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Question - I got Suspened thatwhat it says ned your help (1 Viewer)

Jul 27, 2020
I was in FM with 6 toons but one was only getting PLed. I got called and turned around for a min or two., I guess that is when he sent me a tell on one then other. I answered him then said sorry it was hard. I was going to say type and write some more stuff, but all my toons where kicked from server. When I tried to relog it sad your account is suspended, I hope they dont ban me. I took like 3 to 6 min to answer. Reason am saying 2 to 6 is because for sure it was not more then 6 and no less then 2, What do I do? File a dispute? What do I tell them? I was play a Mq2SK and Mq2BSL. Also had a shaman and Bard in KiSS and another toon just feeding off xp. Pleasse guys if you cang give me some ideas,
if you were not available to respond when a GM asked you to respond - you are considered afk - and afk play is highly frowned upon

you can respond to your CS ticket for more information - but if you were afk when they afk checked on you, you're likely going to have a short term vacation
FM is a frequent flier zone for people AFKing.

its not too crazy to think a CS employee who had a certain amount of tickets per day - would go to the "frequent flier zones" like Sathir's, or FM and do a sweep if/when they're answering other tickets.

there was another user who was in argument in FM today who got a suspension (was likely reported).

CS tickets are a HUGE pain point for dbg - a completely unrelated reason to visit FM might have got you a visit - and since you were unable to respond, then that would reinforce their thinking of people afking in this frequent flier zone.


take advantage of tools available to ensure your attention can be gotten when its needed. and if you are going to be unavailable to respond - pause all your stuff, and logout/go to another part of the zone etc.
FM is a frequent flier zone for people AFKing.

its not too crazy to think a CS employee who had a certain amount of tickets per day - would go to the "frequent flier zones" like Sathir's, or FM and do a sweep if/when they're answering other tickets.

there was another user who was in argument in FM today who got a suspension (was likely reported).

CS tickets are a HUGE pain point for dbg - a completely unrelated reason to visit FM might have got you a visit - and since you were unable to respond, then that would reinforce their thinking of people afking in this frequent flier zone.


take advantage of tools available to ensure your attention can be gotten when its needed. and if you are going to be unavailable to respond - pause all your stuff, and logout/go to another part of the zone etc.

Well said, avoid FM, TOV GD, CC, and EW ... ohh and Sathir's Thomb... they are watching those zones. I've got my /posse radius at 2000...it's literally radar at this point, anyone breaks that treshold I'm greeting them.

Unidentifed Druid please state your intentions...over. Oh...and make sure you have a ranger, druid or bard on your team...kind of hard to explain how you knew they were close without eyeballs or a tracker.
How long were you in FM? Was it only a couple of hours, or have you been there for a long length of time? This is crazy they're checking in so much on people of a sudden.
People are reporting folk, simple as that

Someone I'm guilded with was being vocal about his annoyance of multiple bot groups in FM the other day, hogging named camps, he announced he was reporting them..... shit you not, GM was there in less than 2 minutes

Stop hanging out in popular areas... and if you're going afk, pause and invis
People are reporting folk, simple as that

Someone I'm guilded with was being vocal about his annoyance of multiple bot groups in FM the other day, hogging named camps, he announced he was reporting them..... shit you not, GM was there in less than 2 minutes

Stop hanging out in popular areas... and if you're going afk, pause and invis
I actually think it's a script...if it doesn't get a positive hit in "x to y" minutes...boom ban...ermm suspended.
Once I am in the swing for a session, I likely could miss a say close at the camp when out to pull the next mob. The sound of mq2posse always alarms me sufficient to stop pulling and check, who is approaching. Don't remember the to have received a gm's check ever, but without posse I would not be able to play as relaxed as I do.
I liked mq2say, but any 'say' close by causes disturbing lags. It feels like any 'say' causes all clients to be freezed for a short time until the say is written in the dedicated windows. After some weeks I unloded it, I because of those lags.
Mq2posse does not cause any such lags for me, I can't notice any influence to the fluid playing of the game. The sound it generates is well sufficient to catch my attention.

