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IRL - Drizzt Do'Urden - Audio books on Spotify (2 Viewers)


May 5, 2016
So i've been moving for the past month - unfortunately lots of driving --- ~3500 miles last month alone.

but started to listen to the Drizzt Do'Urden stories on audiobook on spotify.

So friggen good - I had tons of friends into R.A. Salvatore, but never made time to read any.

I have no idea how many more books are going to be available but im digging it

(I'm currently on Sojourn)

according to wikipedia, assuming they're on spotify, i'm in luck for a long while!

Nice Man, Some of the best DND writing ever. Dragonlance by Weiss and Hickman is my favorite though. Insterestly enough Larry Elmore did the artwork for the Dragonlance books and he did some of the Artwork for EQ after Keith Parkison passed. I Met and talked to Elmore a few times the guy is super down to earth and talks to you as if he's known you forever.
RA Salvatore books are amazing. Read them all! (now ask me again why I like Dark Elves so much....) My Wife is currently reading them now too. She's liking them more than I thought she would.

Have fun!
I remember in the PoP era at least, RA Salvatore was somewhat active on FV. He accidentally let out his character name in an interview, which is the only way I knew that I'd grouped with a couple times.
I read the first three in paperback and loved them. I didn't enjoy the later ones as much, and stopped reading them eventually, but would like to finish them all some day. I guess I spend too much time in EQ to ever do that, haha.
ive never read any salvatore but growing up i absolutely loved a series by piers anthony called the incarnations of immortality its def worth reading if you have the chance

gonna check out these audiobooks while driving to and from work though thanks for sharing!


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So, off topic, but i saw a Clifford D Simak book show up on my amazon the other day, and I was like what? He wrote a new book? Hes from the second golden age.. was a reprint, he passed in 89.. sad, but also I was like wth lol...
So i've been moving for the past month - unfortunately lots of driving --- ~3500 miles last month alone.

but started to listen to the Drizzt Do'Urden stories on audiobook on spotify.

So friggen good - I had tons of friends into R.A. Salvatore, but never made time to read any.

I have no idea how many more books are going to be available but im digging it

(I'm currently on Sojourn)

according to wikipedia, assuming they're on spotify, i'm in luck for a long while!

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Dropped Spotify recently to go to apple music (made sense since wife also had and we needed apple drive for other uses). Spotify having books is interesting. Is this new and is it broad?

As to the Drizzt series. I'd recommend reading all of them. The writing ebbs and flows as you would expect over so many books but I can't think of any series, even half the length, that is as much quality as this one.
I was introduced to the Drizzt series with "The Crystal Shard".

Read a lot of similar D&D related books in high school, this ended up being my favorite series by far.

Of all the D&D I read, Troy Denning seemed to capture the action better than others. Though, compared to more accomplished fantasy authors, like Steve Erikson, I can see why some find it a bit unwieldy.
(Links to Amazon Audio Books embedded)

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After getting big into Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 when younger, I got really into the Drizzt books in high school and read all of them that were out at the time. I think up to The Two Swords. Thanks for letting me know there are more I need to catch up on!

I'm surprised we've made it this long without anyone recommending Brandon Sanderson. The Stormlight Archive series is fantastic, if a little slow to start (lots of world building). The same could be said for the Mistborn series though it's smaller in scope so not as slow.

edit to add: if want more Salvatore, the Cleric Quintet is probably my favorite series of his and reads super quick. The Crimson Shadow series is also a good, shorter read.
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After getting big into Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 when younger, I got really into the Drizzt books in high school and read all of them that were out at the time. I think up to The Two Swords. Thanks for letting me know there are more I need to catch up on!

I'm surprised we've made it this long without anyone recommending Brandon Sanderson. The Stormlight Archive series is fantastic, if a little slow to start (lots of world building). The same could be said for the Mistborn series though it's smaller in scope so not as slow.

edit to add: if want more Salvatore, the Cleric Quintet is probably my favorite series of his and reads super quick. The Crimson Shadow series is also a good, shorter read.

Mistborn & Stormlight are both fantastic. I'm dying for the next stormlight book. I also like Sanderson's Reckoner's series. It's unique.
Love this thread. Thanks for starting it Sic.

