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Exp bug. - Gonna be fixxed tommorow (2 Viewers)

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Stupid question but does it have to be a druid DS or can it be a DS pot?

Either works. You didn't have to be grouped either. You could be solo. Also you wouldn't see your AA exp move. You got it all when you would unshroud. At least thats how it happened when it was shown to me.
I shrouded down to a level 5 kill almost all of FoB and kurns tower and only got .80% with full AA on. I had a druid DS a temp and a guy healing me.
i tried with AA exp 100% and killed cats in commonlands solo but no AA exp earned when unshrouded. anyone tried with only regular exp? or grouped as zipzap suggested? please provide more information if it works. Thanks!
Killed all of Black Burrow in 10 mins and never even got a single % of AA. We are talkin 40 mobs give or take all even or higher to a lvl 5.

Could you specify which zone you did this in?
Pretty odd. I tried this out with my lvl 70 paladin. Shrouded down to a level 5 goblin rogue, got a DS and ran around Paludal killin small beetles and mushrooms. Killed maybe 30 mobs and hit the ability that returns you to the shroud person and as I was zoning I saw my AA exp go from 74 to 94.

I got out of the shroud and put it back on. Tried again and it didn't work this time. Not sure why it worked the first time but not the second. I'll test this with a few other characters to maybe see if it only happens on your first shroud.
Need to be grouped with at least one other lvl 5 shroud. What makes you think it's gonna be fixed tomorrow?
it does work, u need to have less than 3 aas banked and have a group of people, if u go into the warrens u will find loads of ppl doing it.. been going for ages now
December 14th, 2006

*** Tasks ***

- Looting a stack of items should now update your tasks and quests appropriately.

*** Items ***

- Keikolin`s Mindhaze Sleeves now have a chromatic damage focus effect instead of a magic damage focus effect.
- Goru's Girdle of the Deceased now has Improved Parry IV instead of Improved Parry III.
- Increased the damage on Fleshmelter, Lethar's Maul.
- Ice-Striated Iron Orb should now function properly.
- Reduced the weight on hot zone augments.
- Items should now show their appropriate cast times.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Playing as a shroud that is significantly below your regular level now gives reduced experience while in a group environment just like it does while solo.
- Instruments are now considered one-handed items regardless of which hand the instrument is in so you can wield an instrument and another item at the same time. You cannot wield two instruments at the same time.
- Healing a pet now generates much less agro than before. Beware though, healing pets will still be noticed by NPCs and they will still be unhappy with the healer if the pet dies.

December 5th, 2006

*** Headlines ***

East and West Commons have been combined and graphically updated to form a newly revamped Commonlands zone!

*** Hot Zones ***

New Hot Zones! Some new zones and some familiar stomping grounds make up this set of Hot Zones. Included in these zones will be some new encounters and new items for you to enjoy.

The new hot zones are:

20 Kurn's Tower
25 Unrest
30 Tower of Frozen Shadow
35 Lower Guk
40 The Hole
45 Chardok
50 Sebilis
55 Grieg's End
60 Cazic Thule
65 Splitpaw

*** AAs ***

- Corrected an issue with the AA - Petrified Roots that was incorrectly increasing the chance for an NPC to break root. This ability should now correctly reduce the chance an NPC has to break root.
- Modified the Serpent Spine Expendable AA abilities to be more powerful for the same cost.
- Added Spell Critical chance increases to the Expendable AA Glyph of Destruction and opened it up for use by casters.
- Deep Sleep will now work on mesmerization spells over level 70.

*** Items ***

- The weapon delay restrictions have been removed from the Mossy Tundra Stone and Everlasting Forge Coal.
- Several high level TSS shields now have their appropriate augmentation slots.
- The proc rate on Brightflame, Pride of the Lifebringer has been increased to a more appropriate level.
- With the exception of diseased forages, the forages from The Serpents Spine zones have been given a small vendor value.
- Changed most of the gems in the game to stack to 100.
- Dyn'leth's Spy Glass has been improved to work more effectively.
- Keikolin's Mindhaze Sleeves now have a chromatic damage focus effect instead of a magic damage focus effect.
- The swarm pet from the Savage Platinum Fists functions correctly again.

*** NPCs ***

- NPCs can now potentially drop more than 8 items. Also, stackable items will be dropped as stacks instead of as several single items.
- Added cash loot to some NPCs in Sunderock that had none.
- Butcher Redloe now correctly describes how to make Blood Sausage.
- Termun in Crescent Reach is a bit more forgiving of foreigners.
- Lowered the poison effect on the lower half of snakes in the mesa.
- Removed some errant drops from the base Thundercrest zone.
- Increased the drop rates for the Powersources in Ashengate and Frostcrypt that are used for various armor tasks in Crescent Reach.

*** Spells ***

- Fixed an issue with casting spells as soon as spell gems started to become available, where the user would get a "Spell recovery time not yet met" error.
- Players will now always be able to see themselves and their group members who are invisible or hiding.
- Bolt spells should now function more appropriately. Arrows and bolt spells should now work regardless of height differences between you and your target, as long as you have line of sight.
- The recourse effects from Doppelganger and Dimensional Instability can no longer be buff blocked.
- Necklace of Warportal Fragments effect now requires vendor bought Small Portal Fragments as a reagent instead of Portal Fragments.

