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News - EverQuest 2022 RoadMap (1 Viewer)


May 5, 2016

As an experiment, we're trying something different this year. We're posting our development roadmap for 2022. As far as we know, this is the first time we’ve publicly laid out our major plans like this. Before we get to that, however, we'd like to highlight some of the things that we accomplished in 2021.

2021 was a whirlwind of a year. We celebrated our 22nd Anniversary with a special sweepstakes for a one-of-a-kind Firiona Vie statue, in addition to in-game bonuses and a new fez party hat. Later in May, we embarked on our experimental Random Loot Servers: Mischief and Thornblade. We also released the Item Compare system to allow you to more quickly compare your currently equipped items with other items. May was a busy month and we also launched new hunter achievements for our older expansions. In July, Overseer got a large update with new quests and agents. In October, we released the Membership Perks program. In November, we released the EverQuest Original Soundtrack on Black Vinyl. December saw the ship of the 28th expansion: Terror of Luclin! For those of you that participated in the expansion beta, you also got to see a pre-release candidate for our servers and clients 64-bit port.

We're excited to share our plans with you. Please remember that these are our high-level goals and expected delivery dates and do not list everything we will be doing. We will be working on other updates to the game, fixing issues, and making "quality of life" improvements (such as UI tweaks, etc.). We hope giving you a general snapshot of the roadmap that we are striving to complete this year is something you'd like to see from us moving forward; otherwise, please let us know if it's something you never want to see us do. Without further ado, here are our big plans for EverQuest 2022 and beyond!

  • 2022 Roadmap:
    • January:
      • Community Resource Council Application Relaunch - Your chance to help advise on the future of EverQuest.
    • February:
      • 64-Bit Servers and Clients Release to Live Servers
    • March:
      • 23rd Anniversary - New quests, missions, and a new raid.
      • New Content for Bristlebane's Day
      • New Content for Stomple's Day
    • April:
      • New Classic Achievements - Adding achievements for many original quests in EverQuest's starting cities.
    • May:
      • New Progression Servers - Rulesets to be announced at a later date.
      • Mercenary Rank Simplification - Simplify mercenaries down to the two ranks primarily in use and remove the quest line requirements for obtaining them.
      • New Tempest Festival Event
    • June:
      • Server Merge - Merging the Phingel and Miragul servers to Vox.
    • July:
      • New Scorched Skies Event
      • New Overseer Achievements and Reward Improvements
    • September:
      • Heroic Characters Update - New Heroic Characters will start at level 100.
    • October:
      • 2022's Expansion Beta + Preorder
      • New Content for Nights of the Dead
    • November:
      • Extra Life - Help us raise funds for the Children's Miracle Network.
      • New Content for Feast of Giving
    • December:
      • 2022's Expansion Launch
      • New Content for the New Year's Event
    • Throughout the Year:
      • Raid Zone Performance Improvements
      • Class Tuning and Balancing
      • Anti-Cheat Improvements
    • Beyond 2022:
      • New UI Engine

This is a selection of our high-level items; dates and events are subject to change. Additionally, we'll be working to improve on your overall experience.

We're keeping our SPIRITS high,

Jenn Chan
Head of Studio
  • Throughout the Year:
    • Raid Zone Performance Improvements
    • Class Tuning and Balancing
    • Anti-Cheat Improvements

That does not give me a warm and fuzzy :(
  • Anti-Cheat Improvements
Hmmm... does that translate as more ban waves incoming to anyone else?

  • New Classic Achievements - Adding achievements for many original quests in EverQuest's starting cities.
I wonder if there will be new evolving item quests like in ToV and these older ach's will be needed?
LOL! What a bitch! If she thinks the children that play this game now are going to stick around supporting the game after she nods to banning everybody she's got another thing coming! Hey look everybody-it's Jen, she ended the Everquest game finally!

What she should have said was....We are going to create an MQ friendly server. I bet it would be the highest populated server in game in a short amount of time!
I'd rather be cut down in a hail of gunfire than go back to EQ without RG. Nice meeting you, fellow players.

I'll keep playin the way that brings most enjoyment till they pry it from my dead cold hands.

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Lol...it's only cheating if you get caugh...right?
bicycle cheat GIF

As an experiment, we're trying something different this year. We're posting our development roadmap for 2022. As far as we know, this is the first time we’ve publicly laid out our major plans like this. Before we get to that, however, we'd like to highlight some of the things that we accomplished in 2021.