The series mentioned by 519helvis Incarnations of Immortality by Piers Anthony is one of the first sets of books that I read late in middle school and early high school as they were coming out. I think I first heard of Piers Anthony from a friend who was very much into his Xanth series. I couldn't get into the Xanth books but loved the spirituality involved in the Incarnations books and then followed those up by reading the Aprentice Adept series. I only recently found out that Piers wrote an 8th book in the Incarnations series. It seems a bit difficult to find but am looking forward to reading it.

Around that same time in the 80s/90s I also read and enjoyed the Belgariad series by David Eddings. I remember enjoying them but don't remember much about them anymore. The Piers Anthony's books left a much longer impression.

It was much later that I was introduced to the Dark Elf Trilogy and went through them very quickly at the cost of little sleep.

I'll definitely look into some of the other series mentioned in this thread and hopefully find some unknown-to-me gems.
So i've been moving for the past month - unfortunately lots of driving --- ~3500 miles last month alone.

but started to listen to the Drizzt Do'Urden stories on audiobook on spotify.

So friggen good - I had tons of friends into R.A. Salvatore, but never made time to read any.

I have no idea how many more books are going to be available but im digging it

(I'm currently on Sojourn)

according to wikipedia, assuming they're on spotify, i'm in luck for a long while!

View attachment 49691
My dude, where are you moving to that requires SO much driving?

Hopefully a place with great views.

>Will add to the reading portion of this post at a later date<

I wish i could do audio books. I just don't the same experience as reading the book. That said, if you haven't read them yet, you could also look for the Dragonlance books. Cronicles and the Twins trilogy are really good imo.
ive never read any salvatore but growing up i absolutely loved a series by piers anthony called the incarnations of immortality its def worth reading if you have the chance

gonna check out these audiobooks while driving to and from work though thanks for sharing!
I read The Incarnations of Immortality as well as the Xanth series. Sword of Truth series was really good as well, more adult flavored in the details said (but not smut by any means)
Some new content to add to my daily walks! I typically like reading books myself instead of audiobooks so I can let me imagination run wild, but audiobooks, especially if well voiced are a close second.
I read The Incarnations of Immortality as well as the Xanth series. Sword of Truth series was really good as well, more adult flavored in the details said (but not smut by any means)

I read the Xanth series as a kid as well. Looking at the book cover art, I think I stopped around Isle of View. When looking it up, I was blown away to find out that Piers Anthony is still writing this series! There's been book releases just about every year since then.
I read the Xanth series as a kid as well. Looking at the book cover art, I think I stopped around Isle of View. When looking it up, I was blown away to find out that Piers Anthony is still writing this series! There's been book releases just about every year since then.
Oh wow, I didn't realize it was still in progress.
Love this thread. Thanks for starting it Sic.

The series mentioned by 519helvis Incarnations of Immortality by Piers Anthony is one of the first sets of books that I read late in middle school and early high school as they were coming out. I think I first heard of Piers Anthony from a friend who was very much into his Xanth series. I couldn't get into the Xanth books but loved the spirituality involved in the Incarnations books and then followed those up by reading the Aprentice Adept series. I only recently found out that Piers wrote an 8th book in the Incarnations series. It seems a bit difficult to find but am looking forward to reading it.

Around that same time in the 80s/90s I also read and enjoyed the Belgariad series by David Eddings. I remember enjoying them but don't remember much about them anymore. The Piers Anthony's books left a much longer impression.

It was much later that I was introduced to the Dark Elf Trilogy and went through them very quickly at the cost of little sleep.

I'll definitely look into some of the other series mentioned in this thread and hopefully find some unknown-to-me gems.

+1 for Belgariad, and that also reminded me of the Earthsea Cycle. I don't care that google is telling me they're children's books, I remember them being great.
+1 for Belgariad, and that also reminded me of the Earthsea Cycle. I don't care that google is telling me they're children's books, I remember them being great.
+2 for Belgariad. I might go reread it as I haven't in over a decade and I need a series right now.

Not sure why as it's a far darker writer but I'm a huge fan of Brent Weeks (https://www.brentweeks.com/). Lightbringer series was truly unique and great, had some roughness in ending though. Also the Night Angel series was phenomenal and he just started a second series in that realm.
My dude, where are you moving to that requires SO much driving?

Hopefully a place with great views.