For my feeling mq2posse is a great tool to prevent unwanted vacations caused by gm's expecting superfast reactions on tells/says.
If mq2say would work as fluid, it would running at anytime as well.
GINA "you have a tell" (always visible tell window) and MQ2say for the win. Never leave group unattended unless you are willing to gamble on suspension. Pause/MQP (Sic hotkey for it) AND invis to take a break. I am as guilty, of not doing this, as anyone until recently, when all the suspensions started happening. My best friend just did a 7 day suspension and swears she never left her group but does not use MQ2say or GINA "you have a tell" so could have missed it. She said she now uses them. I have become paranoid about it. I left EQ to play a different game where I did not need 6 accounts and only went back after my EQ friends told me about Red Guides. This is becoming a stressful way to play but almost my whole guild uses it, hope Daybreak backs off soon because It was a fun game again with mq reducing all the tedious stuff.
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I actually think it's a script...if it doesn't get a positive hit in "x to y" minutes...boom ban...ermm suspended.
I have had multiple, and I do mean multiple encounters with gms...from reports...come to my group and in say say, respond to me on each character, or say again in say, how are you guys. I have had a gm send me a tell, which was "greetings xxxxxx, how are you today" . (This one I responded to in a tell, 5 min later, and they were not online) I panicked and sent a petition addressed to the gm, he actually responded back and said he was checking reports and to carry on. I had also asked why he wasnt online when I replied to his tell and he said he sent me a tell remotely...whatever that means... Another time, as I always always have my map up, I saw a toon at zone in named Swarmofbees... odd name, and like a dumb f I bound sight with him after targeting him on the map and he warped into our camp. Funny, but we carried on a conversation for a minute or to...he obviously knew what I was doing, but left after some light chit chat.
Probably the most interesting of all my encounters was when my GM alarm went off, I had never ever heard that before, I had 3 monitors on and it took me a minute to figure out what the f was going on. I looked on my map and Woebot was sitting on my group and I just went terets in say on my toons as fast as I could. "Oh man Woebot" yada yada. He never said a word. I bonked him with one of my toons. Said hey and what not on a couple others to make it seem it was a full group of real people at the board. Either way, he vanished and all was good. Back in my early time with MQ though I have had a few 7 day suspensions. The first one felt like I had just found out my wife or gf had cheated on me lol!
I have had multiple, and I do mean multiple encounters with gms...from reports...come to my group and in say say, respond to me on each character, or say again in say, how are you guys. I have had a gm send me a tell, which was "greetings xxxxxx, how are you today" . (This one I responded to in a tell, 5 min later, and they were not online) I panicked and sent a petition addressed to the gm, he actually responded back and said he was checking reports and to carry on. I had also asked why he wasnt online when I replied to his tell and he said he sent me a tell remotely...whatever that means... Another time, as I always always have my map up, I saw a toon at zone in named Swarmofbees... odd name, and like a dumb f I bound sight with him after targeting him on the map and he warped into our camp. Funny, but we carried on a conversation for a minute or to...he obviously knew what I was doing, but left after some light chit chat.
Probably the most interesting of all my encounters was when my GM alarm went off, I had never ever heard that before, I had 3 monitors on and it took me a minute to figure out what the f was going on. I looked on my map and Woebot was sitting on my group and I just went terets in say on my toons as fast as I could. "Oh man Woebot" yada yada. He never said a word. I bonked him with one of my toons. Said hey and what not on a couple others to make it seem it was a full group of real people at the board. Either way, he vanished and all was good. Back in my early time with MQ though I have had a few 7 day suspensions. The first one felt like I had just found out my wife or gf had cheated on me lol!

Hmm...you know i have seen that name on my server too. I didn't know it was a gm...so i sent him a tell and said...love the name...lol
What do I do? File a dispute? What do I tell them? I was play a Mq2SK and Mq2BSL. Also had a shaman and Bard in KiSS and another toon just feeding off xp. Pleasse guys if you cang give me some ideas,
I have not read all the posts so this may be a repeat
First they know if your using mq2 and everything else running on your computer. if you tell them you were turned around or on the phone, but they saw your toons preform an action. Then your admitting to doing exactly what they don't want to happen. I would approach it from a different angle. I would tell them it's kind of hard to watch chat and play 6 toons at the same time. Then i would start acting stupid and go off topic. Throw in a complaint about chat window being almost unreadable and unmanageable. Ask if they have a suggestion on how to prevent this from happening. "btw i have limited room on my hud so could you please tell me how to and what chat groups i should make a priority?" Mention the need for a better way to find and us font and ask for suggestions. Ask if there happens to be a filter to clean up the say messages so you can add it to you main chat with out getting spammed. Lastly i would straight up tell them |Hey in stead of me stressing about the dam chat and ruining my game. How about you just come to my camp. Why you may ask? BECAUSE chat won't kill me but adds will! In short i would complain about them not coming ot your camp (if you know they didn't) about the chat window and point out that you can't respond while fighting.
If you haven't already
What you can do is use use beep and flash on tells, the pop up tell window, and even audio alerts when your name appears in chat. I have never used it but there is a tell forwarding and maybe a plugin or option that will repeat chat in eqbc. Before i used mq2 i use to the /afk command to leave a text message. I did that for years. But be careful. If you have that hide afk players option turned on you will only be able to see your group member's will only appear as weapons' or be invisible. Example /afk not watching this chat please send tell to Toonname or pop off some fireworks. /afk playing in split screen please use guild, shout, and ooc chat to get me. I still use /afk can't talk atm "reason" /afk give me a min i'm main healer. If i'm in game on my main 3. I will go to tell hell real quick, so i even lie and use /afk out for a smoke. Most know when i say smoke a mean 30min to a hr. OH use that gm alert thing.
I have had multiple, and I do mean multiple encounters with gms...from reports...come to my group and in say say, respond to me on each character, or say again in say, how are you guys. I have had a gm send me a tell, which was "greetings xxxxxx, how are you today" . (This one I responded to in a tell, 5 min later, and they were not online) I panicked and sent a petition addressed to the gm, he actually responded back and said he was checking reports and to carry on. I had also asked why he wasnt online when I replied to his tell and he said he sent me a tell remotely...whatever that means... Another time, as I always always have my map up, I saw a toon at zone in named Swarmofbees... odd name, and like a dumb f I bound sight with him after targeting him on the map and he warped into our camp. Funny, but we carried on a conversation for a minute or to...he obviously knew what I was doing, but left after some light chit chat.
Probably the most interesting of all my encounters was when my GM alarm went off, I had never ever heard that before, I had 3 monitors on and it took me a minute to figure out what the f was going on. I looked on my map and Woebot was sitting on my group and I just went terets in say on my toons as fast as I could. "Oh man Woebot" yada yada. He never said a word. I bonked him with one of my toons. Said hey and what not on a couple others to make it seem it was a full group of real people at the board. Either way, he vanished and all was good. Back in my early time with MQ though I have had a few 7 day suspensions. The first one felt like I had just found out my wife or gf had cheated on me lol!