2021 was a whirlwind of a year. We celebrated our 22nd Anniversary with a special sweepstakes for a one-of-a-kind Firiona Vie statue, in addition to in-game bonuses and a new fez party hat. Later in May, we embarked on our experimental Random Loot Servers: Mischief and Thornblade. We also released the Item Compare system to allow you to more quickly compare your currently equipped items with other items. May was a busy month and we also launched new hunter achievements for our older expansions. In July, Overseer got a large update with new quests and agents. In October, we released the Membership Perks program. In November, we released the EverQuest Original Soundtrack on Black Vinyl. December saw the ship of the 28th expansion: Terror of Luclin! For those of you that participated in the expansion beta, you also got to see a pre-release candidate for our servers and clients 64-bit port.

We're excited to share our plans with you. Please remember that these are our high-level goals and expected delivery dates and do not list everything we will be doing. We will be working on other updates to the game, fixing issues, and making "quality of life" improvements (such as UI tweaks, etc.). We hope giving you a general snapshot of the roadmap that we are striving to complete this year is something you'd like to see from us moving forward; otherwise, please let us know if it's something you never want to see us do. Without further ado, here are our big plans for EverQuest 2022 and beyond!

  • 2022 Roadmap:
    • January:
      • Community Resource Council Application Relaunch - Your chance to help advise on the future of EverQuest.
    • February:
      • 64-Bit Servers and Clients Release to Live Servers
    • March:
      • 23rd Anniversary - New quests, missions, and a new raid.
    • May:
      • New Progression Servers - Rulesets to be announced at a later date.
      • Mercenary Rank Simplification - Simplify mercenaries down to the two ranks primarily in use and remove the quest line requirements for obtaining them.
    • June:
      • Server Merge - Merging the Phingel and Miragul servers to Vox.
    • September:
      • Heroic Characters Update - New Heroic Characters will start at level 100.
    • Throughout the Year:
      • Class Tuning and Balancing
    • Beyond 2022:
      • New UI Engine
Some interesting notes in here.
Starting with community resource council. Your chance to see others input, and provide your own?
Feb - 64 bit planned release it would seem. So that will at least give people a month to expect it.
New raid for 23rd anniversary. Nice.
New progression, wonder what to expect the ruleset to be.
Honestly surprised they didn't consolidate the merc ranks sooner. Nobody used any of the inbetween ranks. Just FTP best option, and Gold best option afaik.
Phingel and Miragul to Vox. Guess Vox population was down?
Pretty awesome that they are actually going to do new Heroics. I honestly wasn't expecting it.
Hopefully the class tuning and balancing doesn't completely cripple any of the classes. Like enchanters got mowed down at one point, wizards are a pile of poop for something that is supposed to be a DPS monster. etc.
New UI Engine - WUT! Not sure how I feel about this one.
I'm most interested in the UI update! Not that I would necessarily use the new models but still very interesting.

Another thing that came to mind is the amonut of fluff stuff for whatever days... seems wasted development time
I'm most interested in the UI update! Not that I would necessarily use the new models but still very interesting.

Another thing that came to mind is the amonut of fluff stuff for whatever days... seems wasted development time
The "fluff stuff" is a normal annual thing that they do every year. What else would you have them use the development time on as opposed to the traditions of EQ that they've done annually?
I wish there was an avenue for communication to the people that matter about the cheating. I guess we have to rely on RG leadership to be our voice.

