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I have Returned!! (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
Hi guys, I am back again, but for good this time around. I quit last year because I recieved a lifetime ban. Funny, but I was able to get one of my accounts back and am playing him now. What all has changed in the hacking world? I noticed that Jmo is still releasing compiles and ole warp/zone is still around. I am not going to be using active hacks this time around, or at least try not to haha. I am a monk now and have ditched the zerker/shammy. I do have a warrior, but don't play him atm. Plan on making some new macros, but gonna get used to the game again first.
Oh, and if anyone has any ideas of a nice 70 to 75 mob spot way off the beaten path let me know. I am looking for something hidden, and where the mobs will be singles. (Run from mob to mob killing 1 at a time with no pats.)

Old stomping grounds I used to macro in. (Give you an idea of what im looking for.)
-PoValor Tunnell past AD dragon. Noone ever went here, because the dragon was up or they weren't keyed.
-PoNightmare Maze. This was not instanced and you could warp into it. (My Fav spot. 3 of the exact same maze all lined up on the right side of the map ;).)
-PoJustice Cells by Mauvin. (This was risky, but was ok to level up in.)
Mech instances with mercs are fantastic , might want too wait till 80? Depends on gear AA's I guess.

Otherwise pick a Pad with lots of mobs in katta, break it in and park you and mercs on top of it.Dont even really need a pull mac or anything then if your 2 boxing.

Ive even parked in Valdenholm some of the back rooms rarely ever see traffic, spawn rate is slow but seemed to be good for my 70's bard.

And welcome back :)
never been to katta, but i may give it a shot. Also, I was looking through high level areas and wanted to get thoughts on the locked tunnel in PoEarth. Its extremely isolated, and think it would be good for some afk killin.
hehe since I love bumping old dead threads... I've always called em pats. I played on Xev back in the day... before voice chat (crazy!)... and typing out roamers would suck... everyone was like INC PAT!!!

Sides... if EQ was still boasting healthy populations I woulda never left, but for what ever reason the art of the pickup group is dead. Begging guildies to come help is all that remains...

The only question I have is... whats the fun of getting badass gear if you can't show it off to total strangers in pickup groups?
Lol, It's all about perspective. I AM kind of a reclusive player, and a recluse all around, but I love raiding, and enjoy the mechanics of the game. As far as haxxors, theres a couple glitches with the new classic MM's... i.e. hand to hand (current skill), is like, 227/200, so taking off your weapons increases your DPS pretty good. Makes it interesting.

Either way, I am on again off again due to IRL and interest level as a whole waxing and waning. I've played rogues for the most part, and those that compliment rogues for my multi boxing, so I've never had a really good place to go haxxing at. I didn't even ghostkill much back in the day, though i DID use it to fight from behind my current mob... backstabbing was always beneficial in that regard.

Too bad shit happens eh? Anyways, Great to see you're back in the game noob. And the others, siddin, jmo, and other nameables if i wasnt so blasted short on supply of short term memory, I've appreciated the help, even if silently, for a very long time.

Take care.
I have Returned!!

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