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Question - Game Features you would like to see in EQ from other games? (1 Viewer)


old and salty
Sep 28, 2005
Mainly 3 things I would like to see are.

1. Open World - Every new game has it and I hate zoning.
2. Grouping Like Elder Scrolls Online - You can group and XP with a level 1 at Level 50 (max level) and the game adjusts mob difficulty to each each character regardless of the group level.
3. New content with every expansion after release like Destiny 2. - A new expansion every year plus they release four 3 month seasons. Each is a DLC that cost $10 and gives you new stuff to do every 3 months.
frankly, i don't have a lot of faith eq/dbg would do well integrating or making "bold and drastic" additions or changes - they can barely communicate and execute SCHEDULED things correctly.

I'm certainly afraid to see them go p2w like they did with eq2.

I would LOVE to and would rather see them just continue to do what they are doing - BUT add more *stuff*. the content has been pretty lack luster and always is the "we ran out of time" answer.

as much as i hate zoning myself - zoneline trains are such a old-timey eq thing that tlp/purists would riot

eq2 had a decent (but not as cool as you described) mentoring system. the type you describe is almost always better.

I'd love to see xpac release -> 6 months later some more quests/stuff as part of that xpac -> next xpac

"beating" an xpac in a couple of months with only raid tiers opening being the only carrot/stick is kinda meh --- tho it does end up encouraging folks to either a: enjoy summertime with the fam, or b: enjoy tlp.

having said all that:

a. modernize the UI
b. Accessibility options - color blindness - 4k adaptiveness - better in-game scaling
c. borderless windows fullscreen

d. "phasing" (either quests and/or x-server engagement)
e. x-server grouping/raids
f. transmog system that is not the same as the bullshit ornament/appearance thing we have now --- people would actually pay $$$ for this too

More daily events, missions, and raids that incorporate the heroic style teleport you to instance and encourage use of various content.
Could easily make use of the old Monster Missions type stuff to allow characters to participate in various raids/pick up groups that provide opportunities to explore old story lines or develop new ones. Maybe they scale rewards or offer another currency to acquire various loot.

Could also offer some 6-12 man raid expeditions that are rewarding but less so than doing full fledged raids.

There needs to be a balance of using the content that is available and finding ways to create new and engaging experiences. There’s a big disparity between what a casual player will get to experience and what a “hardcore raider” gets to experience… They need to find ways to lessen that a bit without losing the appeal to those high end players.

I also think they should experiment with the possibility of creating an instance/raid system that either allows a single player to journey through an instance alongside NPC’s that backfill missing roles or something of that nature. The game is old so it may not be possible but I know there are times when I just have a short window of time to play and something like that would be cool
I think DBG really dropped the ball when it came to the Player Housing. and they REALLY dropped the ball when they killed off EQ Next.

So I would like them to pick the ball up again - and connect an EQNext style Voxel (aka Minecraft) housing zones. Mine those resources, build your house and decorate it and be proud of the house. Not just use the housing as Mass Storage, and a place to store old weapons.

One of the reasons they canned EQNext was because it wasnt "fun" but do they realise that Minecraft is the number one selling game of all time.
I think in EQNext the entire world was like Minecraft which is why I would never have played it.
Limiting it to housing though is a great idea.
I really enjoyed EQNext/Landmark when it was available. I don't know if they ever could have pulled off a full-fledged MMO from it, but I wish they had given it more of a go.

Anyway, on to EQ stuff. I like to see them do two things to bring in new players:

Modern UI that works well in 4k.
A lot of people think the graphics in EQ are bad, and while they won't win any awards, in my experience it's the UI that really turns off new players. Updating the UI would go a long way towards making the game look better.

Simplify skills/spells/abilities
This is probably a controversial view for some, but I think there is just too much to learn in EQ, especially for new players. In addition to learning literally hundreds of spells and abilities for your own class (assuming you last long enough), you also have to learn about everyone else's spells and abilities for synergy, stacking, etc. New World took it to the other extreme with 6 abilities to use at any given time. I'm not saying EQ should be like that. A lot of us like the complexity, but I think it needs to get reigned in a little bit for approachability.
1. Open World - Every new game has it and I hate zoning.

