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News - Gnome Memorial Mountain! (1 Viewer)


Jun 3, 2013
They've finally released an official announcement about the new zone coming with 20th anniversary!


There was a time, long ago, when the Combine Empire dominated Norrath. At the peak of their rule, those in power became concerned that they were losing important cultures and societies as they swept over the lands. To ease their conscience, the Combine decided to preserve some of the species that they deemed to be interesting or important. The Combine created domes with environments suited to these creatures and, with or without their permission, a breeding population was placed inside each habitat. These domes were anchored to the bottom of the deep oceans of Norrath.
Eventually, Norrathians discovered several of these domes with living Shissar and Kedge, both thought long gone from the world. But that discovery was years ago, and it turns out there was at least one more secret preserve. This one seems to be the most unusual of all - dedicated to the preservation of gnomes.


Gnome Memorial Mountain was intended to be the home of a healthy population of gnomes. However, the Combine failed to notice that when they trapped the gnomes, a small group of bloodmoon orcs were also caught in the dome. While the Combine fell from power and the undersea domes were forgotten, the orcs and the gnomes fought a battle over resources that lasted generations. Eventually, the orcs won... and all the gnomes perished.
Even as the gnomes fought for survival, they always worked to perfect their clockworks. Unaware of what the world outside of their habitat was like, the very last of the gnomes ordered their clockwork assistants to keep the memory of their people alive. The clockworks built a museum to their makers, and although they have done their best to honor the gnomes that created them, they do not remember their instructions perfectly. Now, decades later, some clockworks remain dedicated to keeping their museum ready for visitors, while others have evolved their purposes to something that their creators might not appreciate.
Just recently, Gnome Memorial Mountain was unmoored from the sea and has bobbed up to the surface, its protective dome gone. The gnomes in Norrath have been working diligently to create transport so that adventurers will be able to visit this historical wonder of magic and innovation.
It is certain that the gnome-like clockworks will be waiting to greet any new visitors after so many years... but then again, so will a starving bloodmoon orc tribe.
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Some of my guild has stated that there will be gear dropping here that rivals or beats out T3 TBL stuff. I'm pretty excited to see the zone!
Wonder what the difficulty will be.

That's what I'm wondering. If it's actually going to drop high end gear, I imagine it'll be very challenging. However, wouldn't that further alienate a lot of the player base? TBL has flattened the population on my server.
You're all assuming DBG doesn't totally fuck up the scaling the other way, too. They could way under tune it, as well. Think about OS... when the anniversary version of OS went live it wasn't that bad and it still had WAY better gear dropping in it than you could get in the expansion.

Don't get me wrong... I don't expect this will happen because DBG loves fucking the players, but a man can dream.
Some of my guild has stated that there will be gear dropping here that rivals or beats out T3 TBL stuff. I'm pretty excited to see the zone!

You can look at the gear files on eqresource if you want. Someone pulled the files out of the beta database. Use GMM in their item search and it will bring up what's coming. None of it is named (something may be called "agi/dex shoulders" in the database), but the stats should be accurate.

Anything that's labeled "GGMM" is the group gear, anything "RGMM" is the raid stuff (I think).

Raid tank mask, for example:


Or group knight 2-hander:

Interesting - thanks for the link. Looks all prestige, which is a bit of a bummer, but still excited

80AC aug is nice
Its 0-5% better than t3 TBL group gear, based on what I saw on the beta merchant back in November. No clue if you will need TBL to zone in.
weird in >THIS< thead they talk about 95+ so dunno what they mean then

The clockwork gnomelikes have managed to preserve their home on the mountain for a long time, but not without conflict. Join forces with these mechanical new friends and their head of defense Belira Blastil to help them face the threats of the bloodmoon orc tribe and the Iron Legion defectors in a series of 11 new quests, 2 heroic adventures, and1 mission for seasoned players level 95 and above! It will take exploration, investigation, and of course, a bit of fighting in order to bring respite to Gnome Memorial Mountain.

Parties of raiders from level 95 and higher will also be instrumental in protecting the mountain. Keep watch for impressive mechanical beasts - there are clockwork threats ready to strike from above and below that will need an impressive party to subdue. Take part in 3 new raids where you'll find yourself facing a clockwork dragon, fighting off some particularly lively museum exhibits, and halting an aerial assault on Norrath.
weird in >THIS< thead they talk about 95+ so dunno what they mean then

The clockwork gnomelikes have managed to preserve their home on the mountain for a long time, but not without conflict. Join forces with these mechanical new friends and their head of defense Belira Blastil to help them face the threats of the bloodmoon orc tribe and the Iron Legion defectors in a series of 11 new quests, 2 heroic adventures, and1 mission for seasoned players level 95 and above! It will take exploration, investigation, and of course, a bit of fighting in order to bring respite to Gnome Memorial Mountain.

Parties of raiders from level 95 and higher will also be instrumental in protecting the mountain. Keep watch for impressive mechanical beasts - there are clockwork threats ready to strike from above and below that will need an impressive party to subdue. Take part in 3 new raids where you'll find yourself facing a clockwork dragon, fighting off some particularly lively museum exhibits, and halting an aerial assault on Norrath.

ya me either. Maybe if you do the mission where max level isnt 110 the gear is lower ? im going to try that now.
News - Gnome Memorial Mountain!

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