that site for $500.

Personally I am skeptical and think ND is now a mythological beast but you have a few people from that other site saying it exists in this thread. So believe it or not....
me personally i wouldnt throw 500 bux at someone with no proof....i wouldnt throw 500 bux at someone for something like that in the first place....i could see 50 bux, but not 500 that is outrageous and with that sites history on saying they have a working this and a working that and never puts anything out i wouldnt even give 50 bux to it!
I've heard theres been a working ND for 2 years........ have yet to see it.... Don't fall in the trap of throwing your money blindly at someone on hopes and dreams.

not to make waves here but VI... i made the plugin, so i can verify it does work and before i ever sold it to ANYONE, i did a live show where people logged into a server with me and i /dueled them and killed them. sure i couldn't kill a level 90 with a level 1 and repos were horrible but that comes with any ND... so... VI i ask you to not say that it doesn't exist and its a hoax if you don't know for a fact that what your saying is a fact.

now for further clarification. its not a TRUE ND... its a bug just like monkbug was... it manipulates the server's timers to get it to reset your skill timers so, its of course not as great as true ND but... eh.. still works for the most part and i can't see any reason why it wouldn't be quite useful in leveling up a few characters.

so at the question at hand. No, ND is not back but there is a plugin that codecompiler is selling that has a no delay of a certain skill. if you wish to call this "nodelay" then that is up to you.
So what kind of idiot would join up with a toon, duel you, and let you video tape it to advertise about the most active hack in the books?

I, frankly, don't believe it. And the fact that someone is saying the only way to figure it out for yourself is to throw $500 at a guy who has a huge reputation for taking money and not giving anything in return isn't exactly encouraging.

Good luck to whoever has the cash to throw at a pipe dream.
So what kind of idiot would join up with a toon, duel you, and let you video tape it to advertise about the most active hack in the books?

I, frankly, don't believe it. And the fact that someone is saying the only way to figure it out for yourself is to throw $500 at a guy who has a huge reputation for taking money and not giving anything in return isn't exactly encouraging.

Good luck to whoever has the cash to throw at a pipe dream.

Well said.
not to make waves here but VI... i made the plugin, so i can verify it does work and before i ever sold it to ANYONE, i did a live show where people logged into a server with me and i /dueled them and killed them. sure i couldn't kill a level 90 with a level 1 and repos were horrible but that comes with any ND... so... VI i ask you to not say that it doesn't exist and its a hoax if you don't know for a fact that what your saying is a fact.

now for further clarification. its not a TRUE ND... its a bug just like monkbug was... it manipulates the server's timers to get it to reset your skill timers so, its of course not as great as true ND but... eh.. still works for the most part and i can't see any reason why it wouldn't be quite useful in leveling up a few characters.

so at the question at hand. No, ND is not back but there is a plugin that codecompiler is selling that has a no delay of a certain skill. if you wish to call this "nodelay" then that is up to you.

Not like i'm going to believe even what you said as you just a few weeks ago came to me saying

but in all honesty... i quit working for him...
well just like all his other developers... i quit on him too... i just quit more settle...
well as far as being one of his devs... thats in the past...

Then the next day i see in chatbox at said ND site about the work your doing there.

Anyway i'm not trying to stir shit up and i'm sure it will just get removed.... I just hate to see people throw there money away. But as we all know the grass is ALWAYs greener on the other side.
Ok so the deal is
the other site
says their plugin RESETS YOUR COMBAT SKILL TIMERS similar to monkbug.

That's pretty much the info I was looking for thanks dencelle.

Closing this thread before it degenerates in something else
Is it True?
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