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Discussion - Everquest 3? (1 Viewer)

Well if it is anything like Everquest Next then I'll just avoid holding my breath until it's released. One of the first things Daybreak did was cancel Everquest Next and all the backers were just given the middle finger. So I'm not about to partake in anything like that. But hey, if they complete the game good for them. I probably still won't get it.
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this is specifically what i don't think dbg should be doing.

here is some rant i put on discord yesterday

They can't do anything without fucking it up
Please stop asking for more lol
EverQuest will go forever if they stop trying to be fancy.

I'm really hoping after the 64-bit and then the new UI and the DX11 stuff they just stop messing with shit
People who play EQ are a very grumpy bunch

Many of them don't like changes. There are people who are still mad about the "new models" from 2001

This is why I'm fundamentally against EverQuest trying to do anything clever or to try and be more up-to-modern time

I would hate to see them try to do cross-shard co-gaming
I would hate to see them do LFR raids that phase people into other servers
Because I just don't think that they have the grasp of their game firmly enough to do those things without impacting the player base

I want them to keep doing what they do. Which is release some new content that has a very strong hint and flavor of nostalgia - cater and *build* on the base that exists.

They'll probably forever keep creating new in-game systems that disappear after a short while but that's not inherently unique to EverQuest

World of Warcraft has some really awesome systems that ended up going by the wayside. In one expansion you could have a cool garden and fishing hut

The best we can hope for is for them to do things like release a new class-defining thing and then leave certain classes out of it like auras or alliance spells which both skipped out some classes

Some of those things that seem really silly give EverQuest some of the nuances that many of us have become accustomed to over the course of all of these years. I think if the game didn't have some of these weird hiccups and nuances and allow people to come together and complain about them we would kind of not feel the same

That's not to say that I think we should suffer for our fun
Because I don't think we should have to

But I desperately don't want them to try and get clever or try to compete in the new sort of video game world

Their whole web page about daybreak games being innovative and always doing new stuff on the cutting edge. Not only is that just factually incorrect and complete bullshit, But I think if they tried to do that it would really take away from a lot of whatever everquest is
I guess my/our only hope is somehow they keep letting EQ be the awesome game it is, and EQ3 fails and becomes "another eq2"
If they do make a new one, it just wont be the same. There are so many improvements to make to EQ1 and EQ2 for QoL items that would make so many people happy.

Secondly, as Ive stated in another thread, it should be released for console again and not PC. We do not need compention on the PC platform.

3rd, I bet if it does release it will look like WoW or very cartoonist with limited storyline and pay to play as a money grab /shrug
They're a game company, they have to create new games. The EQ1 playerbase isn't getting younger and it isn't attracting new players. What new player is going to want to jump into an MMO where you're 20+ years behind the curve? If you were to start today, your outlook for several months of play time is essentially to play a solo game and never see 99% of the existing content while you grind your way to max level so you can finally start the multiplayer part of MMORPG. Or you turn to cheat software. Hey, that's a great slogan for a game company "play our game, where the only way to actually do anything is to cheat!"
Daybreak developers couldn't code a frigging UI with a half year lead time...unless they're copy/pasting some other game and changing labels I seriously doubt they can roll out a completely new game...

They'll probably copy Sid Meier's Ciz and then change the label to EQ Next...
planet destroying GIF
They're a game company, they have to create new games. The EQ1 playerbase isn't getting younger and it isn't attracting new players. What new player is going to want to jump into an MMO where you're 20+ years behind the curve? If you were to start today, your outlook for several months of play time is essentially to play a solo game and never see 99% of the existing content while you grind your way to max level so you can finally start the multiplayer part of MMORPG. Or you turn to cheat software. Hey, that's a great slogan for a game company "play our game, where the only way to actually do anything is to cheat!"
I had considered this for a little bit but I think they may also be missing out on some of what makes RG so enjoyable (at least to me). There are hundreds of ways of setting up your characters, lots of ways that conditionals can fire, macros can be built for specific encounters. Equally you can either take and piece from others have done or do it yourself in different ways. For me at least I enjoy taking the nostalgia of EQ and mix it with the coding side of finding out a way to make our characters do what I want. It scratches some of that problem solving side in me that I find enjoyable and it's one of the reasons I am still here even though I interact with maybe 2-3 people a month in the actual game. If the game was back at a point like in 99 where I couldn't go 2 feet without getting pulled into a group then I probably wouldn't use KA as much just so I don't get in the way of anyone when my ini does something quirky and my bard thinks she has a mind of her own...... So it does appeal to different people in different ways and not just the "Cheat" aspect of it.
In fairness regarding UI and DX, it's actually much much easier to build a new game with new technology than it is to retrofit an old game with new technology. New game, you don't have to worry about backwards compatibility or breaking anything.
EQ7 does not have a good history of releasing new products. Their stock was already bad and took a hit recently and when they bought Daybreak they axed the Marvel MMO that was in development. In fact MMO's are not where the Market is at currently. It's in MOBA and Mobile.

MMO's have high upfront production costs and takes years to recoup and make a profit. MOBA and Mobile Low development cost and Instant ROI when you include freemium models. Got to feed the whales.

Sorry my Business Management is rearing its head. Anyways all that to Say that it just makes no financial sense given their current debt to income ratio that investing in a new MMO just would not be a smart investment, However investing in a mobile or MOBA game would.
IMHO - really nothing to see here.

EG7 has to justify what its doing to its share holders so it says:

EG7: Hey look at the IP we have. We're considering ways to expand it with a new title"

Investors: What have actually done?

EG7: Well, we're in the "Ideation phase"!

Investors: So you sat in a room and throw out ideas so you'd have something to populate this slide?

SG7: Well, yah! We're Ideatating !
well, there is an EQ2, and there isn't an MQ or RG for that
Maybe the Next EQ has something like MQ built into it. Imagine a game where the likes of what we do hear, is part of the game. That could be ground breaking idea IMO. I would be willing to give it a try for sure. I don't have any plans on stepping away from this game. I enjoy what we are able to do here and EQ's play style. Once EQ or MQ is not able to continue, as I have always said, I would be done. Back to Quake or Doom or some old school game to retire with.
This just popped up in my Twitter notifications.... (not sure why I have Twitter, I don't use it, I just skim the email notifications and wonder why it sends me most of the crap it sends!)

The EverQuest Show
For clarity...There has been NO announcement about an EverQuest 3....

However, there has been a plan put forth to invest money in the ideation of a new MMORPG using the EverQuest IP.

Those things are quite different.
Discussion - Everquest 3?

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