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Fire Pit nerfed (as well as my all caps lock title) (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 5, 2005

Ok do not used Fire pit for afk lvling Olhin just busted me on Zek server.
Actually do not use GK at all there logging it all. Got my characters rolled backed 20 days no suspension due to me being honest, cuz i really dont care about EQ no more, finally done with eq.

I will be selling off my accounts if anyone wants a dummy monk account and a clickie cleric account email me at [email protected]

Monk has fabled gear drops as I killed him off before rollback.

lol ok go in there then, thats porlyl one of his start up script to check fire pit instances

w/e yall folks have fun.

Nope same thing happened to me a few months ago, permabanned 2 of my accounts and i quit EQ too.

TSPlayer62 said:
Nope same thing happened to me a few months ago, permabanned 2 of my accounts and i quit EQ too.

yea i'm not mad at all, Olihin told me he's gonan give me a visit to RL, I was like badass man lol, Disconnected!, rollback but not suspened due to me being honest.

This is not a strategy or a cheat, it does not go here.


/me kicks this on over to the General Discussion section.
Qq, think before you post, it would make life easier on us all. Do things like using proper grammar, you don't have to use vulgarity in every post you make, and last but not least, don't post useless information.


I am going to have to say in what I have been hearing that there are a bunch of people getting banned, but I have skimmed by on the edge of my seat, and so have a few of my friends, it's just what you do and what manner you do it in.

If you're going to be a blatant and total noob, and run around zones GK'n everything you see, you will probably get reported. People can't possibly not wonder about the fact that... "There are 30-40 corpses static all over the zone, and there is no one here."

Watch what times you Ghostkill, if you do it between 9AM-9PM PST(guessing on work times for Sony), you're probably going to catch a GM. Just do it on a low profile time span (like after midnight?) and you lessen your risk.

Don't kill Overlord Mata`Muram (Honestly people, it's not difficult to comprehend). I know people will see this and respond, "duh." But seriously, in the past 4-5 months that I have been doing this on 3 servers, I have seen about 10+ occasions where someone will kill Overlord, and then the serverwide emote hits like a dump truck at 1PM PST and everyone thinks... "No one is raiding, /who all major guilds on my server." You're going to get reported, and since there was just one instance of him dying, Sony only has to look for one log. :p

It's not brain surgery, it's all just a little bit of common sense. Avoid "hot zones" not Sony's "hot zones," but the ones everyone uses to get experience in. Instead of Firepits, do a 69.1 or a Skylance 2, maybe some Takish runs. Just stay out of the radar map and you won't get caught.
nijhal said:
Okay, I will bite, what zone exactly is "Fire Pits"?

Fire Pits, Watering Hole and Murkglider Hive are gotten from Grand Historian Gersh in Dranik Scar by saying "Caves". You need minimum of 3 people in group to get it. Mobs are level 64-66 or so doing this at 75 sucks. I was doing this till I got like 1000 aa's at 70, then moved on to 75. AAXP is like 10 aa's per clearing, then get next one. Of course the way things are now I would advise finding a new place, or waiting till this one cools off.
Olihin makes his presence known on all servers. In the past few weeks I've seen him camped at both the catacombs and sewer entrances on my server. Doesnt do anything..just sits there..waiting..for the noobs.
Hmm, maybe GM has set up a cardboard replica of himself across servers... kind of like they put those cardboard policemen at dangerous places.
Czarman said:
Fire Pits, Watering Hole and Murkglider Hive are gotten from Grand Historian Gersh in Dranik Scar by saying "Caves". You need minimum of 3 people in group to get it. Mobs are level 64-66 or so doing this at 75 sucks. I was doing this till I got like 1000 aa's at 70, then moved on to 75. AAXP is like 10 aa's per clearing, then get next one. Of course the way things are now I would advise finding a new place, or waiting till this one cools off.

Other than the fact that you get DL faction while you clear the zone and level, I see no reason why people should be focusing on this mission at all. There are other missions that give way better exp out there for the effort expended. I was highly surprised to see how many folks were using this as a place to level their toons.
whats a good zone/instance for AA's that 4 lvl 70 toons could do? ie something comparable to a Greig's End was at lvl 60.

ie ~20k hp, hits for under 500, easily single pulls, and better than 1% AA/kill?

somethign that someone could modbot easily? NOT afk or Warp or GK

Sum1 said:
Other than the fact that you get DL faction while you clear the zone and level, I see no reason why people should be focusing on this mission at all. There are other missions that give way better exp out there for the effort expended. I was highly surprised to see how many folks were using this as a place to level their toons.

Yes there are missions out there that are better, but in these you don't have to worry about any thorns type spells. Also these are rather simple to get to and easy to get over and over (/saytarget caves, /warp wp thatcavespot). You could actually AFK these. I liked these over Anguish because doing the Hanvar area (Elite Guards, etc) took too long to get enough XP, and random Anguish mobs had thorns, and tended to get you killed fast. Nest missions were good, but I noticed needed more healing (not to mention they started watching them too). Also did the missions in RCoD, those were watched more then DS ones I thought though. To each his own really. Soon as a good spot gets posted here I would stop, you don't think SoE is looking here?
Been ueing nowarpfh.mac for 3 months bard is lvl 70 763 aa's I run the bard every chance I get .. maybe 1-2 missions a day.. When I was 1st learning I found my self running in PoK for 5 hours :(.. had plenty of buffs, but still not banned or any warrning.. I think its the luck of the draw man.. Either you get cought or you don't.
forgotten halls is kindof off the map now. granted its much slower exp then doing fire pit with monk. course if you are using monk then there are even better places than fire pits if you get yourself a healer.
Fire Pit nerfed (as well as my all caps lock title)

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