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I didnt just get the ban stick!! (1 Viewer)

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Feb 22, 2006
Well, I didnt just get the ban stick. They hit me with the entire forrest!!!

I ony cheated with 6 of my 10 accounts. Didnt trade with the other 4 at all, only thing similar was ip address. 2 accounts were bazaar mules that never left the bazaar EVER and were level 1. All in all 10 accounts banned. I called sony CS and they said the accounts that did nothing wrong were banned by association. I am now reading through the EULA to see if there is a caluse in there if you can actually be banned for grouping with someone who is cheating. I dont remember seeing anything like that i nthe EULA.

However, I do know why I was even investigated. A certain bazaar mule of the guild leader of the biggest guild on my server caused this. I am going to teach him a lesson though...read on.

Im going to buy mq2killplayer. I am going to start up a dummy account on dialup with a dummy name, email, and use a game card. I am then going to /kill him and all the officers of his guild many times over. And once that account gets banned, Im gonna make a new one and do the same thing. Until this guy pays me the platinum back I lost on my bazaar mule. That would be the amount of 14 million platinum.

So just a warning to those out there, they are banning and they are banning based on ip, cc, email, ect. If ANY of your accounts are linked, they will be banned if they feel like it. I however am not going to take this lying down. I will be petitioning 4 of the 10 accounts banned as they did nothing wrong, no warp no nothing ever. Not even looted gear from cheating accounts. This is beyond just a banning.
Sort of reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman makes Scott Tennerman eat his own parents during the Chili-Con-Carnaval ! only if you can get RadioHead to visit this guy and call him a pussy.
I dont know why I was investigated. I got no contact from a gm or email, I was taking a nap when it all happened. I just know who caused it, I had items for sale this guy contacted me and proceeded to threaten me. Thats all I can say about him. But he will pay. I plan to make a macro to....

Rich (BB code):
Sub Main
/target guildmember
/if (!{Target.ID}) /end
/delay 4
/goto :loop

I will be making a post o n their guild web page as to why this will be happening and making a "Declaration of War" until I am re-imbursed for my lost pp. Good thing is hes the guild leader, so if I do this often enough, he will pay or his guild will be pissed. Either way I feel this is justified, and I will have closure.

Bottom line, dont fuck with a MQ'er who has nothing better to do, but wreak revenge on the man responsible.

Also this guild leader in question is a known ebayer and has attempted to sell me platinum on multiple occasions on many different toons. He fucked with the wrong MQ'er, I am taking this personally.

Dont worry I got a subscription to WinEQ2 so I will be recording and taking screenshots for anyone to view. It will be posted on my web page when its ready I will provide a link.
In the EULA it does state Sony can terminate your account without reason, so in all reality Sony had the right and they took it down. Legal actions save Sony once again, but there is something you can do....
"Until this guy pays me the platinum back I lost on my bazaar mule."
Why bother using gamecards, etc.? You'll lose your anonymity the first time you make a demand to him in game or on a messageboard - even dialup has some general traceability. Then they'll nab the ip, wave the banstick, you're out a gamecard, rinse&repeat. SOE can be damn feisty when they get a cheetos stuck in their teeth.

Just go for the kills if you can and enjoy that because I doubt you'll get that plat back since they can track that as well.
if you really want to make a statement :p
stand in pok or bazaar on friday then head out for the night
Rich (BB code):
sub main
  /target pc
  /if (${Target.ID}) /kill
  /delay 1s
  /goto :loop
IMO you would be asking for a lot of trouble targeting players in eq.. some people take games very seriously. just think about the possible consequences.
They can ban by IP address. My friend just got nailed this way. The IP address is recorded when you provide a successful station name and password followed by clicking "Login" button. It has nothing to do with entering the world, character select, chat server, or anything of that nature. Find a way to bypass the login server and you're golden.

They were revoked from being able to ban by CC and that still stands. They can't look it up several aspects of the billing to make the connection even if they wanted to.