Even older Dark Age of Camelot was open world, except for dungeons / frontier, and that was back in 2003-ish? Around the time Shadows of Luclin came out. EverQuest is soooo old, and its programming was made nearly impossible to improve upon. I'm honestly surprised we ever got heroic forge armor.
Cross pollinating different class abilities, at high levels, would make it so the game stays fresh. Long time players would be encouraged to learn other classes in order to really master the game. Similar to the 'Ascension' idea from Kingdom of Loathing.
A server that allows macroing/boxing without penalty of death and/or suspension. Obviously this type of open server (volenararily paid for on a monthly basis) would open other cans of worms. Somebody would figure out a way to screw it up...
Cross server instance grouping, streamlined activated AA's to reduce the amount of buttons would be the 2 big things that would help low population and any new or returning players
Throw in my Wish List
UI based on Lua that is scaleable and allows addons
Separate individual inventories for Quest items, Trade Skill items, and Equipment
controversial but one of the issues I've had with eq since the beginning is that only a few people get rewarded on raids I think everyone should get something. For example, make raids drop currency tokens that you use to buy gear and everyone in the raid gets some. everyone gets something, which eliminates the need for DKP and other loot systems that guilds have to manage which is a headache to manage.
controversial but one of the issues I've had with eq since the beginning is that only a few people get rewarded on raids I think everyone should get something. For example, make raids drop currency tokens that you use to buy gear and everyone in the raid gets some. everyone gets something, which eliminates the need for DKP and other loot systems that guilds have to manage which is a headache to manage.
Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't that how raids work now?
Cross pollinating different class abilities, at high levels, would make it so the game stays fresh. Long time players would be encouraged to learn other classes in order to really master the game. Similar to the 'Ascension' idea from Kingdom of Loathing.
That was one of the things I loved about Star Wars Galaxies. You had a set number of ability points and could mix and match to your exact play style. The combinations were endless, and encouraged diversity among the player base.
That was one of the things I loved about Star Wars Galaxies. You had a set number of ability points and could mix and match to your exact play style. The combinations were endless, and encouraged diversity among the player base.
RIFT kinda did (does?) this too.
Looks like this thread got rezzed, but ehh I'll throw in my top ideas anyway:

  1. I want cooldown timers to display on gems/buttons/etc like they do in League of Legends and other games with modern interfaces, with a visual countdown of the remaining time left.
  2. I want a publicly available API connection for "the" EQ database (I'm sure there are multiple, but you know what I mean). Plenty of modern games have this and it would be a huge boon to the EQ community at large (not just us of course).
The ability to get level synced ala GW2 and FF14 to group with lower level toons without shrouding seems nice, but I'd have to be something toggled. It would also need some sort of incentive I feel, not really sure how it could work considering we don't have dungeon finders and queues to offer general rewards.

There is some nostalgia/reward for running old raids. It would be cool to see a raid finder and/or group finder mechanic (may still need the sync function) with rewards based on the character level that enters. This could allow players wanting to do RoF,RoS,CotF etc for currency in order to gain clickies, or just see old content they may have missed. This is certainly a reaching wish, as raids would likely need their mechanics tuned to allow a more casual player base who hasn't experienced the mechanics before to have a hope of survivability. I do know TLPs may be the closest thing we get to this, but having this on live and possibly X-server would be awesome.

FF14 has the older content tomestones which are good across all old expansions to buy the max level gear appropriate to that era. Perhaps a way for players to do dailies or missions to gain these whilst old content raid vendors are now opened up and accept this new currency for their items would make things more accessible.

Cross server raids/group play in instances.

Better transmog system.

Better onboarding system for new players to get into the game. EQ has a ton of content and bloat which most of the player base has adapted to over the course of years. Someone fresh and new can easily get overwhelmed by everything EQ has to offer. Unfortunately EQ has a lot going on in comparison to other MMOs. I use 4-8 hotbars (12 buttons each) on each character by 110 to map out burns and abilities whereas most other games I can max out at 2-3.
it would be awesome to have a zone like the neighborhood that you could build in like the guild halls and have a vast field to build in i would love to get creative with that but i know we are talking about something completely different. also to make more slots in the guild bank to have alot more stuff to store in it
Question - Game Features you would like to see in EQ from other games?

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