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Question - Gallant Focus of Fortitude/Heroism (1 Viewer)

Jul 11, 2020
What is the best way to get these drops? I've farmed missions enough to almost max out type 5's and get my entire group their evolve necks. However, I've only seen 1 of each fortitude and heroism items drop. Where are the better spots for chances of these? Appears mission chests are super stingy about them.
What is the best way to get these drops? I've farmed missions enough to almost max out type 5's and get my entire group their evolve necks. However, I've only seen 1 of each fortitude and heroism items drop. Where are the better spots for chances of these? Appears mission chests are super stingy about them.
I got a boatload of these, all from farming named.
I wasn't able to complete the missions though...I wish we could trade :)
What is the best way to get these drops? I've farmed missions enough to almost max out type 5's and get my entire group their evolve necks. However, I've only seen 1 of each fortitude and heroism items drop. Where are the better spots for chances of these? Appears mission chests are super stingy about them.
SHJ has put together a good table of which named/missions provide which Gallant items.

Only Hero's Forged mission drops those, and any named in column 3.
Question - Gallant Focus of Fortitude/Heroism

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