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News - every player just got screwed? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
January 4, 2018

*** Quests & Events ***

- Shared tasks, upon completion, will now give their replay timer to any members who dropped the task before it was completed.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- You will no longer be able to loot items in a dynamic zone if you have left the shared task or been removed from the DZ.

Great job on reporting this whoever it was, which we all know was most likely a high end guild player (trying to cock block every other guild) reading RG or one of those eqresource mods trying to get more brownie points with the developers. You fucked over yourself, your guild and every other guild plus the whole player base with this report.
I don't raid but enjoy trying to backflag players the easy way now on any task going forward or backward. This hardly effects me except the question of twinking, but I'm laughing so hard that all you raiders got screwed, because we all know it was some raid player who had to have reported this.

Wonder what happens if you boot a toon, and add a twink. Says only for leaving but guess it will need testing.
this is what happens when ppl take advantage of an exploit they strike back and say screw you guys

I heard ppl were taking the scion you get from fell foliage group mission droping that task then camp fire into raid instance and using the group instance scion to pop the name for an easy kill with raid loot.
this is what happens when ppl take advantage of an exploit they strike back and say screw you guys

I heard ppl were taking the scion you get from fell foliage group mission droping that task then camp fire into raid instance and using the group instance scion to pop the name for an easy kill with raid loot.

THIS is why I got back into EQ... the fun exploits. Too bad I'm still not paying for RoS.
This is a notification from Daybreak Game Company.

We regret to inform you that the account name: XXXXX has been suspended for 7 day(s) due to a Community Standards violation. After reviewing our records, one of the characters on this account was found to have committed the following violations:

Exploiting "Fell Foliage" to avoid the intended lockout
Account will be available for use when the suspension is over
We do not take situations like this lightly and are informing you that future incidences could result in further action against you, up to and including permanent account ban. You may view the full Terms of Service here: https://www.daybreakgames.com/terms-of-service

Thank you for your consideration,

Daybreak Games Support
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to look forward to the drug addict Brad Mcquaid's shitty Pantheon: RotF at this rate. Never trusted that guy but I guess when you have to choose between garbage and garbage, what do you have to lose.

Bet he ends up selling the rights to Daybreak in the end anyways. Deja vu - V:SoH
Most folks (here) ought to have an entire army of toons... simple roll through normal, change toons, and roll through again. /boggle
Always play as if Daybreak wants to Ban you.

They hate the AFK ability of MQ2 more than anything. Eqmule said that as well.
This is from the dbg code of conduct:
11. You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running EverQuest.

will you get banned for it, probably only if you do something that draws enough attention to yourself to get banned.
I'm not surprised DBG is suspending people, they love to do that. But wasn't this a widely known work-around in EoK? I mean literally everyone knew about the aug farming for the Hero missions...why is this so much worse?

I didn't buy RoS so I don't know the details of the quest/loot.
i've been hung up finishing my VP key because they took away the task giver for the mission.....screwed a lot of people
I'm not surprised DBG is suspending people, they love to do that. But wasn't this a widely known work-around in EoK? I mean literally everyone knew about the aug farming for the Hero missions...why is this so much worse?

I didn't buy RoS so I don't know the details of the quest/loot.

It's one of those things you have to be careful, in this case it looks like you grabbed an instance then you killed one named that you spawned and you got a chest and the chest can have any of the visible slots in it and more? Its not like people were farming a named in a task or what ever they were farming a poorly designed quest over and over again in a way that was VERY obviously not intended to be done in that way.

This is very different than using MQ, while MQ can be grey or black depending on how you look at it it's a game enhancer. I don't load up MQ and get guranteed loot every 5-10 minutes or what ever people were turning around these missions in. Also If there's no rollback it will actually be worth the suspension for some of these people. It still sucks to get suspended.

I'm no angel, I go and find new instances to AFK exp in all the time. I never afk farm nameds in open zones though and I'm such a sissy about confrontation in game, if someone wants to have a train war or something with me I just move on and try to draw the least amount of attention to myself as possible really though if I got suspended for afk farming in an instance I'd be like "well sheet I knew better than to afk farm".

I don't feel sorry for people who get suspensions while afk farming and I don't feel sorry for people who are obviously exploiting a mission I don't care if people do these things, give me the right exploit that other people don't know about and I'd be the first one to do it but most people understand the risks.
do you get to keep the items? The suspension time would take that long to fully equip 6 toons anyway through normal means most likely. I would enjoy the vacation.
I don't think we'll know until after the suspension is done if they've done a rollback. I did see claims of 10-15 runs an hour on the forums though so if there was no rollback it could be well worth the suspension. There's always other games to play (in some cases people still have other characters to play)
21 Days is exactly the time experts say you need to form a new habit.

Whether that habit is *NOT* playing EQ or perhaps playing another game instead this mass suspension may cost them a lot of $$$ in the long run when people just don't log in anymore.
21 Days is exactly the time experts say you need to form a new habit.

Whether that habit is *NOT* playing EQ or perhaps playing another game instead this mass suspension may cost them a lot of $$$ in the long run when people just don't log in anymore.

Most of us have been playing for 15+ years at this point. I have quit playing for 2 years or longer, but those of us still left, we all come back eventually. EQ is what we do. I will be back until the servers shut down or MQ shuts down. This is the only game I have played for more than a week in 18 years.
I think the issue is a lack of common sense. You're using an unforeseen, unplanned game mechanic to avoid the outcome of a quest. Come on, this isn't hard to figure out. Stop abusing an ancient game architecture and just play fair.

People act so damn innocent and are then surprised when they get slapped with a suspension. I've seen MMO's when the community turns toxic, check out the end of Asheron's Call. Players were crashing the server to dupe items, selling GM login information, it was a mess. Play by the rules, make it easy for dbg, and we can all play this stupid game for another 20 years.
News - every player just got screwed?

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