I have a feeling that it's going to target raids because there are some salty guild leaders. Unfortunately that's the only reason I play anymore. Raiding with 10 friends conquering raid content is so fun.
I’m interested to see the anti-cheat changes. I’d not play EQ without the quality of life offerings from MQ. So, can’t wait to see what they are offering before I make a few decisions.
  • Community Resource Council Application Relaunch - Your chance to help advise on the future of EverQuest. - Will they actually listen? Will the selected players actually have good feedback? They've tried this before and failed
  • 64-Bit Servers and Clients Release to Live Servers - Glad to see that there is progress on back-end updates. I really want to see a conversion to modern DirectX versions. Unfortunately, this current "64bit port" seems like they just took their existing code base and ran it through a 64bit compiler with only minimal actual architectural changes. Feels like they're doing the bare minimum to stay compliant with modern OS advancements
  • 23rd Anniversary - New quests, missions, and a new raid. - I hope this is a permanent addition and not a temporary seasonal affair
  • New Content for Bristlebane's Day - Dont' care
  • New Content for Stomple's Day - Don't care
  • New Classic Achievements - Adding achievements for many original quests in EverQuest's starting cities. - don't care. sounds like a huge waste of time to develop this. Will the achieves be retroactively granted to all characters that have done them over the years? doubtful.
  • New Progression Servers - Rulesets to be announced at a later date. - IDGAF about TLP, but they do have their following
  • Mercenary Rank Simplification - Simplify mercenaries down to the two ranks primarily in use and remove the quest line requirements for obtaining them. - who cares?
  • New Tempest Festival Event - meh
  • Server Merge - Merging the Phingel and Miragul servers to Vox. - meh
  • New Scorched Skies Event - meh
  • New Overseer Achievements and Reward Improvements - Interesting. I like overseer and want them to expand on the concept
  • Heroic Characters Update - New Heroic Characters will start at level 100. - about time
  • 2022's Expansion Beta + Preorder - meh
  • New Content for Nights of the Dead - who cares?
  • Extra Life - Help us raise funds for the Children's Miracle Network. - Good on them. Unrelated to EQ development, but still good to see.
  • New Content for Feast of Giving - who cares?
  • 2022's Expansion Launch - meh, ToL round 2, another cookie cutter expansion.
  • New Content for the New Year's Event - meh
  • Raid Zone Performance Improvements - While this is absolutely necessary, I don't have confidence that they have the expertise to actually solve this issue and untangle the tangled web of spaghetti code.
  • Class Tuning and Balancing - Again, necessary, but I have low confidence they have any clue what they're doing.
  • New UI Engine - I hope they maintain the modability of whatever UI engine they use. Default UI is shit, mods make it palatable. W/e they do, it needs a high degree of customizability.
Anti-Cheat Improvements - Personally, I won't be spending another dime on a DPG product unless and until RG is whitelisted for use on live servers. I'm going to raid with my guild, without MQ, for as long as I can on the current sub that I have and the bank of krono I've accumulated, but I've already canceled all my accounts and none will be renewed in the future. Hopefully "anti-cheat improvements" means going after actual active hacks while allowing QoL automation to remain. Doubtful, but one can hope.
  • Throughout the Year:
    • Raid Zone Performance Improvements
    • Class Tuning and Balancing
    • Anti-Cheat Improvements

That does not give me a warm and fuzzy :(

Can we have our anti-detection war now? Anyone wonder if their task scanning goes by name or does it go by something like the hash?
  • Throughout the Year:
    • Raid Zone Performance Improvements
    • Class Tuning and Balancing
    • Anti-Cheat Improvements

That does not give me a warm and fuzzy :(
Does me. If they put in as much effort on all three as they have on class balance we're totally cool. Who doesn't know the three massively OP classes in EQ and it's been like this for five years maybe seven. So yeah, good feelings here.
Community Resource Council Application Relaunch - Your chance to help advise on the future of EverQuest. - Will they actually listen? Will the selected players actually have good feedback? They've tried this before and failed
This always fails. Always. It's always been about who knows who not who knows what.
The new year is not looking very good.
Like a game of cat and mouse.
I agree. I feel like that additional punch item is a 'shots fired' approach. At some point I'd like rather see a "come to the table" response from DPG where we can find common grounds and more yay/nays on what MQ items are allowed.

If this means more penalties for AFK play, that's not about me. If this is about using group members like mercs while active, this is about me.
LOL! What a bitch! If she thinks the children that play this game now are going to stick around supporting the game after she nods to banning everybody she's got another thing coming! Hey look everybody-it's Jen, she ended the Everquest game finally!

