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How Can We Stop Warhammer Online Cheaters? (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 30, 2008
Hi i would like to take this time to get a quick poll on members. I'm not sure if i can post this here so if I'm violating the rules mods feel free to delete this post right away, however this is something that has been bugging me so i decided it was time to create an account here and post. Anyways the question at hand is do people think botting sites should be allowed. For example i did a quick search on the net and pulled up right away sites like
WAR Warhammer Online Bots and Radars From a site called WAR Warhammer Online Bots and Radars (link removed -decker). Then Warhammer Online Dupes, Warhammer Online Exploits, Warhammer Online Guides, Warhammer Online Hacks, and Warhammer Online Cheats, From a site called World of Warcraft Cheats (link removed -decker) and finally Warhammer Online Guides Cheats Hacks from a site called World of Warcraft Guides Cheats Hacks (link removed -decker)
and these sites not only have bots but they have radars that can see players in game. This is something that is totally unfair and gives players far to great of an advantage on others. Well anyways personally i think they should not be allowed as it makes the legit players far underpowered to the overly powerful players. Here is even a screen shot of the radar working that they have on there site it needs to be stopped. The worst part was how easy it was for me to pull up like 10 sites for warhammer online cheating by just typing warhammer online. Its not even under a specific key word.

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I can't tell if you're advertising or not, but I ask that you remove the links when you get a chance please.

The good news about NA is that we are a forum of free speech. So your views are more than welcome, and if you have some valid ideas to support your case, please share them and let them be known.

I know that I for one am not against botting or anything of the sort as long as you're not using it to grief other players or interfere with the gameplay of others. But what you do on your own time and money is your own business. I'm sure there are many different views on this among our community here and I look forward to a lively discussion on the topic.

One warning. No Flames, they will be deleted.
Why dont we just remove the links ourself ?

Well I did so. I have a copy of the org post if you want me to change it back, but why wait...

BTW im all for botting and stuff too, but good to hear what other ppl have to say about the topic...

- decker
I'm almost certain he is just trying to sponsor those sites and get people over there to try it out.

Or...they are keylogger sites and he wants your war accounts so he can steal your gold...which is near worthless in war.

either way he fails...If he is legit however...why would he be posting this on a site that deals with bots, cheats, hacks, etc etc? -.-
I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it does seem like an advertisement. I was hoping he would have answered by now so we would know, but that's making it seem more like he's a spammer.

If not, he could be a Flamer (that sounds bad) just looking to cause a stir. But I stand by my statement. We accept and appreciate all opinions here. There are plenty of members who do not use and/or condone the use of Bots and Third Party Software.
Not a link spammer, or promoting a site to steal cheats. I just joined and have been reading these forums for awhile. Feel free to remove the links i wasnt trying to cause any trouble :)
Not a link spammer, or promoting a site to steal cheats. I just joined and have been reading these forums for awhile. Feel free to remove the links i wasnt trying to cause any trouble :)

Glad to hear from you and to know my original hunch was right! Welcome to the forums Sadorc! I look forward to hearing what you have to say, and hopefully seeing what you have to share with the community!
Hi i would like to take this time to get a quick poll on members. I'm not sure if i can post this here so if I'm violating the rules mods feel free to delete this post right away, however this is something that has been bugging me so i decided it was time to create an account here and post. Anyways the question at hand is do people think botting sites should be allowed. For example i did a quick search on the net and pulled up right away sites like
WAR Warhammer Online Bots and Radars From a site called WAR Warhammer Online Bots and Radars (link removed -decker). Then Warhammer Online Dupes, Warhammer Online Exploits, Warhammer Online Guides, Warhammer Online Hacks, and Warhammer Online Cheats, From a site called World of Warcraft Cheats (link removed -decker) and finally Warhammer Online Guides Cheats Hacks from a site called World of Warcraft Guides Cheats Hacks (link removed -decker)
and these sites not only have bots but they have radars that can see players in game. This is something that is totally unfair and gives players far to great of an advantage on others. Well anyways personally i think they should not be allowed as it makes the legit players far underpowered to the overly powerful players. Here is even a screen shot of the radar working that they have on there site it needs to be stopped. The worst part was how easy it was for me to pull up like 10 sites for warhammer online cheating by just typing warhammer online. Its not even under a specific key word.

The line I draw is between affecting other players or not. I am not at all for hacking to grief other players. But hacking/botting in general....hell yeah...I cannot spend 4-6 hours a day in game too keep up. I have a family and full time+ job. Botting allows me too keep up on lvls so I can keep up on content.

As far as the Radar being an overpowered hacking tool. Your never going to get rid of all that in any pvp game that is popular.Someone will build a tool for it.Yes it has grown rampant but that just shows how popular it is too win=p

But too your question on them being "allowed" I guess I dont really understand what you trying to get at. They are already not "allowed" in game but yet they are there anyway and no one is going to stop them from building a website or programming hacks. Until it ends up like the maker of Glider for WoW, but that just opened up room for someone else too take his clients. There gotta be 20 Glider programmer wannabes out there trying too sell their hacking program.

Another example was AoC. I bought it off the shelf first day out and that afternoon I was able too download a warp and Ghostkill type program that worked great. Was never banned...ended up quitting due to lack of content.

I dont want to come off the wrong way here or make this sound unwelcoming because any view you have IS welcome here. But you are posting about
How Can We Stop Warhammer Online Cheaters?
on a site that thrives off of hacking/botting.

Other than that, Nice to have another new face here. /welcome

/babblegibberish off

How Can We Stop Warhammer Online Cheaters?

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