*** Quests ***

- Fixed a pathing issue that would cause the pilgrims on the Altar Escort task to warp through Icefall.
- The Evidence of Corruption task has been modified slightly. Zhureni will no longer want Igneous Cairn Stones, Lava Ooze Glands, or the Vial of Burning Liquid until you have collected them all.

*** Tasks ***

- Changed an error in the text of Dorina's Quest in the Mesa.
- Corrected an issue with the following Grandmaster Cultural Symbol quests: "Thundercrest Expedition", "The Latest in Clockworks!", and "A Bit of Spider, a Bit of Drake". If you are a Dwarf, High Elf, or Gnome, have the quest from before this update but haven't completed it, and the task has less than 6 steps including hidden ones marked with a "???", there are some special steps you can take to update your quest to include these changes while keeping your current progress. NOTE: These steps are not required and your task can be completed without going through this, but your task may not display updates properly.
1)Go to the Artisan in your home town that gave out the task. Be sure that you have a few minutes and do not zone or log out until you have completed all steps.
2) Say "Broken" to the Artisan and it will start a new dialog tree.
3) Read everything carefully and respond appropriately. There will be text in brackets. Be sure to say exactly what is in the brackets. You will be asked to remove tasks at certain steps. Be very certain you have the correct task highlighted before you hit the remove button. Take your time and follow the directions carefully.
4) Following these steps properly will give you the updated the task and preserve the progress you have made on the old version.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Some of the grandmaster cultural symbol tasks have been made easier by being less specific about the NPCs that are needed for the kill step. For example, if the kill step was "kill 120 Isle Drakes" it will now be "Kill 120 Isle Creatures". Additionally, the kill steps will only be able to be completed in the base zone, or instance of the base zone that is mentioned in the task text. The loot step will still only be on the specific creatures, and only in instances.
- Metal Bits now stack more efficiently.
- Changed the name of the three old cultural sewing kits and their tokens to make them stand out. They will continue to work for basic tailoring as they have for a while, and they will continue to not work for cultural tailoring, as they have not for a while.
- Added fish from The Serpents Spine to the Bait Dispenser.
- Fixed a misspelling of the recipe name for Feir'Dal Sewing Kit and Teir'Dal Sewing Kit.
- Removed the tradeskill flag from Onyx Ring.
- More of the "Blue Diamond Cultural" was set for Luclin release on progression servers.
- Crystalwing Sewing Kit and Crescent Essence recipes can now be learned.
- Crescent Essence can now be traded.

- The EverQuest Team
Anyone notice that it dont matter what the patch consists of it always takes them 8 hours or more lol. . .and wow they are fixing the instrument bug I thought I was gonna have to take a trip to SoE to put my foot in someones ass if they didn't lol. . .not sure how they fucked that one up in the first place lol instuments were fine before they patched last
Can neither confirm nor deny XP nerfage as servers are down atm, but just finished PLing wifes ranger not long ago with lvl 5 shroud, in under 20 mins i made 7 AAs. It may have had something to do with what shroud you use, as experience is applied towards leveling certain shroud types, while the gargoyle shroud eats no XP =). I am not sure if this makes any difference or not since patch, servers still locked as I said, but worth trying out. My group consisted of wifes ranger, my twink lvl 1 Drakkin bard with AE breath and of course AE song as soon as he had it. AKA bard did all the work of puttin damage on piles, shroud soaked XP, and ranger, well was a ranger.
Its funny we are always the alst to findout cool exp exploits. if we do find them out we only have a few hrs to use them lame
flintbox said:
Its funny we are always the alst to findout cool exp exploits. if we do find them out we only have a few hrs to use them lame
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out why...
You don't think anyone from Sony has an Acct. on here? LOL This board is probably where they get a lot of Nerf material at. Hell...I'd be willing to bet Sony set up the LSMMs then created the macro idea for them just to ban people :-P
I've bene doing this for a few weeks now since one of my guildies showed me. Set your exp to all AA, so that everything you do goes into AA, you can't change this once you shroud. Shroud down to level 5, get your Temp buff and go to Kurn's tower. You have to be grouped, since that's what the shrouding was made for anyway. If you can get some dmg shield pots too that's even better, it stacks with druid dmg shield. I've found the best shroud to be is the tank, since he's more capable of hitting the mobs. The best thing now is mass pull and let the dmg shield do the work, just make sure you hit each mob for some kind of dmg. I was getting about 8 AA per hour this way. It's even better when you have a pocket druid standing by you c an run the druid.mac on, for regen, heal, buffs etc. Not sure if today's patch nerfed this, someone update please if any changes since patch. :)
zxcvbb, could you speak up please? (/em stops to clean the wax out of his ears). Couldn't hear you...


(/em taps the microphone)

Hmm, Tradertesla wondered aloud, "Is this thing on?"
tradertesla said:
zxcvbb, could you speak up please? (/em stops to clean the wax out of his ears). Couldn't hear you...


(/em taps the microphone)

Hmm, Tradertesla wondered aloud, "Is this thing on?"

Exp bug. - Gonna be fixxed tommorow
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