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News - Everquest 3? (1 Viewer)

Only if Brad doesn't snort up all his production money.

I don't think @VorpalChicken meant it this way, but I think a more accurate representation would be that the website you're looking at is as close as you're going to get to EQ3 ;-) .... neither game will ultimately be made/played, imo.
Plus, the fact that gnomes look badass will doom the game, too.
Yeah I'm under NDA, so no Twitch or Youtube, but I can say I'm really enjoying it, there are some seriously cool things in the game that make it stand out for me, really looking forward to release and getting some friends together and ripping up the game together :)
Think the lowest pledge for the game is $50 now, I won my copy :)
$50 doesn't get you even into Beta. $100 for beta $250 for Alpha according to site. It's kinda scammy. On main page you get beta access "TIER" for $50, but $100 to actually get into the beta. Alpha is does the same way with saying the $200 tier can get but actually requires $250.
Heh last i looked they had tier plans up to 100 thousand. Which is quite funny as the amount pledges it should been done year ago.
Just say NO to crowdfunding and pre-ordering games. This isn't 2001 where you have to go to Gamestop to get a physical box and risk them running out of stock. Giving developers money, in advance, for the promise of a game just encourages scammy monetization schemes and takes the onus off them to ever ship a finished product. Not to mention you have near zero consumer protections, especially on the crowdfunded side.

/rant off
Heh last i looked they had tier plans up to 100 thousand. Which is quite funny as the amount pledges it should been done year ago.
I paid in $100 in 2016 for "Knights Pledge". Was supposed to release in 2019 and they are still in pre-alpha and have changed their pledging system multiple times. At this point it is hard not to think they are purposely dragging their feet because they are getting paid and that on release it will be a big flop and now they gotta find new work.
Yeah I'm under NDA, so no Twitch or Youtube, but I can say I'm really enjoying it, there are some seriously cool things in the game that make it stand out for me, really looking forward to release and getting some friends together and ripping up the game together :)

I have an odd feeling he's just going to re-skin Vanilla EQ unless he's grown as a designer. If he can leverage the strong social systems of Elder Scrolls Online and the accessibility of content for all, I'd probably try a force grouping game again. If he can't design it so I can experience content on my own schedule, no thanks. I'd love for Pantheon to be cool, but looking at the site, and knowing how he ran EQ, I'm dubious.
Is this still a thing? Also, I barely hear anyone (online or no) talk about EQ2. Also EQ Online Adventures was kinda a third game.

It'll probably go the way of EQ Next. Anyone remember that...
Is this still a thing? Also, I barely hear anyone (online or no) talk about EQ2. Also EQ Online Adventures was kinda a third game.

It'll probably go the way of EQ Next. Anyone remember that...
nah they cancelled everything - Plus i can't imagine them further diluting their player base considering they don't do much to expand it.

Bummer too because eq has such awesome lore and story lines/arcs and the gods and such - I wish more people could experience it
News - Everquest 3?

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