>Will add to the reading portion of this post at a later date<

Yah, plan on posting about it soon.

In the meantime here is one of my favorite new pics of it

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Yah, plan on posting about it soon.

In the meantime here is one of my favorite new pics of it

Nice man! Big open spaces, great for the good boi you have in the picture.
Looks breezy and cool too. Or maybe that's my mind telling me it hot as hell where I'm at.

You move to a different part of the country?

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Ok, looks like we're sticking to the fantasy theme. So, I'll add a couple of my favorites in this genre.

The Chronicles of Amber series I read in my late teens. Great story telling and just plain wrapped me up. 30+ years later I still remember the first chapter. It's on Audible.

I'm surprised The Wheel of Time series hasn't been mentioned. Absolutely EPIC fantasy almost on par in world building as Tolkien. If you haven't checked it out don't let the sacrilege that Amazon shat out dissuade you from doing so. Also on Audible.

A little known gem (I think) is the Guardians of the Flame series. About a group of college age gamers that get sucked into their game. Very entertaining reading. Also read it in my late teens / early 20s.. Also on Audible.

Keep this thread rolling! I'm taking notes.

Ok, looks like we're sticking to the fantasy theme. So, I'll add a couple of my favorites in this genre.

The Chronicles of Amber series I read in my late teens. Great story telling and just plain wrapped me up. 30+ years later I still remember the first chapter. It's on Audible.

I'm surprised The Wheel of Time series hasn't been mentioned. Absolutely EPIC fantasy almost on par in world building as Tolkien. If you haven't checked it out don't let the sacrilege that Amazon shat out dissuade you from doing so. Also on Audible.

A little known gem (I think) is the Guardians of the Flame series. About a group of college age gamers that get sucked into their game. Very entertaining reading. Also read it in my late teens / early 20s.. Also on Audible.

Keep this thread rolling! I'm taking notes.


Wheel of Time is obviously a big one. On that vein some of the other big ones I like Shannara Series (massive and finally done). Robin Hobb both Soldier's Son series but also Fitz series (multiple). Feist the Magician Series, Brian Mclenann Powder Mage series was original and very good. Legends of First Empire seires by Michael Sullivan also very good. And I guess my last big one is Modesitt - Recluce series.
+2 for Belgariad. I might go reread it as I haven't in over a decade and I need a series right now.

Not sure why as it's a far darker writer but I'm a huge fan of Brent Weeks (https://www.brentweeks.com/). Lightbringer series was truly unique and great, had some roughness in ending though. Also the Night Angel series was phenomenal and he just started a second series in that realm.
Love Brent Weeks writing as well.
+1 for Belgariad, and that also reminded me of the Earthsea Cycle. I don't care that google is telling me they're children's books, I remember them being great.
Earthsea slipped alot of Lau Zhu into a "kids" book. Late in her life Ursula published a translation of the Tao-Te-Ching (The Classic of the Way and Virtue). I read Earthsea a few times as a kid and was confused as heck by some of the thinking ... only to find out recently that she was a lifelong student of the way. The way is pondersom even as an adult =)

Ill throw in a Snowcrash given we are automating avatars in the metaverse (as coined in Snowcrash).
Loved the Shadow Run series also in cyberpunk type fantasy realms.

I loved the dark elf saga. But Dragonlance by Weiss and Hickman are my favourites. And who likes these authors, has a saga that I liked almost as much as the dragonlance. The Death Gate Cycle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_Gate_Cycle
Dragonlance and then the followup three books about the twins are among my faves.

And great choice in the Dark Elf series! Those are top notch good stories. Loved all the early forgoten realms books and couldnt wait for new ones to come out. Stopped reading about the 26th book in or about there. Sooo many good books!
Great thread, thanks for the recommendations all. For something a bit different check out The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear.

So I LOVE the Name of the WInd. The only thing I'll say is I'd hold off because it seems like the author is pulling a George R.R. martin and never writing the 3rd book.
Can't wait for Lolth's Warrior. I've enjoyed to whole series. One thing I can tell you is make sure you read/listen to the Orc King right after Two swords, it ties that whole trilogy up nicely.
You'll have to read the Cleric Quintet series at sometime before you get too far into the dark elf books if you are going to know who certain characters are. OO Oi!
IRL - Drizzt Do'Urden - Audio books on Spotify

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