Never "cross beams" with a dirty account.
Last edited:
Yep it was all IP based and mac address based. Thats what they said when I called. My friend got three accounts banned too just cause I gave him some loot.

Funny thing is I only do shit in instances, I never mess with anyone or talk to anyone really. And I am a very nice person. This jerk just felt the need to mess with me cause hes a knowen plat ebayer and I guess I must have threatened his business. When he sent me a tell he told me he knew what I was doing and do iton another server, not here.
Careful on that revenge mate... Though it can be a fine and often filling dish, it can come back an bite you in the ass.

This all sounds like that saying about "honor among thieves". I don't care if your the guy harvesting plat to resell or the owner of the next online plat store. There is plenty of room for folks doing this...

As for MQ2kill... Uh, what does it do exactly?
Hmm wonder what would be a way to fool login screen into thinking each of your logins comes from different IP...

I guess it could be done through some sort of proxy but where would one find a trusted one...

Anyhow, hope you get your bazaar mules back at least.
I'm sorry for your loss, but here's the deal: you hacked everquest on a big enough scale to draw attention to yourself. You deserved to be banned. Your friends willingly accepted loot that was hacked. They deserved to be banned. Sony was smart enough to ban all your accounts (as they should have). The practice of just banning the offending account is retarded, and that's why for every monk they ban they just saw 2 or 3 pop up in it's place. I'm surprised it took them this long to figure out that if you want to fix a problem you ban the person not the toon. Don't be a tool ... just quit the game. You played russian roulette one too many times and got a bullet in the head. As I said in the other thread, this was a cute and entertaining hack until every tom, dick, and fuck-wad got their hands on it ... and now it's doing nothing but killing the servers. It doesn't even mean anything to have GK'd the loot anymore because everyone else has done it too.

Consider it a blessing ... you're no longer paying $150/month to contribute to a dying game. Go get some sunshine and look for greener pastures. I hear some of the newer games are pretty fun.

The end.
Since I travel around the US don't I get a different ip address each time I move to a new hotel? Again I am a noob. If so maybe I should become an assassin since it might be harder to find me hehe jking.
As to my understanding of MQ2Kill, it allows you to /duel someone and start immediately attacking them, whether they accept the duel or not. All it does is bypass the need for the other player to do /duel and accept the duel. With this being the case, if you are going to exact your revenge on them by using the Kill plugin to kill them, you're going to have to go through the tedious process of leveling a toon up that can actually do something to them in a duel. Waste of time imo, ....
Step 1: Buy a gamecard and get a new account.
Step 2: Take days upon days, or weeks in some cases, to level another toon capable of actually doing something to this person in a duel.
Step 3: They see someone toss them a duel request and start getting beat on without accepting it = report/ban for joo.
Step 4: Take a step back and evaluate how you spent that time and money on that gamecard and account leveling that toon,...And you wanna do this over and over again til you get your plat back? You might get it back by the 18th expansion, ...by all the killing of mobs and merching the stuff off them during the leveling process :D

KenetixEQ said:
MQ2KillPlayer: Kill any player you wish on EverQuest including GM's, works on all servers. Price: $35.00

That's what he was talking about, and yes that's what it does.

Anyway, what the fuck are you trying to accomplish here nijahl? This isn't going to solve anything, if worst comes to worst and you do what you're attempting then that's only going to give Sony more reason to patch this within a few weeks.

Even if it was impossible to patch, they would just end up changing their names and you would never know the new names. This is such a waste of time, go live your life and stop worrying about what's most likely a bunch of 40 year old virgin overweight nerds without any wives or kids to keep them company.
iamgman1126 said:
All the drama has me curious as to what server this is on.
he said he had 14million plat on his trader - im guessing FV server as to normal servers theres not enough droppable loot to sell to have 14mil on a reg server lol .. unless he had 14million plat Already and not in items -

just my guess .. but to put my 2 cents in ya.. it does suck .. but it is a risk you take when you hack.. nothing your gonna do about it is gonna change it..sorry mate :( i would be pissed if it happened to me also .. matter of fact ill ptolly stop GKing soon as its been stated everyone has it now, so its just a matter of time before you get caught .. so f that.. i don't want caught ~
After consideration about my anger towards this person that caused this. I have decided to do nothing. As many of you said, its not worth it in the end, only more headaches for me. I will just lay low and off the respective radar.

