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Discussion - "EQ Nag" - an EQ "Gina" replacement (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2013
Hi guys,

I wanted to bring this resource to the publics attention. I AM NOT THE DEVELOPER

EQ Nag is a replacement for gina. Its actively developed and has mirrored pretty much all of the GINA features and as well added more.

I highly suggest checking it out, joining the discord and enjoying it as much I have been. Provide feedback and see it flourish.

Some cool features it has:
  • Death Recap
  • Floating Combat Text (Heals/Incoming Dmg/Out going damage)
  • Auto updating trigger library (does your RL want to reshare gina triggers daily? No longer needed)
  • Runs smooth as you can set triggers to load based on conditions (ie, zone you are in etc).
  • Import Gina triggers
  • Modern UI
  • Robust Dot timer functionality (spell focus logic)
  • Dot Timer Icons
  • Sharing Triggers and packages shares the overlay as well.
  • Set the volume on a master scale or on each individual trigger.
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I've been using it for awhile now and have it setup just the way I want.

The best thing is that our RL can update the triggers and upon reopening EQ Nag it prompts us there are updates and to download them.
It's electron, probably gonna be a hard pass for me.

Also, how the hell are there only 3 commits and 55 releases? What are they releasing?
It's electron, probably gonna be a hard pass for me.

Also, how the hell are there only 3 commits and 55 releases? What are they releasing?
I know it seems shady, but I goofed and used the wrong Github account early on with information that I'd rather not associated with Nag. I'd like to fix it at some point while maintaining all of my commit history, but it's been low a priority for me.
whats electron and whats so bad about it?

I assume it's this? https://www.electronjs.org/

From Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_(software_framework)) ...

The most common criticism of Electron is that it necessitates software bloat when used for simple programs.[29] As a result, Michael Larabel has referred to the framework as "notorious among most Linux desktop users for being resource heavy, not integrating well with most desktops, and generally being despised."[30] Meanwhile, Joey Sneddon states that this tradeoff is sensible as Electron greatly lowers the cost of developing and maintaining cross-platform software.[31]

Researchers have shown that Electron's large feature set can be hijacked by malicious software because it is accessed through plaintext JavaScript files.[32] Those who are concerned that Electron is not always based on the newest version of Chromium have recommended progressive web applications as an alternative.[33]

I'd assume dannuic's issues with it lie somewhere within this snip.
I assume it's this? https://www.electronjs.org/

From Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_(software_framework)) ...

The most common criticism of Electron is that it necessitates software bloat when used for simple programs.[29] As a result, Michael Larabel has referred to the framework as "notorious among most Linux desktop users for being resource heavy, not integrating well with most desktops, and generally being despised."[30] Meanwhile, Joey Sneddon states that this tradeoff is sensible as Electron greatly lowers the cost of developing and maintaining cross-platform software.[31]

Researchers have shown that Electron's large feature set can be hijacked by malicious software because it is accessed through plaintext JavaScript files.[32] Those who are concerned that Electron is not always based on the newest version of Chromium have recommended progressive web applications as an alternative.[33]

I'd assume dannuic's issues with it lie somewhere within this snip.
thanks, was interestings.
I know it seems shady, but I goofed and used the wrong Github account early on with information that I'd rather not associated with Nag. I'd like to fix it at some point while maintaining all of my commit history, but it's been low a priority for me.
Funny enough, I helped someone with this a while ago. https://www.git-tower.com/learn/git/faq/change-author-name-email has a good tutorial on it, but the relevant bit is here:
git filter-branch --env-filter '
WRONG_EMAIL="[email protected]"
NEW_NAME="New Name Value"
NEW_EMAIL="[email protected]"
' --tag-name-filter cat -- --branches --tags

Obviously do this in a local repository where you can test and confirm, but since you're not sharing your code with anyone right now you'd be able to do whatever you want and then force push. (I did it with powershell, but I didn't save it...if you need help, feel free to DM me)
so if electronjs is kinda bad in the sense of its easily hacked and controlled by outside forces, why was this chosen as the tool to create this thing?
Gamers are easy targets cause they love online tools? I am a bit suspicious with the two people promoting it in the thread..no offense original poster.
Tons of things use electron because it's easy to use and you can spin an app up quickly with it (it's basically just an app with a full-featured embedded browser). I think it's good for prototyping things, but I definitely prefer to use apps that move away from it as they mature and can create their own bespoke UI routines instead of just using the embedded js engine to display a webpage. It's very bloaty and causes apps to be a lot larger than they need to be, that's the biggest complaint I have about it.

But there are definitely things I use that run on electron (discord and vs code are the big ones) because they are just so useful. Doesn't stop me from wishing they would roll their own to make the apps significantly smaller.

(also, anyone that's talked to me knows that I think js is completely overused and often the source of square pegs being forced into round holes, and electron is a symptom of that)
Electron is fine, although the git repo does not seem to have the actual source code? I took a cursory look, and just saw a basic electron template app. Did i not look close enough?
Discussion - "EQ Nag" - an EQ "Gina" replacement

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