What she should have said was....We are going to create an MQ friendly server. I bet it would be the highest populated server in game in a short amount of time!
I'm not sure about that. The people who bot raids and sell PL's for RMT are not all going to one server. They'd never make any money and would have to get real jobs. If they made the server where everything was no drop like all servers except FV, there would be a decent community but the big dudes, single botting 54 man raids on FV to sell ores for 300 dollars or whatever aren't moving to another server. It's a business for a lot of people, whether through selling gear, toons, or krono. If you can't xfer off the MQ server the account sellers wouldn't be heading over there, etc.
Some interesting notes in here.
Starting with community resource council. Your chance to see others input, and provide your own?
Feb - 64 bit planned release it would seem. So that will at least give people a month to expect it.
New raid for 23rd anniversary. Nice.
New progression, wonder what to expect the ruleset to be.
Honestly surprised they didn't consolidate the merc ranks sooner. Nobody used any of the inbetween ranks. Just FTP best option, and Gold best option afaik.
Phingel and Miragul to Vox. Guess Vox population was down?
Pretty awesome that they are actually going to do new Heroics. I honestly wasn't expecting it.
Hopefully the class tuning and balancing doesn't completely cripple any of the classes. Like enchanters got mowed down at one point, wizards are a pile of poop for something that is supposed to be a DPS monster. etc.
New UI Engine - WUT! Not sure how I feel about this one.
I think Wizards are actually okay now. At least well-played ones are doing extremely well in ToL raids.
Wizards still have issues with consistency that you don't get with a Zerk/Rog.

After parsing 1000 fights the order of DPS hasn't changed from COV. ie Zerk/Rog/Wiz/Mag - but at least on some fights, when all the stars aligned, the Wizard seems to pop their head to the top of the Parse.
While I do worry about a UI engine either translating to a terrible UI overhaul or a lot breaking for MQ (or both), the reality is EQ's UI is... well it looks terrible to a brand new player. Even before a new player has to deal with EQs learning curve, the first thing they see when they login is a disaster of a UI that looks like it's from a half-developed game. It's nice how much can be customized, but it's a huge pain in the ass to make it look nice, and if you look at 10 EQ screenshots typically 10 of them will look like someone just puked UI elements all over the screen. If I'd never played EQ before there is no way I'd put up with the UI as-is long enough to make it through Gloomingdeep.

So, there's a ton of low hanging QOL fruit, and I'm going to do my best to be optimistic that that's what they focus on and don't just turn it into some unusable pile of shit that is a little prettier.

If anyone from Daybreak is reading this, my two top UI wish list items: snappable/groupable/lockable UI pieces and being able to resize UI windows by manually typing in their pixel dimensions.
The "fluff stuff" is a normal annual thing that they do every year. What else would you have them use the development time on as opposed to the traditions of EQ that they've done annually?
Not having cut and paste AAs/discs/spells/gear every single expansion, class balance, class identity, maybe a new zone like GMM came to mind from the top of my head. I realize that "New Content for Stomple's Day" and " Do something about class balance" are different caliber undertakings but I would personally give up * days to get a new AA line that isn't just boring spreadsheet continuation of do/take 0.05% more/less damage. I remember when monks first received their Thunderfoot AA, which basically gives you a buff to proc damage. Very basic stuff but man was I happy to have a new tool (toy) to play around with.
This always fails. Always. It's always been about who knows who not who knows what.

I've worked at software companies that have tried these councils. At the end of the day, the people that get invited are "friends" of top salespeople, etc. I have yet to see one of these really work well. I'm not saying it's not possible, but it takes a significant amount of concerted effort. Time will tell, but I don't expect this group to really represent the broad player base.
I'm shocked that Daybreak hasn't made any effort to appeal to new users. The user experience for new players is incredibly bad. They should take a lesson from WoW, which took lessons from EQ. The game depth of eq is astonishing, what a waste that the playability of the game is so daunting for all but the most diehard. Quality of game-play needs to get with the times. Everything I've done here has been with the aim of making the game enjoyable. "Cheating" to get ahead of the game and other players in any way is not what I do, and it makes me angry to get into arguments with people about it. If anything, why not hire people from the community to assist with improving gameplay rather than ostracizing them.
I agree. I feel like that additional punch item is a 'shots fired' approach. At some point I'd like rather see a "come to the table" response from DPG where we can find common grounds and more yay/nays on what MQ items are allowed.

If this means more penalties for AFK play, that's not about me. If this is about using group members like mercs while active, this is about me.
What he said.
I'm shocked that Daybreak hasn't made any effort to appeal to new users.
Yes! I see commercials on TV, or advertisements whatever, showing new games or expansions coming out for games I don't even play that are just like... Oh man that looks cool! But no... just a business with no vision, no marketing other than to existing players. Horrible horrible business model, I won't even get started on the part where they are cutting their own income.
News - EverQuest 2022 RoadMap

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