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IGE (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 20, 2007
I ordered a very small amount of plat. for a newbie character just to get some basic gear. Such a small amount I didnt think would take more than 3 days to complete. Well it's Day 3 and IGE is still giving me auto responses saying they are expediting my order. 3 days they could farm 10x that much plat.

Does anyone know why IGE doesnt have a live support link anymore? Well they have the link but it goes directly to an email form. And when I do email them, they write me back with an automated response. Just needed to vent, sorry!
Yea I do because IGE sucks bigg big big balls they are the worst Plat company out there. I had the same shit happen to me paid for plat waited waited waited was getting pissed so i emailed them they said sorry your deliviry should be soon. . .i waited waited waited some more still nothing so I wrote them again they wrote me back saying their supply ran out and it would be up to 24 hour wait i was like wtf f u guys i want my money back then. So they write me back saying that me getting a refund isnt the best option right now. . . .Oh I was pissed then how the hell are they going to tell me that me getting a refund isnt the best option? To cut this story short it took me 8 hours of writing them emails back and forth to get my money from them bastards. I had also told them if they didnt have any stock why the hell are u still trying to sell the pp? they replied saying it was a problem with the website it self lol what a bunch of fucking Bull shit. DONT USE IGE OR ANY AFFILIATE They will take your money and you will have nothing to show for it other than wasting your time tring to get your money back
Had the same thing happen to me, got 800k took em 3 days, so the next time I needed plat I decided to get a smaller amount since I'm impaitent lol.. well I got 300k and got lots of cookie cutter, copy / paste replies day after day, of sending them emails, false promise, after false promise on when I would get my 300k pp, which I could have farmed myself in the time frame they made me wait, on the 6th day of there BS promises, and cookie cutter replies I demanded a full refund.. and they did give me a refund, minus the paypal fee..

So I wont ever use IGE.com again, back in their prime I used them and they did decent, but in their current status, your better off looking on playerauctions.com or another plat selling website.
I had the Exact same thing happen to me with IGE... I had to demand a refund after waiting for a day. I took my money down to there competitor mysupersales.com and they delivered on there promise. (They still were slow 2 hours, but they delivered.) IGE definitally worst out there all around. mysupersales.com has slipped from how good they used to be, but still decent.
Platshop is quick and easy.. I usually get my pickups and delivery from them within 15 minutes flat.. Also they're cheaper than IGE and most others.
i ordered 2 mill on there the other day and got it with in 30 min of ordering. After you order theres a button you can click to say your online and ready for pickup. Just a FYI

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