Yes it was FV, heading to a new server possibly. Thanks for all the replies and sorrys. Update, things are going alot better than I had anticipated when I first made this post and I have calmed down alot. I always say Karma is a bitch and you will get what you give out. Glad I didnt take matters into my own hands and exact revenge.

After all its only a game. I want to continue to play and I am happy for all the wonderful friends I have made on this forum. Than kyou all for being my guiding light in my dark hour. You guys are trulely the best of the everquest population.
Odessa, instead of the stupid replies, why not give some insight on what MQ2Killplayer does instead?

Glad you decided not to go on a revenge path Nijhal, it's not worth it, those few pixels.
king007 said:
Hay Nijhal you are a celeberity on the eq forums look at this http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=109758 this person penuts needs to be hit with the kill player a few times they look like they are misarible, always spending ALL their waking hours on eq looking for to ban peeps. I will call this person the 'fun police" no fun allowed when you are around this nutty penut :D

It appears the thread has been deleted, could you sum up what was being said?
yep kinda wondering what that thread said. and I feel you pain. lost a toon only to suspension last monday. i figure it was because he was a monk. he was running the advtaskwarp mac my other toon who was doing it didnt get nailed and neither did the other 2 folks that were there. oh well i only have to wait till monday. I wish you best on at least getting back the trader accounts.
Guide12 said:
yep kinda wondering what that thread said. and I feel you pain. lost a toon only to suspension last monday. i figure it was because he was a monk. he was running the advtaskwarp mac my other toon who was doing it didnt get nailed and neither did the other 2 folks that were there. oh well i only have to wait till monday. I wish you best on at least getting back the trader accounts.

And I was just going to try that Mac out today.
Post about the person in question and try to get him banned for selling plat and or anything else you can get him on. You get him banned without MQ2KillPlayer he will be pissed and you will have your revenge. Also wait a few weeks and call again they may just give your toons back(maybe). But if you ever kill this person over and over and over and over..... you get the picture please let me know. I would love to see someone like that get deleveled. As far as everyone gking thats not happening and if they are what for loot? I would for loot if that I've always wanted. Or are they trading no trade gear? Either way gking isn't that big yet.
Nijhal It was a copy and past of this thread post #1 that you posted here. Seems we have a spy in our mist. Basicly they posted your post and then started flaming you for being a "cheater" that is the only thing that penuts person has to do in life
sounds like this penuts has balls the size of peanuts. comeon and reveal yourself you fucking tard, i have nothing better to do then to travel the us/world to where ever you are and waste your ass. Mq2kill player goes live.
I called this out in another thread that was removed by Ccomp. I knew he was a member. I have a very good idea who it is and I am gonna email a mod right now and let them know so they can investigate.

If it is found to be him who I think it is, I hope he gets an ip ban from here. Its not hard to figure out who I am talking about. Hes posing alot against gking in both places and his writing is the same. Mods we have to protect ourselfs from our own community now.

I love RG way better than any other out there and Im a member of mmobugs kenetix ect. I have only posted macros here and helped people here. But, if we have someone riding the fence here, I say IP ban them and let the whole community know who it was.

Any guesses on who this person may be? Hmmmmmmmm?

EDIT: I dont want to stop helping and posting here, but if we got someone being a spy and posting our stuff, I will be forced to just stop all comminucations except via pm with people I trust.

EDIT: To the friend I have been talking with in PM's contact me via im tonight with the info I gave you, lets talk.
I didnt just get the ban stick!!
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