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Is EQ still fun? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 20, 2007
I have flashbacks of my EQ days (I quit just after Planes of Power came out) and I really miss the game. I know they merged my server with another, and I no longer have my old toons (sold my accounts).

Is the game still fun? Is the game tough for a new character (finding groups etc). Is it too late for me? Has anyone heard anything about the plugs being pulled anytime soon?

I just miss the damn game! It was my first love :)
Well they have gotten where just about any toon can legit solo. Some are able to do it faster than others. You have so much content to go through. They have players of about every level in each hot zone, so it is not that hard to find a group. The guilds seem to have alt characters, so it is still fun. I noticed when they cracked down on the cheating, a lot of people seemed to leave, but I think a lot are slowly coming back.
Yea, its still fun. I've managed to get by with no warp, even though all this running truly sucks. Groups are very rare, I'm not going to sugar coat it. I think that's why a vast amount of players 2/3/4 box. Any class can solo to lvl 60, easy, well maybe not a cleric. Quite a few even beyond, if not all.

I recently came back after a year and a half break, and I'm loving it all over again. Especially with this double experience. I got a toon up to lvl 46 without one bit of cheating in just 2 days(yea, about 2 10 hour days). I'd rather have cheated, I will be honest, but it seems they've stopped my favorite cheats, for the time being.

The only bad thing is I think we are playing a dying game. Just 1.5 years ago over 400 toons were in the bazaar. Now its just 200. Plat is insanely cheap, PoK and the Guild Lobby are empty. Now they are only coming out with expansions once a year. I don't know if that means they've given up, or the recognize the fact that most players don't do the content in 6 mos.

Anyways, give her a go! She's worth 15 bucks to test the waters.
I have been playing EQ for seven years and still love it.
I have used RedGuides for about two years and it has opened up a whole new world for me.
Although I have no idea how to use the macros, I sincerely appreciate the mapping and the HUD ability.

Thank you Sony and thank you RedGuides!
I remember back when getting level 1 to 1khp unbuffed was a great twink. Nowday you can get level 1 to over 5k unbuffed for under 25kpp
I played for many years and truly had a blast. One of the best AND worst things I ever did in EQ was joining a top level raid guild. While I did see content that most players will never see, it really burnt me out of the game. It went from having fun playing a game, to pretty much a job. If I was not raiding, I was working on faction, questing for access, etc. etc. Simply being able to log on and have fun was out the window. I ended up with the 4th highest ranked Druid on my server, but hated to even log in to play him.

I have messed with different games since I quit playing a year ago. I play LOTRO now and then. It's fun, but lacks high end content and player base as of right now. DDO was fun for about 3 weeks then got boring as hell. I never thought I'd get into WoW simply because I thought it was a bit "Disney" like with the graphics so to speak. I've been messing with it now for a few weeks and I am quickly becoming addicted.

EQ is still a great game. One of the all time best. Don't let my words discourage you. Just make sure you do what you want to do in the game. If raiding 6 nights a week for a minimum of 5 hours a night interests you, then go for it. I thought it was for me, but it took all the fun away for me.
imo EQ still going strong, at least on the Euro server im on. Population is fine, people grouping in most zones, with a good 4/5 high end guilds fighting out over top spot at the moment. Its great

Im lucky enough to be in the high end game and see all this fantastic new content

The games certainly not dead, I still play pretty hardcore and will do for a long time
I would say Everquest is still going strong but it saddens me these days to run around in game and see how much of a ghost town it is compared to what it was a few years ago.

If SOE put half of what they earned back into this game then id say it would have a possibility to kick back. Instead they put all the money they earned into the new piece of crap "Vanguard" what a complete waste of money.

Anyways, yeah come back and play while the game is still populated.
If PoK and guild lobby are empty, then switch servers !

Those zones are super packed on the rathe, and its fairly easy to find groups.
Maelin usually have a dozen or so in PoK but most are camping guild lobby because the zone stops timer and the zone is open to all players.
shadowman33 said:
DDO was fun for about 3 weeks then got boring as hell. I never thought I'd get into WoW simply because I thought it was a bit "Disney" like with the graphics so to speak. I've been messing with it now for a few weeks and I am quickly becoming addicted.

Once you hit 70 in WoW, youre going to find that its the same as EQ...youre going to get bored if you dont get into a raiding guild and dedicate all your time to hardcore raiding. Sorry.
I played EQ for 3 years and quit just after PoP was launched, I made it to level 56 I believe before quitting. I raided once a week...usually Lady Vox or some other dragon. Had a blast all 3 years casually playing with buddies.
I don't mind raiding now and then, but what killed me in eq was 6 nights a week. That destroyed the game for me. It just became a job to me. When I hit 70 in WoW, I'll play it a bit. If i get bored, I'll start a new toon or dedicate my game time to pvp or something. We'll see soon enough I guess. lol
Ill tell you what...Finding an updated newbie guide for EQ is almost as hard as finding a 3 legged ballerina.
I mean, all the guides out there are obviously old and outdated as you dont even start out in your racial city anymore.
aamlord said:
Maelin usually have a dozen or so in PoK but most are camping guild lobby because the zone stops timer and the zone is open to all players.

Unless they changed it, zone timer does not stop in guild lobby, only in guild hall where you will be in a instance zone with only your guild members. I might be wrong and they might have changed.

I have been casting buffs alot lately because I have come to a lazy time and don't like to play without warp lol. As for the zones, POK is not very populated much but the guild lobby is very packed with lots of buffing. at least on Bertoxx server.
wolfman6801 said:
Unless they changed it, zone timer does not stop in guild lobby, only in guild hall where you will be in a instance zone with only your guild members. I might be wrong and they might have changed.

I have been casting buffs alot lately because I have come to a lazy time and don't like to play without warp lol. As for the zones, POK is not very populated much but the guild lobby is very packed with lots of buffing. at least on Bertoxx server.

It must have changed then, because buffs do not time out in the lobby.

I would say Everquest is still going strong but it saddens me these days to run around in game and see how much of a ghost town it is compared to what it was a few years ago.

If SOE put half of what they earned back into this game then id say it would have a possibility to kick back. Instead they put all the money they earned into the new piece of crap "Vanguard" what a complete waste of money.

Amen to that! I used to feel that SoE cared about making the content better with expansions, now I feel that they just compile a bunch of submitted suggestions and try to make too many people happy. They need to concentrate on what made EQ so fun from the beginning and try to keep the things that really work, ie: a global world where people interact to work as a team, rather then the 6 man instance that people just use to grind.

I remember how fun it was to zone into places and see people ooc-ing for help or even just argueing, (yes that was sometimes out of hand at times) that added the interest. Whats so fun about farming the same spot for hours on end all alone? I log in and find myself reaching for something to do if I'm not raiding, hard to stay interested with no one just wanting to explore new places.

Bottom line, you can't please everyone who plays but you can keep doing what works. I'd say what works now is like a quick high that ends all too quickly.
Is EQ still fun?

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