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Funny - Happy Halloween! (1 Viewer)

Dec 21, 2020
Just wanted to wish everyone an amazing ghoulish, ghostly, witch infested Halloween. have a wonderful day and night. Scare some kids ( not too much ), and make sure you enjoy it as well.

Best of,

Have a spooky Halloween everyone!
I, for one, plan to uphold the obligation of every American parent this Halloween (as all previous too). Walk around with my kids as they get candy for every house in sight, while my wife and I follow behind and drink some beers. Nodding to other parents passing by drinking their beers, watching their children run around like costumed maniacs collecting candy as well.

It's gonna be a good night folks.
Happy Halloween all RG players ghoulish and alike.

*side note need a new monitor due to these flying bats thought it was a bug so smacked it lol. Luckily at the office and can just swap out monitor and act like nothing ever happened lol.
I am probably going to have to wait on giving out candy until we get back to the house. We leave a "take one" bowl out front while we go walk with our kids, but it never fails it gets emptied within seconds. One year I literally left for less than a minute and ran back to get a flashlight and it was all gone. They don't care if a Ring doorbell cam is watching them either and a lot of parents encourage them to grab more (probably to increase their cut at the end of the night :D)
Happy Halloween all RG players ghoulish and alike.

*side note need a new monitor due to these flying bats thought it was a bug so smacked it lol. Luckily at the office and can just swap out monitor and act like nothing ever happened lol.
We all have witches/wizard hats on too.
Happy Birthday Party Hard GIF by mattbag3d
Happy Halloween! I used to love all the kids that would come by for trick or treating. Seeing all the costumes was great fun. But haven't enjoyed that for years after I moved from my prior residence. We don't even get one kid come by at my residence now.
Man, I was getting annoyed at this fly in my room! Kept flying across my screen as I'm reading.

Nope! It was a bat icon for Halloween! Well played, RedGuides!

Happy Halloween!
Funny - Happy Halloween!

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