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Request - Help with fishing mac - click Fisherman's Companion (1 Viewer)

Oct 18, 2013
I modified the hyperfish mac; the only thing I am missing is how it is supposed to click my Fisherman's Companion to summon a new pole. I also noticed it does not equip the pole, but that may be because bags are significantly larger than they used to be, and the macro cannot find the pole in my bags. I dunno.

Rich (BB code):
|SUB: Pole replacement logic
| - vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
| - SUB: Check Pole
Sub FindPole
| - Add check for Brell's Fishing Pole and Fisherman's Companion
    /target ${Me}
    /if (${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Find[Fishing Pole]} == 1) /return
    /if (${FindItemCount[=Fishing Pole]} == 0) {
        /delay 5
        /varset ItemToBuy Fishing Pole
        /varset Quantity 1
        /call Buy
        /delay 2s
    /if (${FindItemCount[=Fishing Pole]} > 0) {
        /keypress OPEN_INV_BAGS
        /delay 2s
        /itemnotify ${FindItem[Fishing Pole].InvSlot} leftmouseup
        /delay 5
        /itemnotify mainhand leftmouseup
        /delay 5
    | - Anything in the primary hand (mainhand) will then be put in inventory.
        /delay 5
        /keypress CLOSE_INV_BAGS
| - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What do I need to add to have it find and click the Fisherman's Companion? I know that KISS Assist will click items in bags to buff with, is there some way to add similar logic to say "i need buffs" when it needs a fishing pole, to summon it, and autoinventory (which will default to my now empty mainhand) and carry on fishing?
Awesome, thank you man. I highly appreciate it. I am having to keep going back to my fishing bot to summon a new pole. The first few breaks today, ugh. He broke 4 poles by a total 52 fishing casts, it was absolutely insane. His highest count yesterday was 500 before a break, so that may be a limit? I dunno.
Something I made last year to use Brell's pole from the Fishing companion.
Haven't tested it since I was on a fishing binge.

Rich (BB code):
Sub CheckPole

| ----- Check for Brell's pole already equiped -------
   /if (${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Find[Brell's Fishin' Pole]}) /return

} ------ Check to see if one is already in inventory, equip it and move along ----
   	/if (${FindItemCount[Brell's Fishin' Pole]} >= 1) {
		/exchange "Brell's Fishin' Pole" mainhand
		/echo Equiping new Fishing Pole. Carry on.

| ------ Check for Fisherman's Companion, summon new pole and equip -------	
	/if (${FindItemCount[=Fisherman's Companion]}>0) { 
			/echo Using handy Fisherman's Companion to summon you a new pole.. wait for it...
			/nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=Fisherman's Companion].InvSlot} Rightmouseup
			/delay ${Math.Calc[${DelayMult}*10]}s
			/delay 10s ${Cursor.ID}
			/nomodkey /itemnotify mainhand leftmouseup
			/delay 1s
Request - Help with fishing mac - click Fisherman's Companion

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