I've had a run in with swarmofbees. Just appeared in my camp one time, didn't say anything. I paused pulling and said hi on a couple of toons, he just sat there for 30 secs without a word then disappeared. Was my first run in with (what I assumed) was a GM. Freaked me out a bit.
I have had multiple, and I do mean multiple encounters with gms...from reports...come to my group and in say say, respond to me on each character, or say again in say, how are you guys. I have had a gm send me a tell, which was "greetings xxxxxx, how are you today" . (This one I responded to in a tell, 5 min later, and they were not online) I panicked and sent a petition addressed to the gm, he actually responded back and said he was checking reports and to carry on. I had also asked why he wasnt online when I replied to his tell and he said he sent me a tell remotely...whatever that means... Another time, as I always always have my map up, I saw a toon at zone in named Swarmofbees... odd name, and like a dumb f I bound sight with him after targeting him on the map and he warped into our camp. Funny, but we carried on a conversation for a minute or to...he obviously knew what I was doing, but left after some light chit chat.
Probably the most interesting of all my encounters was when my GM alarm went off, I had never ever heard that before, I had 3 monitors on and it took me a minute to figure out what the f was going on. I looked on my map and Woebot was sitting on my group and I just went terets in say on my toons as fast as I could. "Oh man Woebot" yada yada. He never said a word. I bonked him with one of my toons. Said hey and what not on a couple others to make it seem it was a full group of real people at the board. Either way, he vanished and all was good. Back in my early time with MQ though I have had a few 7 day suspensions. The first one felt like I had just found out my wife or gf had cheated on me lol!
When u had 7 days suspension. They count the day they suspend u? If I was suspended in the 11th then on 18th I should be good to play?
I have had multiple, and I do mean multiple encounters with gms...from reports...come to my group and in say say, respond to me on each character, or say again in say, how are you guys. I have had a gm send me a tell, which was "greetings xxxxxx, how are you today" . (This one I responded to in a tell, 5 min later, and they were not online) I panicked and sent a petition addressed to the gm, he actually responded back and said he was checking reports and to carry on. I had also asked why he wasnt online when I replied to his tell and he said he sent me a tell remotely...whatever that means... Another time, as I always always have my map up, I saw a toon at zone in named Swarmofbees... odd name, and like a dumb f I bound sight with him after targeting him on the map and he warped into our camp. Funny, but we carried on a conversation for a minute or to...he obviously knew what I was doing, but left after some light chit chat.
Probably the most interesting of all my encounters was when my GM alarm went off, I had never ever heard that before, I had 3 monitors on and it took me a minute to figure out what the f was going on. I looked on my map and Woebot was sitting on my group and I just went terets in say on my toons as fast as I could. "Oh man Woebot" yada yada. He never said a word. I bonked him with one of my toons. Said hey and what not on a couple others to make it seem it was a full group of real people at the board. Either way, he vanished and all was good. Back in my early time with MQ though I have had a few 7 day suspensions. The first one felt like I had just found out my wife or gf had cheated on me lol!
hey how do the 7 day suspension work?
Question - I got Suspened thatwhat it says ned your help

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