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Hrmm new EQ Message (1 Viewer)


old and salty
Sep 28, 2005
I have been trying trying to login everyday and immediately gotten a time out message. Today IT took about 30 secs and got a new message.

Network error Server is not responding please check your connections again.

Maybe they are finally working on the EQ servers
We wanted to let you know that our games will not be up this weekend. We are working around the clock to get our services back up and running soon. Thank you for your continued patience and support.
Classic... They very well know its going to be a while before they can get their shit back online, the bullshit posts on Facebook make it appear that it might be up tomorrow, then tomorrow comes and you get the "sorry Charlie, maybe tomorrow" message.

Sony is going to have to get on their hands and knees to get the major CC Companies to allow internet transactions after this disaster. Im surprised none of the major credit card companies have issued any statements in regards to this incident. What good is PCI compliance when its not enforced?

Guess we will have to wait until the thousands of cases of identity theft come to light to find out if the hackers wanted to do anything with the information they retrieved.
I actually like SoE, much more than Blizzard, but as far as PSN goes - Sony needed to be taught a lesson. Nintendo and Microsoft had their hardware hacked ages ago and found effective ways to cope, but one company had to be a baby about the whole thing.

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for SoE, and a lesson learned by their parent company.
My buddies friend made this.. lol. I think some people are actually reacting this way knowing that EQ may not be up till near the end of the month.


PS. if you want a good laugh, (the ads on the page) open this in IE or just open it and allow the ads if you have adblock plus in firefox. http://psndowntime.com/ it's a timer with the approximate downtime of the Play Station Network so far and it's counting higher and higher each minute... lol.
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What are everyone's guildies and friends doing? EQEmu, quitting EQ, waiting patiently? I'd like to know the general feeling of the playerbase.
Based on following the discussion on several sites I see a lot of peeps talking about trying out Rift or trying Emu for the first time. Me - I'm just waiting but considering possibly trying Emu.
Lots of peoplecomplaining on boards/facebook bout not coming back ect. But unless you like WoW, Rift won't do much for you. It is a decent game to putz on but any diehard EQ'r will most likely be disappointed. I forsee most people staying on eq. Not saying it won't hurt the population rather it may just make the more dedicated player base stronger. I hope they do something other than just the 1 day foreveryday missed and anoter free 30. Double xp for X amount of time and some station cash/and or LoN booster/starter decks would be nice.
I hope they do something other than just the 1 day foreveryday missed and anoter free 30. Double xp for X amount of time and some station cash/and or LoN booster/starter decks would be nice.

If they want to get their player base back, those would be great ideas.
In case anyone there is reading these threads, I suggest they a choice of a significant in game reward. Not a satchel or cake or fireworks but something that will make a difference to the player; i.e. a level appropriate piece of raid level equipment/aug/weapon. For L90 a UF or HOT raid level item. That would ease people's anger I think. And yes 2x Xp for a week too.
I had 3 level 50's on fippy, but highly doubt im going back after all this. P99 is where its at. Plus kunark is out already and its good adventuring for those such as me thats never experienced it.

P99 is fun, and all. But I like multiboxing in EQ. So I am probably gonna stick with EQ Live.

I find eq is very boring playing 1 toon. =/
I also wanted to know what everyone is up to, and was going to look into EMU or P99 for some fun but I don't know. I am still going to be a loyal EQ'er because I have two accounts and 4 90 toons between them. Plus I can bot my friends toons so there's lots of selection for me. Abyss reminded me of when I was just a monk, going LFG for hours on end back when there was an abundance of monks and bards had gotten new aa's that made them super pullers. It was the reason I quit one time, EQ was just so boring just playing one toon.

If you don't box EQ it's pretty much reliant on having a dedicated group of people you will play with. Nowadays I have my own group of bots and people say that's what killed EQ but what killed EQ is people's greed and distrust of other players. Fearing that their next group member would be an ebay newb or a retarded 12 year old ninjalooter. I've experienced that too, there was and is still a lot of inexperienced players who don't know what they are doing but I think you find that in any game.

Since EQ went down I've re-arranged my room because I finally got my nice 6ft long desk back. I re-installed Winsuck because of a strange mouse error that wasn't letting any mouse I hooked up work. Plus I've been downloading movies and tv shows to watch that I normally have no time to download/watch because I'm in EQ. It's been great catching up on stuff I want to see that I let fall by the wayside because of my gaming. Oh, and the biggest thing is I have organized my backup drives, I had a few movie folders and nothing was separated as to if it was a show episode or a movie.

When things are back up and running I won't be taking EQ as serious anymore. I really seem to get sucked into it and ignore other things I want/need to do. It doesn't help that I have been out of work for the past year due to a back injury. Just gives me lots of time for gaming. I've gotten the Spring fever of sorts also, helping plant trees and shrubs outside. This is beginning to be a great Summer season and I'm ready to be wearing shorts every day.

Well, sorry for the book. Hopefully the weekend comes sooner than later, and SoE fixes their network for the better.


I want to make this my permanent signature lol!
Yea I agree with fremdar eq is def about multiboxing for me. Lately I have been playing p99 less and less and hanging around my family more. So its been nice even tho brings back the annoyance of family aswell :/

But yea its nice going out to the beach and enjoyihg the nice weather in florida for a bit. But you can bet your ass when eq comes up I will back in to the grind.
I hear u Abyss. I'm in Miami and I been doing a lot more stuff outdoors, cleaned the pool; and I've gone to the gym everyday since the shut down.
Nothing has changed for me, as I wasnt playing live before the shutdown lol. I was talking to my friend last night about the PSN being down, and he said the same thing; he is getting much more stuff done outside, haha.
Hrmm new EQ Message

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